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1、八年级下Unit2第四课时 Unit 2 What should I do? 第四课时 Section B (1a-2c) Teaching and Learning Goals:(教学目标):This class, well learn these new words and phrases: original, the same as, in style, inexpensive and haircut. We are going to learn How to talk about problems and How to give advice. You can use should/s

2、houldnt .OPEN YOUR HEART, TAKE ME TO YOUR HEART(敞开心扉), we are a big family, lets help each other and each other. (设计意图:目标引领, 用一段话来表述本节课的知识,能力和情感目标。心形图案既新颖又温馨。)Teaching and learning steps:Previewing and testing (预习检测,课前完成)Ask the students to look at Page 13, translate the following Chinese into Engli

3、sh.(一) First ask the students to put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the book.(1) 新颖 _ (2) 舒适 _ (3) 与我朋友的衣服一样 _(4)流行_(5)过时 _ (6) 色彩艳丽_(7)穿相同的衣服_(8)有一样的发型_(二) Ask the students to translate the following sentences.(1)我朋友的衣服比我的漂亮。_(2)他们是新颖的。_(3) 他们便宜。_(4)我朋友穿着和我一样的衣服,有

4、和我一样的发型。_(设计意图:课前预习,以学生为主体,让学生主动参与,体验,感知新知识,对文本中的重点短语和句型有所了解,能够帮助学生课上有针对性的听讲,更能帮助学生更好的理解文本 以学定教)Step 1 .Warming up and leading-in. (热身导入)Task1. look at the pictures and make conversations.Ask the students to look at the following pictures, let them to discuss what problems they have or he/it has, di

5、scuss and answer. T: There are four pictures below. There is something wrong with the owners. Lets talk about their problems and give them some advice. You can do like this:A: Look ! They are playing CDs. What problems do they have?B: I think they are playing too aloud .A: What should they do?B: The

6、y should stop playing them. (They should turn them down.)(They should turn them off. ) (设计意图:利用图片可以可以使课堂生动有趣,大量的对话练习锻炼了学生的口语,又可以把本节课的语法点提前感知,极大地调动了学生学习的积极性。)Task2.Ask them to look at the following pictures, T: Its getting warmer and warmer. I want to buy some new clothes.”What do you think of these

7、clothes? When you choose clothes, what is important to you? I think they are in style(流行,时髦) I think they are original (新颖). I think they are out of style(过时,不时髦).I think the clothes are colorful(色彩艳丽)l. I think the clothes are comfortable(舒适). I think the clothes are inexpensive(便宜).(设计意图): 通过新颖鲜活的

8、图片展示,既吸引学生的注意力又引导学生进一步巩固文本中的单词和短语,扫除课堂中的单词障碍,提高学生的学习兴趣。)Task3.PairworkT: You have talked about something on the clothes above.Now please tell your partner your answers or opinions. You can say like this: I think “They are comfortable .” is very important. “They are original.” ,”They are colorful.”an

9、d “They are in style.” are important. “They are the same as my friends clothes .” and “They are inpensive.” are not important.Ask them to write NI (for not important) , I( for important) or VI (for very important). (设计意图):(通过Pairwork 的练习,可以使学生更加大胆的张嘴说话,讨论的是自己的看法,更易调动他们的学习激情。为2a与 2b听力中的提出问题,给出建议做了铺垫。

10、)Step2. While-listening activities. (听中活动)Task1.Listen for the general idea听取大意Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.the ugly haircut the same haircut the same clothesT: Boys and girls, lets look at the pictures above. The boy has a ugly haircut . The girls have the sane haircut and cl

11、othes. Do you think its annoying(烦人的)? Now lets learn about Erins annoying problem. Please listen to the tape, try to check her problem!What is Erins problem? A. My friend has nicer clothes than I do.B. My friend wears the same clothes and has the same haircut as I do.C. I dont like my friends cloth

12、es and haircut.(设计意图):让学生通过听录音整体感知,并找出谈论的主旨大意。对文章有大体理解,便于第2步细节的听取。强化对新知识的掌握与运用.听听力之前要对学生进行相关听力策略,在听听力之前先仔细审题,找出需要听的关键词,即用下划线标注的词的指导。这样能提高学生整体理解听力内容的能力,并能提高学生的听力效能。)Task2.Listen for the specific ideas听取细节1. Listen and fill in the chartT:My dear friends, the answer that you gave me is right. Now pleas

13、e look at the chart below, three good listeners give Erin some advice , they want to help her, they are kind people. Do you want to know what advice they gave to Erin? Lets listen to the tape again carefully and fill in the chart.PersonAdviceKimNicoleEmilio2.Check the Ss answers(设计意图):(此处要让学生听两遍听力,第

14、一遍填表格,第二遍核实答案。便于学生校对,第一遍没听清的还可以补充完整。Step 3 Post-reading activities.(听后活动)Task1. Listen and fill in the blanks.Host: Hi, Erin. _ _ _ Teen Talk 109,1 FM. Whats the _ ?Erin: Well, see, I always wear _ clothes, and I have a really neat haircut. Host: Yes?Erin: Its my friends, Jasmine. She _ the same clo

15、thes as I do, and she even _the same haircut. She _ everything I do. I want to be _. I want to have my own clothes and my own haircut.Host: Lets see if a listener has some _ for you. Kim is calling. Hello, Kim.Kim: Hello.Host: What _ you have _ Erin?Kim: I think she should _ her friend _ get _ cloth

16、es and a different haircut.Host:_ _ _ your advice. Kim. OK, we have another one on the line. Nicole is calling.Nicole: Hi. I think Erin should _ happy that her friends likes her clothes and haircut . I dont think Erin has a _ !Host: Thats an interesting _. Thank you , Nicole. OK, we have time for _

17、_ person. Emilio is on the line.Emilio: Well ,um, I think that Erin should find a new best friend . No one _ a friend _ isnt _!(设计意图):(听并填出空缺的单词,让学生对文本有更深入的理解,注重对听力细节的处理,减少他们对听力的恐惧感,增强对做听力题的信心。) Task2. Retelling it.Hi! This is Teen Talk 109,1 FM. I am the host. Now the listener Erin has a problem. H

18、er friend _ the same _ and has the _ haircut as her. Erin wants to have her _ clothes and _. Kims advice is to _ Erins friend to _ _ clothes and a different haircut. But Nicole _think Erin _ a _.In fact she thinks Erin should _ happy that her friends likes her clothes and haircut. The third listener

19、 Emilio thinks that Erin should _ a new _, because no one _ a friends who isnt _.(设计意图):让学生对听力内容进行复述,实现了英语学习的最终目的-运用语言,培养学生们学以致用以及口头表达的能力,同时通过复述引导学生更好地内化语言知识。是知识转化为能力进而提高能力的重要环节。)Task 3. GroupworkT: Boys and girls, they are others advice to Erin. Whats your advice? Please talk about Erins problem in

20、 a group of four and tell your partner some advice to Erin ,you must say why. Then make conversations in the front of the class. You can make conversations like this:A:I think Erin should tell her friend to get different clothes.B:Why?A: Because friends shouldnt wear the same clothes.C: But I dont t

21、hink Erin has a problem. She should be happy.D: Why?C: Because it seems that her friends likes her clothes.(设计意图:语言的最终目的是为交际之所用,此环节即训练了学生的听说读的能力,又训练了学生的逻辑思维能力和创新能力。此环节很重要,需要师生长期共同努力,方能达到较理想效果。)Step 4 Summary(本课总结)通过本节课的学习,我知道给出建议时可以用_ 表“应该”和_ 表“不应该”。还可以借助_ 来完成给出建议的表达。T: Boys and girls ,according to

22、2b and the grammar in class, please fill in the blanks. I am sure you can be excellent.1. Kim thinks Erin _ _ her friends _ _ different clothes and a _ haircut.2. Nicole _ Erin should _ _ because her friends copies her.3.Emilio _ Erin _ find a new best friend because everyone wants _ _ original.Step

23、 5 The end-of- class test(当堂检测) (温馨提示:要独立完成,一定要认真细心相信自己!Come on!)一. . 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子:1.My sister has the same _ (发型 ) as I do.2.The clothes are _ ( 便宜 ), many people can buy them.3. His clothes are out of style but mine are _ _ ( 流行 ).4.That car is very _ ( 新颖 ).5.The seats are _ ( 舒适 ).二.用所给词的适当

24、形式填空.1. You should _ (happy) that you have a new car.2. Tell them _ (help) that boy.3. She has _ (nice) clothes than I do.4.They are the same as my _ (friend) books.5.He always _ (wear) an old clothes.三、请翻译下列句子:1.他的鞋子很新颖。( original )_2.我朋友穿着与我一样的衣服,留在与我一样的发型。( the same as )_3.你应该高兴。(should)_4朋友们不应该穿

25、一样的衣服。( shouldnt )_5.它们色彩艳丽。( colorful )_(设计意图):当堂检测题是针对本节课所学内容进行的形成性评价,通过检测,提高的学生做题能力,以学评教, 强化落实。发挥学生的主动性,让生教生,教师只适时点拨并对错误较多的知识点进行巩固强化。)Step 6 Homework (课后提升作业)Read the letter to Dr Qin, ChenHua wants Dr Qin to gives her some advice about the problems. If you are Dr Qin,please write a letter to her

26、.Dear Dr Qin, I have some annoying problems now. You know I am a Grade8 student. We have many subjects every day. I am busy all day with them. I study hard but it seems that it doesnt work. I am weak in my subjects except English. I study all day and have no time to play,I am very upset now. I even

27、want to stop my school education! What a pity! What should I do? Could you give me some advice?Thank you very much! Yours An upset girl1.至少提出两条建议。(全部学生)2.尽可能多的给出合理化建议,语法运用要正确。(有能力者)( 作业分层布置,可以让每位学生吃的饱吃的好。最大限度发掘每个学生的 潜能。 )本教案的亮点:1.课堂设计紧扣学习目标。.预习部分的词组和句子都是本节课的重要语言知识,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的性的预习。有利于师生教与学的针对性。

28、2.导入部分,利用新颖的图画,再次巩固本节课的重要短语。而且大量的图片展示,不仅会激发学生的学习兴趣,而且通过这一环节的练习,应该95%的学生对本节课的生词能够掌握。3.每个任务前,老师都有示范。身先士卒,带头示范是最好的教育。让他们明确学习目标,不上无学习目标的课。4.整合听力材料并复述课文。可以再次强化学生对本节课所学知识的巩固。浓缩了课文,再次提升对语言的运用能力。5. 家庭作业分层布置,让学习能力强的同学做更能体现他们高水平的作业。让不同层次的学生吃的饱吃得好,最大限度地获得知识。本教案的不足:本课的容量较大,如果学生预习不好,有可能讲不完。使用注意事项:1预习内容一定要提前布置给学生,便于学生更有目的性针对性的去预习,提高课上做题速度。2.如果班额大,教师上课时要尽可能照顾所有的学生。教学反思: 本单元的中心话题是”What should I do?”通过提出问题并给出建议,学习运用could/couldnt and should/shouldnt 给出建议,培养学生主动解决问题的意识和能力,并在交流中寻求帮助,听取别人的建议的能力,同时发展学生与他人和谐交往的技能。在本节课一开始

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