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1、英语人教版八年级下册unit101.掌握单词和短语:junior,clear,clear out,bedroom,no longer,own,railway,certain,honest,while, truthful,to be honest,part,part with,hometown。2.能从阅读中获得个人物品的相关信息。3.灵活运用句型How long have you had ? Ive had it .4.巩固单元语法,掌握其运用。1.短文阅读,渗透情感教育。2.单元语法知识及巩固性练习。1.阅读短文,提高获得相关信息的能力。2.讨论关于yard sale的话题。3.含有 sin

2、ce,for 的现在完成时态。本课教学内容是八年级下Unit10 第二课时,是一节阅读和语法课。首先让学生带着问题略读文章,找出文章的大意,然后让学生带着问题细读文章,找出文章细节。这些策略有利于学生逐渐提高寻找大意和细节的能力。读后的跟读、复述和背诵课文等活动有利于学生内化所读内容。接着对Grammar Focus的句型进行讨论,总结现在完成时的用法。4a-4c主要通过练习进一步强化对现在完成时的认识及运用。这部分让学生独立完成,再核对答案,纠正错误,加深记忆和理解。当堂检测环节,给予学生策略指导。准备单词卡片、图片、多媒体课件。Step.Lead inLeading in 【情景1】T:L

3、ook at the pictures.Answer fast(抢答). 1.When do people usually have yard sales?A.On weekdays.B.On weekends.2.Why are the sales called “yard sale”?A.They sell at their yard. B.Sounds good.3.What kind of things do people sell in a yard sale?A.Something they dont need any more.B.Something they think imp

4、ortant.4.Why do people like to buy things in a yard sale?A.Because they cant buy the things in other places.B.Because the things are very cheap. T:We are having a yard sale;lets talk about the things we will sell.Lets come to 3a.【Keys】1.B2.A3.A4.B设计意图通过出示图片和问题抢答的形式,激发学生的兴趣,同时能够顺利导入新授。Leading in 【情景2

5、】 T:Look at the pictures above.Do you have any things you dont use?What do you do with them?S1:I often give them to some people in need.S2:Ill sell them and get some moneyS3:T:Well done!You can do a lot of things you like.Now look at the two pictures in 3a.What do they do with the old things? 设计意图通过

6、出示学生熟悉的物品图片和对话,导入新授3a内容。Step.Reading activitiesTask 1:Read the article fast and find the general idea of 3a.The article is talking about .A.the houseB.the yard saleC.the toysTask 2:Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas and then answer the questions.1.Why did they decide to

7、have a yard sale?2.What do they want to do with the money from the sale?3.Why does the son want to keep his train and railway set?4.How can the old toys be useful again?5.Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things? What would you do with the money you raise?Task 3:Read the pa

8、ssage and write true (T) or false (F).1.My daughter is 15 and my boy has already started junior high school.2.Our house really gets smaller.3.My son was quite sad at first.4.My daughter felt happy to part with certain toys.5.I will give up my football shirts.Task 4:Find the words or phrases which ca

9、n be replaced with the ones below.1.lose2.kids3.truthful 4.many5.some time 6.even though7.quickly 8.olderThe teacher should explain the sentences and points.教材解读1.We have already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms.clear v.清理;清除。clear out清理;丢掉。I have cleared out a lot things from my room.我

10、从我的房间清理了好多东西。【拓展】clear adj.清晰的;clearly adv.清楚地;明显地。2.We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.decide决定。decide to do sth.决定去做某事,否定形式为decide not to do sth.。decide后只能接不定式,不可接动名词。He decided not to go there.他决定不去那儿了。【拓展】decide相关结构:decide +that从句; decide +疑问词+不定式;decide against doing

11、 so=decide not to do so决定不这么做。They decided that they would decline the invitation.他们决定谢绝邀请。I cant decide what to do.我不能决定做什么才好。We decided on carrying out the plan.我们决定执行这个计划。They have decided against camping in the mountains.他们决定不在山上露营。3.For example,he has owned a train and railway set since his fou

12、rth birthday,own v.拥有;有。Who owns this house?谁拥有这幢房子? 【拓展】(1) own adj.& pron.自己的;本人的。I have a dream that I can have my own firm one day.我有一个梦想,将来的某一天,我能有一个自己的公司。(2) ones own表示“某人自己的”。own自己的,要放在物主代词或名词所有格后面,She saw it with her own eyes.她亲眼目睹了这件事。(3) owner表示“拥有者,所有者,主人”。Who is the owner of the house?谁是

13、这所房子的主人?4., although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.part with放弃(=give up),交出。Dont part with your dream.不要放弃你的梦想。5.As for me,I did not want to give up my football shirts,but,to be honest,I have not played for a while for意为“至于,就而言,涉及,提到(某人某事)”,通常位于句首,引出下面的话题,as for后接名词/代词/动名词。As fo

14、r homework,most students do it every day.至于说家庭作业,大多数学生每天都做。 to be honest是不定式短语作插入语,意为“老实说,说实在的”,类似的短语有:to tell the truth 说实话,to be exact确切地说,to start with首先,一开始。To be honest,it is one of the best books that Ive ever read.说实在的,这是我读过的最好的书之一。while n.一段时间;一会儿。They walked for a while and stopped to have

15、a rest.他们走了一会儿,然后停下来休息了一下。【固定搭配】for a while一会儿,after a while一会儿之后。6.What would you do with the money you raise?do with意为“对付,处理”,相当于deal with。It took me too much time to do with/deal with the problem.处理这个问题花了我太多的时间。【辨析】deal with, do with(1)deal with对付,处理,与疑问词how连用,侧重指解决问题的方式、方法,how作状语。How will you de

16、al with the boy? 你将怎样处理这个男孩?(2)do with对付,处理,与疑问词what连用,侧重于对某物的利用,what作宾语。What did you do with your old car?你的旧轿车是如何处理的?Task 5:Retell the article according to the form.【Keys】Task 1:BTask 2:1.Because they have too many things in the house and dont seem to have enough space.2.They want to give the mone

17、y to a childrens home.3.Because he has had it since his fourth birthday and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven.4.Old toys can bring joy to children who dont have the money to buy toys.5.Yes,I have.I would give the money away to a childrens home.(不唯一)Task 3:1.F2.F3.T4.F5.TTa

18、sk 4:1.part with2.children3.honest4.a lot of5.for a while6.although7.fast8.biggerTask shirts2.163.junior high school4.certain toys5.a train and railway set设计意图在阅读中首先读取大意,接着是读取细节,教师讲解要点,学生读后训练,是知识输入,教材知识输出,加深理解,最后是根据要点复述课文(填空),逐层加深,步步为营,达到训练的目的。Step .Grammar Focus1.Ask the students to re

19、ad the Grammar Focus and put the sentences in Grammar Focus into Chinese.2.总结:现在完成时用法小结 (1)它表示过去发生的某一动作或存在的状态,一直持续到现在,并可以和表示一段时间的状语连用,也可以用在以“how long”提问的句子中,句子中的谓语动词一般为延续性动词。但是,有些动词所表示的动作是短暂的,这类动词叫作非延续性动词。如:come,go,reach,arrive,leave,borrow,buy,join,die,begin,start,finish等。(2)时间状语:“for+时间段”、“since +

20、 过去时间点”、“since+过去时的句子”、“since+一段时间+ago”。通常for与since引导的时间状语可以相互转换。My uncle has worked at this factory for ten years.= My uncle has worked at this factory since ten years ago.我叔叔在这家工厂工作十年了。【注意】在现在完成时的句子中,非延续性动词作谓语动词时,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。 如果要表示动作的连续性,就要把非延续性动词转换成相应的延续性动词或短语,具体转换如下:buyhave,come backbe back,c

21、ome/go/reach/arrivebe in/at,leavebe away from,borrowkeep,marrybe married,diebe dead等。设计意图首先让学生明白每个句子的汉语意思,总结现在完成时的用法,教师讲解个别要点。提高学生的发现问题和总结问题的能力,为4a-4c教学做好铺垫。Step .Practice Task 1:Work on 4a.Rewrite the sentences using for or since.方法指导:(1)首先,确定每个句子谓语动词的结构:1.has been in 2.have not eaten 3.have had (强

22、调为什么不用have bought) 4.have known 5.has been ill(2)其次,讨论确定每个句子的时间状语:1.for three days 2.for ten hours 3.since 2009 4.for three years 5.since Monday (3)最后,讨论后独立完成完整的句子,小组核对答案。Task 2:Work on 4b.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.方法指导:让学生先观察4b各句,了解句子大意,并观察句中是否有关键的时间状语提示词,然后

23、根据提示词决定句子的时态和动词的形式。指导学生选用这种时态的理由。Task 3:Work on 4c.Fill in the questions and ask two students.Then complete the chart.方法指导:明确活动任务,询问他们拥有什么物品以及拥有的时间。并给出一些参考句型,如:Treasure Island is Tonys favorite book.He has had it for two years.【Keys】Task 1:1.Jim has been in Japan for three days.2.They have not eaten

24、 for ten hours. 3.I have had a camera since 2009.4.I have known Anna for three years.5.Linda has been ill since Monday.Task 2:1.have never been,go2.have never owned,have always wanted3.have had,bought4.havent been,miss5.has been,is设计意图练习的目的是让学生巩固所学的现在完成时,并做到熟能生巧,灵活运用达到触类旁通的目的。Step .Exercises:the end

25、-of-class test.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Although he (not play) with his old toys for a long time,he still wants to keep them.2.They decided (build) a bridge over the river.3.Who is the (own) of the new sports car? 4.The school (be) here for ten years. 5.He (own) a train and railway set since his fourth birthday

26、.根据汉语意思完成句子1.我们已经决定每人卖五件我们不再用的东西。We have to each sell five things that we use.2.我们已经从我们的卧室里清理出许多东西。We have already a lot of things from our bedrooms.3.说实在的,你是一位非常好的老师。,you are a very good teacher.4.随着他们长大,我们的房子似乎变得更小了。 they get bigger,our house get smaller.5.对我来说,我不想放弃我的足球服。 me,I did not want to my

27、football shirts. 【Keys】.1.has not build3.owner4.has been5.has owned.1.decided, no longer2.cleared out3.To be honest4.As,seems to5.As for,give up设计意图当堂检测,紧扣本节课重难点,检测学生对本课时所学目标语言的达标情况,促使学生巩固所学内容。Step .Homework Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things? What would yo

28、u do with the money you raise? Discuss with your classmates.设计意图运用本节所学知识,强化语言输出,达到熟练运用的目的。 Unit 2 Section A (3a-4c)Words and phrases: junior,clear,clear out,bedroom,no longer,own,railway,certain,honest,while, truthful,to be honest,part,part with,hometownSentences:How long have you had ? Ive had it W

29、eve already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms.To be honest,I have not played for a while now.【基础训练】.要点词汇1.拥有2.卧室3.铁路;铁道4.清除 5.家乡6.诚实的;老实的7.while (n.) 8.truthful 9.part10.junior 11.certain.短语互译12.初级中学 13.清除14.不再 15.至于;关于16.说实在的 17.对付、处理18.即使;尽管 19.part with20.for a while.根据汉语意思完成句子21.说实在的

30、,我不喜欢我爸爸给我买的鞋子。,I dont like the shoes my father bought for me.22.汤姆,你以前去过美国吗? you the US before,Tom? 23.对我而言,我也不想让出某些玩具。 me,I dont want to certain toys.24.你是怎样处理这些钱的? What do you the money?25.吉姆在日本三天了。Jim in Japan three days.【综合运用】.用所给词的适当形式填空1.The old man is very(truth).He never tells a lie.2.My room is (big)than hers.3.Lucy doesnt seem (like) the idea.4.They decide (leave)for Shanghai right now.

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