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1、精读单词 Unit 1award v. give, especially as the result of an official decision 授予 challenging adj. needing the full use of ones abilities and effort 富有挑战性的 competition n. 竞争; 竞赛 corporate adj. 自成一体的 diploma n. 毕业文凭 distinct adj. separate 分开的 elect v. choose (someone) for an official position by voting 选

2、举 eligible adj. fulfilling the necessary conditions 具备必要条件的 , 合格的 enterprise n. willingness to take risks and do things that are difficult, new, or daring 进取精神 equip v. make able, fit, or prepared 使具备 exchange n. giving and receiving in return (something of the same type or equal value) 交换 exploit v

3、. use for advantage 利用 extremely ad. to an extreme extent 非常地 facilitate v. make easy or less difficult 使容易 facilities n. things such as buildings, shops, or services that are useful or helpful to do something ( 提供方便、服务等的 ) 设施 fellow n. a high-ranking member of an Oxford or Cambridge college ( 牛津或剑桥

4、分院的 ) 管理委员会成员 grant v. give, especially as a favor 授予n. 补助金; 助学金 higher adj. more advanced, especially in development, organization, or knowledge needed 高等的 historical adj. connected with history as a study 历史的 innovation n. the introduction of new things 创新 institution n. an organization, usually a

5、 long-established or well respected one 社会机构 joint adj. shared by two or more people 共同的 locate v. set in a certain place 使.坐落于 minimum n. the smallest number, amount, etc. 最小量 nationality n. membership of a nation by a person, especially when abroad 国籍 private adj. not intended for everyone, but fo

6、r a particular person or chosen group 非公开的;私用的 property n. something which is owned 财产 pursue v. continue steadily with 继续从事,追求 range n. the limits within which something operates, exists, or is effective ( 活动 ) 范围 regional adj. of or in a particular region 地区的 religious adj. of religion 宗教的 require

7、ment n. something that is needed or that is demanded as necessary 要求 ( 之物 ) responsibility n. the condition or quality of being responsible 责任 restrict v. keep within limits of size or number or to a certain limit 限制 rigorous adj. strict 严格的 scheme n. a formal, official, or business plan 计划 speciali

8、zed adj. suitable or developed for one particular use 专门 ( 化 ) 的 supervise v. keep watch over (a job or activity, or the people doing it) as the person in charge 指导 tutor n. 指导教师 tutorial n. 导师辅导课 undergraduate n. a student who is doing a university course for a first degree 本科生 venture n. 风险项目 , 风险

9、投资 well-being n. personal and physical comfort, especially food, health and happiness 身心健康 Phrases and Expressionson the basis of according to the fact, principles, etc. from which something is formed, started or developed 依据 apply for request (something), especially officially and in writing ( 正式以书

10、面 ) 提出请求; 申请 aim at direct one?s effort towards obtaining (something) 致力于 in support of supporting 支撑 , 支持 at large as a whole 整个 Unit 2access v. find information, especially on a computer 查找信息 administrator n. a person whose job is managing or directing 管理人员 annual adj. (happening, appearing, etc.)

11、 every year or once a year 一年一次的 bank teller n. 银行出纳员 baseball n. 棒球 calculator n. a small machine which can perform calculations 计算器 career n. a job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to follow for part or the whole of ones life 职业 classified adj. divided or arranged in cl

12、asses 分类的 click v. press the button of the mouse 点击鼠标n 点击鼠标criterion n. (pl. criteria) a standard or principle by which something is judged 标准 dealership n. a place where business agreements or arrangements are made 商品特许经销处 detailed adj. thorough 详细的 electronic adj. 电子的 elevate v. raise, especially

13、to a higher rank or position 晋升,提升 entry n. a piece of information that is written or included in a list, a book, etc. 条目 exhibit n. 展览;展品 financial adj. connected with money 财政的 full-time adj. working or giving work during the whole of the usual working period 全日的 high-tech n. high technology 高新技术

14、home page n. 主页 interview n. an occasion when a person is asked questions by one or more other people to decide whether he or she is a suitable person to be given a job 面试 intrigue v. interest (someone) a lot, especially by being strange, unusual or mysterious 激起?极大兴趣 liberal-arts n. most university

15、 subjects except science, mathematics, and practical subjects that prepare one directly for a job 大学文科 listing n. a list or catalog 清单 marketing n. the branch of business concerned with promoting sales 营销 placement n. the act or an example of placing someone in position 安置 procedure n a set of actio

16、ns necessary for doing something 步骤 profile n. a short description, especially of a person?s life and character 个人资料简表 publication n. book, periodical, etc. that is printed and distributed 出版物 real estate property in the form of land and houses or other buildings 房地产 recruiter n. 招聘人 refer v. send o

17、r direct to (another place or person) for information, decision, or action 查询,询问 refugee n. someone who has been forced to leave his country for political reasons or during a war 难民 rental adj. 供出租的 salesclerk n. shop assistant 商店里的店员 scan v. look at quickly, often looking for a particular thing 查找,

18、搜索 segment n. any of the parts into which something can be cut or divided 部分 spot v. pick out with the eye 认出 , 找出 version n. a slightly different form, copy, or style of an article 版本 Phrases and Expressionscheck out find out whether something is true by making inquiries 核实click on use the computer

19、 by pressing a button on the computer mouse 点击鼠标come across meet, find, or discover, especially by chance ( 偶然 ) 发现fill out put in what is needed to complete something, especially a form 填上fill up make or become completely full 装满find out learn or discover (a fact that was hidden or not known) 发现 le

20、arn of become informed of 得知log on begin a period of using a computer system by performing a fixed set of operations 登录计算机系统 refer. to send or direct to (another place or person) for information, decision, or action 让?去找;让?去求助 set up establish 建立 unit 3ad n. advertisement 广告 advertiser n. 广告商 advert

21、ising n. 广告业 affect v. influence 影响 attractive adj. arousing interest or pleasure 吸引人的 belongings n. things that one owns 财物 closet n. 壁橱 clutter v. cover or fill something with lots of objects in an untidy way 胡乱地填满 concerned adj. having an active personal interest 关注的 consumption n. the act of con

22、suming or an amount consumed 消费 cool adj. very attractive, fashionable in a way that people admire 酷的; 有派头的 curvy adj. 曲线美的 define v. show the nature of 显示?特征 despite prep. in spite of 不管 fascination n. the state of being greatly attracted 着迷 fashion n. the way of dressing or behaving that is usual

23、or popular at a certain time 时尚 foster v. help to grow or develop 培养 glamorous adj. attractive or full of charm 迷人的 hand-me-down n. a garment used by one person after belonging to another usually older person 旧衣服 hot adj. very popular 流行的; 热销的 image n. a picture formed in the mind 形象 insecurity n. f

24、eelings of inferiority or inadequacy 不安全感 item n. a single thing on a list or among a set 一件 ( 产品 ) jeans n. 牛仔裤 means n. method 方式 , 方法 name-brand n. 名牌 necessity n. thing that is essential or needed 必需品 preppy adj. 不成熟的; 傻的 quest n. a long search 寻求 snobby adj. snobbish 自以为懂行的,自命不凡的 statement n. s

25、omething that is expressed formally 声明 underlying adj. being a hidden cause or meaning of 潜在的 upcoming adj. about to happen 即将来临的 victim n. a person or animal that is injured, killed or hurt 牺牲品,受害者 Phrases and Expressions dress up put on formal clothes or ones best clothes 穿戴,打扮feed off take someth

26、ing from 依靠?提供的东西(生活) identify.with consider similar in some way 认同为 in fashion popular and approved 跟上潮流 look to depend on to provide help, advice, etc. 向?求助 step back think about as if not involved 置身事外 turn to go to . for help, advice, sympathy, comfort, etc. 求助于 unit 4beam v. smile brightly and

27、happily ( 面 ) 露喜色 bound adj. going to or intending to go to 开往 ( 驶往 ) 的;准备到?的 championship n. a competition held to determine the champion 锦标赛 char v. cause to become black by burning 烧焦 cockpit n. the part of a plane in which a pilot sits 驾驶舱 collision n. an accident in which two or more people or

28、vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions 碰撞 contact v. reach (somebody) by message, telephone, etc. 联络 crash n. a violent vehicle accident ( 飞机等 ) 坠毁 crew n. all the people working on a ship, plane, spacecraft, etc. 全体机务 / 船务人员 dangle v. hang or swing loosely 悬荡 dazzle v. impress

29、 somebody greatly through beauty, knowledge, skill, etc. 使目眩 debris n. 碎片; 残骸 destruction n. the act of damaging something so severely that it cannot be repaired 毁灭 devastating adj. completely destructive 毁灭性的 distress n. state of danger or great difficulty 危险 embrace n. taking or holding somebody o

30、r each other in the arms as a sign of love 拥抱 explode v. burst or make something burst loudly and violently 爆炸 explosion n. (a loud noise caused by) an act of exploding 爆炸 ( 声 ) figure skating 花样滑冰 flame n. a hot, glowing quantity of burning gas that comes from something on fire 火焰 giggle v. laugh q

31、uietly in an uncontrolled way 咯咯地笑 grace n. a quality of simple, elegant beauty and smoothly controlled movement 优雅自然 jet n. 喷气式飞机 lower v. move or let down in height 降低 rear v. rise upright ( 飞机 ) 急遽拉高 scatter v. separate or cause to separate widely (使)分散 schedule v. put (a flight, train, etc.) into a timetable 列入时刻表 senior adj.

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