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1、英语系语言学考研注意事项语言学是考研比较头疼的课程,以下几个复习中需要注意的问题,供你参考: 第一,要注意基本概念和基本理论。基本概念要烂熟于心,做到能见到概念就知道它属于哪个章节,基本内容是什么,对这个概念不同的语言学流派有什么不同的理解,你个人的见解又是什么。基本理论要清楚,要知道在对待同一个问题时不同的理论是如何处理的,它们的哲学基础是什么?它们的理论前提是什么?它们的优势和弊端都是什么?你对这些理论有什么评价? 第二,要注意对于基本理论的应用。比如在音位学章节里,用区别性特征理论的研究结果来描写音位;在形态学里,用派生形态学的理论来解释构词法;在句法学里,用直接成分分析法和树形图来解释

2、歧义句等等。这些经典理论的运用在考试中是经常出现的。 第三,要注意语言学和其他学科的联系。虽然在考试中主要考察语言学的核心学科,可是语言学和其它学科的交叉有时也占有一定的比例。所以建议大家多看看相关的章节,掌握一下那个章节的概貌:比如说,社会语言学、二语习得、计算语言学、历史比较语言学等等。 第四,要注意创造性地理解和解释新现象。在考试题目中,总会有些平时复习没有见过的语言材料让你来分析。这时不要紧张,要仔细思考那其中所包含的信息,并检索自己知识系统中的相关理论去解释它。要有创造性的见解。第五,要多做练习。 英语语言学概论重点难点提示第一章概论语言的定义:语言的基本特征(任意性、二重性、多产性

3、、移位、文化传递和互换性);语言的功能(寒暄、指令、提供信息、询问、表达主观感情、唤起对方的感情和言语行为);语言的起源(神授说,人造说,进化说)等。语言学定义;研究语言的四大原则(穷尽、一致、简洁、客观);语言学的基本概念(口语与书面语、共时与历时、语言与言学、语言能力与言行运用、语言潜势与语言行为);普通语言学的分支(语音、音位、语法、句法、语义);语言学的应用(语言学与语言教学、语言与社会、语言与文字、语言与心理学、人类语言学、神经语言学、数理语言学、计算语言学)等。第三章 语音学和音位学发音器官的英文名称;英语辅音的发音部位和发音方法;语音学的定义;三大分支(发音语音学;听觉语音学;声

4、学语音学);元音及辅音的分类;严式与宽式标音等。音位理论;最小对立体;自由变异;互补分布;语音的相似性;区别性特征;超语段音位学;音节;重音(词重音、句子重音、音高和语调)等。第三章 词法学词法的定义;曲折词与派生词;构词法(合成与派生);词素的定义;词素变体;自由词素;粘着词素(词根,词缀和词干)等。词的定义;语法词与词汇词;变词与不变词;封闭词与开放词;词的辨认;习语与搭配。第四章 句法学句法的定义;句法关系;结构;成分;直接成分分析法;并列结构与从属结构;句子成分;范畴(性,数,格);一致;短语,从句,句子扩展等。第五章 语义学语义的定义;语义的有关理论;意义种类(传统、功能、语用);里

5、奇的语义分类;词汇意义关系(同义、反义、下义);句子语义关系。第六章 语言变化语言的发展变化(词汇变化、语音书写文字、语法变化、语义变化);第七章 语言、思维与文化语言与文化的定义;萨丕尔-沃夫假说;语言与思维的关系;语言与文化的关系;中西文化的异同。第八章 语用学语用学的定义;语义学与语用学的区别;语境与意义;言语行为理论(言内行为、言外行为和言后行为);合作原则。第九章 语言学和外语教学语言学与外语教学的关系;各种语言观及其在外语学习和外语教学中的意义 ;大纲设计 ; 语言学习 :1语法与语言学习 2输入和语言学习3中际语与语言学;错误分析 ;测试 第十章 语言习得母语习得理论(行为主义,

6、天生论);二语习得(对比分析,错误分析,中介语);二语习得中的个体差异(语言学能,认知差异,性格特征,学习策略);第十一章 现代语言学理论与流派布拉格学派,伦敦学派, 美国结构主义学派, 转换生成语法各流派的代表人物,重要文献;各流派的理论基础、特点、主要观点、重要概念。模拟题TEST 1I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully, decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B,

7、C or D in the brackets. (1% X15=15%) 1.Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar for it is mostly _. A. prescriptive B. descriptive C. subjective D. diachronic2.Which of the following is not a major branch of linguistics? A. phonetics B. phonologyC. speech D. syntax3._ phonetics studies sp

8、eech organs and how speech sounds are made (articulated) by the vocal organs.A.Acoustic B. Articulatory C. Arithmetic D. Auditory4. _ studies the internal structure of words and the rules that govern theirformation.A. Phonology B. Semantics C. Syntax D. Morphology5.English consonants can be classifi

9、ed in terms of _. A. manner of articulation B. place of articulationC. force of articulation D. Both A and B6.N. Chomsky is a famous _ linguist.A. American B. British C. Greek D. Swiss7.The words “petrol” and “gasoline” are synonyms differing in _. A. styles B.dialects C.register D. connotative mean

10、ing8.Which of the following two-term sets are gradable antonyms?A. hot/cold B. doctor/patient C. single/married D. husband /wife9.Which of the following set of features is correct to describe the sound f in English?A.voiced palatal affricative B.voiced alveolar stopC.voiceless velar fricative D.voic

11、eless labiodental fricative10. What is the sentential relationship between “Johns bike needs repairing.” and “John has a bike.”?A. Entailment B. Presupposition C. Contradiction D. Anomaly11. _ is the sentence structure that groups words into structural constituents and shows the syntactic category o

12、f each structural constituent such as NP and VP. A. S-structure B. D-structure C. Linear structure D. Hierarchical structure12. Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. This feature is called _.A. duality B. displacement C. creativity D. reliabi

13、lity13. The affixes which manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as “-ing, -est” are called _. A. derivational affixes B. free morphemes C. inflectional affixes D. roots14. Which of the following underlined letter is different from others in pronunciation?A. since B. s

14、ink C. sunglass D thank15. The sounds /k/ and /g/ are separate _.A. allophones B. phonemes C. morphemes D. allomorphsII. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only,

15、and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1% X 10=10%)1.Language is a system of a_ vocal symbols used for human communication.2.The principal suprasegmental features include syllable, stress, tone and i_.3.An e_ construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to one of i

16、ts constituents, which serves as the centre of the whole.4.C_ vowels are a set of vowel qualities arbitrarily defined, fixed and unchanging, intended to provide a frame of reference for the description of the actual vowels of existing languages. 5.The pair of words “female and male” belongs to the c

17、_ antonyms.6.The word that is more general in meaning is called the s_, and the more specific words are called its hyponyms.7.English speech sounds can be classified into vowels and c_.8.A p_ is what is expressed by a declarative sentence when the sentence is uttered to make a statement with truth v

18、alue as its important property.9.The study of language development at some point in time is generally termed as s_ linguistics.10.G_ is a relationship in which a word of a certain class determines the form of others in terms of certain category, while concord is known as agreement.III. Directions: J

19、udge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (1% X20 = 20%)1.Langue is relatively stable and systematic while parole is subject to personal and situational constraints.2.Vibration of the vocal cords result

20、s in a quality of speech sounds called voicing.3.Transformational rules do not change the basic meanings of sentences.4.The word “flower” is the superordinate of the hyponyms “rose”, “tulip” and “lily”.5.Chomsky defines competence as the actual realization of the ideal users knowledge of the rules o

21、f his language in linguistic communication. 6.Phonology is a branch of linguistics which studies the sentence patterns of a language. 7.All vowels and nasals are voiced.8.Halliday has tried to relate the functions of languages to its structures.9.Sense and reference are two terms often encountered i

22、n the study of meaning. They are two related but different aspects of meaning.10.A study of the features of the Chinese used in the Tang Dynasty is a diachronic study.11.p is a voiceless bilabial stop.12.Since English has so many loan words, complete synonyms are commonly seen.13.Inflectional affixe

23、s are those whose major function is to attach themselves to other morphemes to form a new word. 14.Linguistics studies any particular language, not languages in general.15.A scientific study of language is based on what the linguist thinks.16.For any natural language, a set of syntactic rules is not

24、 capable of yielding an unlimited number of sentences in that language.17.A syllable without a coda is a closed syllable.18.The phrase “green house” with the first element stressed means “a house which is green in colour.”19.Componential analysis is a way proposed by the structural semanticists to a

25、nalyze sentence meaning.20.The transcription of speech sound with diacritics is called narrow transcription.IV. Directions: Match the linguists in Column A with their relevant theories or linguistic contribution in Column B (1% X 10=10%) AB1.Ferdinand de Saussure2.Daniel Jones3.Geoffrey Leech4.Ogden

26、 & Richards5.J. Katz6.Malinowski 7.Bloomfield8.Noam Chomsky9.M. A. K. Halliday10.J. R. FirthA.SemanticsB.the semantic triangleC.Phatic communionD.TG GrammarE.IPAF.Course in General LinguisticsG.“The Structure of a Semantic TheoryH.Systemic-Functional GrammarI.The structural approachJ.TheLondonSchool

27、V. Directions: Analyze the sentences (5% X 2=10%)1. Analyze the following ambiguous phrase with immediate component analysis (labeled tree diagram) more reliable information2. Use the appropriate phrase structure rules to draw a labeled tree diagramThe student saw an accident on the street.VI.Direct

28、ions: Explain the following terms. (2%X5=10%)1. duality 2. vowel 3. hyponymy 4. stop (爆破音) 5. acronymVII.Directions: Answer the following questions as comprehensively as possible.Give examples for illustration if necessary(5% X 5=25%)1.Illustrate the main functions of language?2. How is phonology re

29、lated to and different from phonetics?3.Illustrate Chomskys distinction of competence and performance.4.What are the ways of classifying words in English?5.What is the referential theory?Additional PartDirections:After you have finished answering the above questions, comment on the following paragra

30、ph if youd like. Your achievement on this part will be used as reference for your final score. If time is up when you come to this part, it will not influence the evaluation on your performance in this test.A professor writes a recommendation letter as follows:“John Wang regularly and punctually attended all my classes. All his assignments were handed in on time and very neatly presented. I greatly enjoyed having John Wang

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