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1、小学英语面试说课稿共篇篇一:小学英语说课稿例1(面试用)小学英语说课稿模板尊敬的各位领导老师们:上午好。我是小学英语xx号考生。 今天我说课的内容是人教版pep primary english book iv unit5 look at the monkeys.的第一课,上个单元我们学习了what are they doing?本单元我们主要学习koala、 kangaroo、 bear、 monkey、bird、 lion六个新单词,并且要在what are they doing?句型中练习,通过练习掌握这六个新单词,并进一步熟练运用what are they doing?的句型。目的是为下

2、节课的教学打下基础,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯,发展学生自主学习和合作能力,为此我设计了以下三个目标:1、知识目标:学生能够听说认读koala、 kangaroo、 bear、 monkey、bird、lion。能够熟练应用句型what are they doing? they are. 2、能力目标: 培养学生观察、模仿、良好习惯及主动竞争等多方面的能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心和培养学生的交流能力。 3、情感目标: 增进师生之间的感情;增强学生的环保意识,使学生了解、热爱大自然。 教学重点:koala、kangaroo、 bear、 monkey、bi

3、rd、 lion六个新单词的学习。 教学难点:如何培养学生合作学习能力,激发兴趣,树立学习英语的自信心。为了突破这一难点,我主要采用了点拨法、师生互动法几个教学方法。让学生在教师的指导下,通过参与和合作,从而促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 为了完成以上教学目的,我的教学设计如下:(一)warm-up歌曲导入,根据小学生好奇、好动的特点,在热身时,学唱英语歌曲“old mac doald had a farm”.能使学生迅速兴奋起来,自然的进入学习新知识的状态。(二)preview自由会话目的是为了促进语言实际运用能力的提高。在这一过程中,教师恰到好处的去启发点拨学生,尽可能多的给学生多一点思考时

4、间,多一点表现自我得机会,把学生当成学习的主人,使课堂气氛充满活力。根据学生表现欲望强的特点,在这个环节与学生进行朋友式的会话:its time for class. are you ready?hello!boys and are you?nice to meet you?提出关于歌曲的问题:how many animals are there in the song?what are they?can you imitate their sounds?这种对话及提问方式不仅复习了旧知识还调动了学生学习的积极性。(三)presentation呈现新知识,互动合作。在小学英

5、语课堂中,使学生保持一种积极紧张而又快乐的学习状态,激发他们学习的欲望,老师要不断的去诱 导学生。today,we are going to learn “unit5 look at the monkeys.”提出与学习新内容有关的问题:“ do you like animals?”然后通过听音、看动作引出新词的学习。ill devide you four one is best ? they will get a ?根据学生模仿力强的特点,让一个小组成员模仿动物动作,另一个小组的成员猜动物名称,然后互换,在规定的时间内,看哪组猜的动物名称最多就是胜利小组,获得小红旗,这样能够培养学生合作学习

6、的能力。在操练时,首先进行一些机械的学习,如“listen、point and repeat ” “ look and guess”。通过这种学习使学生对单词加深记忆。 游戏是激发学生学习兴趣的最佳方式,抓住小学生好动的特点,做一些游戏,如模仿动物的叫声或做与之有关 的动作。“滚雪球的游戏”老师请六位同学分为两组。第一个同学说:“the koala is sleeping.”,第二个同 学在此基础上再加一句:“the koala is sleeping,the monkey is climbing.”依此类推,看哪组说得快而多,得到小红旗。最后学唱lets chant,让学生轻松一下。这一过程

7、注重对学生思维观察能力的提高,特别是 学生合作能力的培养。(四)consolidation通过练习对所学内容加深印象。(1)将动物与相关的动作连线animals doingkoala flyingkangaroo runningbearclimbingmonkey jumpingbird bitingl ion sleeping(2)teacher says的游戏。这两个练习不但巩固了所学知识而且训练了学生的快速反应。 (五)sum up首先指导学生将自己本课的表现用a(优秀)b(良好)c(继续努力)记录在评价表里。a(优秀)b(良好)c(继续努力)以评价促进发展,鼓励学生大胆开口,积极活动,

8、培养团队精神。 教学评价最后对于整堂课所进行的新知识的呈现和游戏的设计能够充分的调动学生的积极性,让他们能够主动的参与到课堂中来。通过寓教于乐的方法,提高课堂实现,培养学生的学习兴趣。 这就是我对本节课的理解与设计,请各位领导和老师们批评指教。篇二:小学英语面试说课稿小学英语说课稿good morning! your honored judgers. im contestant . today is my great my honor to be here to present my teaching ideas with all of you. my topic is part_ of un

9、it_ from pep premary english book_. now ill explain my lesson from the following aspects: ananlysis of the teaching content, ananlysis of the teaching students, teaching aims and demands, teaching method, teaching aids, teaching procedure and blackboard design.firstly, lets focus on the analysis of

10、the teaching content. this lesson is the _ period of this unit. it mainly includes _ parts. in section one, it mainly deals with_; in section_, it mainly deals with_.secondly, lets talk about the ss. our ss are in grade _. they have learnt english for _ years. they have got some basic knowledge abou

11、t english. whats more, they have learnt_ in previous lesson. i think its not very difficult for them to mast the language of this lesson.thirdly, its about the teaching aims and demands. aims on language knowledge, by the end of this lesson the ss will be able to_; aims on language ability, its to i

12、mprove the ss abilities of listening, writing and speaking; aims on emotion, its to foster the ss good conciousness of good cooperation. i think the key point of this lesson is_. and the difficult point of this lesson is _.fourthly, its about the teaching method. according to the ss characteristics,

13、 i will mainly use task based teaching method. thats to say, i will try my best to let the ss to learn the language in an authentic situation. and i will arrange some activities such as singing, playing games to make my class interesting.fifthly, its about the teaching aids, before my class some pic

14、tures, tape, ppt will be prepared.step 1, warming up. i will begin my class the color song. i will divide my class into 7groups, each group stands for one color. when i say blue, the blue group stand up and sing the song.(blue, blue, its color i see; if you are wearing blue then showing to me, stand

15、 up and turn around, show me your blue and then sit down.) this song is to arouse the ss interest in my class. then i will play the tape of _ to review the learnt knowledge. step 2, presentation, i will use the ppt to show _.step 3, practice, in this step, i let the ss to play the game of hide and s

16、eek. i will hide the card in a place, and choose one student to find the card. the other ss will help him by read the word in higher and lower vioce. the higher voice, the closer to the card; the lower voice, the further to the card.step 4, consolidation, this time let the ss to play the game of pas

17、sing on the flower. the ss will pass the flower with the music, when i stop the music, the student who gets the flower shows his perfermance.step 5, conclusion, i will guide the ss to have a short review of this lesson and assign homework.篇三:小学英语教师招聘面试说课稿小学英语说课稿 good morning, my dear judges. i am .

18、im glad to interpret myteaching design here. the teaching content is part a read and write,unit2 of pep primary english, grade 5. the topic of this unit is my favoriteseason. now, i will explain the lesson from the following aspects.1. firstly, lets focus on the analysis of the teaching content.the

19、lesson is a new period of section a .it includes 2 parts: a passage andthree related questions. in part 1,it is a converation ,and there are twopersons talking about the season they part 2,there are 3 questions,itmainly ask students to answer them after learning the passagecarefully,and it can help

20、the students review the knowledge of this lesson.2. secondly, it is about the students.our students are in grade 5. they are active, curious, and interested innew things. and they have already mastered some basic englishbackground knowledge after learning english for several years. so theproviding t

21、hem the chances of using languages.3. thirdly, i set the following aims.图片已关闭显示,点此查看by the end of the lesson, students will be able to read, recognize, and usethese words:and, these sentences:图片已关闭显示,点此查看by the end of the lesson,ss can understand the passage and get useful information from thepassag

22、e through attentive listening and can use the target language to make a new conversation according tothe passage.图片已关闭显示,点此查看in this lesson, the emotional aims are:to foster ss consciousness of good-cooperation and properto help ss cultivate their abilities to analyze and solve problemsin

23、dependently.图片已关闭显示,点此查看to make sure that ss can use the target languages correctly and develop ss interests in english.the difficult points are:the pronunciation of the new words and the use of the new sentencesfourthly, it talks about teaching methods.fifthly, lets focus on the teach

24、ing procedures.i will finish the lesson in five steps.图片已关闭显示,点此查看it will cost about 5 greeting with the ss, i will begin the lesson by singing the song together with the ss in order to help them form a better english learning surrounding ,and it provides situations to review the learnt knowledge fo

25、r图片已关闭显示,点此查看the next step at the same time.passage.图片已关闭显示,点此查看it will cost 10 mins, due to the ss age, i set a situation of the seasons by showing some pictures on the blackboard to let the students describe. i ask them to focus on the passage again to draw the whole ss attention to the understand

26、ing of the passage, and let them to find the desciption words about the seasons as quickly as possible. and then, i encourage图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看skillfully. it will cost about 3 mins. in this step, i will guide the ss to conclude what they learnt today and then , place the, this is

27、my blackboard design.thats all for my teaching design. thank you a lot for listening. (gong)篇四:小学英语面试说课稿(1)小学英语面试说课稿what time is it?小学六年级江西易公教育 教研中心提供教学目标:1. 能够听、说、认读四个动词词组:get up ,go to school, go home ,go to bed .2. 能够理解并在情景中正确使用句型:its time to?.3. 能够跟随录音吟唱lets chant中的歌谣。4. 能够基本理解story time中的故事。教学重

28、点:掌握四个动词词组。教学难点:句型its time to ?.与its time for?的区别及正确使用。教学准备:1. 教师准备与本课时相关的教学挂图、录音机、词卡、钟表模型。2. 学生准备:自制钟表模型。教学过程: 一、preparation1. lets sing the song “one two three four five”together.(三年级下册page26)2. numbers game:教师在黑板上写一些算式,如:onesevenninefourthree two请几个学生上来用英语单词写出正确答案,让学生边计算边伸出手指表示答案,并请上来写出正确答案的同学继续给

29、下面同学出题。二、presentationa. 单词导呈1. 四个动词词组:get up ,go to school, go home ,go to bed .师生一起玩“听句子,拨时针”的游戏。如:t:its time for breakfast. its time for english class.等,教师按照一天从早到晚的活动顺序说句子,学生根据实际情况将时针拨到合理的位置,接着,教师边说tick,tock.边将时针拨到晚上9点,t:what time is it? s:its nine oclock. 师接着问:what do you do ?同时教师出示go to bed的图片或做

30、睡觉的动作,引导学生回答:we get up或i get up。然后教师继续说tick,tock.并将时针拨到早晨6点,t:what time is it? s:its nine oclock. t:what can you do ?s:get up.(教师要注意引导学生说)接着经说完have breakfast后引出go to school?. go home.2. its time to?.出示家有儿女中刘星的作息时间表,其中出现非整点时间:eg: 6:30 get up7:10 go to school4:25 go home9:05 go to bed教师让全部同学都来当刘星,问:wh

31、at time is it?(教师拨动钟表模型指向6:30问)教师接着问:now,what can you do,liu xing?找一学生回答:get up.教师由此导入句型:its time to get up.板书,教读。同法练习其他三个句子。3. listen and do:教师发指令,如:its time to get up.让学生做起床、穿衣服的动作,教师说:its time to go home.学生做出背书包、向老师挥手再见、走路的动作等。尽可能多地让学生听句型:its time to?.4. 让学生看课本19页的四幅图,教师用what time is it?what can you do ?来问,直到学生能根据文字和图片“对号入座”地说对句子为止。在这个过程中,学生说句子教师板书,领读,齐读。b.听读正音1. listen and point.2. listen and repeatc.合作学习以小组为单位检查单词的认读情况和用its time to?.造句情况,特别对基础比较差的学生,组内进行结队帮扶、互帮互学。三、practice1. 看动作说词组(一个同学做动作,其他学生说词组),然后逐步增大难度,看动作说句子:its ?.(时间)its time to?.2. lets chant(1) li

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