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1、国际贸易英语商业书信大全1)A first enquiry Dear Sirs, We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers. We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our goods. Would y

2、ou please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms? We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made. Yours faithfully, Sandra Jones Manager = A first enquiry 第一次询价 Dear Sirs, 执事先生: We h

3、ave learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers. 从伯明翰.史密斯公司!获悉贵公司制作了一系列款式新颖的皮革手提包. We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our goods. 本公司经营高档零售业务,虽然销量不多

4、,但货品属优质高档. Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms? 现恳请惠寄货品目录、价格表和付款方式细则. We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made. 此外,如蒙提供各类皮革样本,不胜感激. Yours faithfully, Sandra

5、 Jones Manager = Useful phrases 1.We have learned from . that you 从获悉贵公司 2.We operate a quality retail business 本公司经营高档零售业务 3.Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue 现恳请惠寄货品目录 4.We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of 如蒙提供各类样本,不胜感激 = Notes段意解说 1.Say how yo

6、u obtained the companys address and indicate what you are interested in. 各知如何取得收信人地址及发信原因 2.Introduce yourself and describe your field of activity. 自我介绍有关经营的业务范围 3.Make your main request. 提出请求 4.The second request is going to cost the company more. Make it tactfully. 第二个请求花费较大,需要得体地提出 = Alternative

7、phrases替代用语 We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers. (I have been told by/I have heard from.) (.handbags in several different leathers.) We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is n

8、ot large , we obtain high prices for our goods. Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms? We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made. (It would be very helpful if.

9、) (.from which you make the handbags.) = Comments 评注 The enquiry is brief and to the point, telling the reader exactly what the enquiry is about. It requests the usual free literature and politely asks for an additional item:samples. 这封信简明扼要,让收信人确切清楚查询内容先要求索取赠阅目录,再礼貌地要求提供样本 (2) Reply to a first enqu

10、iry Dear Ms Jones, Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products. I regret t

11、o say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality. Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you. She

12、will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer. We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in whic

13、h you may be interested. They are fully illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you examples when she calls. We look forward to receiving an order from you. Yours sincerely, Damien Carr Marketing Vice-President = Reply to a first e

14、nquiry 答复第一次询价 Dear Ms Jones, 琼斯女士: Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. 7月16日来函询价忆收到.得悉贵公司对我们的产品有兴趣,实感荣幸. We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the skins we regularly

15、 use in the manufacture of our products. 兹奉上我们最新的产品目绿和常用的皮革样本,谨供参考. I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality. 很抱歉未能寄上全套样本,但其它诸如鳄鱼皮、驼鸟皮等皮革都是同样优质上乘的

16、. Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you. She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanshi

17、p will appeal to the most discriminating buyer. 本公司欧洲营业经理安杰拉.韦恩太太将于下月携同各类产品前赴英国,.届时您若能抽空与她面谈和看看我们的产品,相信也会同意我们的产品质料上乘、手工精巧,能吸引最有鉴赏力的买主. We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high qua

18、lity as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you examples when she calls. 除了手提包外,本公司亦制造多种系列精美的皮带和手套,贵公司如感兴趣,可参看产品目录中所刊登的插图.韦恩太太拜访时将向您展示样本. We look forward to receiving an order from you. 期待接到您的订单. Yours sincerely, Damien Carr Marketing Vice-President 销售部副总经理 = Useful phrases 1. We are pleased

19、 to hear that you are interested in our products. 得悉贵公司对我们的产品有兴趣,实感荣幸. 2. I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. 很抱歉未能寄上全套样本 3. She will have with her a wide range of our products. 携同各类产品 4. We think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used 相信也会同

20、意我们的产品质料上乘、手工精巧 5. The high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer. 能吸引最有鉴赏力的买主. = Notes段意解说 1.Make the reference clear and respond. 确认来函,作出响应. 2.State what acting you are taking 详述现正采取的措施 3.Explain why you have not been able to meet the request in full 解释未能满足收信人所有要求 4.

21、Add details of any follow-up action 告知其它后续措施 5.Broaden the customers interest, hoping to sell additional products. 吸引收信人对其他产品的兴趣,尽量推销 = Alternative phrases替代用语 Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. (I refer to your.) (I am glad to.) We

22、 are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products. I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as crocodile and ost

23、rich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality. (I am sorry to.) (I can assure you, however,.) Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you. She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think

24、that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer. (.that we use the best quality materials.) (.the most discerning.) We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may

25、be interested. They are fully illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you examples when she calls. We look forward to receiving an order from you. = Comments评注 This is a concise, yet full, response to the enquiry. It demonstrates t

26、he efficiency and dynamism of the companys approach. The visit of a sales representative will almost certainly lead to a sale. 本信精要详尽,同时显示发信人公司处理效率和冲劲.派营业代表到访将可建双方的合作关系.(3)An enquiry for steel screws Dear Sirs, We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obl

27、iged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us. We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to

28、 supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products. We look forward to hearing from you by return. Yours faithfully, Nigel Brown Purchasing Manager = An enquiry for steel screws 钢螺钉询价 Dear Sirs, 营业部主管, We are interested in buying larg

29、e quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. 本公司有意大量购买各型号钢螺钉,欲知每公斤送抵英国利物浦的成本加运费价格.如蒙惠赐上述报价单,不胜感激. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us. 如能惠寄样本和价格表,亦必感谢不尽. We used to

30、purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products. 本公司素来向其它公司购买此类货品,闻悉贵公司货品质优价廉,故欲与贵公司建立合作关系. We look forward to hearing from you by return. 专此候复. Yours faithfully, Nigel Brown Purchasing Manager 采购部经理 = Useful phrases实用短语 1.We would be obliged if you would give u

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