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1、童话英语故事带翻译小红帽童话英语故事带翻译:小红帽One day her mother said to her, “Come Little Red Cap. Here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your grandmother. She is sick and weak, and they will do her well. Mind your manners and give her my greetings. Behave yourself on the way, and do not leave the p

2、ath, or you might fall down and break the glass, and then there will be nothing for your grandmother. And when you enter her parlor, don”t forget to say ”Good morning,” and don”t peer into all the corners first.“I”ll do everything just right,“ said Little Red Cap, shaking her mother”s hand.The grand

3、mother lived out in the woods, a half hour from the village. When Little Red Cap entered the woods a wolf came up to her. She did not know what a wicked animal he was, and was not afraid of him.“Good day to you, Little Red Cap.“Thank you, wolf.“Where are you going so early, Little Red Cap?“To grandm

4、other”s.“And what are you carrying under your apron?“Grandmother is sick and weak, and I am taking her some cake and wine. We baked yesterday, and they should be good for her and give her strength.“Little Red Cap, just where does your grandmother live?“Her house is good quarter hour from here in the

5、 woods, under the three large oak trees. There”s a hedge of hazel bushes there. You must know the place,“ said Little Red Cap.The wolf thought to himself, “Now that sweet young thing is a tasty bite for me. She will taste even better than the old woman. You must be sly, and you can catch them both.“

6、He walked along a little while with Little Red Cap, then he said, “Little Red Cap, just look at the beautiful flowers that are all around us. Why don”t you go and take a look? And I don”t believe you can hear how beautifully the birds are singing. You are walking along as though you were on your way

7、 to school. It is very beautiful in the woods.“Little Red Cap opened her eyes and when she saw the sunbeams dancing to and fro through the trees and how the ground was covered with beautiful flowers, she thought, “If a take a fresh bouquet to grandmother, she will be very pleased. Anyway, it is stil

8、l early, and I”ll be home on time.“ And she ran off the path into the woods looking for flowers. Each time she picked one she thought that she could see an even more beautiful one a little way off, and she ran after it, going further and further into the woods. But the wolf ran straight to the grand

9、mother”s house and knocked on the door.“Who”s there?“Little Red Cap. I”m bringing you some cake and wine. Open the door.“Just press the latch,“ called out the grandmother. “I”m too weak to get up.“The wolf pressed the latch, and the door opened. He stepped inside, went straight to the grandmother”s

10、bed, and ate her up. Then he put on her clothes, put her cap on his head, got into her bed, and pulled the curtains shut.Little Red Cap had run after the flowers. After she had gathered so many that she could not carry any more, she remembered her grandmother, and then continued on her way to her ho

11、use. She found, to her surprise, that the door was open. She walked into the parlor, and everything looked so strange that she thought, “Oh, my God, why am I so afraid? I usually like it at grandmother”s.“She called out, “Good morning!“ but received no answer.Then she went to the bed and pulled back

12、 the curtains. Grandmother was lying there with her cap pulled down over her face and looking very strange.“Oh, grandmother, what big ears you have!“All the better to hear you with.“Oh, grandmother, what big eyes you have!“All the better to see you with.“Oh, grandmother, what big hands you have!“All

13、 the better to grab you with!“Oh, grandmother, what a horribly big mouth you have!“All the better to eat you with!“The wolf had scarcely finished speaking when he jumped from the bed with a single leap and ate up poor Little Red Cap. As soon as the wolf had satisfied his desires, he climbed back int

14、o bed, fell asleep, and began to snore very loudly.A huntsman was just passing by. He thought, “The old woman is snoring so loudly. You had better see if something is wrong with her.“He stepped into the parlor, and when he approached the bed, he saw the wolf lying there. “So here I find you, you old

15、 sinner,“ he said. “I have been hunting for you a long time.“He was about to aim his rifle when it occurred to him that the wolf might have eaten the grandmother, and that she still might be rescued. So instead of shooting, he took a pair of scissors and began to cut open the wolf”s belly. After a f

16、ew cuts he saw the red cap shining through., and after a few more cuts the girl jumped out, crying, “Oh, I was so frightened! It was so dark inside the wolf”s body!“And then the grandmother came out as well, alive but hardly able to breathe. Then Little Red Cap fetched some large stones. She filled

17、the wolf”s body with them, and when he woke up and tried to run away, the stones were so heavy that he immediately fell down dead.The three of them were happy. The huntsman skinned the wolf and went home with the pelt. The grandmother ate the cake and drank the wine that Little Red Cap had brought.

18、And Little Red Cap thought, “As long as I live, I will never leave the path and run off into the woods by myself if mother tells me not to.“They also tell how Little Red Cap was taking some baked things to her grandmother another time, when another wolf spoke to her and wanted her to leave the path.

19、 But Little Red Cap took care and went straight to grandmother”s. She told her that she had seen the wolf, and that he had wished her a good day, but had stared at her in a wicked manner. “If we hadn”t been on a public road, he would have eaten me up,“ she said.“Come,“ said the grandmother. “Let”s l

20、ock the door, so he can”t get in.“Soon afterward the wolf knocked on the door and called out, “Open up, grandmother. It”s Little Red Cap, and I”m bringing you some baked things.“They remained silent, and did not open the door. Gray-Head crept around the house several times, and finally jumped onto t

21、he roof. He wanted to wait until Little Red Cap went home that evening, then follow her and eat her up in the darkness. But the grandmother saw what he was up to. There was a large stone trough in front of the house.“Fetch a bucket, Little Red Cap,“ she said to the child. “Yesterday I cooked some sa

22、usage. Carry the water that I boiled them with to the trough.“ Little Red Cap carried water until the large, large trough was clear full. The smell of sausage arose into the wolf”s nose. He sniffed and looked down, stretching his neck so long that he could no longer hold himself, and he began to sli

23、de. He slid off the roof, fell into the trough, and drowned. And Little Red Cap returned home happily, and no one harmed her.从前有个得意的小姑娘,谁见了都喜爱,但最喜爱她的是她的奶奶,简直是她要甚么就给她甚么。一次,奶奶送给小姑娘一顶用丝绒做的小红帽,戴在她的头上正好适宜。从今,姑娘再也不情愿戴任何别的帽子,于是大家便叫她小红帽。一天,妈妈对小红帽说:来,小红帽,这里有一块蛋糕和一瓶葡萄酒,快给奶奶送去,奶奶生病了,身子很虚弱,吃了这些就会好一些的。趁着现在天还没有热,




27、脸都遮住了,样子特别惊奇。哎,奶奶,她说,你的耳朵怎么这样大呀?为了更好地听你说话呀,乖乖。可是奶奶,你的眼睛怎么这样大呀?小红帽又问。为了更清晰地看你呀,乖乖。奶奶,你的手怎么这样大呀? ; 可以更好地抱着你呀。奶奶,你的嘴巴怎么大得很吓人呀?可以一口把你吃掉呀!狼刚把话说完,就从床上跳起来,把小红帽吞进了肚子,狼满意了食欲之后便重新躺到床上睡觉,而且鼾声震天。一位猎人碰巧从屋前走过,心想:这老太太鼾打得好响啊!我要进去看看她是不是出甚么事了。猎人进了屋,来到床前时却发觉躺在那里的竟是狼。你这老坏蛋,我找了你这么久,真没想到在这里找到你!他说。他正预备向狼开枪,突然又想到,这狼很可能把奶奶吞



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