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1、剑桥商务英语中级考试试题十一剑桥商务英语中级考试试题(十一)一、中READING(PART ONE )(共7小题,共7.0分) Read these sentences . Which type does each sentence (1-7) describe? For each sentence mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet.第1题Mobile Advertising The Next Big ThingAAdvertising on mobile phones is a tiny business. Last year

2、 spending on mobile ads was $ 871 million worldwide according to lnforma Telecoms & Media, a research firm, compared with $ 24 billion spent on internet advertising and $450 billion spent on all advertising. But marketers are hailing the mobile phone as advertisings promised land. It is destined, so

3、me say, to replace not only internet advertising,the latest fad, but also television, radio, print and billboards, the four traditional pillars of the business.BThe 2.5 billion mobile phones around the world can potentially reach a much bigger audience than the planets billion or so personal compute

4、rs. The number of mobile phones in use is also growing much faster than the number of computers, especially in poorer countries. Furthermore, most people carry their mobile with them everywheresomething that cannot be said of television or computers.CYet the biggest selling point of mobile ads is wh

5、at marketing types call relevance . Advertisers believe that about half of all traditional advertising does not reach the right audience. But mobile advertising through text messages is the most focused: if marketers use mobile firms profiles of their customers cleverly enough, they can tailor their

6、 advertisements to match each subscribers habits.DIn September, Blyk, a new mobile operator, launched a service in Britain that aims to do just that. It offers subscribers 27 free text messages and 43 free minutes of voice calls per month as long as they agree to receive six advertisements by text m

7、essage every day. To sign up for the service,customers must fill out a questionnaire about their hobbies and habits. So advertisers can target their messages very precisely. Britain is the largest, but also the trickiest European ad market, so if it works here it will work everywhere, says Pekka Ala

8、-Pietila, chief executive and one of the founders of Blyk.Customers are rewarded in return for text message advertisements on their mobile phones.【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“顾客因为手机上的短信广告而得到一定的回报。”从D段的第二句话可以得知“手机用户每月可以免费享受217条短信和43分钟的通话,只要他们同意每天接收6条手机短信广告”。换言之,手机用户得到了一定的回报。所以,本句描述的正是D段的内容。第2题At present

9、, mobile ads take a small share of the advertising industry.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“目前,手机广告只占广告业很小的市场份额。”从A段的第一、二句话可以得知“手机广告还是小生意,它在全球广告总费用中所占的比例微不足道”。换言之,手机广告的市场占有率很小。因此,本句与A段内容一致。第3题Some people are very optimistic about the future of mobile advertising.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“有些人对手机广告的前景非常乐观。”

10、从A段第三、四句话可以得知“市场人士非常看好手机广告,认为它是广告业的希望所在。有些人甚至认为它必将取代现有的其他广告形式”。由此可以推断出这些人对手机广告的前景是非常乐观的,故本题答案为A。第4题Mobile phones are more accessible to people than computers are.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“手机用户比个人电脑用户人数多。”从B段的第一、二句话可以得知“全球的手机用户多于个人电脑用户,而且手机用户的增长速度远远高于电脑用户”。因此,本句符合B段的内容。第5题If mobile ads turn out succe

11、ssful in Britain, other European markets will be encouraged to do the same thing.【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“如果手机广告在英国取得成功,其他欧洲市场将备受鼓舞,仿效英国。”从D段得知,目前英国有一家手机运营商正在推广手机广告,而且正如它的首席执行官所说,“英国是欧洲最大、最错综复杂的广告市场,如果手机广告在这里能成功,它就可以在任何地方成功”。换言之,其他欧洲市场正拭目以待,如果手机广告在英国成功,他们必将备受鼓舞。第6题Mobile advertising has a remarkabl

12、e advantage of targeting exactly its customers.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“手机广告的突出优势是准确定位目标客户。”从c段第一句话可以得知本段的内容是关于手机广告的最大卖点或最大优点。后面的文字具体讲解手机广告相对于传统广告模式的优势所在,即手机短信广告可以根据客户的爱好、习惯而准确锁定目标客户。第7题Internet is the newest means of making advertisements.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“互联网广告是一种新时尚。”本题比较容易,关键在于理解A段最后一句话

13、。其中的the latest fad是同位语,用来补充说明internet advertising。换言之,Internet advertising is the latest fad,只要理解这一点,答案就一目了然。二、中READING(PART TWO )(共5小题,共5.0分) Read this text. Choose the best sentence below to fill in each of the gaps. For each gap 1-5, mark one letter A-G on your Answer Sheet. Do not mark any lette

14、r twice.第1题Asias Skills ShortageIt seems odd. In the worlds most populous region the biggest problem facing employers is a shortage of people. Asia has more than half the planets inhabitants and is home to many of the worlds fastest-growing economies. But some businesses are being forced to reconsid

15、er just how quickly they will be able to grow, because they cannot find enough people with the skills they need. In a recent survey, 600 Chief executives of multinational companies with businesses across Asia were interviewed. (1)It was their second-biggest headache in Japan (after cultural differen

16、ces) and the fourth-biggest in India (after problems with infrastructure,bureaucracy and wage inflation) . Across almost every industry and sector it was the same. Old Asia-hands may find it easy to understand why there is such concern. The regions rapid economic growth has fished out the pool of av

17、ailable talent, they would say. (2)Recent growth in many parts of Asia has been so great that it has rapidly transformed the type of skills needed by businesses. Schools and universities have been unable to keep up. This is especially true for professional staff. Airlines are one example. Many new c

18、arriers are setting up and airlines are offering more services to meet demand. (3)According to Alteon Training, the commercial-pilot training arm of Boeing, India has fewer than 3000 pilots today but will need more than 12000 by 2025. China will need to find an average of 2200 new pilots a year just

19、 to keep up with the growth in air travel,which means it will need more than 40000 pilots by 2025. In the meantime, with big international airlines training only a few hundred pilots a year, Asian airlines have taken to poaching them, often from each other. (4)China has been trying to lure pilots fr

20、om Brazil, among other places. With such a mismatch between supply and demand in Asias labour markets, companies will have to become better at hiring good staff and keeping them. The first priority is to realize that retention is more important than recruitment. But as some companies will always be

21、better at this than others, the job-hopping and poaching are set to continue for many years, until education and training catch up. (5)Without talented recruiting policies, some firms may end up scaling back their bold Asian growth-plans. AHowever, there is also a failure of education. BPhilippine A

22、irlines, for instance, lost 75 pilots to overseas airlines during the past three years. CAs it turned out, they ranked a shortage of qualified staff as their biggest concern in China and South-east Asia. DThere is also a severe shortage of good managers. EThe consequences of that are depressing and

23、will limit the growth. FBut, in the meantime, there is a dreadful shortage of pilots. GAsia has more than half the planets inhabitants and is home to many of the worlds fastest-growing economies. 【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“调查表明,他们把合格员工短缺视为中国和东南亚国家的首要问题”。本题型要求充分利用上下文的线索(如句子之间的逻辑关系、词法和语法的衔接)来进行合理的分析、推理

24、,找到符合文法、逻辑的选项,尤其是空格前后的句子中的线索。本题的答案比较明显,只要我们能留意前后句子中的线索。其前一句话提到了“最近的一次调查(a recent survey)”,调查的对象是“业务遍布亚洲的跨国企业的600名首席执行官(600 chief executives of)”。其后一句话提到“某个问题(it)被他们视为日本的第二大问题,印度的第四大问题”。根据句子的逻辑关系,空格中应该提到调查的结果,另外还需明确表述出后一句中所提到的某个问题。根据这两点,不难判断C项为正确答案。第2题【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“然而,教育的失败也导致了这一问题。”本题的关键

25、也在于理解空格处及其前后句子间的逻辑关系。其前两句话提到“过去了解亚洲的人认为这一问题(人才短缺)的存在毫不费解,他们认为是亚洲经济的快速发展耗尽了其人才储备”。这里特别指出old Asian-hands持有观点,显然作者的言外之音是这样的观点是过时的、片面的。另外,空格后面的两句话指出“亚洲许多地区的快速发展改变了行业所需要的各种技能,而他们的学校教育却未能与时俱进”。A项中的however,also两词很好地表达了与前面观点的转折和递进关系,而教育的失败正是随后两句所阐述的内容。故本题选A。第3题【正确答案】:F【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“然而,与此同时飞行员却严重不足。”本题的答


27、担忧而且将会阻碍公司的发展。”本段是文章的结尾,作者总结了问题的关键是“亚洲人才市场的供需矛盾”,并且指出“当务之急是要认识到留住人才比招聘人才更重要”。然而在空格处前一句,作者非常客观地指出“由于公司间的千差万别,跳槽和挖人的现象将继续下去”。这样持续下去的结果会是什么呢?E项中的“the consequences of that are depressing”正是它的回答,而且空格后面的“some firms may end up scaling back their boldAsian growth-plans”正好印证了E项后半句的内容“will limit the growth”。三

28、、中READING(PART THREE )(共6小题,共6.0分) Read the article and the questions on the opposite page. For each question 1 -6, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.第1题The term corporate culture refers to an organizations value system. Managerial philosophies, workplace

29、practices, and organizational network are included in the concept of corporate culture. Tyson Foods corporate culture is reflected in the fact that everyoneeven CEO Don Tyson wears clothes of a yellowish brown color on the job.The leaders who developed the company and the corporate culture typically

30、 shape the corporate culture.One generation of employees passes on a corporate culture to newer employees. Sometimes this is part of formal training. New managers who attend McDonalds Hamburger University may learn skills in management,but they also pick up the basics of the organizations corporate

31、culture. Employees can absorb corporate culture through informal contacts as well, by talking with other workers and through their experiences on the job.Corporate culture has a major impact on the success of an organization. In organizations with strong cultures,everyone knows and supports the orga

32、nizations objectives. In those with weak cultures, no clear sense of purpose exists. In fact, the authors of the classic book In Search of Excellence concluded the presence of a strong corporate culture was the single common thread among many diverse but highly successful companies such as General Electric and McDonalds.As you can imagine, changing a companys corporate culture can be very difficult. But some managers try to do

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