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本文(最新学年上厦门市八年级期末考试质量检测英语试题和答案.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、最新学年上厦门市八年级期末考试质量检测英语试题和答案2015-2016学年(上)厦门市八年级质量检测英 语(试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)准考证号_ 姓名_ 座位号_考生注意: 本试卷分为两大部分,第一部分(1-61小题)为选择题,请考生将答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上; 第二部分为非选择题,请考生将答案用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写在答题卡上。第一部分(选择题)(二)基础知识与运用(每小题15分,共30分) V. 选择填空:从A、B、c中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。)17. - Is Cindy going to the_? - No, she doesnt like music.

2、A. concert B dentist C. apartment18. We didnt go _last vacation because of the heavy rain. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere19. My problems are very _ to yours. For example, we dont want to talk to others. A. glad B. different C. similar20. My parents were always there _ me when I needed them. A.

3、from B. for C. without21. I made a cake by myself. Id like to _ it with my friends at breakfast A. share B. cover C. improve22. Peter read the article _ to find the answer to the question. A. certainly B. comfortably C. carefully23. - Why are you so angry? -Because you keep _TV all the time! A. watc

4、hing B. watch C. watched24. - Could you tell me how to _ a special story for kids -Yes. First of all, you have to choose the main characters. A. make up B. dress up C. take up25. - I dont think its good to _ the problems when we meet them. -Yes, I agree with you. We should try to solve them. A. turn

5、 down B. run away from C. look forward to26. - _ do you exercise? -Oh, hardly ever. I really dont like sports. A. How soon B. How long C. How often27. - What is Tony like? - _ A. He is funny and outgoing B. He likes playing baseball C. Hed like some noodles28. - Nancy, thanks for your invitation, bu

6、t I cant join you because I have to take a guitar lesson. - _ A. I cant,either B. It sounds great C. Thats too badVI. 完形填空:从A、B、C中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。 A bank was robbed by a robber(强盗). He walked into the bank, went up to the bank teller, pointed a gun at her and said, “Give me all the 29 or Ill shoot

7、.” The bank teller was 30 and did as the robber asked. The police later asked the bank teller if she could tell them anything about the robber. “He wore a stocking(长筒袜) over his face” the bank teller said, “Im afraid l cant tell you what he looked 31 ” A week later, the bank was robbed again. “Im su

8、re it was the same man,” the bank teller said, “I didnt see his face, because he had a stocking over it again, but the voice was the same 32 he said Give me all the money or Ill shoot” A week later, the bank was robbed for the 33 time. “Was it the same man?” the police asked the bank teller. “Oh,yes

9、, Im sure it was.” the bank teller said. “I didnt see his face because he wore a stocking over it again, but it was the 34 voice.” “Are you sure you didnt notice anything else about the man?” the police asked. “A little detail(细节). Anything that might 35 us to catch him.” The bank teller thought for

10、 a minute, and then she said,“There is one thing. Every time he comes in and robs us,” the teller said,“Hes better 36 than before. I think he bought some new clothes with the money he robbed.” 29. A. prize B. money C. ticket 30. A. scared B. surprised C. serious 31. A. for B. after C. like 32. A. wh

11、en B. after C. because 33. A. second B. third C. fourth 34. A. different B. famous C. same 35. A. keep B. advise C. help 36. A. expected B. dressed C. served(三) 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共50分) VIII. 阅读下面五篇短文,根据文章的内容选择最佳答案作答,37-61小题A One day Jacks wife was cleaning out a closet (壁厨) “Look at all these umbrellas,”

12、she said to Jack. “There are eight and they are all broken.” Ill take them to the umbrella shop and have them repaired (修理Jack said. “They are too good to throw away. Jack took the eight umbrellas to the shop and left them there. Theyll be ready tomorrow the shopkeeper said. That evening Jack went h

13、ome from the office by bus as usual. He sat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor near her. When the bus reached his stop,he picked up her umbrella and stood up. “Hey!” the woman said. “That*s my umbrella!” Im sorry Jack said, giving it to her. I wasnt thinking. Please forgive(原谅)me

14、. The next day he got back the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got on the bus. As he sat down, a voice behind him said, You certainly have a successful day He turned around and saw the woman whose umbrella he had almost taken the day before.37. _ repaired the broken umbrellas. A. Jack B. Jacks

15、wife C. The shopkeeper38. The underline part “throw away” means_. A.丢弃 B.赠送 C.收藏39. Jack _the womans umbrella on the bus by mistake. A. found B. took C. used 40. The next day, Jack got on a bus with_ umbrellas. A. seven B. eight C. nine 41. When the woman said Jack had a successful day, she probably

16、 thought Jack_. A. had stolen(偷)many umbrellas B. was a hard-working man C. was good at repairing umbrellasB Birthday parties are now popular in many cultures. There are also many other kinds of parties in America. Its always fun to throw a surprise party for a friend. Birthday surprise parties are

17、the most common kind of surprise party. You or one of the other guests, who shall be called the “duper” needs to ask the surprise-ee to go to a movie, help paint the house, or anything else that will make him keep that date and time available. At most such parties, the guests will arrive an hour or

18、so before the surprise-ee arrives so that the surprise-ee will not see a lot of his friends running into the building with gifts. When the “duper bring the surprise-ee into the room, every one jump from hiding(躲藏处)and shout, “Surprise!”. A dinner party is a social gathering(社交聚会)at which people eat

19、dinner together, usually in the hosts home. At the most formal (正式的) dinner parties, the dinner is served on a dining table with place settings. At some informal dinner parties, the host may ask guests to bring food or drinks. It is called a potluck. Potlucks are very often held in churches (教堂) A h

20、ousewarming party may be held when a family, or person moves into a new house or apartment. Its a kind of informal party. It is a good way for the hosts to show their new home to their friends. The guests may bring gifts for the new home. 42. There are _kinds of parties are mentioned (提及) in this pa

21、ssage. A. three B. four C. five 43. When the “duper” asks the surprise-ee to help paint the house, he wants to _ A. buy a new house for the surprise-ee B. send information of the party to the surprise-ee C. make sure the surprise-ee has time for the party 44. If you are asked to bring one dish to th

22、e church nearby, a_might be held there. A. birthday party B. formal dinner party C. potluck 45. A housewarming party is to _friends. A. show the new home to B. get different gifts from C. have fun with 46. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. a surprise party cant b

23、e a persons birthday celebration. B. usually the guests need to arrive an hour earlier to a surprise party. C. when you go to a formal dinner party, you can sit anywhere you like.C Finding Vivian Maier is one of the most successful Documentaries(纪录片)in 2015. It showed us the life story of Vivian Mai

24、er, one of Americas most insightful street photographers. Vivian Maier was born in New York on February 1,1926. While she was a child, she moved between the U.S. and France several times. Sometime in 1949, Vivian began playing with her first photos. In 1951, aged 25, she moved to New York and worked

25、 in a factory and then to Chicago in 1956, where she worked primarily as a nanny(保姆)for the next 40 years. She loved photography so much that she spent all her free time taking photos. She took more than 100,000 photographs, mainly of the people and buildings of New York,Chicago, and Los Angeles, Th

26、ese photos opened one of the most fascinating windows into American life from the 1950s until the 1990s. She died on April 21,2009. During her lifetime, Maiers photographs were unknown, and she never printed many of her negatives(底片).A Chicago collector, John Maloof, got some of Maiers photos in 200

27、7, while Ron Slattery and Randy Prow, also found some of Maiers prints and negatives in her boxes around the same time. Maiers photographs were first published (发表)on the Internet in July 2008, by Slattery, but very few people showed their interest. In October 2009, Maloof linked (连接)his blog to Mai

28、ers photographs on Flickr, and thousands of people showed interest Since then, her photographs have been shown in America, Europe, and Asia while her life and work had been the subject of books and documentary films. 47. Vivian Maier first showed her interest in photographing at the age of_. A. 23 B

29、.25 C.30 48. Vivian Maiers main job was to _ when she was in Chicago. A. take photos in the streets B. look after people in a family C. work in a factory 49. Vivian Maiers photos were well known by people because of _ A. the documentary B. Slattery C. Maloof 50. Vivian Maier became famous_ A. when s

30、he was a nanny B. when she was eighty-two C. after she died 51. Maiers photos are popular because they show the_ from the 1950s until the 1990s. A. real American life B. famous people and buildings C. important eventsD Getting excited over the Christmas adverts(广告)has become a big tradition for people in the UK. This year, Sainsbury, the second largest chain of supermarket in the UK, has shared its advert called Mog the Cat. The advert has been known as “the best Christmas advert ever” according to Twitter. The advert is about a cat of the Thomas famil

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