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新编大学英语阅读教程第二版进阶篇答案及拓展学习资源Unit 3 16.docx

1、新编大学英语阅读教程第二版进阶篇答案及拓展学习资源Unit 3 16Should We Torture Suspects for Information?你支持严刑逼供恐怖分子吗?People are divided about whether governments should torture people suspected of terrorism.人们对应不应该对恐怖分子实施酷刑持不同看法。Torture involves severe physical or emotional pain to gain information from someone.酷刑即对恐怖分子造成身体或精

2、神上的痛苦,从而获取情报。The Pew Research Center asked people in 38 nations if they believe torture is justified to gain information from suspected terrorists about future attacks. The average support for torture in the 38 countries was 40 percent.皮尤研究中心对来自38个国家的人做了调查,在他们看来,对还未实行恐怖袭击的恐怖分子严刑逼供是否合法公平。在这来自38个国家的人中

3、,平均支持率为40%。Governments sometimes defend torture as a way of learning about a planned terrorist attack so they can take action to prevent it.政府有时将酷刑作为一种获取恐怖袭击情报的方法,因此他们可以提前采取行动,预防恐怖袭击。But a U.S. Senate Committee report said brutal questioning of suspects does not work. In 2014, the committee said tor

4、ture was “not an effective means of acquiring intelligence or gaining cooperation” from terrorist suspects.但美国参议院委员会的报告显示,强化审讯技术对获得情报收效甚微。2014年,委员会表示,拷问并不是一中获取情报或让嫌犯配合的有效方式。The most support for torture came from people in Uganda. Seventy eight percent of Ugandans polled by the Pew Research Center sa

5、id they support torture against suspected terrorists.来自乌干达的人最支持酷刑。据皮尤研究中心的调查,78%的乌干达人给酷刑投了赞成票。Other countries with more than 58 percent support for torture were Lebanon,Israel, Kenya, Nigeria and the United States, Pew said.皮尤说,其他支持率超过58%的被调查者来自黎巴嫩、以色列、肯尼亚、尼日利亚和美国。All those nations have experienced

6、terrorist attacks.这些国家都曾遭遇恐怖袭击。The lowest percentages of support for torture came from people in Argentina, Ukraine, Venezuela, Chile and Indonesia. Support in those five nations was 22 percent or less.支持率最低的被调查者来自阿根廷、乌克兰、委内瑞拉、智利和印度尼西亚。这五个国家的支持率为22%或以下。Richard Wike of the Pew Research Center reporte

7、d recently on the research about support for torture. It was based on interviews that Pew did last year.美国皮尤研究中心的Richard Wike基于皮尤去年做的的采访,就支持酷刑的调查做了报告。He said people who believe their own governments should use torture were more likely to support the United States response to the 2001 terrorist attac

8、ks.他说,那些支持政府对恐怖分子施以酷刑的人更可能支持美国回击2001年的恐怖袭击。The deadly attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. led the George W. Bush administration to permit tougher treatment of suspected terrorists. It included keeping suspects awake for long hours, playing loud music and “waterboarding.”纽约和华盛顿遭遇恐怖袭击之后,布什政府加

9、强了对恐怖分子的审问手段。这种手段包括剥夺睡眠,对囚犯播放大声地噪音或音乐和“水刑”。Waterboarding is when water is poured on a cloth covering the face of a captive. It makes people feel they are drowning. Critics called the treatment torture, but the Bush administration denied this.这是一种使囚犯以为自己快被溺毙的刑讯方式,犯人被绑成脚比头高的姿势,脸部被毛巾盖住,然后把水倒在囚犯脸上。有人指责该

10、刑法为虐待囚犯,但布什政府否认了这一说法。The treatment of terrorism suspects drew criticism. U.S. Senator John McCain, a Republican from Arizona, said torture is not effective and could subject U.S. troops to similar treatment.对恐怖分子的酷刑遭到了谴责。美国参议员约翰麦凯恩是一名来自亚利桑那州的共和党人士。他说,实施酷刑收效甚微,且可能使美国士兵遭遇同样的虐待。President Barack Obama,

11、who beat McCain in the 2008 presidential race,issued an order banning torture after his election win.奥巴马于2008年总统大选时战胜麦凯恩成为美国总统。在他当选后,他颁布了一条禁止虐囚的法令。Businessman Donald Trump, a leading Republican presidential candidate,said he supports waterboarding to deal with Islamic State terrorists.商人唐纳德特朗普,共和党总统

12、候选人,说他支持对伊斯兰国家的恐怖分子实施水刑。“Were like living in medieval times. If I have to do it and if its up to me, I would absolutely bring back waterboarding, Trump told ABC.“我们就像生活在中世纪。如果我是总统,如果非做不可的话,我绝对愿意回复水刑。”特朗普对吗,美国广播公司说。Im Christopher Jones-Cruise.我是克里斯多夫琼斯克鲁斯。Should We Torture Suspects for Information?Pe

13、ople are divided about whether governments should torture people suspected of terrorism.Torture involves severe physical or emotional pain to gain information from someone.The Pew Research Center asked people in 38 nations if they believe torture is justified to gain information from suspected terro

14、rists about future attacks. The average support for torture in the 38 countries was 40 percent.Governments sometimes defend torture as a way of learning about a planned terrorist attack so they can take action to prevent it.But a U.S. Senate Committee report said brutal questioning of suspects does

15、not work. In 2014, the committee said torture was “not an effective means of acquiring intelligence or gaining cooperation” from terrorist suspects.The most support for torture came from people in Uganda. Seventy eight percent of Ugandans polled by the Pew Research Center said they support torture a

16、gainst suspected terrorists.Other countries with more than 58 percent support for torture were Lebanon,Israel, Kenya, Nigeria and the United States, Pew said.All those nations have experienced terrorist attacks.The lowest percentages of support for torture came from people in Argentina,Ukraine, Vene

17、zuela, Chile and Indonesia. Support in those five nations was 22 percent or less.Richard Wike of the Pew Research Center reported recently on the researchabout support for torture. It was based on interviews that Pew did last year.He said people who believe their own governments should use torture w

18、eremore likely to support the United States response to the 2001 terroristattacks.The deadly attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. led the GeorgeW. Bush administration to permit tougher treatment of suspected terrorists. Itincluded keeping suspects awake for long hours, playing loud music and

19、 “waterboarding.”Waterboarding is when water is poured on a cloth covering the face of acaptive. It makes people feel they are drowning. Critics called the treatmenttorture, but the Bush administration denied this.The treatment of terrorism suspects drew criticism. U.S. Senator JohnMcCain, a Republi

20、can from Arizona, said torture is not effective and couldsubject U.S. troops to similar treatment.President Barack Obama, who beat McCain in the 2008 presidential race,issued an order banning torture after his election win.Businessman Donald Trump, a leading Republican presidential candidate,said he

21、 supports waterboarding to deal with Islamic State terrorists.“Were like living in medieval times. If I have to do it and if its up to me, Iwould absolutely bring back waterboarding, Trump told ABC.Im Christopher Jones-Cruise.Words in This Storymeans - n. way or methodacquiring - v. to come to have

22、or to get somethingtougher - adj. strongerdrew - v. led toissued - v. to give something in an official way; releasedmedieval adj. of or relating to the Middle Ages relating to the period ofEuropean history from about A.D. 500 to about 1500absolutely adv. in a complete way; not limitedFamily LifeVick

23、i: Hello and welcome to Ask About Britain, the programme where we answer your questions about British people and how they live their lives. Im Vicki Chen Li: 大家好,我是陈藜。今天的问题来自何建,她目前正在英国学习。 Vicki: And her questions today are all about families. INSERT 1 I dont think British family members are as close

24、 as Chinese family members. When children grow up, they tend to move out as soon as possible. In China we live with our parents, even though people get married they still want to live with their parents. Its your duty to look after your parents dont people do this in Britain? Vicki: OK, well thats a

25、 very interesting question from He Jian, but before we answer it, lets look at some of the language she used. She used three phrasal verbs to grow up, Chen Li: 长大。 Vicki: To move out, Chen Li: 搬出去,也就是分家。 Vicki: And to look after. Chen Li: 照顾。 Vicki: She also said people tend to move out to tend to d

26、o something. Chen Li: 意思是倾向于去做,这里他用这个词来比较形容英中家庭的不同。 Vicki: Close. Chen Li: 意思是情感上的亲近。 Vicki: And a word which well hear more of later duty. Chen Li: 意思是责任。 Vicki: Now, first of all, we asked some people in Britain if they would like to live with their parents once they were grown up. INSERT 2 Woman

27、(laughs) No, I dont think so! Man Living with my parents? My goodness! No, I think Im too old and theyre too old for us to live together without getting on each others nerves. I dont think theyd like it either. Woman Absolutely not, Im quite happy not living with them any more. Chen Li: 显然,大多数人认为他们成

28、年后,是不愿意和父母住在一起的。看来HE JIAN 的看法是正确的。英国人不怎么亲近他们的父母。 Vicki: One person said they would “get on each others nerves”, or irritate each other. Chen Li: 但是,如果你的父母需要你呢? Vicki: Well, that might be a different matter. If your parents are elderly and are unable to live alone, maybe people do feel that they shou

29、ld look after them. Chen Li: 在我们听其他的采访片断之前,首先来学习几个短语和词语。 Vicki: In principle. Chen Li: 原则上。 Vicki: Dependent. Chen Li: 依赖的。 INSERT 3 Man: I think Id put it off for as long as possible, but in principle yes, I would have them with me if they became dependent Man: Id like to think wed have them in the

30、 house with us, but logistically it might be a bit of a conundrum. Woman: Yes, I think it will be my duty, my responsibility to make sure that theyre OK. Chen Li: 看来,虽然这很难,人们可能不那么情愿去做,但是,如果有必要,他们还是会亲自去照顾他们的父母。 Vicki: That last man thinks it that logistically it would be a conundrum. Chen Li: Logisti

31、cally 逻辑上说,a conundrum 难题。 YOURE LISTENING TO BBC LEARNING ENGLISH Vicki: Weve already heard some British peoples views on living with or looking after their parents. Chen Li: 大多数人是愿意和父母之在一起的。但是如果父母老了,或者不能独立生活了,作为子女,还是会去照看他们。 Vicki: Now weve got another question from He Jian. INSERT 4 How important is privacy in British families? For example in China parents think they have the right to read a childs diary or letters. Chen Li: 这个问题都是和隐私有关的。 Vicki: Privacy or privacy. Well also hear people talk about childrens rights their rights. Chen Li: 他们的权利。 Vicki: And He Ji

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