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高二英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 21.docx

1、高二英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 21高二英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 21Passage 1If you could have one superpower, what would it be?Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds, see through walls, or have superhuman strength may sound silly, but it actually gets to the heart of what really matters in your life.Every day i

2、n our work, we are inspired by the people we meet doing extraordinary things to improve the world.They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others.Were not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives to the poor. Your liv

3、es are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends, seeking after your dreams. But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself. Find an issue you are interested in and learn more. Volunteer or,

4、if you can, contribute a little money to a cause. Whatever you do, dont be a bystander. Get involved. You may have the opportunity to make your biggest difference when youre older. But why not start now?Our own experience working together on health, development, and energy the last twenty years has

5、been one of the most rewarding parts of our lives. It has changed who we are and continues to fuel our optimism about how much the lives of the poorest people will improve in the years ahead.1. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Your life style. B. Your life value.C. Your troub

6、le in life. D. Your life experience.18. Why does the author say they are inspired every day?A. They possess different kinds of superpowers.B. They have got the power to change the world.C. Some people around them are making the world better.D. There are many powerful people in their life and work.3.

7、 What does the author stress in Paragraph 5?A. Learning more and contributing more to a cause.B. Rising above self and acting to help others.C. Working hard to get a bigger opportunity.D. Trying your best to help the poor.4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. The author believes the liv

8、es of the poorest will get better.B. Much more progress will be made in the near future.C. The work on health is the most valuable experience.D. Peoples efforts have been materially rewarded.Passage 2From talking robots to driverless vehicles, technology has become so advanced that the previously im

9、possible seems to occur on a daily basis. And yet-we still have no cure for the common cold.Why cant we stop the common cold? According to Peter Barlow, a scientist at Edinburgh Napier University, the main challenge lies in the many different types of cold viruses that belong to the rhinoviruses(鼻病毒

10、). There are at least 160 types.They mutate(突变) so easily that they quickly become resistant to drugs, or learn to hide from our immune systems. In other words, a single cure isnt likely to work on every type of cold.However, researchers from Stanford University and the University of California, San

11、 Francisco, have found a possible answer. They discovered a protein(蛋白质) that the viruses need. All the viruses were unable to replicate(复制) inside cells without a gene that produces a specific protein called SETD3.To identify the gene which produces the specific protein, researchers used a gene-edi

12、ting technique to test all genes in the human genome (基因组). Namely, they randomly disabled a single gene in each of the cells, so that the cells lacked one or another of every gene in our genome. These genetically modified cells were then exposed to the rhinoviruses, which cause the common cold. The

13、 team then looked at which gene was missing in cells that continued to grow. As it turned out, the one that stood out was SETD3, which makes a protein of the same name.Carette said the plan is to find a drug which can temporarily disable the protein, instead of producing genetically modified humans.

14、 “We have identified a fantastic target that all rhinoviruses require and depend on. Take that away and the virus really has no chance,” said Carette.1. Which does Peter Barlow think is a problem for fighting the common cold?A. The poor immunity of patients. B. The large variety of viruses.C. The la

15、ck of enough cures. D. The side effects of drugs.2. What do we know about the gene-editing study in Paragraph 4?A. All genetically modified cells survived B. Some genes in our genome were ignoredC. It located the gene responsible for SETD3 D. It exposed the harm of the rhinoviruses.3. How should we

16、stay away from the common cold according to Carette?A. Apply gene-editing to human genes B. Avoid contacts with colds patientsC. Prevent cold viruses from mutating D. Develop a drug to switch off SETD34. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. Potential defense found for cold viruse

17、s B. Secrets behind the human genesC. Real causes of the common cold D. Puzzles over rhinoviruses solvedPassage 3We humans love to stare into our smart devices. We gaze for hours-about 10 hours and 39 minutes a day-at our computers, smartphones, tablets and televisions. Is all this staring bad for u

18、s? It might be mainly because as we stare at our devices we are exposing ourselves to blue light.Blue light is a type of electromagnetic(电磁的) radiation with a very short wavelength that produces a high amount of energy. While its true that light can damage our eyes under certain circumstances, there

19、s no scientific evidence suggesting that blue light is harmful to our eyes. But many people still think it is, which is why blue-light-blocking glasses are so popular. So do the glasses work?“Everyone is very concerned that blue light may be causing damage to the eye, but theres no evidence that it

20、may be causing serious damage,” Dr. Rahul Khurana, clinical spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology,told Business Insider.Blue light exposure is nothing new. In fact,the sun is the largest source of blue light. Moreover, blue light is also present in LED light. But if blue light isnt har

21、mful, then why are we constantly rubbing our eyes when were looking at our screens? The answer is eyestrain(眼疲劳): More than 60 percent of people experience eye problems associated with digital eyestrain. And blue light, it seems, isnt the cause. Instead, our eyes are so strained because most of us b

22、link less when we stare at our digital devices. So if eyestrain is the issue, blue-light-blocking glasses are probably of little use.1. What do we know about blue light?A. It is a kind of nuclear radiation.B. It has the shortest wavelength.C. It may come from electronic devices.D. It consumes a grea

23、t deal of energy.2. What causes the popularity of blue-light-blocking glasses?A. Evidence of their benefits to eyes.B. Belief in blue lights harmful effect.C. Widespread use of smart devices.D. Scientific understanding of blue light.3. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?A. Blue light exposure is

24、hardly avoidable.B. Eye problems are not easy to deal with.C. Blue light may connect with tired eyes.D. Rubbing eyes makes people strained.4. According to the text, wearing blue-light-blocking glasses may be_.A. tiring B. harmfulC. useless D. beneficialPassage 4The National GalleryDescription:The Na

25、tional Gallery is the British national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar in London. It houses a diverse collection of more than 2, 300 examples of European art ranging from 13th-century religious paintings to more modern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh. The older collections of the gallery

26、 are reached through the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance. Layout:The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th-to15th-century paintings, and artists include Duccio, Uccello

27、, Van Eyck, Lippi, Mantegna, Botticelli and Memling. The main West Wing houses 16th-century paintings and artists include Leonardo da Vinci, Cranach, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bruegel, Bronzino, Titian and Veronese. The North Wing houses 17th-century paintings and artists include Caravaggio, Rubens, Po

28、ussin, Van Dyck, Velazquez, Claude and Vermeer. The East Wing houses 18th-to early 20th-century paintings, and artists include Canaletto, Goya, Turner, Constable, Renoir and Van Gogh. Opening Hours:The Gallery is open every day from 10am to 6pm(Fridays 10am to 9pm)and is free, but charges apply to s

29、ome special exhibitions. Getting There:Nearest underground stations: Charing Cross (2-minute walk). Leicester Square (3-minute walk), Embankment (7-minute walk), and Piccadilly Circus (8-minute walk). 1. In which centurys collection can you see religious paintings?_A. The 13th. B. The 17th. C. The 1

30、8th. D. The 20th. 2. Where are Leonardo da Vincis works shown?_A. In the East Wing. B. In the main West Wing. C. In the Sainsbury Wing D. In the North Wing. 3. Which underground station is closest to the National Gallery?_A. Piccadilly Circus. B. Leicester Square. C. Embankment. D. Charing Cross. Pa

31、ssage 5When I think about the horror movie The Ring, I remember one of my friends once said, Death doesnt choose those who are young or old, sick or healthy. It just chooses randomly. It explained why she was s0afraid while watching the movie. This is what I think of cancer. It has no predetermined

32、plan. It does not matter if you are old or young. I had a perfect life. It was a ball of gas in liquid that could not be pierced by unhappiness. No one died, and no one was sick. We were all happy and loved life. Then I found out my grandfather had cancer. No matter how much I told myself he would live, somehow I still felt as if it was a death sentence. He was so young, only 63. He fought so hard. whenever I

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