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1、餐饮常用接待用语餐饮服务英语常用接待语一. Good morning Sir, Can I help you? (早上好先生,我能为您做点什么吗?)二. Have a good journey. (祝您旅途愉快。)三. Welcome to our hotel! (欢迎光临我们酒店。)四. May I have your room No.? (能告诉我您的房间号吗?)五. A: Its kind of you! (谢谢你!)B: You are welcome. (欢迎下次光临。)六. Good morning, this is Concierge. (早上好,这里是礼宾部。)七. After

2、 me, Sir, elevator is this way. (先生请跟我来,电梯在这边。)八. Do you want to pick up? (您需要接机吗?)九. Its my pleasure to help you. (为您效劳是我的荣幸。)一十. Is there anything in the trunk? (您有行李在后车厢吗?)一十一. At what time would you like us to call you? (您想什么时候让我们叫醒您呢?)一十二. Ill have a 6 oclock morning call. (就订在6点叫醒我吧。)一十三. Id l

3、ike to call Hong Kong. (我想给香港打个电话。)一十四. Make an direct international dialing call (IDD call) (打国际直拨电话)一十五. Make a conference call (打会议电话)一十六. The line is busy, hold on please. (电话占线,请线上等。)一十七. May I transfer your call. (我可以转接您的电话吗?)一十八. Sorry, the line is busy. Could you leave a message or call back

4、 later? (对不起电话占线,您是留言还是稍后再打?)一十九. I want to a cup of lemon tea. (我想要杯柠檬茶。)二十. I want to order. (我想要点餐。)二十一. Its so tasty. (味道很可口。)二十二. Id like a glass of Cocktail wine. (我想要一杯鸡尾酒。)二十三. Here is your coupon. (这是给您的餐券。)二十四. At what time are you coming in on Wednesday evening? (星期三晚上您几点光临啊?)二十五. May I k

5、now who is paying, please? (请问谁付帐?)二十六. Its on Mr. Rogers. (把帐计在Rogers 先生的名下。)二十七. Let me treat you this time. (这回让我来请您的客。)二十八. A window table (靠窗的桌)二十九. Would you take your seats, please? (请您们就座。)三十. Would you like a drink before you order? (点菜前您想先喝点什么吗?)三十一. No, I dont think so. Well order straigh

6、t away. (不,我不想喝。我直接点菜就行。)三十二. No, we are not sure what to order. Maybe you could recommend something to us? (没有,我不知点什么好。也许你能给我们推荐一道菜。)三十三. Can you please put it on my tab? (请您把送餐费计在我的帐上好吗?)三十四. Could you bring me some more towels, please? These here are too damp. (您能不能再拿几条毛巾来,这些都是湿的。)三十五. Id like yo

7、u to change the pillowcases. They are dirty. (请把枕头套给我换了,这些都脏了。)三十六. When would you like me to do your room? (您看什么时候给您打扫房间?) 三十七. RM 1507 is occupied. (1507房已经有人入住。)三十八. King size of bed (大床)三十九. I want to checkout. (我想退房。)四十. Please send an iron to my room. (请为我拿个熨斗到房间来。)四十一. Im sorry that your flas

8、k is empty. Ill go and get you anther flask thats full at once. (很抱歉您的水壶空了,我马上为您换一壶满的来。)四十二. Would you like me to make your bed now? (要不要我现在为您铺床?)四十三. Im glad you are pleased with it. I hope you will enjoy your stay. (很高兴您觉得满意,希望您在这儿住得愉快。)四十四. Do you have laundry? (请问有洗衣吗?)四十五. Would you please show

9、 me your room card? (请让我看一下您的住房卡好吗?)四十六. Do you need vacuum carpet? (请问您需要吸尘吗?)四十七. May I turn down your bed? (请问需要开夜床吗?)四十八. If you any question, please call housekeeping. (如果您有什么需要,请打客房部电话。)四十九. Room attendant will send the water to you as soon as possible. (服务员会立即给您送水来。)五十. May I refill your mini

10、 bar? (请问可以补充酒水吗?)五十一. I want to do gym. (我想健身。)五十二. Which laundry service would you like? 24 hours service or express service? (您需要哪种洗衣服务?是一般的还是加急的?)五十三. 请填写以下物品的中文名称:Lights (房间灯) are all working in order.Air-condition (空调) noiseless.Luggage rack (行李架) vacuumed and dusted.Towels (毛巾) complete & han

11、ging neatly.Channel program guide (收视指南)Cooperate rate (协议价)Upgrade with free of charge (免费升级)五十四. We are pleased to submit our special proposal for your kind perusal. (现将此次活动的有关内容制订以下方案供你确认。)五十五. TBA的全称 To be advice (待确定的)五十六. Package rates are subject to 15% surcharge. (以上房价须加收15%服务费。)五十七. Booking

12、 can be made through our Reservation Department and the confirmation is subject to the rooms availability. (请提前通过预订部订房,确认须视住房率而定。)五十八. 10% discount on laundry, pressing and dry cleaning (洗/干/烫衣九折优惠)五十九. Are you flight domestic or international? 您飞国际航班,还是国内航班?六十. Airport taxi is 50RMB for domestic an

13、d 90RMB for international.机场出租车费国内人民币50元,国际人民币90元。六十一. Where would you like to fly?您打算飞哪儿?六十二. It takes about XXX hours/minutes (to get there) by taxi/bus/on foot.出租车/大巴/走路去要,XXX分钟。六十三. Have a nice trip. 旅途愉快。六十四. Welcome to Chongqing Marriott Hotel. 欢迎光临重庆万豪酒店。六十五. This way please, Mr/Ms XXX. XXX小姐

14、/先生,请这边走。六十六. Do you need any help/assistance?您需要我帮忙吗?六十七. 9. One a moment. Ill get my supervisor to help you. 请稍等,我叫主管(督导)来帮您。六十八. We look forward to seeing you again,Mr./Ms. XXX .XXX小姐/先生,我们希望您再次光临。六十九. Welcome to Health Club.欢迎您到健康中心。七十. We open at 6:30am and close at 23:30pm.我们(健康中心)早上6:30开,晚上11

15、:30关。七十一. We have an indoor swimming pool. 我们有一个室内游泳池。七十二. Please sign your room number and your name here.请把您的房号和姓名写在这里。七十三. How are you today?Mr. XXX. XXX先生,今天好吗?七十四. Would you like to go swimming today, Mr XXX? XXX先生,今天想游泳吗?七十五. Would you like me to show you how to use this machine?要我给您示范一下这台机器的使

16、用方法吗?七十六. 3. Its nearly one oclock. 快一点了。七十七. 4.After you, sir/madam. 先生/女士,您先请。七十八. 5. Mind your step, sir / madam. 先生/女士, 请注意脚下。七十九. 6. This way, please. 这边请。八十. 7. Go straight ahead, please. 请直走。八十一. 8. Please take the lift to Wanhao (Chinese) restaurant. 请乘电梯去万豪中餐厅。八十二. Engineering, May I come i

17、n?我是工程维修部的,可以进来吗?八十三. Im sorry about that. 真是很报歉。Ill fix it right away. 我们立即维修。八十四. .Ill change it for you. 我为您更换一个。八十五. Ill fetch a new one for you.我去给您拿一个来。八十六. If the guest is in his room, you wish to fix some equipment in it. Say, Shall I come back later? 如客人在房间,您想去维修时,则说,我晚一点再来维修?八十七. If a gues

18、t speaks to you, you do not understand. Say, I dont speak English, Ill call the supervisor to help you.如果你不明白客人的话,就说,“我不懂英语,我叫主管(督导)来帮您。”八十八. Excuse me sir /madam, May I have your room number, please? Please come this way.先生/女士,请问您的房间号码?请跟我来。八十九. Where is the Business Center( Washing Room, Health Cl

19、ub) ? Please follow me.请问商务中心(洗手间,健康中心)在哪里?请跟我来。九十. Good evening, sir/madam. You d better close your door.先生/女士,晚上好,请把您的房门关好。九十一. Please follow me, the lift is over there.请跟我来,电梯在那边。九十二. If need any help , please contact the Guest Service Officer at extension 6304.若需要帮助,请打6304找宾客服务主任。九十三. Be care of

20、 your belongings.小心保管您的随身携带物品。九十四. This area is only for hotel staff. 这里是员工工作区。九十五. Im sorry, I dont know much English, Ill get my九十六. colleague to help you.对不起,我不懂英语,我去叫我的同事来帮您。九十七. Sorry, sir. No picture here.对不起,先生,这里禁止拍照。九十八. To access the executive floors, you must insert your magnetic keycard into the slot for starting the lift first, then touch the floor number you wanted. 进入行政楼层时,您先要把这个磁卡插入电梯插口以起动电梯,然后再按您要去的楼层数码。九十九. 2.Can I help you with your luggage? 我能帮您提行李吗?一百. 3.How long do you plan to store your luggage? 您打算保存多长时间?

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