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学年英语译林版选修6学案Unit1Section Ⅴ Project.docx

1、学年英语译林版选修6学案Unit 1 Section ProjectSection_Project原文呈现The invisible benchCharacters:Five studentsSetting:A parkMike:Really, what this courtyard needs is a bench.Maybe here?(sits as if there is a bench) No.(gets up, walks to the other side of the stage.Tony enters, but Mike does not notice) Maybe here

2、?(sits again) Yes, I think maybe here.Tony:What are you doing?Mike:Im sitting on an invisible bench, of course.Tony:Can I join you?Mike:Of course.(moves over as if to make room forTony)Tony:Ah, its rather nice here, isnt it?Mike:Indeed.Both sit for a while, reading their textbooks.Cathy enters.Cathy

3、:What is going on here?Mike:Were sitting on an invisible bench.Tony:You should join us.Its nice and cosy.Cathy:Okay.Thanks for the invitation.(Mike and Tony move over.Cathy sits down alongside them) Wow, its quite comfortable!Paula enters.Paula:Sitting on an invisible bench, are you?Cathy:Yes, how d

4、id you know?Paula:I was doing the same thing myself, just yesterday.Mind if I sit down?Mike looks annoyed.Tony and Cathy:Not at all.Please do!All make room.Mike stands up and wanders over to the middle of the stage and sits down.Ann enters, looks at Mike.Ann:You look like you are sitting on an invis

5、ible bench.Mike:Yes, I am.Ann:What are they doing over there?Paula and Cathy:Were sitting on an invisible bench too!Mike:No, youre not.Tony:Were not?Mike:No.I must have forgotten to tell you.(smiles) It got too crowded, So I moved the bench.Entiregroup (Tony, Paula and Cathy) fall downThe End读文清障inv

6、isible/InvIzbl/adj.看不见的;无形的bench/bent/n.长凳,长椅character n人物,角色setting/setI/n.(戏剧、小说等的)情节背景;场景;环境what this courtyard needs是what引导的主语从句,what在从句中作needs的宾语。as if在此处引导方式状语从句。make room for为腾出地方for a while一会儿textbook/tekstbk/n.教科书;课本现在分词短语reading their textbooks作状语,表示伴随的情况。go on发生;进行cosy/kzI/adj.暖和舒适的,惬意的in

7、vitation/InvIteIn/n.邀请an invitation to do sth.做某事的邀请receive/get an invitation收到邀请accept an invitation接受邀请turn down/refuse an invitation拒绝邀请alongside/lsaId/prep.& adv.在旁边,与一起comfortable adj.舒适的,惬意的,轻松自在的Mind if I sit down?是Do you mind if I sit down?的省略。annoyed adj.恼怒的;气恼的do替代上文中的sit down。wander vi.徘徊

8、;漫步must have done sth.是对过去所做事情的肯定推测,意为“一定做过某事”。crowded/kradId/adj.拥挤的entire adj.全部的;整个的fall down跌倒;失败;倒塌fall back退却;后退fall behind落后,跟不上课文译文隐形长凳人物:五名学生场景:一个公园迈克:说真的,这个庭院需要的就是一条长凳。或许放这儿?(“坐下来”,好像有一条长凳似的)不。(站起来,走到舞台另外一端。托尼上场,但迈克没有注意)也许放这儿?(又“坐下来”)嗯,我想也许可以放这儿。托尼:你在干什么呢?迈克:我当然是坐在一条隐形长凳上了。托尼:我可以和你一起坐吗?迈克:


10、你看上去像是坐在一条隐形长凳上。迈克:是啊,没错。安:他们在那边干什么呢?葆拉和凯西:我们也是坐在一条隐形长凳上!迈克:不,你们不是。托尼:我们不是?迈克:对。我一定是忘记告诉你们了。(面带微笑)刚才太拥挤了,所以我就将长凳给搬走了。一行人(托尼、葆拉和凯西)都跌倒在地。剧终The important papersCharacters:The King, the Queen, ServantSetting:The Kings castle.Kings armchair is empty.Queen sits in her armchair, reading.King enters.King:W

11、here are all of our servants? They are so lazy.(yells)SERVANT!(Servant enters)Servant:Yes, sir.What can I bring you?King:I need, no, I must have, my (gives a serious look atServant) important papers.(sits down)Servant exits,comes back in with a pile of officiallooking papers and gives them to King.K

12、ing:What are these?(throws them at Servant in anger) No, no, no, bring my important papers!Servant bows, dashes out, comes back in with a newspaper.King:No, you fool!(tears the paper in two) I must have my important papers RIGHT NOW!Servant exits, comes back in with a magazine.King:Ahhhh!(takes maga

13、zine and runs after Servant.Servant runs away) Bring .my .important .papers . NOW! Its an emergency! (to Queen) Tell him, dear!Queen:Umm, (standing, announcing officially) the King requires his important papers.It is your duty to bring them to him at once.(to King) OK?King moves around in chair, loo

14、king uncomfortable.Queen:Are you okay? You seem .anxious .King:Im fine.I just need my (with a serious voice) important papers.Servant bursts in, next to Queen, emptyhanded and looking worried.Queen points to a dictionary, or poster on the wall, etc.Servant runs to get it and presents it to King.King

15、:NO NO NO NO! That is not right.Someone must be able to bring my important papers!Queen tears a page from her book and offers it to King. He glares at Queen.Servant dashes out, comes back in with something behind his back.Servant:Sir?(holds out a roll of toilet paper)King:Yes! My VERY important pape

16、rs!(runs off stage as fast as possible, running into people and things on the way out)The End,castle/ksl/n.城堡;堡垒armchair/mte(r)/n.扶手椅reading是现在分词作伴随状语。yell/jel/vi.& n叫喊,大喊,吼叫yell at sb.朝某人大喊大叫give a serious look at sb.严肃地看了某人一眼exit v离去,离开pile/paIl/n.摞;垛;堆a pile of一摞,一堆officiallooking/fIllkI/adj.貌似官方

17、的anger/ (r)/n.怒,怒火,怒气in anger气愤地bow/ba/vi.& vt.鞠躬;低头;(使)弯曲 n鞠躬;船头dash/d/vi.急奔,急驰,猛冲 n急奔,猛冲;匆忙,仓促tear/te(r)/(tore, torn) vt.撕,扯tear .in two把撕成两半right now立刻;马上run after追赶emergency n紧急情况Its ones duty to do sth.是常用句型,it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。looking uncomfortable是现在分词短语作伴随状语。burst in闯进;突然闯入burst/bst/(bu

18、rst, burst) vi.猛冲;突然出现;爆裂next to紧挨着emptyhanded/emptIhndId/adj.空手;一无所获point to指着glare at对怒目而视glare/le (r)/vi.怒目而视;发出炫目的光with something behind his back作状语,表示伴随情况。hold out递出;拿出;伸出a roll of一卷toilet paper n卫生纸,手纸run off跑掉as fast as possible尽可能快地on the way out在出去的路上running into people and things on .是现在分词



21、重新上场。仆人:陛下?(递上一卷卫生纸)国王:对了!我的非常重要的纸!(飞速冲下舞台,在出去的路上撞到人和东西)剧终Step 1Read the two passages carefully and choose the best answers.1What is Mike doing?AHe is having supper in the courtyard.BHe is talking with one of his best friends.CHe is sitting on an invisible bench.DHe is teaching his son English.2All

22、of the people except _ pretend to sit on an invisible bench.ATony BPaulaCCathy DAnn3How many characters are there in the play The invisible bench?ATwo. BThree.CFour. DFive.4Why does Mike get up and walk away?ABecause Ann invites him out.BBecause he hates sitting with Paula.CBecause the bench gets to

23、o crowded.DBecause he finds another comfortable bench.5Where does the story “The important papers” take place?AIn a park.BIn the post office.CIn the Kings castle.DIn the Kings study.6Which statement is TRUE according to the story “The important papers”?AAll the servants are lazy.BThe King must be ma

24、d.CThe servants dont obey the Kings orders.DThis is just a joke.7What can we infer from the story “The important papers”?AThe King is going to the toilet.BThe King must be drunk.CAll the servants will be fired.DThe Queen knows what kind of paper the King wants.答案:15CDDCC67DAStep 2Fill in each blank

25、with only one word according to the two passages.Two short playsTitleThe 2.invisible benchThe important papersCharactersMike, Tony, Cathy, Paula and AnnThe King, the Queen and Servant1.SettingA parkThe Kings castlePlotsMike 3.pretends to be sitting on a bench that cant be seen.Tony would like to joi

26、n Mike, and Mike moves over as if to make room for him.Other students come one after another, 4.joining Mike and Tony.The bench becomes so 5.crowded that Mike is annoyed.After knowing Mike has moved the bench, the other three students 6.fall to the ground.The King shouts and 7.orders Servant to brin

27、g some important papers.Servant comes back with a pile of officiallooking papers, then a newspaper and a magazine, but 8.none is what the King wants.The King sits 9.uncomfortably in his chair, but the Queen doesnt know what he wants, either.Finally, Servant 10.figures/finds out what the King wants i

28、s just a roll of toilet paper.一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.bench n长凳,长椅2.textbook n. 教科书;课本3.cosy adj. 暖和舒适的,惬意的4.alongside prep.& adv. 在旁边;与一起5.castle n. 城堡;堡垒6.armchair n. 扶手椅7.pile n. 摞;垛;堆8.officiallooking adj. 貌似官方的9.bow vi.&vt. 鞠躬;低头;(使)弯曲n. 鞠躬;船头10.dash vi. 急奔,急驰,猛冲n. 急奔,猛冲;匆忙,仓促11.burst vi. 猛冲;

29、突然出现;爆裂12.glare vi. 怒目而视;发出炫目的光.拓展词汇1.invitation n邀请invite vt.邀请2.crowded adj.拥挤的crowd vt.& vi.拥挤,挤满3.anger n怒,怒火,怒气angry adj.发怒的,生气的angrily adv. 生气地,气愤地1.pile n摞;垛;堆词块rubbish/junk pile 垃圾堆a pile of books/sand 一堆书/沙子a pile of work 大量的工作a pile of trouble 一堆麻烦事2.yell vi.& n叫喊,大喊,吼叫同义scream, shout, cry out词块yell at对吼叫yell out呼喊;大声叫喊3.tear vt.撕,扯tore(过去式)torn(过去分词)联想bear v承担;忍受bore(过去式)born(过去分词)wear v穿,戴wore(过去式)worn(过去分词)4.emptyhanded adj.空手;一无所获联想warmhearted热心的middleaged 中年的warmblooded 温血的 barefooted 光脚的5.burst vi.猛冲;突然出现;爆裂 n爆炸;爆发同义blow up, erupt, explode词块a burst of anger 勃然大怒a burst of thu

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