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1、go back to ,how Iong , photo, 并三会掌握summer holiday/stay/so un d/Dis neyla nd/Ocea n Park/Taipei.2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型: Will you?及其肯定和否定答语; Where/Howlong /How /What will you ?及其答句.教学 重难点1.正确掌握,灵活运用 will来表达一般将来时句型。2.能理解、朗读、复述 Story time 。3.通过课文的学习,学生们能互相分享暑假出游的快乐。教具学具图片、课件、电脑等教学过程诊断调整Step 1 Before-readi ng1

2、.Enjoy the pictures.T: Last Summer holiday, I went to . with my family. I took many pictures. Do you want to enjoy them?2.Free talkStep 2 While-readi ng1.T: Some one is talki ng about Summer holiday pla ns,too. Please watch the cartoon the n an swer the questi ons.Q:Who are talki ng about their summ

3、er holiday pla ns?2.T: “ Where will they go for the Summer holiday? ” Liste n to the tape, match the pictures the n talk about their pla ns. Mike will go to 3.Ope n your books and turn to Page 68 and 69. Read the dialogue quickly and judge the senten ces. You can un derli ne the an swer with your pe

4、n cil.a.Yang Ling will visit her aunt and uncle in Beijing. ( )b.SU Hai will go to Dis neyla nd and Ocean Park. ( )c.Liu Tao will go to Taipei with his frien ds. ( )d.L iu Tao will show some clothes to Su Hai. ( )Learn new words “ Disneyland and Ocean Park”4.Read the dialogue again,then find the ans

5、wer.Q1: Will Ya ng Ling go to Beiji ng by pla ne?Q2: Where is Mike from? How do you know?Q3: How long will Mike stay in Lon do n?5.Readi ng time.(1)Read the dialogue after the tape. Try to imitate the pronunciation and inton ati on of the record ing.(2)Read together.(3)Read in groups.(4)Show time.St

6、ep 3 After the readi ng.1.Repeat the text.2.Finish Mike s notes.You did a good job. Mike is writi ng about every one s summer holidaypla ns. Please help him complete the no tes.3.Check the an swer.Step 4 Homework1.Read the dialogue2.Talk about your summer holiday pla n.板书设计 总6课时 第2课时Step 1 Warm upRe

7、view the text(1)Liste n and fill in a form(2)Try to retell the story(3)Try to an swer:a.Will Mike go back to London for the summer holiday?b.Will he stay there for two weeks?c.Will Yang Ling go to see her uncle and aunt for the summer holiday?d.Will Liu Tao go to Taipei with his pare nts for the sum

8、mer holiday?Step 2 Prese ntati onGrammar time1.Read and find总结出一般将来时的 will句型一般疑问句基本结构及其回答:Will+主语+动词原形+? Yes,will. / No,wont. 提示: wont = will notThink and judge Well talk about our summer holiday pla ns. If we want to talk about our summer holiday pla ns, which questi ons can we ask?Ss discuss in gr

9、oups. Then share them in class. I have a summer holiday plan too. What do you want to know about my summer holiday pla n.让学生根据思维导图用特殊疑问词提问3.Read and find aga in.总结出一般将来时的 will句型特殊疑问句基本结构及其回答:特殊疑冋词+ will+主语+动词原形+?主语+will+动词原形+?Work in pairs to discuss your pla ns with your deskmates.Fun time1.Let s s

10、hare our plans for the summer holiday.2. 示范游戏:将学生分成四人一小组,仿照 Fun time范例进行游戏。3.小组游戏:(Play the game in groups.)4.选择人数相同的两组进行 PK挑战。Step 3 Con solidatio n and practice1.Share your best friends summer holiday plans 2.语法总结。1.熟读Grammar time 中的句型。2. 试着写写你朋友的暑假计划 。 总6课时 第3课时2.能理解、朗读、复述 Story time。Step 1 Free

11、talk and warm up1.Free talk2.Warm upStep 2 Culture time Today, let me in troduce some in terest ing places to you.Picture1Uluru. It a large sandstone rock formation. You llfind Uluru in Australia.Picture 2The Grand Canyon. It is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River. It is containe d wit

12、h in and man aged by Grand Canyon Nati onal Park. You find the Grand Ca nyon in the US.Picture3Buck in gham Palace. It as large tow nhouse built for the Duke of Buck in gham in 1703 .It has bee n a focus for the British people.Picture4Niagara Falls. It s the collective name for three waterfalls that

13、 straddle the international border between Canada and the US. You ll finein Can ada. We knew four in teresti ng places. If you have eno ugh money and time, which one will choose to visit? Why?Step 3 Cartoon time1.Bobby likes traveli ng. He has a travel book.(Teach: a travel book) Look, he is readi n

14、g the travel book. What does Bobby say?2.Liste n and an swer.Bobby: I want to be a traveller and travel around the world.(Teach: traveller)3.Watch and an swer4.Readi ng time.a.Read after the computer.llNiagara Fallsb.Read in pairs.c.Ask 3-4pairs to read.5.Work in pairs and act the dialogue.Step 4 Co

15、n solidatio n Bobby wants to be a traveller. Do you want to be a traveller. Do you want to travel around the world? Where do you want to go? Talk your pla ns with your partn ers.2.Talk in pairs.(Talk in pairs and try to take some notes of your partner pla ns.)3.What s his/her plans?(Try to tell us s

16、omething about your partner Step 5 Homework1.Read the story of cartoon time2.Preview Sound time and Checkout time .ss plc 总6课时 第4课时go back to ,how Iong , photo,并三会掌握 summerholiday/stay/so un d/Dis neyla nd/Ocea n Park/Taipei. long /How /What will you ?Where/HowStep 1 Revisi onBobby will get to the U

17、K by taxi. Is it a good idea?How will you get there if you want to go to the UK?(1)Look at the pictures: train, toy trainFill in the bla nks.teach oy ?(2)Liste n and repeat, the n read together.(3)Try to read more words with oy ?.(4)Ticking time.I know how to pronounce “ oy ” .(1)think and writeThe

18、boy is full of joy because he can play with a toytrai n. But if he can travel by train, he will have more fun. Will you travel by trai n?(2)Do a surveyWhat will you go for the summer holiday?How will you go?When will you go for the summer holiday?How long will you stay there?What will you do there?(

19、3)Think and write.(P76)(4)Ask and an swer (Work in pairs.)1. What will you go for the summer holiday?I ll.Will you.?Yes/No.2.Compare your plan and your friend s. Tell us your friend s plan.Write dow n , the n read in groups of four. The n each group choose one reporter. Step 4 Homework1.Review Un it

20、 7 carefully.2.Talk about your pla ns with your frien ds. 总6课时 第5课时long /How /What will you ?1.Greeti ngs2.Have a dictati on3.ReviewStep 2 Do the exercise.1.Do the liste ning part.2.Then check the an swers.3.Do the writing part.4.Check the an swers.Step3 Homework1.Review Un it 7 and finish the exerc

21、ises about this un it.2.Preview Unit 8.3.待在那里 5.环游世界 7. 一本旅游书 9.对感到很兴奋 二、按要求写词1.will not(缩写)4. travel (名词)现在分词).5. photo (复数)4.听起来很棒6.去迪斯尼乐园8.成为一名旅行者10.为期一个月 3.visit (名词) 6. stay (三单)7.same(反义词)反义词) 9. by (同音词)三、改写句子1.My mother will stay in Suzhou for two weeks.( 提问) mother stay in

22、Suzhou?2.They will go to London.( 提问) they ?3.Su Hai will go to Ho ng Kong.( 一般疑问句) Su Hai to Hong Kong?4.I ll see a film with Helen.改一般疑问句并否定回答 ) see a film with Helen? , 5.Tom will put on a play tonight.( 改否定句 )Tom put on aplay toni ght.6.She ll go to Shanghaby bus.(提问) she toSha nghai?四、用所给词的适当形式

23、填空1.My brother (study) in the UK next term.2.He must (clea n) the classroom now.3.You should (be) quiet in the library.4.Please tell me how (cook) an egg.5.There are many beautiful (city) in our coun try.6.Are you (play) the pia no tomorrow?7.My father usually (drive) to the factory.8.Her brother often (finish) his homework beforedinner.9.The football game is (excite).10.Sam is (excite) about the travel pla n.

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