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1、每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.1. What does the woman major in?A. English. B. Japanese. C. French.2. What would the man do on the weekend?A. Take an exam. B. Play sports

2、. C. Prepare for a test.3. What do the speakers think of Tom?A. Lovely. B. Lazy. C. Hard-working.4. Whats the relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Seller and buyer.5. Where can the conversation possibly take place?A. In a bank. B. In a shop. C. In a restaur

3、ant.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What are the speakers going to do tonight?A. Stay at home. B. See a film. C. Take a walk.7. What color dress will the woman wear?A. The

4、yellow one. B. The black one. C. The red one.听第7段材料,回答第8 、9题。8. What are the speakers talking about?A. Their jobs. B. Their neighbors. C. Their children.9. What can Jack be?A. An engineer. B. A teacher. C. A student.听第 8段材料,回答第 10至 12题。10. What was the woman doing when the accident happened?A. Waiti

5、ng at the corner. B. Crossing the street. C. Driving a car.11. How does the woman describe the second car?A. It carried many passengers. B. It went through the red light.C. It waited for the traffic lights.12. Where did the second car run after the accident?A. West on Fifth Street. B. North on Fifte

6、enth Street.C. North on Lake Street.听第 9段材料,回答第 13至 16题。13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. The mans family. B. The mans holidays. C. The mans childhood.14. When did the TV programmes start when the man was little?A. In the afternoon. B. In the evening. C. C. In the morning.15. What di

7、d the man do on holiday when he was a boy?A. Went to the seaside by car. B. Stayed at home.C. Took a train to England.16. What does the woman think of the old days?A. Hard. B. Boring. C. Funny.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the cost for children between 14 and 16 per week?A. 85. B. 95. C. 105. 18. Wh

8、at should children bring with them to the school?A. Their books. B. Special clothes. C. Their lunch.19. When can you take part in a special show?A. On Monday morning. B. On Friday afternoon. C. On Tuesday evening.20. What phone number do you call to ask for a booking form?A. 8474 7593. B. 8879 6543.

9、 C. 8447 6953.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWanted, Someone for a KissWere looking for producers to join us in the sound of London 100FM. Youll work on the stations music programmes. Music production experience in radio is necessary, along

10、with rich knowledge of modern dance music. Please apply in writing to Producer Vacancies, Kiss 100.Father ChristmasWere looking for a very special person preferably over 40, to fill our Father Christmas suit.Working days: Every Saturday from November 24 to December 15 and every day from December17 t

11、o December 24 except Sunday, 10:3016:00.Excellent pay.Please contact the Enterprise Shopping Center, Station Parade, Eastbourne.Accountants Assistant When you join the team in our Revenue Administration Unit, you will be providing assistance within all parts of the Revenue Division, dealing with pos

12、t and other general duties. If you are educated to GCSE grade C level we would like to talk to you. This position is equally suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience.Wealden District CouncilSoftware Trainer If you are aged 24-45 and have experience in teaching and train

13、ing, you could be the person we are looking for. You should be good at the computer and have some experience in programme writing. You will be allowed to make our decision, and to design courses as well as present them. Pay upwards of 15,000 for the right person. Please apply by sending your CV to M

14、rs R. Oglivie, Palmlace Limited.21. Who should you get in touch with if you hope to work in a radio station?A. Producer Vacancies, Kiss 100. B. Mrs R. Oglivie, Palmlace Limited. C. The Enterprise Shopping Centre. D. Wealden District Council.22. Which position is open to recent school graduates?A. Pr

15、oducer, London Kiss.B. Father Christmas.C. Accountants Assistant.D. Software Trainer.23.What kind of person would probably apply to Palmace Limited?A. One with GCSE grade C level.B. One with some office experience.C. One having good computer knowledge.D. One trained in producing music programmes.BIt

16、 is not always a good thing to praise(表扬)children because “empty” words may make them unhappy. Words such as “well done” may make them doubt their own abilities, a leading psychologist (心理学家) Stephen Grosz has warned. He says that words such as “youre so clever” or “youre such an artist” could also

17、hinder(阻碍) their future development at school. He says that such empty praise causes children to be unhappy as they may say they cant live up to (不辜负)these expectations. Instead he advises parents and teachers to praise children less frequently(经常地)and use words like “trying really hard,” Mr. Grosz

18、said, “Empty praise is as bad as thoughtless criticism (批评). People often pay no attention to childrens feelings and thoughts.” He also mentions research showing that children who are heavily praised probably perform worse at school. Some psychologists from Columbia University asked 128 pupils aged

19、10 and 11 to work out a number of math problems. Afterwards, some were told, “You did really well youre so clever.” But the researchers told the other group, “You did really well you must have tried really hard.” Both groups of children were then given more difficult questions and those who had been

20、 told they were clever did not do as well as the others. He says that when collecting his daughter from a school near their home in North London, he heard a teacher tell her, “You have drawn the most beautiful tree. Well done,” Later, after she had done another drawing, the same teacher said, “Wow,

21、you are really an artist.” In his book, Mr. Grosz writes, “How could I explain to the teacher that I would prefer it if she did not praise my daughter?” As a parent of two children, I strongly agree with Mr. Grosz. I praise them when praising is proven right. I want them to know if I praise them, th

22、ey have done something beyond my expectation, beyond what they are able to do.24. Which of the following praise does Mr. Grosz like most? A. You are so clever! B. You must have tried hard! C. You are such an artist! D. Well done, darling!25.The example of 128 pupils is given to show _. A. teaching c

23、hildren is a difficult job B. childrens growing interest in math C. the disadvantage (缺点)of praising children strongly D. children are becoming cleverer and cleverer26. Hearing what that teacher said, Mr. Grosz _. A. realized the importance of praise B. was very proud of her daughter C. didnt know h

24、ow to thank her D. was not really satisfied(满意的)27. What does the author mainly tell us in the text? A. Too much praise can sometimes hurt children. B. Praise makes good men better and bad men worse.C. Parents should spend more time with their children. D. Many children cant live up to their parents

25、 expectations.CThe kids in this village wear dirty, ragged clothes. They sleep beside cows and sheep in huts made of sticks and mud. They have no school. Yet they all can chant the English alphabet, and some can make words.The key to their success: 20 tablet computers(平板电脑) dropped off in their Ethi

26、opian village in February by a U.S. group called One Laptop Per Child.The goal is to find out whether kids using todays new technology can teach themselves to read in places where no schools or teachers exist. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers analyzing the project data say theyr

27、e already amazed. “What I think has already happened is that the kids have already learned more than they would have in one year of kindergarten,” said Matt Keller, who runs the Ethiopia program.The fastest learnerand the first to turn on one of the tabletsis 8-year-old Kelbesa Negusse. The devices

28、camera was disabled to save memory, yet within weeks Kelbesa had figured out its workings and made the camera work. He called himself a lion, a marker of accomplishment in Ethiopia.With his tablet, Kelbasa rearranged the letters HSROE into one of the many English animal names he knows. Then he spell

29、ed words on his own. “Seven months ago he didnt know any English. Thats unbelievable,” said Keller.The project aims to get kids to a stage called “deep reading,” where they can read to learn. It wont be in Amharic, Ethiopias first language, but in English, which is widely seen as the ticket to highe

30、r paying jobs.28. How does the Ethiopia program benefit the kids in the village?A. It trains teachers for them.B. It contributes to their self-study.C. It helps raise their living standards.D. It provides funds for building schools.29. What can we infer from Kellers words in Paragraph 3?A. They need

31、 more time to analyze data.B. More children are needed for the research.C. He is confident about the future of the project.D. The research should be carried out in kindergartens.30. It amazed Keller that with the tablet Kelbesa could _.A. learn English words quickly.B. draw pictures of animals.C. wri

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