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1、HSKP英文服务礼貌用语分部门管家部。培训标题3:英文服务礼貌用语。题目编号:HK。培训课时:45分钟培训教师汕管家助理页数卄1 1宗旨:让员工了解英文服务礼貌用语内容:客房服务礼貌用语Housekeepi n g Serv i ce S ent e nc e s01 Good mo r ing , Ho u s e k eeping May I h e lp yo u ? 早上好,管家部。有什么可以帮到您?02. Ho u sekeep ing,MayIcome i n?管家部.我可以进来吗?03. May I turn d o wn your bed?我可以为您开夜床吗?04. M a I

2、 re p 1 eni s h yo u r mi n i bar? 我可以为您补充迷你吧吗?05. Ma y I clean / ma k e up your r oom?我可以为您淸洁/整理房间吗?06. Wh e n wo u Id you like your r o o m to be c 1 ea n e d ?您想什么时候淸洁您的房间呢?07. Shall I come b ac k la t er , sir?先生,我可以稍候再来吗?08 s o r ry , I don t un d erstand, Could you pl e ase sh o w me?对不起,我不是很明

3、白,你可以指给我看吗?09. I m sor r y , Idon、tunders tand, Ill get yo u the man a ger. 对不起,我不是很明白,我去叫经理来。10.C oul d you sign he r e , pleas e ?请您签在这儿,好吗?11.Cou 1 d y ou f i I I in the I a u n d r y form , pie a se?请您填写这张洗衣单,好吗?12.When d o you ne e d you r laundry bac k , si r /ma d am?您什么时候需要您的衣服呢?先生/女士?13.I m

4、 sorry, w e cant fi x it tod a y.对不起,我们今天修不好它。14 Let me call a repairman to do it 我打电话叫修理工来。吩部门:管家部 。培训标题。:。英文服务礼貌用语。题目编号/HK培训课时45分钟培训教师:管家助理B页数吒 1115.A n ything else I c a n do f or you?我还能帮您其它什么忙?16.What can I do for y o u?我帮到您什么吗?17.A t what t i me wou 1 d you lik e y ou r room c 1 ea n ed?您想我们什么

5、时候打扫您的房间呢?18. Has y our r oom been clea n e d ?您的房间已打扫吗?19. V 1 1 b r in g i t right away /at once.我马上拿过来。20 Do y ou have laund r y, sir?您有衣服要洗吗,先生?21.I 1 I sen d i t a t on c e我立刻送来。22.】ho p e you enjoy you r stay with us.我希望您入住愉快。23. May I ch e ck your room, s i r?我可以检查一下您的房间吗,先生?24 Plea s e let m

6、e show you.让我拿给您看一下。25 We h a v e e x p r ess service W e deliver it within 4 hour s at a 5 0 % extra c h a r ge 我们提供加快洗衣服务。我们会在四小时内送过来,但要加收5 0%的费用。26Im a f ra i d itstoo lat e f or today* s no r m a I 1 a undry, sir, we c a n de 1 iver it t om o rrow a roun d 18: 0 OPN4.先生,现在恐怕已经过了今天的正常洗衣时间,您的衣服要明天

7、下午6点才可以送回。27 1 f yo u r laun d ry i s received b e f ore noon, w e wi 1 1 d e liver it to y o u r ro o m b y 18: 0 0PM t he same day.如果我们在中午之前收到您的洗衣,当天下午6点前您的衣服会送到您房间。2 8. If w e rece i v e i t a fter noon, we wi 1 1 ge t it back to y ou by 18: 0 0PM the next day.如果我们是在中午以后才收到您的洗衣,我们会在第二天下午6点前送回给您。2

8、9 May I ha v e your room numb e rt please?可以告诉我您的房间号码吗?30 What * s y o ur room n u m b er, pleas e ?您的房间号码是多少?分部门:。管家部”培训标题“英文服务礼貌用语题目编号。:HK3 培训课时45。:。分钟。培训教师:管家页 数:1】31. The 1 a und r y 1 i s t is in the d r aw e r o f the w a rdr o be. 洗衣单放在衣柜的抽屉里。32 Don t wor r y, s ir. Would you p lease c o n t

9、a ct t he recept i on, t h ey will hel p you t o s o 1 v e this p ro b 1 e m 不要担心,先生。您可以与前台联系,他们会帮您解决这个问题。33 Wo u Id you sig n t h i s mini b a r vo u c h er, p le a se? 请您签一下这张客房酒吧单,好吗?34. Woul d y ou g e t me s ome i ce c u be?您能给我一些冰块吗?3 5. The toi 1 et doesn t f 1 u s h座厕不能冲水了。36 Wou 1 d you ple

10、ase get me some hot water?你能给我一些热水吗?3 7 M y room is 1818, and the bedside lamp doesnt work 我的房间是1818,床头灯坏了。38 . C an you get me an extra pill o w?您能给我多加一个枕头吗?39 W o uld yo u pleas e he 1 p to change th e b ed sheet?您能帮我换床单吗?40 The wash b a sin i s bloc k ed, can you ca 1 1 som e one to fix it?洗手盆堵塞了

11、,你能找个人来修理一下吗?41 Could you please tell me wher e the Ch i nes e Re s taurant?你能告诉我中餐厅在哪儿吗?42 The Chine s e Resta u r a nt is o n the 3rd floor 中餐厅在三楼。43. Wh e n do e s th e Gourmet palace ope n ?乾隆坊鱼翅楼什么时候开始营业?44 It s seve n o c 1 oc k 七点钟。45.My room smells, can y ou s p r a y some A i r-freshen?我房间有

12、异味,你能喷点空气淸新剂吗?46.I m soso rry about th a t , we ha v e just run out真是抱歉,我们刚好把东西全借出去了。管家部培训手册。分部门:借家部 题目编号:HK 培训教师齢管家助理。培训标题2英文服务礼貌用语培训课时4 5分钟页 数11小47 Could I bo r row a h air dryer f or a momen t ?我能借一个吹风筒用一下吗?48.Ce r tainly sir I 11 bring i t right aw a y当然可以,先生。我马上拿过来。49.Ex c us e me. Whe r e is t

13、h e swimmi n g po o 1?不好意思。请问游泳池在哪?50.It s o n th e 20t h f 1 o o r.在2 0楼。51.】need the laundry service could y ou cal 1 s o m e on e t o pick up my 1 a un d r y?我需要洗衣服务,你能叫人来取我的衣服吗?52 Ou r ro o m ha s al I k i nds of d rink 我们的房间有多种饮料提供。53 . Please dial the teleph o ne num b e r 5 ” for housek e ep

14、i ng请拔打“5”打电话给管家部。54 Im af raid I cant help yo u If you don t mind I will repo r t i t t o m y supervisor imme d iately.恐怕我帮不到您,如果您不介意,我将马上报告给我的主管。55.S h all I call a doct o r for you ?我能为您叫医生吗?56.A c c o r d i n g to th e h o t e 1 p o licy , th e damage m u st be pa i d fo r 按照饭店制度,损坏物品须照价赔偿。57 .

15、Don t worry, madam when di d you find it had 1 os t ?不要担心,太太。您什么时候发现东西已经丢失了?58.What dose i t look li ke?是什么样子的?59.H a ve you se a rched your room care f u lly?您仔细找过您的房间吗?60 May I help y ou to 1 o o k thr o ugh the room once aga in?我能帮您再检查一下房间吗?61 Go o d mo r ing (Good after n oon, Good e v en i ng),

16、 s ir or madam, w e lcome to our ho t e 1. 早上好(下午好,晚上好),先生或太太欢迎到我们洒店。62.Her e is my room number ca r d it s r oom 110 8 .这是房号卡,1108房。63.M a y I help you with your luggage Mr wan g?我来帮你拿行李好吗?王先生。分 部门:。管家部培训标题 :英文服务礼貌用语题目编号wHK。培训课时 :4 5分钟培训教师m管家助理顶 数11W64 It s ve r y ki n d o f you tha n k you!你真好,谢谢您

17、!65.Y o u a re welcome, C o me t h i s way , p 1 ease Here are room 1108不用客气,请往这边走,11 0 8房到了。66.This i s your r oom. I h o p e you 1 i ke it 这是您的房间,希望您喜欢它。6 7 May I p u t t h e luggage here? ( shall I put i t h ere)?请问把行李放在这里行吗?(放这里可以吗)?68. Ho p e yo u h a ve a good stay in our hotel!祝您在此过得愉快!69. H

18、o pe yo u h a ve a good t rip!祝您旅途愉快!70 Ha v e a g o od d ay!/ H ave a g o od n ig h t! / G o od n igh t !祝您今天过得愉快! /祝您晚上过得愉快! /晚安71. Don t ment i on it, i t s m y pl e asur e .请不用客气,我乐于效劳。72 When you ne e d our s ervi c e pie a se t e 1 e p hone t he se r vic e counter , (Pleae t e1 ephone the Hous

19、e kee p i ng, The te 1 ep h o n e number for the houseke e p i ng is XXX) we r e a t y our se r vice at any time如你需要服务,请打电话到服务台,(请打电话到管家部,电话号码是X X X )我们将随时为您服务。73I s th e re an y th i n g else (Icando for you) ?还有什么可以为您服务的吗?分部门以管家部培训标题:英文服务礼貌用语。题目编号小HK。培训课时: 45分钟B培训教师叭管家助理页 数小1 1核心词语Key W o rdsJunio

20、r SuiteExcutive SuiteExcutiveClub Double BedRoomDeluxe Double Bed RoomDuplex Suite(with 2 bed rooms)ApartmentExecutive HousekeeperFloor SupervisorRoom AttendantGardenerPantrySleep Out (S/0)Lost And Found (L/F)Late Check-OutGroup标准套房商务套房商务客房(大 床)豪华客房(大 床)复式套房(带厨 房) 公寓房行政管家楼层主管 楼层服务员 花工 工作间 外宿失物招领 延迟退

21、房 团体JuniorSuiteWithKitchenExcutiveSuiteWithKitchenExcutiveClub TwinBedsRoomDeluxe Twin Beds RoomPresidential (With 3 BedRooms)Happy birthdayAssistant ExecutiveHousekeeperP A. SupervisorP A. AttendantOrder TakerWork SheetLong-staying (L/S)No Need Service (NNS)Extra BedDouble Lock (D/L)标准套房(带厨 房)商务套房(

22、带厨 房)商务客房(双人 床)豪华客房(双人 床)总统套房生日快乐 副行政管家公共区主管 公共区服务员 接单文员 工作表 长住房不需要服务 加床双重锁Horning C a 11 ( M/C)连房Express Laundry Service加快洗衣服务Out Of Order(000)维修房Turn Down Service开夜床服务Light Baggage(L/B)轻行李Vacant Clean(V/C)干净空房Occupied Clean(0/C)干净住房Over Night (0/N)夜班Door Bell门铃Ving Card钥匙Door Knob Menu早餐牌Make Up R

23、oom Sign淸洁房间卡Standing Hanger立式衣架Cloth Brush衣刷General Cleaning (G/C)大淸洁Out Of Town (00T)离开本地外宿房Wake Up Call叫醒服务No Baggage(N/B)无行李Vacant Dirty(V/D)未打扫空房Occupied Dirty(0/D)未打扫住房Door门Door Stopper Connecting Door Fire Escape Plan Do Not Disturb Sign WardrobeHanger门图打 挡连火勿柜架 门相走请衣衣早晨叫醒服务 Conn e c t ing Ro

24、om管家部培训手册分部门:管家部、培训标题m英文服务礼貌用语a题目编号mHK培训课时 :45分钟Express Laundry Service Out Of Order(000) Turn Down Service Light Baggage (L/B) Vacant Clean (V/C) Occupied Clean(0/C) Over Night (O/N) Door Bell Ving Card Door Knob Menu Make Up Room Sign Standing Hanger Cloth Brush Safe BoxLaundry List Laundry Bag (p

25、lastic) Shoe Shine Basket Shoe shine Cloth Shoe HornUmbrellaAir conditioning MatchBedside Lamp Telephone Telephone Book Memo Pad HolderSmoke Prevention Mouth Mask Duvet P 订 lowGood Night Card Blanket Arm Chair Lace Curtain Wall Paper Dressing Table Newspaper Table Lamp Sofa BaggageWaste Bin Televisi

26、on加快洗衣服务 开云床服务干净空房干净住房早餐牌 淸洁房间卡 立式衣架 衣刷衣箱单洗布险洗料篮鞋拔伞调柴头话市条毒绒头安毯手帘纸妆纸灯发李圾视 保水塑鞋擦鞋雨空火床电本便防羽枕晚毛扶纱墙梳报台沙行垃电本灯哲纸而被卡椅Iff用General Cleaning(G/C)Out Of Town (00T)Wake Up CallNo Baggage(N/B)Vacant Dirty(V/D)Occupied Dirty(0/D)DoorDoor StopperConnecting DoorFire Escape PlanDo Not Disturb SignWardrobeHangerBathro

27、bePressingDry Cleaning ListLaundry Bag(Cotton)Shoe PolisherShoe Shine Service CardSlippersFurnitureAshtrayBall PenBed-Side TableMessage Lightemo PadNo smoking CardPicruDuvet CoerPillow CaseControl PanelChairCurtainRemote ControlDrawerMirrorService DirectoryStanding LampLuggage RackRubbish BagTV Guid

28、e大淸洁离开本地外宿房 叫醒服务 无行李 未打扫空房 未打扫住房 门 门挡 相连门 泄火图 请勿打扰卡 衣柜 衣架 浴袍 净烫服务 干洗单 布洗衣袋 擦鞋器 擦鞋标签纸 拖鞋 家具 烟灰缸 圆珠笔 床头柜 留言灯 便条纸 请勿吸烟卡 挂画 羽绒被套 枕头套 床控板 椅子 窗帘 摇控器 抽屉 镜子 服务指南 落地灯 行李架 垃圾袋 电视节目指南管家部培训手册培训课时45分钟Travels Map Guest Letter EnvelopeLocal Envelope Luggage Sticker Facsimile Paper Guide folder Shopping Bag Magazin

29、e Bathroom Mirror Toilet Bowl Tissue Paper Toilet Paper Shower Rail Bath Towel Face Towel Weight Scale TumblerHair Conditioner Body Lotion Shower Cap Cotton BallBath Salt E mery Board Tower Basket Shower Head Floor DrainCombMini Bar Voucher Electric Kettle CoasterWhisky Glass Tea CupCoffee Bag Coffe

30、e Maker Black Tea Jasmine Tea High Ball Glass Bottle Opener StirrerIce Bucket Henissy Vsop本图 封贴 南 单壶 杯 茶 如 信痕纸指袋镜 杆 磅 素 球挫篮头 叫曲忌包机札 器器诗 游信封地李真务物志室厕纸纸帘巾巾重杯发肤帽花盐甲草洒漏子你热垫士杯啡啡茶莉杯瓶拌桶尼 旅客信本行传服购杂浴座而厕浴浴而体水护润浴棉浴指布花地梳迷电杯威茶咖咖红茉髙开搅冰轩Stationary Folder Letter PaperAir Envelope Post Card PencilFax MachineSewing KitVase BathroomWash BasinBath TubTissue Paper BoxShower CurtainCloth HookHand To

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