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句子成分概述 2.docx

1、句子成分概述 2句子成分概述一 句子的各个组成部分,叫句子成分。英语的句子成分有: 主语,谓语,(连系动词),表语,宾语,宾语补足语,主语补足语,定语,状语,同位语。句子成分一般由实词充当,即名词,代词,形容词,数词,动词,副词等。虚词只起辅助作用,即冠词,介词,连词,情态动词,助动词等。二主语:是说话人说明的对象,表示所说的是“谁”或“什么”担任主语的有: 1 _. Workers build factories and houses.2 _. This is the tallest building in New York.3 _. Six and three is nine.4 _. T

2、he wound is a hero.5 _. To learn a foreign language well is not an easy job.6 _. Reading newspapers after lunch is his habit.7 _.What he said is right. Where he lives is still unknown._he wanted to see was an end to all armies of the world.三谓语1简单谓语: I have opened the window.2. 动词性复合谓语 _ She can swim

3、 very fast.He was able to finish the work in time._ Im going to see a friend tomorrow.3名词性复合谓语: _ It is a fine day today. The food tastes delicious.四表语 表语放在连系动词后,和连系动词一起做谓语,说明主语的身份,特征,状态。连系动词有:. be ( am, is, are, was, were, will be, can be, should be, )His brother is an engineer. 表示“似乎”:seem / appea

4、r She appears/seems unhappy today. 表示“感觉”的感官动词: sound, taste, feel, look, smellThe silk feels soft and smooth. He looks a little nervous.表示“变化”的: A: become, turn, make (成为.)He became a writer later. He will make a good athlete.B: come, goHis answer comes right. The milk goes bad easily in hot weathe

5、r. C: get, grow, fallHe got lost when travelling. Your son had grown much taller. 表示“保持”的: keep, remain, stayYou shouldnt keep quiet in a debate. The shop stays open till 9 oclock .After these years, he remains unchanged in his character. 表示“证明是.”,“结果是.”: prove, turn outThe theory proves to be right

6、. The meeting turned out to be successful.担任表语的有:1. _ My father became a party member in 1949.2. _ The price sounds reasonable.3. _ The meeting is over.4. _ These sweets are mine, and those are yours.5. _ She is thirty but looks twenty.6. _ The address is on a piece of paper.7. _ His job is to desig

7、n new machines.8. _ The problem is finding land for the new factory.9. _ His cup is broken.10. _Thats how they were defeated.My only regret is that its quite a long way from all my friends.It was what they had been working so hard to find: pure radium.五宾语 表示动作的对象或行为的承受者。可作宾语的有: 1 _ I like the story

8、very much.2 _ We can invite them to our party.3 _ Five plus three equals eight.4 _ They are learning to drive a car.5 _ I practise writing novels after class.6 _ We should heal the wounded and save the dying.7 _I think (that) he is right.The radio says that it may stop raining later.有些动词,可以有两个宾语,人作间

9、接宾语,物作直接宾语,“人间物直”eg. Give, bring, send, show, tell, teach, lend, pass .Our teacher told us an interesting story.My father gave me a bicycle as the birthday present.My elder brother taught me some Chinese characters.六宾语补足语 宾语补足语是补充说明宾语的,与宾语是逻辑上的主谓关系。可作宾补的有: 1 _ The students of Class 1 elected him mon

10、itor.2 _ I find the problem very difficult .3 _ I found Jim out when I called at his house.4 _ What makes you in such a hurry?5 _ They make the tank look much prettier.The teacher asked us to finish the homework on time.6 _ We can see the bird flying along the river.7 _ We saw Tom hit by his father

11、just now.七主语补足语一个句子由主动语态变为被动语态时,宾语补足语就变成了主语补足语。People elected Lincoln President of the United States. _八定语 定语是修饰名词或代词的词。分为前置定语和后置定语。充当前置定语的有: 1 _ This is a green jeep.2 _ He was thinking about a math problem.3 _ We are cleaning our classroom.4 _ There are five people in the classroom.5 _ We should f

12、ollow the doctors advice.充当后置定语的是: 1 _The classmates here are very kind to me.Every night, the man upstairs came back late.Fill in the blank with the given words above.2 _Do you know the man under the tree?Have you got any books about the moon and the stars?The books on the desk are the teachers.3 _

13、I have nothing to eat , but have many things to do.She was the first girl to come.In the old days, poor people had no room to live in.4 _The boy sitting at the desk is called Tom.The lady talking with our headmaster is his wife.5 _I hate to read the letters written in pencil.There are many rivers po

14、lluted by the chemical factory.6 _The boy who is standing over there is my brother.We will visit the factory which makes minibuses and trucks.九状语 状语是用来修饰动词,形容词,副词,或整个句子的一种句子成分。充当状语是:1. _They worked day and night. We must serve the people heart and soul.2. _We like this picture very much. The doctor

15、looked over Mr Brown carefully.3. _She will arrive in Beijing on Monday. To everyones surprise, Mr King refused.4. _My father was surprised to hear the news. Its too hot to wear the coat.5. _They entered the room, talking and laughing.Football is played all over the world, making it the most popular

16、 sport in the world.6. _Einstein walked along the street, lost in thought.Given more time, I would have done it much better.7. _Was it snowing when you left the cinema?Many of the stars cannot be seen because they are too far away.状语按内容可分为:时间,地点,原因,目的,结果,条件,方式,程度,让步,伴随状语.1 _ He came to Shanghai last

17、 month. I told him all before he asked me.2 _We ate our picnic under a big tree. They built a factory Where there used to be a hospital.3 _They came late because of the rain. They came late because it rained.4 _ He stopped to have a look.He got up early in order to catch the first bus.He got up earl

18、y in order that he could catch the first bus.5 _ I arrived so late that I didnt catch the bus.6 _I cant do it well without your help. Ill come to see you if I have time.7 _Mr Smith often goes to work by bicycle. Mr Pattis replied with a laugh.8 _I really enjoy it. This problem is difficult enough.9

19、_They succeeded in spite of all difficulties.Although it was late, they went on working on the farm.10 _She stood there, listening to the radio. He entered the room, with a book under his arm.11. _He usually eats at home. He is always fond of talking.十同位语对句子某一成分作进一步解释,说明,而在语法结构上又属同等地位的句子成分,叫同位语。同位语一

20、般位于所修饰词之后。关系紧密则不分开,反之,则要用冒号,逗号或破折号隔开。可用作同位语的有: 1. _He was not too sure about two things-the grammar and some of the idioms.They were held in Greece-the country in which the games were born.Many English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name.2. _They are both fine ,

21、too.We had a lovely holiday, one of the best ever.Working with the farmers is an unforgettable experience, one Ill treasure deep in my heart forever.3. _These handbooks are for you five.You two are to come to the teachers office.4. _He had earned enough money to start his own business -offering guid

22、e services to tourists.5. _ I live in the city of Nanjing.7 _These coins were used for the next 2,000 years, that is, from 221BC until 1916.8 _The news that we won the game is true.There is a possibility that he will pass the driving test.十一 独立成分: 插入语I say, lets go out for a drive next Sunday.Thats

23、the cheapest suit we have, Im afraid.What was worse, this wine was not at all suitable for drinking with a meal. 句子成分概述 (教师用)一 句子的各个组成部分,叫句子成分。英语的句子成分有: 主语,谓语,(连系动词),表语,宾语,宾语补足语,主语补足语,定语,状语,同位语。句子成分一般由实词充当,即名词,代词,形容词,数词,动词,副词等。虚词只起辅助作用,即冠词,介词,连词,情态动词,助动词等。二主语:是说话人说明的对象,表示所说的是“谁”或“什么”担任主语的有:名词,代词,数词,

24、名词化的形容词,不定式,-ing动名词短语,主语从句。1名词 The Chinese People is a great people.Workers build factories and houses.2代词 She is getting married next week.This is the tallest building in New York.That happened ten years ago.3数词 Six and three is nine.My brother gave me two books. The first was a novel.4名词化形容词The ri

25、ch are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.The wound is a hero.5不定式 To create Central Park was a wonderful idea.To learn a foreign language well is not an easy job.To improve the agricultural land needs a lot of money.6动名词短语 Collecting stamps is a good hobby.Reading newspapers after lunch

26、 is his habit.Finding somewhere to live in New York is a big problem.7主语从句 What he said is right.Where he lives is still unknown.How much water is flowing can be measured easily.What he wanted to see was an end to all armies of the world.三谓语1简单谓语 We study hard.I have opened the window.Dont disturb her. She is trying to write her composition.2.动词性复合谓语情态动词+实义动词 We must work hard at English.She can swim very fast.He was able to finish the work in time.助动词+实义动词 Im going to see a f

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