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五年级上册英语教案Starter unitIm going higher 表格式 共5课时外研剑桥版.docx

1、五年级上册英语教案Starter unit Im going higher 表格式 共5课时外研剑桥版备课时间2019.8.26主 备 人主 备 人所在单位复备时间2019.8.26授课教师授课教师所在单位课题Starter Unit Part1 a/b课 型Revision课时分配共5课时第1课时上课时间2019.9.3项目内 容修改栏教学目标知识能力1. Learn to say the following:My English name is Linda. Here are some of my holiday photos. She is reading / doing homewor

2、k / playing the piano / cleaning her room / listening to English / playing computer games / swimming / taking photos.2. Listen and find the right photos.还可以扩展六年级开始单元中新学期的计划里面的一些新动词短语词汇。过程方法通过听说、问答等活动形式,让学生回顾并熟用结构:be+V.ing情感态度价值观1.继续保持浓厚的学习兴趣。2.积累听力技巧,学会找到关键点。教学重点Be+V.ing其规则教学难点swimming taking双写,去e教学

3、、教具(课件)准备Phrases cards, tape-recorder学案准备教学流程教学环节教师活动预设学生活动修改栏Step I . Warming up1) Greetings2) Talk about their summer holiday: Did you have s nice holiday? What did you do?Step II. Presentation1)CAI show some of my holiday photosand say: Here are some of my holiday photos. Look! What am I doing? T

4、hen revise the actions: read / do homework / play the piano / swim and show new action phrases: clean the room / play computer games / listen to English / take photosRead more with the pupils.2)CAI show Lindas happy holiday photos, ask the pupils to listen:In Photo 1 Im doing homework. In Photo 2 Im

5、 cleaning my room. In Photo 3 Im playing computer games. In Photo 4 Im reading. In Photo 5 Im listening to English. In Photo 6 Im swimming. In Photo 7 Im taking photos. In Photo 8 Im playing the piano. Then ask and answer with the pupils like this: What is Linda doing? She is ing 3)Listen again, ask

6、 the pupils to number the photos.Step III. Practice1) Ask the pupils to take out their holiday photos, say about their happy holidays.2) Show the photos, ask the pupils to say quickly.3) Ask the pupils to write more sentences.StepIV. ConsolidationShow more Ex.写短语:1.听英语2.清扫房间3.做作业4.弹钢琴 5.玩电脑游戏6.拍照片7.

7、读 8.游泳选词填空1.Here _ some _ my photos. B.are/of2. _ English name is John.A.I B.She C.His3. She is_. A swim B. swiming C. swimming 4. He _ photos. A. takingB. is takeing C. is taking D.are taking 5.Listen_English.A. in B. to C.at连词成句:1. name, is, Tom, His, English. 2. listening, He, to, is, Eng

8、lish. 3. playing, games, Lucy, computer, is. 4. my, I, room, am ,cleaning. 5. homework, She, is,doing. 6. dad, is, photos, My, taking.Step V. Sum-upHomework1) Listen and read after the tape.2) Talk about their summer holiday.3) Write the sentences more.Greetings.Say freely:I do homework/ play comput

9、er games/watch TV/ read booksLook and answer, then read more.Listen, ask and answer together, then work in pairs.Listen and number.Say more like this: Im watching TVLook and say quickly.Say and write.Do Ex.学生上去自己写也可请小老师。先全班的练习请学生上去演示。一起和老师回忆Ving的规则。可以和学生一起用be doing结构说一下。学生可以转换成第三人称来说一下这些句子。为下面的做题做铺垫

10、。加上:4)以小组活动请组长展示并分别用各种人称描述自己组的人暑假的图片上干什么了。此处总结回忆动词加ing的规则。加入竞赛机制。锻炼学生写的技能教师讲解。总结Ving的规则。巩固所学。板书设计Starter Unit Part1She is reading / doing homework / playing the piano / cleaning her room / listening to English / playing computer games / swimming / taking photos.回忆复习球类不加the,琴类加the的问题。 教 学 反 思本课既是复习课,

11、又是知识衔接课,既是对be+V.ing结构的回顾,又是对句型的拓展。学生从Free talk谈起,有summer holiday谈论到照片,自然引出了be+V.ing结构,真实自然,学生体会深刻,易于唤起回忆,实践性强,在说说、听听、读读、练练的活动中,学生轻松复习,有效练习,学有所得,积累方法,能力提升。(五)年级(上)册英语学科集体备课个案备课时间2019.08.29主 备 人主 备 人所在单位复备时间2019.08.29授课教师授课教师所在单位课题Starter Unit 2a&2b课 型dialogue课时分配共5课时第2课时上课时间2019.9.4项目内 容修改栏教学目标知识能力1.

12、Listen to the dialogue and repeat,then tick or cross. Questions:How do you like? What year are you in? When are you going back to China? 2.Answer the questions above correctly. 3.Read the dialogue fluently and try to recite. 听力内容与四年级下册Friends单元可以联系学习,其中有旧句型:“Im in Year 5 this year.”过程方法Listen, read,

13、 and say 情感态度价值观1.Make more friends from different countries. 2. Lets work harder.Lets go higher. 教学重点Ill+V原我将要干 Im going higher.Ill be in Year 5 soon. 教学难点-When are you going back to China? -Im going back with my uncle this Saturday. 教学、教具 (课件) 准备tape-recorder 教学流程教师活动预设学生活动修改栏教学环节教学环节Step I.Warm-u

14、p T:Hello,How are you? S:Im fine,And you? T:Im OK.Thanks. Step II.Presentation T:In summer holiday,Where do you often go? T:Do you make friends there? I went to Canada this summer holiday.I meet Mike in Canada.I talk with each other.Such as:What year are you in? When are you going back to China? Ste

15、p III. Teach the drills1.How do you like?Whats the Chinese meaning? Can you guess? You can read the following answer to guess it? T:Wonderful. You are right. 2.T:Im going higher.Ill be in Year 5 soon. How to understand it? go higher懂事了,长大了,升级了。 Ill+V原 我将要干 3.Teach the verbs:go,come通常用现在进行时表将来。Try to

16、 translate :When are you going back to China? 4.Listen to the dialogue and tick or cross.The following questions are easy.You can choose some students to check. Step IV. Consolidation1.Listen again and repeat.Work in pairs.Try to mime.Dont recite.According to three questions:How do you like Canada?

17、What year are you in? :When are you going back to China?One is Mike,And the other is Linda.Then change roles. 2,造句Step V. Sum-upHomeworkRecite and adapt the dialogue. S1:I go to Beidaihe by boat. 重点句型,生多读几次。 学生举例。 S:The answer is :Its a beautiful country.I think its “你认为怎么样?” S:你将什么时候返回中国? The answe

18、rs are:yes,no,yes,no, yes. 多做练习,小组合作,可以自编自演新对话。自由谈话导入本课主题:“假期旅游。”教师自我介绍与课题相似的的内容,呈现自然,突出重点。句句精讲,透析并做练习,为下面的听力训练做好充分准备。渗透简单的语用功能,让学生们了解英语单词的特殊用法。适时点拨和纠错,让同学们真正掌握将来时态。巩固延伸。板书设计 Starter Unit Im going higher 2a&2bHow do you like Canada?What year are you in?When are you going back to China?go higher go b

19、ack to. Ill+V原=I be going to+.教学反思 课堂模式焕然一新,较之以前的课堂来说,小学英语对话教学更重视对文本的理解与运用。对小学生来说,文本就是很好的学习资源。以往自己课堂上大多通过丰富多彩的活动游戏来粗略的学习文本,对文本的处理不够细致,导致一部分孩子对学过的对话掌握不好,理解不透彻,课堂效率较低。(五)年级(上)册英语学科集体备课个案备课时间2019.9.1主备人主 备 人所在单位复备时间2019.9.1授课教师授课教师所在单位课 题Starter Unit Part5 and Part 6课 型Revision课时分配共5课时第3课时上课时间2019.9.10

20、项 目内 容修 改 栏教学目标知 识能 力1. Learn to say the following:Words: chair(s),clock(s),jeans, shirt(s), shoes, shorts, socks,table(s)Sentences: Whats the time?/What time is it? Its.2. Read and draw.名词复数规则的总结。顺便把以复数形式存在的单数名词总结出来。过 程方 法通过听说、问答等活动形式,让学生回顾并熟用句型:Whats the time?/What time is it? Its.情 感态 度价值观1.继续保持浓

21、厚的学习兴趣。2.积累做题技巧,学会找到关键信息。教学重点Sentences: Whats the time?/What time is it? Its.教学难点Shorts, shirts, jeans的拼写。trousers教学、教具(课件)准备Phrases cards, tape-recorder表盘教 学 流 程教学环节教 师 活 动预 设 学 生 活 动修 改 栏Step I . Warming up1) Greetings2)Say the poem “Lets go higher”Step II. Presentation1) CAI show the pictures of

22、the chair, table and clockchair chairstabletablesclock-clocksRead more with the pupils.2) CAI show the pictures of clothes:shirtshirtsjeans socks shoes shorts(引导学生关注对比单词单复数形式的变化)3) Label the pictures with the words in the box.4)Check the answers.5)Show the clock and say:Look at this clock. Whats the

23、 time?Step III. Practice1) Ask the pupils to read and draw about Part 6a.2) Show the pictures of Part 6b,then write the time on each clock.3) Check the answers.Step IV. Consolidation选词填空1. Here _ some _ my photos. B.are/of 2._English name is John. A.I B.She C.His 3.She is_. A.swim B.swiming

24、C.swimming4. He _ photos. A. taking B. is takeing C. is taking D.are taking 5.Listen_English. A. in B. to Step V. Sum-upHomework1) Recite the words about Part 52) Ask and answer: Whats the time?/What time is it? Its.Greetings.Say the poem.Look and say,then read more.chair chairstabletablesclock

25、-clocksLook and say, then read more.shirtshirtsjeans socks shoes shortsWrite the words.Look and answer together, then work in pairs.Its . oclock.Its half past .Read and draw.Write the time on each clock.Look and say quickly.与本节课看似无关的练习,但其实在考学生主谓一致。肯定句中:单数用带“s”的动词。复数用动词原形。 引导学生一起来回忆和总结名词变复数的规则,尤其是学过的

26、几个不规则的名词。半之前Its分+past+时半之后Its差几分+to+下一个时。检查学生是否真正理解时间表示法。 依然还是对以往知识的复习。复习总结,内化巩固。板书设计Starter Unit Part 5 and Part 6-Whats the time?/What time is it? -Its.教学反思本课既是复习课,又是知识衔接课,既是对Whats the time?/What time is it? Its.句型的回顾,又是对物品和衣服类单词单复数的巩固。学生对时间的问答掌握较好,能熟练的运用句型“Whats the time?/What time is it? Its.”进行

27、问答练习.但个别孩子对衣服类单词存在遗忘,如:shorts 和 jeans的拼写有困难,需要巩固。总之,本课时内容实践性强,孩子们在说说、听听、读读、练练的活动中,学得轻松,有效。(五)年级(上)册英语学科集体备课个案备课时间2019.9.4 主 备 人主 备 人所在单位复备时间2019.9.4 授课教师授课教师所在单位课 题Starter Unit Part7、8课 型句型 短文课时分配共5课时第4课时上课时间9.13 项 目内 容修改栏教学目标知 识能 力1、复习一般和wh-疑问句。2、能读懂语篇的意思.3、根据所学的知识能写写自己或朋友的情况引导学生们总结学过的引导一般的疑问句的四大动词。以及所有的特殊疑问词。过 程方 法1、问题导入复习特殊疑问句.2、练习特殊疑问句。3、创设情境,介绍朋友的情况。4、理解语篇,生成应用。情 感态 度价值观我长大了,培养良好的生活和学习习惯。逐

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