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2、考,同时也为后来该领域的研究者们提供更多的文献资料。三、阅读的主要参考文献1 Eugene A Nida. Language,Culture and TranslationM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993.2 Eugene A, Nida. Translating MeaningM. San DimasCalifornia: English language Institute, 1982.3 Larry A Samovar, Richard E Porter, Lisa A Stefani. Commun

3、ication Between CulturesM. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.4 Peter Newmark. A Textbook of TranslationM. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.5 Shuttleworth Mark, Cowie Moira. Dictionary of Translation StudiesM. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 1997.

4、6 Venuti, Lawrence. The Translators Invisibility: A History of TranslationM. London: Routledge, 1995.7 丁振祺. 企业名称的翻译问题J. 中国翻译. 1989, (01): 35-378 黄积达.关于企业名称的翻译J.广西大学梧州分校学报.1997, (02).9 满屹,赵书博.浅论企业名称的中英文互译J.中国商贸.2012, (20): 227-228.10 毛荣贵.翻译与美学J.上海科技翻译.2003, (03): 5-9.11 王婷. 结合 “翻译目的论”谈企业名称英译J.广州:科教文汇

5、,2008, (3): 161-172.12 杨全红.公司名称翻译中应注意的几个问题J.中国翻译.1998, (01): 31-33.13 吴玉光.浅谈公司名的英文翻译J.当代经理人.2006, (04)14 许林媛.用功能对等指导企业名称中译英J.科技信息(科学教研).2007(11)15 杨梅. 浅谈企业名称的英译J. 天中学刊. 1999, (S1): 31-32.16 易新奇,覃先美,龙欢.中国企业名称英译的4V价值标准J. 湖南科技学院学报,2014,(7):172-174.17 余清萍,秦傲松. 动态对等理论与公司名称英译实践J. 南昌航空工业学院学报,2004, (1): 47-

6、52. 18 喻云根等编著.翻译教材M. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1988.19 张典.从语言的经济原则看“世界五百强”中国企业英译名J.现代:语言研究,2013,(2):134 -136.20 左雅莲.基于顺应论对公司名称汉英翻译的研究D.大连海事大学, 2009四、国内外现状和发展趋势现状:越来越多的中国世界五百强企业开始进入国际市场,首先他们需要给公司取一个英文文名,许多公司会因为英文名选的好而事半功倍,达到耳熟能详的广告效果。而有的企业因为没有选好合适的英文名而默默无闻 ,即使他们的产品很好也不能迅速占领市场。发展趋势:更多中国的世界五百强企业会重新评估自己公司的英文名称是否足够

7、好,或者直接改掉公司原有的名称。而那些准备进入国际市场的中国世界五百强企业会更加重视公司英文名的翻译。A Study on C-E Translation of Chinese Company Names in the Fortune Global 500Abstract Nowadays,with the further development of economic globalization , more and more Chinese companies enter foreign markets where English is mostly used . many of them

8、 have become the worlds top five hundred ,deeply affecting the pace of Chinas economic globalization.therefore ,an appropriate English name plays a significant role when they are taking their action. A thorough study of the characteristics and influence of the English translation of the top five hun

9、dred companies in China. Among them, many companies have changed the name of the English name for many times, and finally had a familiar name now. Many companies because there is no suitable English name in foreign markets lost the first battle. The study of the Chinese translation of the names of t

10、he top five hundred companies in the world focuses on the study of the characteristics of Chinese English translation of corporate names from the perspective of translation aesthetics. And then explore the positive and negative effects of proper English name and inappropriate English name in the pro

11、cess of enterprise development. A case study focus on the translation of English names in the worlds top five hundred companies,the influence of English name on foreign market entry, the characteristics of English translation of the top five hundred enterprises in different fields, different types a

12、nd different corporate cultures, the degree of discretion of Chinese companies in the translation of company names when entering foreign markets, the orientation of the translation of English translators, the development of companys business during the change of company name, the change of the compa

13、nys business changes the name of the company. Appropriate and appropriate, beautiful and accurate English name for the worlds top five hundred enterprises in China to enter the global market should help and promote.keywords top global 500; c-e translation studyI IntroductionA Study on C-E Translatio

14、n of Chinese Company Names in the Fortune Global 500 is a study of the influence of English name translation on the entry of Chinese large multinational companies into the global market, through the study of the influence of the change of the English name translation on the development of the compan

15、ys business. A proper English name should play a very important role in the global market. Provide reference for the worlds top five hundred companies to enter the global market.C-E Translation of Chinese Company Names in the Fortune Global 500 is not only about C-E translation ,but also about lingu

16、istics and esthetics and many other different subject .therefore ,an appropriate and elegant English name is not something uncomplicated.Someone who take an English name for the Chinese transnational corporations must be erudite.With the deepening of economic globalization , Chinese enterprises are

17、increasingly demanding on English names because they need to break into the English-speaking market.and they must be integrated into the foreign cultural atmosphere . Having a proper and elegant English name is the first step in everything. After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, Chinas r

18、apid economic development requires the continuous rise of Chinese enterprises to do a good job of corporate image publicity.the companys English name is very important to promote their ideas and culture. As a result ,Chinese companies have an endless stream of English names. the research on the C-E

19、translation of the company is also increasing. Due to the specific object- Chinese enterprise.Therefore, the research in this field is mainly done by domestic scholars on the basis of skopos theory, translation criticism theory and Cross-Cultural theory. The scholars focus on the analysis of the err

20、ors in the C-E translation names of Chinese companies in some regions and industries. The alphablt and phoneme are the best elements to deal with the C-E translation in the process. Back translation is a good way to the quality of the translated Chinese name, to comply with the principle of informat

21、ion equivalence. these studies are useful, but the problem is also obvious. or put forward the basic principles, case analysis is not enough. there is no clear criteria for the selection of the corpus, there is no choice of well-known enterprises in the industry. or focus on error analysis, no compr

22、ehensive assessment of the progress of translation equivalence. in view of this, this paper is based on the previous studies on theC-E translation of Chinas transnational enterprises. Based on Eugene Nidas functional equivalence theory, In 2017, Chinas top 500 companies in the list of top 500 compan

23、ies in China news network were selected as the research materials.take the methods of qualitative analysis, to make contrastive analysis of Chinese and English companys English names, Summed up the functional equivalence of the corpus in three aspects: vocabulary, syntax and discourse. At the same t

24、ime, I also makes a study on the translation of culture loaded words, company slogans and the names of awards to propose amendments . On the lexical level, we should correctly analyze the differences of referential meaning and the associative meaning of cultural context,achieve functional equivalenc

25、e.the unequivalent situation of Chinese and English names still exists.mainly in dealing with cultural loaded words, company slogan and company names .there is error of understanding , do not refer to authoritative official documents , and failure to comply with the basic rules of language . The sig

26、nificance of this study is mainly reflected in two aspects . First of all, through the introduction of the translation strategies of the Chinese enterprises in top 500 hundred. to a certain extent, it enriches the research corpus.secondly, through some example analysis . help Chinese companies to im

27、prove the quality of C-E names. Improve the effectiveness of foreign market promotion. Enhance corporate image and even Chinas national image .In fact,there are more and more Chinese companies going to break into the foreign markets .this means that they need to think their English names over and ov

28、er may seems that its very easy and uncomplicated to get an English name .but the name is for an world five hundred company.this situation makes everything more complex.we cannot just translate Chinese into English .it must be brief, phonological beautiful,easy understanding, symbolic, rich

29、 in meaning and have many other different characteristics.What is more important is that we are going to exend our study into culture research,something potentially and profoundly affecting the use of English names under special circumstances,such as different mother tongues, complex language enviro

30、nment, particular cultural atmosphere,taboos and many other various and complicated circumstances.As a result of this ,our research is really important and influential for the Chinese companies in the fortune global 500 if they want to break into the foreign markets . Because our research starts fro

31、m all aspects of English name selection.even who are unfamilier with English can get an great English name for Chinese companies in the fortune global 500 easily. In a sense, it can be regarded as the textbook of C-E translation for Chinese companies in the fortune global 500.This thesis research ma

32、inly from the perspective of Skopos Theory and functional theory.but there is no direct expression of these two theories. All of these two theories are embodied in the framework of the whole thesis, Only a comprehensive understanding of the whole text can understand the existence of the theories. Theoretical research is not the purpose. As mentioned above, to guide the worlds top five hundred enterprises in China and rich English name translation research materials a

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