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1、李乃勇论文编号: 毕业论文 题 目:即席解说语用学:以2013年NBA总冠军赛为例Pragmatics of Impromptu Commentaries-A Case Study on the 2013 NBA Championship Game 院 (系): 外国语学院 专 业: 英语 学生姓名: 李乃勇 学 号: 1000610424 指导教师单位: 英语专业教育系 指导教师: 刘绍忠 职 称: 教授 题目类型: 理论研究 实践应用研究 年 月 日诚 信 宣 言我,李乃勇,郑重宣布:除了参考文献所标明引用的资料和内容之外,本论文不包括有任何已经被其他高等教育机构所接受的学位或学历论文资料

2、,也不包含有其他任何人已经出版的资料内容。 签字: 日期: 年 月 日Declaration I, Li Naiyong, the undersigned, hereby declare that this does not contain any material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institutions of higher learning and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this the

3、sis does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the dissertation. Signed: Date: 摘 要NBA即席解说就跟NBA比赛本身一样精彩、生动、变化莫测。解说评论员通过幽默、生动、专业的解说给我们观看NBA比赛的同时带来一场场听觉盛宴。但是,国外语言学家Blunter认为,语言在具体情境语境中意义会有不同的含义与意义。同样,NBA即席解说词在不同的语境中,


5、说词汇运用方面,有引进外来词,有运用缩略词,朗朗上口,更好地表达。在研究过程中,作者发现有两个方面有待于继续讨论:第一,解说员存在着解说不当和偏向心理,这会引导一些球迷的反感。如何加强解说员的业务水准和克服偏向解说,这将会关系到解说效果的发挥;第二,NBA即席解说在中国电视、传媒转播和美国转播的对比和倾向,将更好地使之取长补短、相互借鉴,丰富解说语用学。关键词:NBA即席解说;语境;语用AbstractImpromptu NBA commentaries, is as wonderful, vivid and colorful as NBA game itself. While we are

6、watching the NBA games, the commentators bring us a series of auditory feast through humorous, vivid and expert commentaries.However, Blunter ,a foreign linguist, believes that, the meaning of language will have different meanings and significant in the specific context of situation. Similarly, in d

7、ifferent contexts, impromptu NBA commentaries will change or have more meanings.The current study made a pragmatics analysis on impromptu NBA commentaries, aiming to find some special pragmatic phenomenon and language expression, which help broaden research field of pragmatic and enrich the commenta

8、ry of pragmatics and let the broad masses fans appreciate the games in a better way.The study adopted the way of statistics to analyze typical and striking pragmatic phenomenon of impromptu NBA commentaries and quantified the analysis by the presentation of some statistical information. Substantiall

9、y this paper followed three intermingling steps: description interpretationevaluation.Based on the registration of the theory, the author found that impromptu NBA commentaries have different characteristics in expression, questions between time-out, the use in commentary of vocabulary. The findings

10、are follows: 1)On the rhetoric expressions, Using metaphor, ellipsis, euphemistic expression and so on, it will help the commentor to better convey the game;2)Questions between time-out, will lead the fans to pay more attention and at the same time, leave the suspense for fans to think and guess; 3)

11、 At the level of the use of commentary, the introduction of new words and the abbreviation will be good for expression.Key words: impromptu NBA commentaries; context; pragmaticsContentsIntroduction 11 Research objectives and plan 21.1 Research objectives 21.2 Plan 31.3 Scope of the present 32 Theore

12、tical Frameworks 32.1 Pragmatics and sports commentary 42.1.1 Pragmatics 42.1.2 Sports commentary 42.1.3 Sports commentator 42.2 The relationship between pragmatics and sports commentary 42.3 Figures os speech 52.3.1 Metaphor 52.3.2 Metonymy 52.3.3 Euphemism 53 Literature Review 53.1 Related researc

13、hes on impromptu sports commentaries 63.2 Major findings in previous researches 63.3 Deficiencies in the past researches 73.4 Statement of the research questions 74 Methodology and Data Description 74.1 Process of the stylistic analysis 74.2 Process of data collection 85 Results and Analysis 85.1 Sy

14、nonymy 85.2 Polysemy 95.2.1 Modal particles 105.2.2 Name 115.3 Metonymy 115.4 Metaphor 125.4.1 Simile 125.4.2 Metaphor 125.5 Nickname 135.6 Slogan 135.7 Irony 136 Conclusions 14Introduction In China, basketball movement has a broad mass base, and NBA, the National Basketball Association, as a model

15、of professional sports league in the word, represents the highest level in todays word basketball level. As it is one of the most popular sport in the world today and a paradise for basketball genius yearning, watching NBA games has been popular among adolescent. However, the games are only held in

16、the United States, there is only one or two NBA China games which been held in China during the summer vacation and the teams are just two. For the vast number of NBA fans, it is not easy to buy tickets to Shanghai or Beijing to watch the NBA China games which are the exhibition games with business

17、promotion and maybe the teams are not their favourite, let alone to go to America to watch a real NBA game. Therefore, while we fans watch the NBA games through TV or internet, impromptu NBA commentary on the basis of the sports commentary arises at the historic moment.Impromptu NBA commentaries, is

18、 as wonderful, vivid and colorful as NBA game itself. While we are watching the NBA games, the commentators bring us a series of auditory feast through humorous, vivid and expert commentaries.However, Blunter ,a foreign linguist, believes that, the meaning of language will have different meanings an

19、d significant in the specific context of situation. Similarly, in different contexts, impromptu NBA commentaries will change or have more meanings. With the purpose of the point of pragmatics and taking the NBA championship in 2013 as an example, this paper is to analyze the pragmatic functions of c

20、ommentary, study how commentary play it function in a specific situation analyze which commentary has the implied meaning or indirect speech act. When we analyze impromptu commentary pragmatics, we always consider certain contextual factors, especially the background knowledge and contextual knowled

21、ge. For example, the same commentary of expression said by a commentator, the fans will have different opinions and understanding, and these depend on their awareness of the NBA or the knowledge about the NBA level. Therefore, in order to help the fans to have a better understanding of commentators

22、impromptu commentary, to better appreciate the game, understand humor, implicit and euphemistic expression and improve their communicative ability when they watch the NBA games at the same time, this paper focus on the research of impromptu pragmatics.1 Research objectives and plan1.1 Research objec

23、tivesCommentators give us fans professional, vivid and wonderful commentaries though TV or other network media. They want to share the feelings and the process of the games with us. However, the commentators in addition to explain the games and describe what is gong on, they also express some opinio

24、ns about the games. They can be complain, can be expectation, can be disappointment, can be their exciting feelings and so on. Or the commentators just want to attract the fans and lead some suspense to the fans. The ways and the figures of speech the commentators use also will affect the original o

25、pinions and objectives of the commentators. So this paper will focus on summarizing the ways and the figures of speech the commentators use, explaining some ways to understand the commentaries and think, helping the fans to better appreciate the games and enriching commentary pragmatics.However, the

26、 systematic research of language related to sports has seldom been seen, neither have impromptu NBA commentaries. There is a graduate student who called He Pingxiang ever wrote a paper The Language of the NBA: A Linguistic Analysis of Impromptu NBA Commentaries, but the scope she wrote is too big an

27、d she did not systematically analyze the commentaries pragmatics. Many language researchers fix on the language itself, seldom involve transdisciplinary research, but this research is full of creativity, novelty and significance. The present study attempts to make up the vacancy because it is of gre

28、at importance theoretically and practically, which helps expand research scope on more pragmatics and understand impromptu commentaries. This paper aims at four objectives.Firstly, according to the previous researches, the present study tries to extend the scope of language study, better the past re

29、searches and lead to a new research field.Secondly, since impromptu NBA commentaries have a lot of striking pragmatic features as commentaries variety and there is no systematic research about it, the present study tries to show a both linguistic and quantitative analysis sample.Thirdly, summarize t

30、he ways and the figures of speech the commentators use to help the fans to better understand and think and appreciate the games. It is as happy and interesting to listen and appreciate NBA commentaries as to watch the NBA game, because the commentators can always raise exciting phenomenon and bring

31、the audience to the climax of mood by using different phonological features according to different situation, but it is not easy to understand every sentence for the characteristics of the NBA game and context of situation of this language style. The study sums up and generalizes some special pragma

32、tics features to help understand and appreciate the NBA commentary language for TV audience.Fourthly, enrich pragmatics of impromptu commentaries, let those who want to study pragmatics of impromptu commentaries find an example to take as a reference and fill a vacancy of this field.1.2 PlanThe above objectives will be completed through six chapters. Chapter 1 is a general introduction to the present study on pragmatics impromptu NBA commentaries. The objectives of the study are s

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