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1、战士第1季第2集字幕对白纯英文看美剧学英语War is coming between the Tongs.If you can scrap, youre in.Two Chinamen were killed last night.Yes, by all means,lets keep murder out of the paper.Careful, dear. Youre married to the government.Mayor has asked me to start a new Chinatown squad.Your cop, the young one.He cant sho

2、w up in courts, understand?Blood is cheap here, so youd better learn to adapt.I can take you out of business as fast as I put you in it.There will be no peace.Im looking for someone.Who is Xiao Jing to you? Why are you looking for her?Ill tell her when I see her.Enough!- You dont belong here. - This

3、 is exactly where I belong.- Xiao Jing- - Get out!Shit.You have something for me.Okay, then.Its on.Here it is.This is bullshit.This fucking onion shouldnt be here.Father Jun said work him in, so were working him in.Youll see, he can scrap like a motherfucker.Hes too fucking fresh.I dont like it.And

4、I thought we were getting along so well.And Im thinking maybe you wouldnt have such a smart mouthif I took out all your teeth.Id pay to see that.Come on, we got shit to do.Just dont get in my fucking way.Look, its your first real run,so just hang back, keep an eye out.- You get me? - I got you.- Is

5、that everything? - Yeah.What?I think hes dead.I think youre right.What the fuck are you doing?Thats a shit-ton of molasses!We arent thieves, and this isnt a robbery.You think theyll get the message?I think theyll get the message.I think theyll get the message.Your brother.Can we not talk about that?

6、No one can know.I know.Do you think itll be a problem?No.No, he wont stay.I know him.Hes a good fighter.Better trained than your typical Hop Wei.So are you.So? What?The Hop Wei are stepping up their recruitment.If were going to war.we should probably do the same.I think I heard a hint of disapproval

7、 there.- I just want to be ready. - I know.We will be.Xiaojing was a stupid farm girl who diedin Sun Yangs bed.He beat me.raped me.There you go.- Proper little man. - Come eat your breakfast.Molly, come and get some hot toast.Bring your plate.Hot, hot, hot, hot. Good girl.Thank you. Just- Who the he

8、ll is that? - Put that down.- Oh, hello, little lady. - Hello.- How are we? - Good.Lee, what are you doing here?The Chief sent me to get you.Sit, darling.Ethan, look after your brother, aye?There was a killing down at the Banshee last night.But I was at the Banshee last night.- Who was it? - I dont

9、know.Chief just told me to find you and get our asses over there.Lord, you really do plow the back forty before breakfast,dont ya?I dont know what that means.Why does Flannagan want us down at the Banshee?- Were on the Chinatown beat. - I asked him the same thingbut he wasnt in an explaining sort of

10、 mood.- Good mornin. - Morning, maam.Apologies for disturbing you at home.Does it look like we could be more disturbed?This is Officer Lee. Hes on the squad.We have to go.Go to your mother.That accent. Where are you from,- Officer Lee? - Georgia, maam.Youre a long way from home.Its down the road a p

11、iece.And how does your wife feel about your new assignment?- Chinatown. - Oh, Im not married.What? Handsome lug like you.There must be someone pining for you back home, then?No, maam.No, uh, not a soul.Shame.All that Southern charm going to waste.Yeah.Shame they couldnt charm their way outof getting

12、 their asses kicked in the war.Come on, lets go.- Good day. - Molly.Get back here.Come on in, Molly.Come on, have some breakfast.Youre a beautiful woman, Li Juan.Thank you.It takes work, doesnt it?Beauty.It takes work and vigilance.And.pain.I guess so.But its a double-edged sword.because beauty is a

13、n unforgiving canvas.It makes it harder to conceal the blemishes,the things you dont want others to see.Youre working for the Long Zii.What?Youre working for the Long Zii,and you brought their hatchet man into my house.Dont worry, Li Juan.Youll still be beautiful.Morning, Bill.- Leeds. - Its Lee, si

14、r.Look at this fucking mess, would you?No witnesses?Happened pretty late, from what we can gather.If we had any, they would have been deep in their cups by then.There had to have been at least two men, maybe three.Cut this ones head clean off.That one put up a fight.They made a proper mess when they

15、 gutted him.Do you recognize these boys?That ones Morgan.One missing his head is Davis.And you think the Chinese did this?This was an assassination by sword, for fucks sake.I dont think it was the Chinese-I know it was.Yeah, well, lets keep that part quiet for now, okay?Otherwise well be peeling chi

16、nk stiffs off the sidewalk- for the next week. - What the fuck is he doing?Lee.- Yes? - Are we disturbing you?Not at all.Just making some notes.Put the mans guts back in his fucking belly.Jesus!This is your beat now.- Bring me some murderers. - Or a murderer.Whats that?With this second fella.see, hi

17、s knife hand.its cut almost clean off.One blow. And hes cut pretty deep in the gut.Ive slaughtered cattle and venison,but to cut through a moving body like that-active muscle and tissue- thats an expert swordsman.Probably the same man.decapitated our first fellow.See here?Its one swipe.No struggle,

18、no hesitation.Bring me my Goddamn murderers.Dead or alive.What you just did there?Dont do that again.Be back in a minute.- You see those boys out there? - I did.Fucking savages were dealing with.You find those slanty fuckers, you hear me?- Yeah, I hear you. - We cant have the chinksthinking they can

19、 get away with shite like this.And in our neighborhood.It will not fucking stand.In the meantime, as I paid you to keep your boyfrom testifying against Morgan and Davis,and as dead men cannot stand trial,Ill be wanting that money back now.Yeah.Of course.The thing is, I dont have it all right now.I t

20、hought you were done with the fucking cards, Bill.They werent quite done with me, I guess.Jesus, Bill.Well, I guess I dont mind owning a cop.- Ill get you your money. - That times come and gone.With the interest accruing and whatnot,- youll work it off. - Excuse me, gentlemen.Sergeant, uh, the Chief

21、 was just wondering where youd disappeared to.Where are you from, Officer?Savannah, Georgia, sir.Youre not Irish.You make that sound like a character flaw.Its no fucking attribute.Bill.Taking breakfast breaks, now, are we?- Morning, Mr. Leary. - Chief.You boys need to head down to the wharf.- We got

22、 some new stiffs. - The wharf?Thats not Chinatown.Tell that to the dead Chinaman blocking up traffic.Well, I guess the news isnt all bad, then, is it?Come on, lets go.Come on, lets go.Come on, lets go.Come on, lets go.Come on, lets go.Come on, lets go.Come on, lets go.Come on, lets go.Come on, lets

23、go.Come on, lets go.Come on, lets go.Why dont you just leave him alone?Why dont you just leave him alone?Why dont you just leave him alone?Why dont you just leave him alone?Why dont you just leave him alone?Why dont you just leave him alone?These are dangerous men. We go now.You think youre so tough

24、 intimidating an old man?- Youre cowards. - Please, missus.They dont understand you.I think they understand me perfectly.I think they understand me perfectly.I think they understand me perfectly.Not bad looking, though.Wouldnt mind getting sticky with her.Okay, Uncle.- Lets sort this shit out. - Yea

25、h.Now, youre gonna have some more chop for me next week, right?Okay.Now, I know I said that like a question.Im not really asking.All right, lets go.What the fuck?Why isnt this area closed off?People gotta get through.Okay, well take it from here.Again with the damn notebook.Helps me organize things.

26、If we tried to solve every Chinese crime.These men were butchered, Sergeant.Theyre gangsters. Its an occupational hazard.You smell that? Its opium.I dont need your little book to know that this was a tong hit.And tomorrow, some of their buddieswill butcher the guys that did this.Theres plenty more w

27、here they came from.Showing up every day by the boat-load.You can write that down.What do they want?They want them.And theyre welcome to him.Take it were not gonna write up a report?When it comes to the Chinese,were not cops.Were janitors.Our job is to mop it up and get the hell out of the waybefore

28、 the blades start to fly again.I warned you about this.The Hop Wei have controlled the molasses trade for years.They wont stand by while we break the treaty.Yeah, but opium is the future.Thats why the Hop Wei resourcesare growing faster than ours.If we dont get in now, we wont survive.This is no tim

29、e for war.Not with the duck government trying to drive us out.The longer we wait, the more powerful the Hop Wei become.And the bigger the target they make for the duck cops.Did you know theyve formed a Chinatown squad?- How did you know that? - I have my sources in the pond.What does Li Yong think?I

30、 assume you discussed it with him.He agrees that the Hop Wei are becoming too powerful.Look at my hand.I used to be able to snap the bones of a mans hand in mine.Now my hand shakes,my knees are weak,my heart skips every third or fourth beat.But if there is one advantage to old age.Its perspective.I need you to trust me.Sandlots more crowded than usual.Why pay for Irish labor when you can get three chinksfor the price of one?The regular working man is fucked.Maybe you should take it up with the men doing the hiringinstead of blam

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