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1、翻译练习答案答案Translation (1)1. She has the great ability to teach. It is a pity that she abandoned her post as a teacher.2. Every time I see him, he is always absorbed in his home work.3. The door is locked, so we have to gain access to the room through the window.4. Our class teacher is accessible to us

2、 students.5. Tom volunteered to accompany me on the piano at the farewell party.6. Some students often take no account of what their teachers and parents say and dont behave well.7. Monitor accused Jack of being late for school yesterday, and today she blamed him for doing his homework slowly.8. He

3、acquired a bad habit of smoking, so his health has been failing.9. Although he is a new-comer, he is quick to adapt to a new environment.10. At the school opening ceremony, on behalf of the whole school, our principal delivered an address of welcome.11. We have ordered some chairs which can be adjus

4、ted to the different heights of children.12. He admitted having lost the key to the house.13. Youd better book a ticket in advance if you want to travel during the holidays.14. She has the job more easily because she has an advantages over others in English.15. I asked the doctor to advise me on the

5、 lung problem. He advised me against smoking.16. I could have afforded to take a weeks vacation this year. However, the boss asked me to give up, and I cant afford to neglect his instruction.17. His health begins to fail with age. Besides, illness ages him very quickly.18. Only by studying hard will

6、 you go ahead of the rest of the class.19. My grandfather is still very much alive, more alive than us young people. His eyes are always alive with happiness.20. As far as I know, only she is able to answer this question, so Id like to talk to her alone.Translation (2)1. At that time, we were eagerl

7、y awaiting the singers appearance on the stage. Even some fans were waiting for the chance to shake hands with her.2. He is just an average student in class but his school work is well above the average.3. We often raise money for the people living in backward areas.4. He kept his balance with his a

8、rms on top of the table. A few minutes later, he suddenly lost his balance and fell down to the ground.5. In winter, all the trees are bare. Before us only stand the bare mountains.6. As the coat was a bargain at such a low price, I couldnt resist the temptation to buy it.7. He barked at me, “I cant

9、 bear living alone.”8. The teacher began the lesson with a joke. Every one of us couldnt help bursting out laughing.9. She is pleased with her childs good behavior,because he behaves himself all day.10. Believe it or not, most people believe in jogging for the health.11. He doesnt belong to any part

10、ies, and thus he seems not to belong here.12. I saw a book lying on the ground and then I bent down / over to pick it up.13. The computer benefits me a lot! Yes, we benefit a lot from it.14. Everybody complained that the problems were far beyond their comprehension.15. People set up a monument in ho

11、nor of those who bled for the country16. Jack won a scholarship to study in the state university in America, but his mother blocked his plan to study abroad.17. It is reported that the typhoon has blown off some signboards of the shops and a lot of big trees are blown down.18. He often boasts that h

12、e is good at Math. Nowadays he is always boasting of having got high scores.19. Youd better go to the booking office at once to book the tickets early for the film for the weekends.20. The little boy sometimes bothers his mother with some stupid questions and sometimes bothers his father for toys. H

13、is parents often bother about it.21. Every morning, we are required to bow politely to the teachers. However, some students often bow their heads down in shyness.22. She gains broad respect because of her good brains and beauty. She likes to use her brains and often has a clear brain in face of any

14、difficulty or danger.23. He was branded as a thief and was given a good beating.24. Their marriage is said to have broken up. She broke up with her husband last months.25. He tried to bribe the policeman with money, only to be fined heavily for it.26. It was a bright and clear day. The sea was brill

15、iant in the morning sun.27. The old man has the habit of browsing in some second-hand shops to pick up some bargains.28. Do you smell something burning? The meat must have been burnt.29. During the business hours, the lines are very busy, every one of us are all busy with everything, too busy to eat

16、.30. At Christmas, he bought a bag for 200 dollars for his wife while his wife spent 300 dollars in buying a tie for him.Translation (3)1. It is known to all that smoking can cause many diseases.2. Compared with other students, the girl has better listening and speaking abilities in English.3. So /

17、As long as you concentrate on your studies, youll succeed in passing the examination.4. In fact, it is more important to learn to communicate in a foreign language than only to learn words.5. At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourists for help.6. If it is convenient, plea

18、se fetch me the parcel from the post office.7. If you compliment him on what he did, he will have more confidence in himself.8. It is estimated that Shanghai will catch up with the international cities like New York and London in many ways in twenty years.9. If an advertisement claims that a certain

19、 medicine can cure anybody of any disease, it must be false.10. Later he came to understand why their English teacher often asked them to recite the texts.11. I am really worried that computers will control peoples life one day.12. He complained to me that the three copies of China Daily which he ke

20、pt in the drawer in his office were missing.13. He charged me with neglecting my duty.14. If you are going out for a walk, Ill come along and keep you company. 15. The audience was composed mainly of young people.16. The price of the big house is low, but youve to take the money youll spend on repai

21、rs into consideration.17. We held a great party in celebration of our schools fiftieth anniversary.18. It was two weeks before Christmas and the mall was crowded with shoppers.19. Apart from the fact that we went to the same school, we had absolutely nothing in common.20. The story is concerned with

22、 a Russian family in the 19th century.Translation (4)1. His rude behavior is a great contrast to his handsome appearance.2. I screwed up my courage and told the headmaster that I didnt agree to his proposals.3. My uncle, who has cultivated vegetables on a big farm more than twenty years, has got a l

23、ot of experience.4. He thought over the problem for nearly half an hour and at last camp up with a new way to solve it.5. It is certain that lack of sleep will affect ones health.6. 26. Under the circumstances, it is impossible for us to continue the research.7. “On the contrary, any ideas you have

24、to add would be welcome,” she said.8. Who do you think created us human beings?9. The book contains fifty stories, including the one I told just now.10. As long as you have confidence in yourself, I believe your dream is sure to come true.11. Before you leave the hotel, you must check out at the ser

25、vice desk.12. They called in a private investigator to help them find their son.13. I assure you that I am perfectly capable of caring for myself.14. At least I can face them all with a clear conscience.15. Several recent events have damaged the governments public image.16. They should deal properly

26、 and fairly with any complaint.17. The suggestion you made yesterday deserved further consideration.18. A lot of critics disapproved of this book when it was first published.19. Everything was in disorder, but nothing seemed to be missing.20. Some of the big old houses have been divided into apartme

27、nts to shelter more people.Translation (5)1. It was inevitable that almost everyone came down with this disease.2. The organization has doubled its membership in the last five years.3. Do you remember that we collected dozens of shells on the beach in our childhood?4. He is always devoted to helping

28、 the poor.5. It is said that the site of an ancient city has been discovered at the bottom of the lake.6. When the police arrived, the crowds scattered in all directions.7. I discouraged him from going to that church, because it would arouse the suspicion of the police.8. If a child says he dreams o

29、f winning a Nobel Prize, you should encourage him instead of laughing at him.9. He was disappointed at losing the game.10. People made big fires on Halloween to drive away the ghosts and evil spirits.11. I should describe the experiment as unsuccessful.12. Many old customs are gradually dying out.13

30、. Some parents demand too much of their children.14. At that time, I was determined to be a professional dancer, and practised four hours every day.15. Her parents were in great distress over her disappearance.16. To the despair of the workers, company announced the closure of the factory.17. Milita

31、ry spending is a huge drain on the countrys resources.18. I am due for an increase in pay soon.19. Whether we go on a picnic depends on the weather.20. There is no doubt that doing some physical exercise in fresh air will do good to ones health.Translation (6)1. I regret to tell you all that his che

32、ating in the exam damaged his good name.2. I bought a new book which deals with the ancient history of China.3. These schools have made a conscious decision to make good use of modern information technology.4. They demanded that the company should pay compensation for the loss in the fire.5. There is no denying that the fast development of computer has led to a series of revolutionary changes in other fields.6. Whether you ca

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