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小初高学习高中英语 模块10 Unit 3 备课导学案6课时牛津版选修10.docx

1、小初高学习高中英语 模块10 Unit 3 备课导学案6课时牛津版选修10M10 Unit3 Protecting ourselves 学生版Periods 1-2 New wordsLearning aims(学习目标):1. Let students read the new words correctly and fluently.2. Get students to master some important words. Important points(学习重点): To master the usages of some important words.Learning proc

2、edures(学习过程):Step 1.Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible1.Read and recite new words and phrases in unit3. (方法引导:按音标正确读、背单词和短语) Step2.Language Focus.(查字典探究下列单词和词组的用法)cure , subscribe to ,chock ,promote , scold , addictive, in some case , session1.cure;n. 药方; 药 a wonderful cure for col

3、ds_v. 治愈, 治疗 cure sb. of sth父母试图改掉孩子的恶习。 _医生治好了她的癌症。 _2. subcribe to: (1)同意,赞成Not many people subscribe to the idea that money brings happiness._我们坚定认为我们的新产品不久将有很大的市场._(2预订, 订阅, 订购 我订阅中国日报已经有好几年了。_(3)捐款 subscribe liberally to the relief fund. _ 3. choke: verb 哽咽,咽住,卡住She choked to death on a fish bo

4、ne._Children can choke on peanuts. _ choke sth. back 抑制住、忍住(愤怒、悲伤) choke up 哽咽、噎住、因感情激动而说不出话 choke down 用力咽下、按捺住 choke off 抑制、使停止、阻止Ex:Hearing her mean words, I stood there trembling and tying to _ tears. A. choke out B. choke on C. choke back D. choke up4. addictive adj. 上瘾的v. n. 沉溺于, 醉心于_ _ ones a

5、ddiction to golf some cases: 在某些情况下case常用短语:in case (that) _ in case of_ in that case _in some cases _ in no case _in any case _as is often the case_Ex:1)_ fire, all exits must be kept clear. ( 天津2007)A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case of D. In spite of2) Leave your key with a neighbor _

6、you lock yourself out one day. (2007北京)A. ever since B. even if C. soon after D. in case6. promote: vn. _ adj._ (1) 提升;擢升(常与to连用)我们的老师已被提升为校长了。_(2)促销,推销;促进,推进 促进对外贸易_ 促销新产品_用promote及其相关词的适当形式填空1. It has long been known that regular exercise _ good health.2. There was a _ in the supermarket and they

7、were giving away free glasses of milk.3. How can you expect to be _ without working hard?4. The author organized a _ tour for the sale of his new book.(Promotespromotionpromotedpromotional)7. swallow (1)吞咽,咽下My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.He put a grape into his mouth and s

8、wallowed it whole.(2)哽咽,压制住 He swallowed hard and said, Dad, Ive got something to tell you.(3)n. C 燕子相关短语: swallow up 吞没;消失在中swallow ones words 收回自己的话 swallow ones pride 放下架子,不顾自己的尊严 说出下列swallow的词义 1. My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow._ 2. She swallowed the insult without comm

9、ent._ 3. The story about her father being rich is hard to swallow._4. Though she was really angry, she swallowed her anger and turned to face him._5. There were two swallows nesting above our front door._6. Peter book a long swallow of his drink and then ate some cookies._(吞下,咽下/忍受/相信/抑制,掩饰/燕子/一口,一次

10、吞咽的量 )8.scold vt/vi scold sb. for sth. _The parents scolded him severely for lying to them._9.session: n. 会议, 一届会议:Where was the first session of the U.N general Assembly held?_ (从事某活动)一段时间: a recording sessionhave quite a session with sb 和某人纠缠了一阵子 in session 在开会,在开庭, 在上课Step3:ConsolidationFinish th

11、e exerciseA1 and A2 in workbook on page 114.Step 4: 当堂检测:一、Word formation 1、bath vt/vi 给洗澡 2、infect 感染 adj 传染性的 3. unprotected 反 保护 n 4. distribution 分布 经销的,分销的 5.tasteless 美味的 v品尝 6.promote 提升 提拔n 7.unnecessary 必要的adv 必要的 必要性 8.addictive 对入迷 上瘾的 n 入迷 9.class 阶级 将分类 经典的 10.physically 身体的 n 物理 11.psy

12、chologically 心理上的 心理学家 心理学 12.forgetful 易被忘的 令人难忘的 过去式 完成 13.subscribe 描述 开处方 14 eraser v 抹去 15 withdrawal v收回 二根据中文提示或首字母或所给词汇完成单词拼写,注意格式。 1、The garden was b (沐浴) in moonlight . 2、This apple is quite t _ ;it is neither sweet nor sour . 3、Shes so f _ that she has to make a note of everything . 4、Im

13、afraid your sons been I _ (卷入) in an accident . 5、It is l _ (可能) that the train will be late . 6、His _ is very bad . (pronounce) 7、The case _ my clothes may be taken by mistake . (contain) 8、_ farming is the key to the further development of agriculture . (science) 9、Their opinion is _ opposite to o

14、urs . (entire) 10、Early to bed and early to wise is a _ way of living . (health) 11. I was torn between the two a _(选择)。12. One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon _(感染) other children. 13. He headed the ball into an open goal, one temporarily _(无防护的) by the goalkeeper. 14. The mother d

15、ied in _(分娩)。15. If you are not planning on _(哺乳), you have to decide on a formula. 16. I cant _(同意) to unnecessary killing. 17. Now Ive realized that my _(估计) of her character was one-sided. 18. The TV station was bombarded with complaints against a _(没有品位的) program.19. The doctor wrote me a _(处方)

16、for medicine for my cough. 20. Many women find their skin is at its best during _(怀孕)。四、翻译下列句子:1我不能同意这种看法。_2. 艾滋病没有任何治疗方法。_.3. 那位讲师被提升为了教授。_.4. 他因懒惰而受斥责。_5. 这位名演员向慈善事业捐助了一百万元。_学习反思:你所做的这些都掌握了吗?M10 Unit3 Protecting ourselves Period 3 Reading(1)Teaching Aims:1. Train the students reading ability.2. Ge

17、t the students to learn about how to protect themselves from Aids.Teaching Important Points:1. Learn to use the words and expressions in the text:2. Train the students reading ability.Teaching Methods:1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.2. Careful reading to get the detailed informatio

18、n.3. Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.4. Pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Procedures:Step 1:Lead inHow much do you know about Aids ?1.Are you familiar with this red ribbon? Whats it related to? 2.What does it mean? Step 2: Fast read

19、ing;True or false questions ,1. Only bad people get AIDS. 2. I can become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV. 3. In 2002, there were 42 million people living with HIV/ AIDS in the world. 4. People who have not injected drugs do not need to get tested f

20、or HIV. 5. If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick. 6. HIV/AIDS is difficult to cure. 7. People who have HIV look different from everyone else. 8. It is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/AIDS. Step 3: SkimmingRead the following TV news special transcript quickly and

21、 answer these questions1. What is this TV news special about? _ 2. How many people around the world are infected with HIV every day? _ 3. What places have been affected by Aids? _ Step 4 Careful readingC1.How well did you understand the details in the TV news special transcript? Read it again and an

22、swer the following questions.1. What does Aids stand for? 2. How many children have been affected by Aids so far ? 3. How does HIV affect the body? _ _4. What are the three ways Aids is transmitted? _ 5. What is being done in China to help control the Aids epidemic? _6. What is the aim of UNAIDS? _

23、7. What does UNAIDS do for people who think they might have the virus? _8. Why did Ajani not catch the virus from his mother? _ Step 5: Consolidation ;How do people become infected with HIV/AIDS?Step 6 当堂检测: Aids is caused by a virus called HIV, which enters a persons blood and attacks the bodys _sy

24、stem. There is no cure for HIV or Aids, and after a person has been infected, he or she will always carry the virus: Sometimes, infected people have no _ symptoms, so they do not know that they are _. One of the first symptoms that most HIV-positive people have is a _ immune system. As the immune system weakens , it loses the ability to fight illnesses. The virus is spread in three ways - through unprotected sex, blood-to blood _ and mother to child transmission. Unprotected sex is the most com

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