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1、Get清风实习小结专业代码: 050201校外教学实习手册内容1:内容2:内容3:内容4:学院指导教师意见:指导教师签名: 年 月 日班级: 13英语2班 姓名: 徐丹丹 实习单位:艺海音乐本月主要实习内容与体会1000字以上Time flies! Recalling the scene that one month ago I left home to Zhaoqing for job search, I felt so uncomfortable.Maybe due to coming to a strange place and it was my first time to leave

2、 my home.It was a bit much for me.At the thought of the decision I have made, I didnt regret and shake it. I started to adjust my mental attitude and prepared for job interview on that night. The next morning I got up early and went to the interviews.During this month, I have got the chance to work

3、in this company and I was a completely green hand. It was my first time that I worked in a real company.I felt a little nervous because I had no idea of what kind of job. In spite of this company is connect with music. During this time I work as an teacher in the office, helped to deal with the lang

4、uage work. And sometimes I will teach students to do their homework and although some student will make me angry.Practice makes perfect.After more than three years of acquiring knowledge in college, I feel completely like practicing what I have learned.I still remember my first class a couple of wee

5、ks ago. I was very nervous at first. More than fifty eyes stared at me. At that time, I was stressed out.Ten minutes lately I gradually relaxed and gave the lesson calmly. I tried my best to make the class proceed smoothly. And all the students were completely involved in the class.After class, most

6、 of them surrounded me with smiles and said how much they liked the class.I felt flattered. In the meantime, I suddenly found I was so happy to be a teacher. Besides I also did some daily and easy work because of my lack of work experience. I remember the talk between my teacher and I in one time:“B

7、eing a teacher is not a easy jobWhen I came to this company.She said:“ You should have students in you mind, A teacher is not only a guide in study but also a friend, father or mother.I will always remember what my teacher said to me and to be a better teacher. I know that attitude is everything. On

8、e must be strict in the work time. It is really a pleasure that you are trusted and appreciated for your work by others. They considered me as their close friends. Never had I been so sure that I would choose teaching as my undertaking.For the rest of the month I kept doing all I can to finish my wo

9、rk. Not only for the students, but also for myself. I take this experience as a beginning of my future studying and working. Though hard and a litter boring, I can be a part of the social society and enjoyed the pressure and competition from the outside world, quite different from school yard. And a

10、lso, many disadvantages and weakness have shocked me so much during this time. However,now,after such a long time training, I will be silent to accept what they teach me, and them self-question myself to make some changes. WInternships must be very familiar for every graduate. In China, it is our tr

11、aditional to have internships before graduating. They think it is good for students to experience the social life in advance. Although it couldnt receive the agreement of all people, but I think it will do good to students. There are several reasons to support my opinion.s more, students can figure

12、out their direction on finding jobs through internships. As students spend most of their time on study, most of them are confused about finding jobs. They dont know what kind of job they should find. Through internship, they can at least know their attitude on the job they are working, even they can

13、 figure out their career aim.In conclusion, internships have many advantages, especially for those students, who do not have any working experience. They should consider it as a good chance.What I learned at school is so limited that I can hardly put into practice when face the different question in

14、 society. There is no doubt I will do my best.Thanks to this practice, I learned a lot everyday and strengthened my will to devote myself to the education in the near future. 2021 年 9 月 20 日实习单位指导教师审阅签名: 学院指导教师审阅签名: 序号学号:学 部专 业 班 级学 生 姓 名联 系 电 话实习单位实习地址单位联系人联系 实习单位指导教师联系 学院指导教师联系 内容包括:实习收获体会、实习成果、问题

15、与改良措施等。2000字以上,可附图、附页实习单位指导教师审阅签名:学院指导教师审阅签名:作业要求在校外实习期间,根据所学专业或所在行业,结合实际工作,在指导教师指导下独立完成一份实习作业,题目自拟、作业形式不限如:调研报告(不少于2000字)、筹划文案、创新创业方案、新闻编辑、财务分析、经济现象或形势分析、统计分析、数据模型、外贸单证制作设计、商英函电、工艺流程设计、图纸设计、实物模型、产品或效劳设计、施工方案、工程管理方案、在期刊发表的专业文章、著作、创造专利等,作业以附件形式上交。作业介绍作业说明内容概况、主要特色、应用价值等,字数在500字以内。 附件:名称 学生签名:亲笔签名年 月

16、日教师批阅评阅教师对作业的评语包括选题意义;资料的掌握;数据、材料的收集;逻辑、论证是否合理;观点、结论或作品有无理论意义和实践价值;作业的缺乏之处和建议等。 成绩及签名请在相应的成绩等级下方打“对作业的总体评价 优 良 中 差 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 学生姓名学 号班 别校外教学实习单位单位名称:联系 :实习指导教师:联系 :学院指导教师姓名: :邮箱/QQ:学生自我评定实习单位指导教师评语评分标准组织纪律态度 (40%实习工作完成情况60% 指导教师评分: 指导教师签名: 实习单位盖章: 年 月 日 学院指导教师评语评分标准组织纪律态度 20%实习工作完成情况60%实习作业、报告20%

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18、做一个客观评价请在相应的备选栏目打“序号评价工程好较好一般较差1敬业精神2诚信品质3团队精神4组织纪律5竞争意识6心理素质7根底知识8专业知识9外语水平10适应能力11自学能力12计算机应用水平13组织管理能力14分析和解决问题能力15交际能力和社会活动能力对实习生的综合评价班级: 姓名: 实习单位:本月主要实习内容与体会1000字以上 年 月 日实习单位指导教师审阅签名:学院指导教师审阅签名: 学生姓名学 号班 别校外教学实习单位单位名称:联系 :实习指导教师:联系 :学院指导教师姓名: :邮箱/QQ:学生自我评定实习单位指导教师评语评分标准组织纪律态度 (40%实习工作完成情况60% 指导教师评分: 指导教师签名: 实习单位盖章: 年 月 日 学院指导教师评语评分标准组织纪律态度 20%实习工作完成情况60%实习作业、报告20%教师评分: 教师签名: 年 月 日综合评分实习单位指导教师评分: 占30%;学院指导教师评分: 占70%总分百分制: ,成绩等级: 学部负责人意见 学部负责人签名盖章: 年 月 日

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