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本文(新视野大学英语第三版第二册课文College sweethearts语法讲解Unit4Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新视野大学英语第三版第二册课文College sweethearts语法讲解Unit4Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、boyfriend because of my shal ow agenda: I wanted a cute boyfriend!2 We met through my col ege roommate at the university cafeteria. That fatefulnight, I was merely curious, but for him I think it was love at first sight. Youhave beautiful eyes, he said as he gazed at my face. He kept staring at me a

2、lnight long. I real y wasnt that interested for two reasons. First, he looked likehe was a real y wild boy, maybe even dangerous. Second, although he wasvery cute, he seemed a little weird.3 Riding on his bicycle, hed ride past my dorm as if by accident and pretendto be surprised to see me. I liked

3、the attention but was cautious about hiswild, dynamic personality. He had a charming way with words whichwould charm any girl. Fear came over me when I started to fal in love. Hisexciting bad boy image was just too tempting to resist. What was it thatattracted me? I always had an excel ent reputatio

4、n. My concentration wassolely on my studies to get superior grades. But for what? Col ege is supposedto be a time of great learning and also some fun. I had nearly achieved a greateducation, and graduation was just one semester away. But I hadnt had anyfun; my life was stale with no component of fun

5、! I needed a boyfriend.Not justany boyfriend.He had to be cute. My goal that semester became:Be ambitious and grab the cutest boyfriend I can find.4 I worried what hed think of me. True, we lived in a time when a dramatic shiftin sexual attitudes was taking place, but I was a traditional girl who wa

6、sntready for the new ways that seemed common on campus. Butchlooked superb! I was not immune to his personality, but I was scared. Thenight when he announced to the world that I was his girlfriend, I went alongwith him. And then I suddenly thought: Oh my gosh! Am I his girlfriend? Howdid that happen

7、? Then he whispered sweet words in my ear and said, Imgoing to marry you one day and I wil be a lawyer. You wil see.5 I was laughing inside and said to myself, d never marry this guy. Hes arebel without a good future. Hes my boyfriend because I hate my boringstudent life. I just want to have fun.*6

8、Sure enough, the fol owing month, I found out he had failed al hiscourses. Consequently, he was going to be expel ed from the university. Tomy disgust, he seemed resigned to his fate. I knew there was hope, so I ledhim to the col ege secretary for reconsideration.*7 You are going to graduate with a

9、BA in political sciencefrom UPenn and proceed to the Col ege of Law, I told him, lodging an appealon his behalf, which was approved. Butch was granted reconsideration. And,once we became steadies, he coordinated his studies and social life, passingal of his classes. He eventual y studied law.8 Despi

10、te Butchs somewhat wild character, at his core, he is always a perfectgentleman and deserves a lot of credit for that.True, hed sometimes takethe liberty of displaying his love by planting a kiss on my lips right in front of myastonished friends who watched and disapproved. But the truth is we had a

11、pure and responsible relationship for seven ful years. Sitting by the palm trees,hand in hand, we would listen to romantic songs, watch the sunset,and weave dreams of being together with children of our own, forever.9 Two years passed in a blur. One day, Butch took me by surprise ashe knelt down and

12、 proposed marriage holding a dozen red roses! Fil ed withdeep emotion, I confessed my love for him, How roooomaaaantic! Then mybrain woke up from fantasy land. I cried out, Good heavens. No! Were tooyoung to tie the knot. We havent even graduated from col ege yet! I real yloved him but was pessimist

13、ic about our chances for success.10 We married five years later.11 Our faithful journey of love and learning took us down rocky roads ofhardship and on smooth easy-going highways. It is a long, romantic,sometimes crazy, love story that sums up a 29-year long honeymoon together*as a couple who are st

14、il madly in love with each other. Ourlove commenced with a casual attraction but bloomed into a mature love andrich life.Language Points:1 I smile at my two lovely daughters and they seem so much more mature than we,their parents, when we were college sweethearts. (Para. 1)Meaning beyond words: Marr

15、ied to her col ege sweetheart, the author now is happy withher family and two grown daughters.Note: College sweethearts refer to someone with whom one is in love and by whom oneis loved at col ege; sweetheart is equivalent to lover,darling, beloved, or dear. Forexample:*Wel done, sweetheart, we are

16、all so proud of you. 做得好,宝贝,我们以你为荣。*My husband is the greatest guy in the world; he was my col ege sweetheart. 我丈夫是世界上最棒的,大学时他就是我的恋人。He tries to locate his former sweetheart Melina from whom he has heard nothing for a very*long time. 他在努力寻找他以前的恋人梅利娜,他已经很久没有她的消息了。2 Linda, whos 21, had a boyfriend in

17、her freshman year she thought she wouldmarry, but theyre not together anymore. Melissa, whos 19, hasnt had a steadyboyfriend yet. My daughters wonder when they will meet “The One”, their greatlove.(Para. 1) Her two daughters are at the age of just dating, but they seemto be very mature wondering whe

18、n they will meet their true love.3 They think their father and I had a classic fairy tale romance heading for marriagefrom the outset. (Para. 1) Her daughters consider their parents marriage a typicalconventional romance because they think it aimed at marriage from the very beginning.Usage note: cla

19、ssic, classical1 classic 用作形容词表示“经典的;精彩的;一流的”。例如:*Death on the Nile is one of the classic works of Agatha Christie. 尼罗河上的惨案是阿加莎?克里斯蒂的经典作品之一。*口语中也会用到 classic 这个词。当你看到一场精彩的演出时,就可以说“Thats classic!”来表达赞美。classic 用作形容词也表示“典型的;标准的”。*London is the classic example of the scattered city. 伦敦是标准分散型的城市。*This st

20、atement was a classic il ustration of British politeness. 这项陈述是对英国礼貌的一个典型说明。classic 也可用作名词,表示“文学名著;经典作品;杰作”。*We have al the standard classics of Hayao Miyazaki at home. 我们家有宫崎骏的所有的经典作品。2 classical 不能用作名词,只能用作形容词,表示“古典的;经典的”。*I spend a lot of time reading and listening to classical music. 我花了很多时间阅读和聆

21、听古典音乐。*Classical music is music written by composers such as Mozart and Beethoven. 像莫扎特和贝多芬所创作的音乐称为古典音乐。*莫扎特和贝多芬所创作的音乐属于古典音乐(classical music), 但这些古典音乐经久不衰,有永久的意义和价值,所以这些音乐也可称为经典的音乐(classic music)。反之,在前面有一例中说可口可乐瓶子的设计是精彩的,一流的,所以是经典(classic)之作,但很明显可口可乐瓶子的设计不是古典的 (classical)设计。所以,经典的(classic)作品不一定就是古典的

22、(classical)作品。 Classic fairy-tale romance is used to describe a romance blessed with unusualhappiness. Colloquially, a fairy tale can also refer to any story extremely unlikely to betrue.4 Perhaps, theyre right but it didnt seem so at the time. (Para. 1)Meaning: My daughters perception may be right,

23、 yet our romance back then was actuallynot like what they have assumed.5 In a way, love just happens when you least expect it. Who would have thoughtboyfriend because of my shallow agenda: (Para. 1) Love comes your way when you dont real y expect it. No one thought thatButch and I would finally get

24、married. He became my boyfriend simply because I wouldlike to fulfil my shallow wish: to have an attractive boyfriend in col ege. Here is the suspense of the story the author gives a broadhint that she wil tell us how she and her husband got married at last.6 We met through my college roommate at th

25、e university cafeteria. That fatefulnight, I was merely curious, but for him I think it was love at first sight. (Para. 2) At the school dining hal that important night, we were introduced to each otherthrough my roommate. I met Butch just out of curiosity, but he seemed to fal in love withme as soo

26、n as he saw me.7 “You have beautiful eyes,” he said as he gazed at my face. (Para. 2) The author was obviously attractive to Butch since he tried toplease her by praising her eyes.8 He kept staring at me all night long. (Para. 2) Both gaze at and stare at mean “looking at something fixedly for a lon

27、g timebecause of being attracted, surprised, or thinking, etc.”. Stare at usually has the additionalmeaning of “with eyes widely open”. Also, it usually implies “with great attention”; gazeat usually implies “in a dreamy and unaware state of mind”.9 I really wasnt that interested for two reasons. Fi

28、rst, he looked like he was a reallywild boy, maybe even dangerous. Second, although he was very cute, he seemed alittle weird. (Para. 2) She wasnt interested in him because she got the impressionthat he was wild and strange, which il ustrates that she didnt know much about him at thebeginning. Therefore, its not true that their romance was heading for marriage from thestart.10 Riding on his bicycle, hed ride past my dorm as if “by accident” and pretend tobe surprised to see me. I liked the attention but was

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