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1、Lesson 17 The Travel PlanLesson 18 Billy BeeUnit 4 Jenny and Danny Come to ChinaLesson 19 Meet Li Mings FamilyLesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming!Lesson 21 What Year Is It?Lesson 22 Special Holidays in ChinaLesson 23 what do we need for the tripLesson 24 Year AnimalsLesson 1 教学设计教学时间教师活动学生活动设计意图

2、4 minutesHello! Nice to see you.What did you do on your holiday?出示歌曲:The family has a house Nice to see you, too.I _.Sing the song together.因为是开学后的第一节课,教师询问学生的假期情况,去哪玩?和谁去?可允许他们用汉语回答,或英汉混用,这样可以活跃气氛,拉近距离,让学生以愉悦的心情进入下面的学习。22 minutesIntroduce Li Mings family: Listen and think: How many people are there

3、 in his family?Watch again, think:Who are they?Introduce the members of a family.Who is grandfather/grandmother, they call grandparents?Who is cousin?.Introduce: or, andhave, has.or 表示否定的“也”and 表示肯定的“也”has第三人称单数Listen again, can you introduce Li Mings family?Watch and think.There are twelve people i

4、n his family.grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, cousin.grandfather=father or mothers fatheruncle= father or mothers brotherCousin=uncle or aunts son or daughterFill in the blanks.I like red _ green.I dont like meat _ dumplings.We _ many books.He _ a new ball.Listen and follow to read.让学生带着问题

5、或任务去听,可以使听力更加有效,注意力更集中,同时设计的问题逐步递进,体现了学习的层次性。生词的教学中渗透音素教学,教给学生拼读单词的方法,摒弃一个一个字母地拼写单词的方法。通过教师引导,学生自己理清家庭成员之间的关系,了解中西方语言的差异,培养学生自主学习,独立思考的能力。难点的处理通过不断滚动,反复呈现,让学生在语境中大量操练,逐步体会到它们用法的区别。学生跟读,掌握规范的语音语调。同时在理解的基础上用自己的语言介绍李明家人。10 minutes1.Read the text.2. Read and write.3. Introduce your family to your class.

6、朗读课文。填空练习。This is my family.I have指导学生朗读时的语音语调,养成良好的按意群朗读的好习惯。单词不能孤立学习,要放在句子中去理解运用。学以致用,学生能把文本中学到的知识运用到自己的生活实践中,表达各自的情感,实现了“用英语做事情”的目的。2 minutesHomework:Listen and read the text.Introduce your family to others, then write down.Write down the homework.听、说、读、写不同形式的作业,满足不同层次学生的需求,学生可以适当选择,各有提高。板书设计: Le

7、sson 1: Li Mings Big Family grandfather grandmother grandfather grandmother aunt uncle father mother aunt uncle cousin me cousin This is my family. I haveLesson 2 教学设计教学环节Class opening and review How are you?Review:Introduce your family. Fine, thanks.This is my family. I have.复习环节要紧凑,欢快,激发学生的兴趣,让学生以

8、愉悦的心情进入下一步的学习。New conceptLi Ming has a big family. What do they look like?What color are their hair and eyes? Lets have a look.(播放光盘part1)Ask and answer:What color is Li Mings hair?Is Li Mings mother tall?What does Jing look like?课件出示图片, 描述图片:What does he/ she look like?Answer the questions in pairs

9、 or individuals.Look and say.听之前布置任务,学生可以听的更有目的,注意力更容易集中。整体感知全文后,开始各个击破,呈现图片,逐一观察,将新的语言知识融入在情境中教学。通过问答,检测学生对文本的理解。创设情境,鼓励学生运用所学知识进行交际交流。难点的处理通过不断滚动,反复呈现,让学生在语境中大量操练,逐步体会到它们的用法。practice1.Listen and read the text.2. pair work: ask and answer3. read and match.跟读课文,小组内朗读课文。Answer the questions.Do exerci

10、ses.classclosingActivity book. Lesson 2:What Do They Look Like? What does he look like? What color is her hair? He is tall and thin. She has long black hair.Lesson 3 教学设计 introduce your family.Look and say: What does he/ she look like?Ask and answer复习环节要紧凑,欢快,同时要扩大学生的参与面,学生之间多做练习。出示自己照片,介绍:Im a teac

11、her. I work at a school. I go to work by bike.Today lets learn the jobs of Li Mings family. What does his father/ mother do? Lets listen. (播放光盘part1)Picture 1: What does his father do?Where does he work?How does he go to work?Picture2-4, write these questions on the blackboard.出示不同职业的图片,看图练习:What do

12、es he/ she do? Where does he/ she work? How does he/ she go to work?Listen and look.Answer: He is a doctor. He works at a school. He drives to work.Ask and answer. He/ she is a _.He/ she works at/ in_.He/ She goes to work by _.由学生熟悉的教师本人谈起,引入新知,这样更具有亲切感,更易被学生接受。先由教师提问,学生回答,然后教师将问题写下来,放手让学生之间互问互答,把提问

13、的权利还给学生,培养学生的问题意识。创设情境,鼓励学生运用所学知识进行替换练习。第三人称单数的处理通过不断滚动,反复呈现,让学生在语境中大量操练,逐步体会到它们的用法。1. listen and read the text. 2. Lets do it!Pair work: tick, talk and write.完成课本第二部分的习题。学以致用,实现了“用英语做事情”的目的。 Lesson 3: What Do They Do? What does your mother do? She is a doctor. Where does she work? She works at a ho

14、spital. How does she go to work? She goes to work by car.Lesson 4 教学设计 出示图片或做动作,复习学过的一些动词短语。What do you like to do?Play a game.I like to _.复习环节要紧凑,欢快,利于调动学生的积极性,以愉悦的心情进入下面的学习。Demonstrate Part 1:What does he/she like to do?What does his grandfather like to do?What does his grandmother like to do?What

15、 does he/ she like to do?He/ She likes to_.Watch and listen again.Watch and listen.He likes to go for a walk.She likes to plant flowers.What does his uncle/ aunt/ mother/ father like to do?Follow to read.先听录音的目的是让学生从一开始就接触比较规范标准的发音。让学生自己观察,自己总结第三人称单数动词加“s”,逐步培养他们归纳总结的能力,而且自己找到的答案记忆更深刻。先师生问答,然后生生问答,要

16、把更多的机会留给学生,让他们有足够多的时间去练习。跟读课文,掌握句子重音、连读等,反复进行朗读训练。1. 出示图片,小组讨论一些名人的爱好: What does he/ she like to do?2. Talk about your family: What does your father/ motherlike to do?3. Lets do it!Group work.开展不同的活动,创设各种情境,鼓励学生运用所学知识进行交际交流。第三人称单数的处理通过不断滚动,反复呈现,让学生在语境中大量操练,逐步内化。1. Listen and read the text.2. Talk ab

17、out your friends or family like to do, then write down. Lesson 4:What Do They Like to Do? What does your grandfather like to do? He likes to go for a walk. What does your grandmother like to do? She likes to plant flowers What does _ like to do? He/ She likes to cook/ go shoppingLesson 5 教学设计1. What

18、 is it?(看图片,说地点playground, supermarket, cinema, zoo, park, farm)2.What does your father/ motherlike to do?Play the game. ask and answer.采用游戏或竞赛的方式更能激发学生的兴趣,使其以愉悦的心情进入下一步的学习。Introduce my family: I love my family. My family likes to go for a walk. We like to go on a trip. We like to go shopping in the

19、 supermarket.What does Li Mings family like to do? What do they like to do together?呈现句子:My family likes to_. We like to_.出示一些家庭的图片,讨论他们的家庭活动。音素教学:Listen and read.Can you read them?Listen and think.Watch and listen, then follow to read.Talk about the difference.Pair work.What do they like to do? The

20、y like to_.Try to read: pay, may, sail, fail, cake, lake, mate教师通过照片介绍自己家人喜欢的集体活动,呈现一个甜蜜温馨的family. 既满足了学生的好奇心,又介绍了新知。学生多听多看,多跟读,这样在大量输入的基础上,就有后面的适量输出。让学生通过大量的图片感受到family作为一个整体的存在,所以是单数。学生先听,跟读,然后试着找出更多的单词来印证发音规律;或者去尝试读一些没学过但符合这一发音规律的单词,增加他们学习语音的成就感。1. Make a long sentence.2. Group work:具有相同爱好的家庭组成不同

21、的family.3.Lets do it!Ask and answer, then write. Film See a filmWe like to see a filmWe like to see a film at a cinema. What do you like to do? We like to_. We are the “cinema/ park family”.My family likes to_. We like to _.人称的变化,通过不断滚动,反复呈现,让学生在语境中大量操练,逐步内化。 Lesson 5: Having Fun Together What does

22、your family like to do? watch a film at the cinema. my family likes to plant vegetables on the farm. we like to fly kites in the park. watch the animals at the zoo. Lesson 6教学设计5 minutestalk about your familyWhat does _ like to do?What does your _ do?Ask and answer or play a game.复习环节要紧凑,欢快,同时要扩大学生的参与面,可以小组问答,也可以竞赛,比一比哪一队回答的好,总之要让学生多说多展示。Pre-reading7 minutesDo you remember something about Maddy?Look at each pictures, guess what happened?Maddy has a big family.Talk about the pictures.自由交谈,唤醒回忆。讨论书中的图画,学生看图,能说出关于故事的哪些情况?在故事中会发生什么事情?教师要鼓励学生推测故事的发展。While-reading20 minutes1. listen

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