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1、25. A 细节理解题。由第二段可知。26. A 推理判断题。由第三段第4句、第5句可知。27. B 主旨大意题。由全文内容概括可知。28. C 细节理解题。由第一段可知,作者采用了陈述事实的写作手法。29. C 细节理解题。由第二段最后一句可知。30. B 段落大意题。由第三段第1句可知。31. D 写作目的题。由最后一段可知。32. A 词义猜测题。与本句中的absorb相对应。33. A 细节理解题。由第二段第5句可知。34. C 推理判断题。由第四段最后三句可知。35. B 观点态度题。3640 完形填空 (每小题1.5分,共20小题,满分30分)41. C 由下文“Its 18 mi

2、les !”可知。 42. B 意为“在附近的一个修理厂修理。”43. D 意为“答应下午四点钟去接他。44. D 由上文“garage”可知。45. A 上下文转折关系,意为“然而”。46. A 意为“查明我迟到的原因。47. D 意为“匆忙赶到那里”48. A 意为“我会尽快回来。49. C 意为“我永远也不会忘记他的眼神。”下文Dad looked at me again. 与此空相呼应。50. C 意为“我很失望,因为你觉得你必须向我说谎。51. D 意为“出现”。52. B 意为“是否出现什么问题”。53. A 意为“我感到羞愧”。54. 意为“父亲的脸上掠过一丝悲伤”。55. B

3、意为“我对我自己很生气”。56. A 意为“这些年来我哪里做错了”。57. B 意为“我的反对和道歉都没用。58. C 意为“一路求着他(上车)。” 与but he walked silently构成转折关系。59. D 意为“体力的,身体的”,与emotional相对应。60. C 意为“也是最成功的一次教训”。与上文的my most painful experience构成递进关系。知识运用第二节 (每小题1.5分,共10小题,满分15分)61. However 62. amusement 63. friendly 64. an 65. being 66. falls 67. which

4、68. to 69. meanings 70. it / its短文改错:(每小题1分,满分10分) This afternoon I went to the bookstore near my house, only find it was closed. Just tothen, I noticed a schoolboy walking in front of me. When he passed by a white wall, he left two footprints on it. An old man, who saw that had happened, shouted at

5、 him angry. The what angrilyboy felt afraid or ran away quickly. and A few minutes later, another boys passed by the white wall and saw the footprints. He boythought for a moment and took out of a pencil from his schoolbag. While I was wondered, I wonderingsaw the boy painting the panda on the wall.

6、 And the footprints become the pandas black a becameeyes. What a smart boy I was! he书面表达:(满分25分)One possible version:Dear Lily, I am very glad to hear from you. Knowing that you are interested in the Ancient Poetry Recitation Contest which was organized by our school, I am very pleased to tell you m

7、ore details about it. The contest was held in the school gym from March 20th to March 23th, aiming to arouse our enthusiasm for the Chinese traditional culture. So fascinating and interesting was the contest that a lot of students entered for it. The contest included reading and reciting the ancient

8、 poetry and I took part in both. I have had a deeper understanding about the ancient poems and I was motivated to improve my writing ability. I do hope that you will enjoy my introduction. If you want further information, please let me know. Yours, LiHua附:听力录音原文(Text 1)W: Excuse me. What time is it?

9、M: Its five thirty. Really? Does the park close at half past six? Its Sunday today, so it shuts at six it stays open later on Saturdays.(Text 2) Dad, can we go to that hotel next to the river again this year? Your mother didnt like it. What about the place on top of that hill? Thats full so Mum and

10、I found one in the woods. I booked it last night.(Text 3) When will the construction of the new office be completed? The project is behind schedule. We cant move into the new office this year. Im upset about all the noise from the construction. Its hard to get my work done.(Text 4) Excuse me. Id lik

11、e to buy a desk for my little son. I dont have any particular brand in mind, but it should be less than 50 dollars. OK. We have a large selection of small desks for young children. (Text 5) Oh, this is amazing! Its so lifelike. Oh, just look at the sky and the sea. A work of a talent! Yeah. I cant a

12、gree more. Its outstanding in this gallery.(Text 6) Could you give me some advice about the design of the new advertisement? Id be happy to, but I really have to get this report done. Maybe Alan has some free time. Thats right! And he has some background in advertising. I just saw him come back from

13、 his lunch break. Now would be a good time to catch him. Great!(Text 7) Hi, Lily, are you still at Janes house? Yeah, why? Were just playing some games. Computer games? Ive been looking for my notebook computer. Oh, sorry. Ive just borrowed it for the evening. Hope you don t mind. Oh, honestly! Your

14、e always using my things without asking me, and Ive got this really important homework project! Now what am I going to do? Use Dads computer instead. He wont mind. Look, I cant do that Ive got everything saved on mine.(Text 8) I think the position is pretty good. And the neighbors seem nice. However

15、, considering the walls have to be repaired, and the shelves must be repainted, your asking price is a little too high. Could you give us a better price? Im sorry, but several people are interested in his flat, so I think we can get the price we were asking for. Ill show you another flat on Fifth Av

16、enue this afternoon. Its cheaper than this one, but its a bit small. Im afraid I have an appointment with a dentist. Lets make it some other time. If this afternoon is inconvenient for you, Ill arrange another date. Let me know when is good for you.(Text 9) Ive just done the most amazing Healthy Liv

17、ing Day at the sports center. Cool! But whats a Healthy Living Day! Well, you learn to live in a healthy way. Everyone does three activities. In the morning, you can choose two different indoor activities and in the afternoon, you can try one activity outdoors. Sounds like hard work! Why did you do

18、it? I wanted to do a new activity, so I went with my cousin Georgia. She doesnt do enough exercise. We make lots of new friends. Were you both really tired when you finished? Georgia was and she didnt feel very well. I was OK but I needed something to drink. Well, whens the next Day? Id love to go.

19、I know Im free most Saturdays after April 14th. Oh, Ive just booked a place for July 5th but I think the next one is on May 28th. Ill come to the same one as you! Are you going to go cycling again? Not this time. Im going to do advanced skateboarding. I wanted to try boating but that group is full.

20、Wow! Id like to do that too!(Text 10) Good evening everyone, my names Louise Bright. Ive worked as a sportswear designer for a big store for four years now, but I havent always worked in this field. When I left school I worked as secretary for a couple of years, and then became a bank clerk before g

21、etting a job in a travel agency. But I always dreamt about working in clothes designing. So, when I was 25, I went to college the London School of Fashion, and did a four-year course there. You dont learn how to actually design and make clothes until the second year the first year is spent looking b

22、ack at the designs of the past. In the third year you work in a big store, looking at clothes made by all the famous names.I enjoyed the last year of the course most, because each student designs seven sets of clothes for the final show. All the students at the school come to the final show, and you

23、 can invite other friends as well. But for me, the best thing was that my mum and dad could come and see what Id done. Of course, people who are really well-known in the field often come too.I was very lucky to get work as a clothes designer as soon as Id finished college. I really love my work., but I intend to have my own business in the end Id like to design childrens sports clothes, and sell them on the Internet. I dont expect to be fantastically successful but if I could earn enough to live on, that would be great.

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