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1、 他通晓英文,虽然他从没到过英国。 评析 连词though引导状语从句。 例6 Everybody knows that money doesnt grow on trees. 众所周知,金钱是不会从树上长出来的。 评析 连词that引导一个名词性从句作宾语。 例7 When he did it is not known to all. 他什么时候做的,大家都不知道。 评析 连词when引导一个名词性从句作主语。强化训练 一、填入适当的连词。 1.She tried hard, she was unsuccessful. 2.Put on more clothes, you may catch

2、 cold. 3.You may do it yourself leave it to me. 4.His little brother can read write. 5. I didnt know English, I had to ask someone to help me. 6.She doesnt have to do it she doesnt want to. 7.Tell me you need my help. 8. you take the medicine youll feel better. 9.I dont know made him do it.二、用所给词仿例子

3、造句。1.Go go see the doctor at once, or you cold may get worse. a. hurry up, be late for the meeting b. put on more clothes, catch cold c. study hard, not pass the exam2.You can either leave today or tomorrow. a. go by boat, bus b. play football, do the high jump c. stay at school, come to spend the h

4、oliday with us.3.She is not only a dancer, but also a great pianist. a. a worker, a writer b. work hard at his English studies, help others with their English lessons. c. like reading, like singing4.We must speak a lot English both in class and outside class. a.he, his wife, be music lovers, y

5、our sister, go with us c.the news, be welcome, at home, abroad5.Its neither his fault, nor yours. a. my coat, my sisters b. he, can read, write c. my husband, I , know anything about it参考答案一、1.but 2.or 3.eitheror 4.neithernor 5.As 6.if 7.if 8.After 9.who二、1a. Hurry up, or youll be late for the meeti

6、ng b. Put on more clothes, or you will catch cold. c. Study hard, or you wont pass the exam.2. a. You can go either by boat or by bus. b. You can either stay at school or come to spend the holiday with us. c. You can either stay at school or come to spend the holiday with us.3. a. She is not only a

7、worker but also a writer. b. She not only works hard at his English studies but also help others with their English lessons. c. She likes not only reading but also singing.4. a. Both he and his wife are music lovers. b. Both you and your sister can go with us. c. The news is welcome both at home and

8、 abroad.5. a. Its neither my coat nor my sisters. b. He can neither read nor white. c. Neither my husband nor I know anything about it.第61天 陈述句 一、陈述句的概说。 二、陈述句的肯定式和否定式。 一、用来陈述一件事或表示一种看法,叫陈述句。 二、陈述句的肯定式有:顺装语序(主语+谓语);倒装语序(副词+谓语+主语)。 三、陈述句的否定式。 1如果句子的谓语动词是be、have或有助动词和情态动词时,在它们之后加not。 2如果句子的谓语动词是行为动词,在

9、谓语动词前加助动词do(第三人称单数does,过去式did),再加not。 3not以外的否定词也可构成陈述句的否定式。 读出下列例句,注意陈述句的用法。 例1 He has gone to the library. 他去图书馆了。 评析 陈述一件事,顺装语序。 例2 In came John then the students. 约翰进来,随后是学生们。 评析 陈述一件事,倒装语序。 例3 I wont go to the dance with you. 我不和你去参加舞会。 评析 not和助动词will构成否定句。 例4 She didnt do her homework. 她没做的作业。

10、 评析 借助助动词did帮助构成否定句。例5 She never said a word the whole morning. 评析 否定词never也可以构成陈述句的否定式。 一、将下列句子译成汉语,并注意画线部分的语法功能。 1.Wang Hong has made great progress in his study of English. 2.They have decided not to go to the party this evening. 3.She bought me a wonderful book. 4.She looks beautiful today. 5.Th

11、e students often keep their classroom clean. 6.Can you push the door open? 7.John is teaching Mary how to write. 8.I heard Linda singing in the next room. 9.I enjoyed reading very much. 10.She is busy writing a book.二、汉译英。 1.我是今天上午来到这里的。 2李红去过上海。 3你不许在教室里抽烟。 4没有空气,我们就不能生存。 5昨天他没看电视。 6我没发现教室里有人。一、1王红

12、在英语学习方面已经取得很大成绩。(状语) 2.他们已决定今晚不去公园了。(宾语部分) 3.她给我买了一本好书。(直接宾语) 4.今天她看上去很美。(表语) 5.学生们经常保持教室清洁。(宾语补足语) 6.你能把门推开吗?(宾语补足语) 7.约翰在教玛丽如何写字。(宾语补足语) 8.我听琳达在隔壁房间里唱歌。(宾语补足语) 9。我非常喜欢阅读。(谓语) 10。她在忙着写本书。(表语)二、1I came here this morning. 2.Li Hong has been to Shanghai. 3.You are allowed to smoke in the classroom. 4.

13、We cant live without air. 5.He didnt watch TV yesterday. 6.I didnt find there was anyone in the classroom.第62天 简单句 一、简单句的概说。二、简单句的分类。 一、最小的句子单位就是简单句。简单句一般有一个限定动词,它有一个主语和一个谓语,如Ive eaten。(我吃了)I为主语,have eaten是谓语。二、根据句子基本结构,简单句可分为五种句型。1主语+动词 2.主语+连系动词+表格3主语+动词+直接宾语 4.主语+动词+间接宾语+直接宾语5主语+动词+宾语+补语读出下列例句,并注

14、意简单句的几种结构。例1 My head aches. 我头痛。评析 主语+动词,此句型中的动词可以是及物动词或不及物动词。例2 Frank is clever。弗兰克很聪明。评析 主语+连系动词be+形容词或名词作表语,句型中的动词只能是be动词或其他系动词,如look、become、seem、appear、sound等。例3 My sister enjoyed the film。我姐姐喜欢那部电影。评析 主语+动词+宾语。例4 My teacher gave me a book. 老师给我一本书。评析 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语,像bring,buy和give等动词可以有两个宾语,间接

15、宾语通常指人,直接宾语指物。例5 They made Wang Hong monitor.他们选王红做班长。评析 主语+谓语+宾语+补足语,补足语可以由形容词、名词、分词短语或动词不定式担任,告诉我们主语或宾语的情况,使全句意思完整,常用此结构的动词有call(叫)、consider(认为)、elect(选举)、make(使成为)等。 一、分析下列句子成分,主语,谓语=,宾语,状语。1.My father and mother go to work at seven.2.Your brother has gone home.3.The students are on the playgroun

16、d.4.I met Jane and her husband.5.They made Sam happy.6.We called him a fool.7.He bought Jane a present.8.Ill tell you the truth soon.9.He explained it to me.10.Alice is like her father.11.We fetched her from the station12.I gave the car a wash.13.I saw your uncle in the shop yesterday.14.She made a

17、beautiful dress for her daughter.15.We enjoyed ourselves at the party.二、将下列复合句变成简单句。1.I hope that I can speak good English.2. The room is so small that it cant hold so many students.3.He studies hard in order that he can catch up with others.4.Do you see the girl who is wearing a green dress?5.He di

18、dnt come to school because he was ill.三、汉译英。1.玛丽英文学得很好。2我们步行去,乘车回来。3他说话像个大人似的。4我们选他作组长。5王红把球递给了我。6他看上去很生气。一、1.My father and mother go to work at seven. 2.Your brother has gone home. 3.The students are on the playground. 4.I met Jane and her husband. 5.They made Sam happy. 6.We called him a fool. 7.H

19、e bought James a present. 8.Ill tell you the truth soon. 9.He explained it to me. 10.Alice is like her father. 11.We fetched her from the station. 12.I gave the car a wash. 13.I saw your uncle in the shop yesterday. 14.She made a beautiful dress for her daughter. 15.We enjoyed ourselves at the party

20、.二、1.I hope to speak good English. 2.The room is too small to hold so many students. 3.He studies hard in order to catch up with others. 4.Do you see the girl wearing a green dress? 5.He didnt come to school because of his illness.三、1.Mary studies English very well. 2.We went on foot but came back b

21、y bus. 3.He talks like a man. 4.We elected him group leader. 5.Wang Hong passed me the ball? 6.He looks very angry.第63天 并列句 一、并列句的概述及其形式。 二、并列连词的用法和常用并列连词。 由两个或两个以上简单句用并列连词连接起来而构成的句子,称为并列句,主要形式有三种: 一、用分号。如We fished all day; we didnt catch a thing. 我们钓了一天的鱼,我们一条鱼也没钓到。二、用分号,后面跟一个连接副词。如:We fished all d

22、ay; however, we didnt catch a thing.我们钓了一天鱼,然而,我们一条也没钓到。三、用并列连词,前面常用逗号。We fished all day, but (we)didnt catch a thing.我们钓了一天鱼,但是一条鱼也没钓到。当句子的主语相同时,通常不再重复。and前面一般不加逗号,但其他连词前则一般要加逗号。 读出下列例句,注意并列连词的用法。 例1 He not only washed the car, but polished it. 他不仅冲洗汽车,而且又擦拭了它。 评析 并列连词not onlybut在此表示另加/连续,除此词外,还有bo

23、thand, and, and then。 例2 He is very old, but he is in good English. 他年纪大,但身体好。 评析 but在此表示对比,除此词之外,还有yet。 例3 He neither speaks French, nor understand it. 他既不会讲法语,也听不懂法语。 评析 neithernor在此表示选择,除此还有eitheror, or等。 例4 He couldnt find his pen, so he wrote in pencil. 他找不着钢笔,所以他用铅笔写。 评析 so在此表示结果,so后的主语一般要重复。

24、一、用适当的并列连词填空。 1.Ive got a cold, Im going to bed. 2.He fell heavily broke his arm. 3.He finished lunch went shopping. 4.Her birthday is next Sunday, I must buy her a gift. 5.He speaks Spanish, his wife speaks English. 6.He hasnt any money, I am going to lend him some. 7.Hurry up well be late. 8.Wang

25、Hong wrote to me last week came to see me yesterday. 9.He is in London in Paris. 10.He has gone away, he has not been back yet. 11.He can swim, can I. 12. you I will go. 13.Suddenly the door opened, he came in. 14.Jimmy fell off his bike, he was unhurt. 15.Will you stay with us leave at once? 16.He

26、came early left late. 17. Tom I have heard from him since he left. 18.You should pay attention to your spelling your pronunciation. 19.I am fond of music. is he. 20.You will find it on the desk in the desk. 二、完成下列句子。 1.Study hard, (否则你就不能考得好成绩。) 2.Please come to see me (如果你有时间的话) 3She has an elder b

27、rother, (他是一个大学生)。 4It is very hard to say (他要走哪条路)。 5.Wood burns well (如果不潮湿)。 6 (虽然他身体很弱)yet he worked just as hard as others. 7.The mouse ran away quickly (它一看见猫)。 8.This factory has made many farm tools (自从1972年建成以来)。 9We must try to speak more English (无论是在校内还是校外)。10 (它既不是汤姆的钢笔也不是杰克的钢笔);it must

28、 be janes。一、 2.and 3.and then 5.but 7.or 8.not onlybut(also) 9.neithernor 10.and 12.Eitheror 13.and 14.but 15.or 16.but 17.Neithernor 18.bothand 20.eitheror二、1.or you wont be able to get a good mark 2.if you have time(if you are free) 3.who is a college student 4.which way he will take 5.if it is not wet 6.Though he was weak soon as he saw the cat 8.since it was built up in 1972 9.both in class and outside class 10.Its neither Toms pen nor Jacks第64

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