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1、本科毕业设计商务英语翻译中的英汉语差异 论文编号: 华南师范大学增城学院本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 外贸英文翻译中的英汉语差异姓 名: 林佳俊 学 号: 060124329 系 别: 外语系 专业班级: 涉外翻译专业 指导教师: 翁涛 2010年 4 月 15 日On Differences of English and Chinese in Business English TranslationA Thesis Submittedto the Department of Foreign Languages Zengcheng College of South China Normal

2、Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBy Lin Jia JunTutor:WengTaoApril 15, 2010Table of ContentsAbstract iii中文摘要 iv1.Introduction 12. Causes of Cultural Differences 12.1 Differences caused by living environment and social environment 12.2 Differences o

3、f the religious beliefs 22.3 Differences in customs 22.3.1 Yellow 32.3.2 Red 32.3.3 White 32.4 Differences of idioms sources 43. Cultural Differences of Business English Translation 43.1 Cultural differences of understanding things of business English 53.2 Cultural differences of colors of business

4、English 53.3 Cultural differences of number of business English 63.4 Religious and cultural differences of business English 64. Enlightenment of Cultural Differences in Business English 74.1 Do not blindly correspond 74.2 To avoid the negative associations 74.3 To regulate the translation 85. Transl

5、ation Methods 85.1 Transliteration 85.2 Literal translation 85.3 Literal translation (transliteration) filling 85.4 Literal translation (transliteration) plus paraphrase 96. Conclusion 9Bibliography 10Acknowledgements 11AbstractThe studies on differences between English and Chinese have been used in

6、 many fields of foreign language teaching. In the English translation of business English, the differences between English and Chinese studies have produced positive results. In the process of learning English, learning to know the knowledge background and cultural characteristics of English speakin

7、g countries will help us understand the connotation of the language and help to avoid the misunderstandings due to the cultural conflicts. This paper discusses the differences between English and Chinese of the business English translation. The differences between English and Chinese languages in bu

8、siness English reflect the analysis of the differences between Eastern and Western cultures.Key words: differences; business English translation; Eastern and Western cultures中文摘要英汉语差异的研究已被应用于外语教学的许多领域。在外贸英语翻译中,英汉语差异产生了积极的研究效果。在英语语言的学习中,了解英语国家的知识背景和文化特征有助于对语言内涵的了解,有助于避免因文化冲突造成的误解。本文探讨了外贸英语翻译中英汉语之间的差异

9、,对英汉两种语言在外贸英语上的不同体现,分析了中西文化的差异。关键词:差异;外贸英语;中西文化1.Introduction English and Chinese language themselves are two different cultures, and the language itself, which expressions are different. Chinese font is just like they should, well formed, containing extensive and profound culture of China. English

10、words are simple and elegant, just like water, which reflects the romantic uninhibited European and American customs; and it is not easy to sum up their differences with just a few words, so this thesis is to briefly analyze the two languages in some of the current situation in the cultural exchange

11、 and its induction.In todays society, with exchanges and cooperations of international trade is gradually developing, business English translation has been becoming the ethnic and national stage, that is the cornerstone of different cultural cooperation, which is a catalyst that plays a pivotal role

12、 in promoting economic development in economic globalization process .As the Chinas economic development and rising international status, as well as the growing number of international exchanges, more and more foreign countries coming to China, and thus bringing some culture shock different from the

13、 Chinese language. This continuously strengthen international exchanges. English, as the most extensive communication tool, its importance is increasingly highlight. However, sometimes, in the English exchanges, because the two languages-Chinese and English-the implication of cultural differences in

14、 the information and exchange, the two sides will unintentionally create misunderstandings, leading to the exchange of non-smooth, even failure. Eugene Nida pointed out to this that familiar with the two kinds of cultures, which is even more important than mastering both languages, because words onl

15、y make sense in its role in the cultural context .(谢天振,2008:157)There are many factors caused by the expression of cultural differences between English and Chinese, sum up the main points as follows: the living environment and social environment, religious beliefs, customs, idioms sources.2. Causes

16、of Cultural Differences2.1 Differences caused by living environment and social environmentPeople have long been curious about living thingshow many different species there are, what they are like, where they live, how they relate to each other, and how they behave. Scientists seek to answer these qu

17、estions and many more about the organisms that inhabit the earth. In particular, they try to develop the concepts, principles, and theories that enable people to understand the living environment better. (R.James.1991)A persons social environment includes their living and working conditions, income

18、level, educational background and the communities they are part of. All these have a powerful effect on health. The big differences in social environments within Europe contribute to wide disparities in health. There are big gaps in life expectancy and disease rates between rich and poor, the well a

19、nd the poorly educated and manual workers and professionals.china has always been an agricultural country, the development of agriculture is the basic guarantee of national development, while the agricultural resources and agricultural production relies on land,Therefore, in traditional Chinese cult

20、ure, the land is the most valuable property, and thus constitutes a feeling of cun tu cun jin(寸土寸金). Meanwhile,China is a big country, the problem of food is what the Chinese people have long been most concerned about. And thus, according to Chinese tradition, the first sentence to meet is to be : H

21、ave you had it? But British is an island, coastal setbacks, wide area, so the water is the most inexpensive for the British. Thus, when the British express of spending money without thinking, they will say spend money like water. meanwhile, British is between north latitude 50 degrees and 60degrees,

22、 which geography dictates that its changeable weather characteristics, the British always says Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather, showing no country like British in the world has such unpredictable weather. Therefore, the British in their daily lives are very concerned about

23、 the weather, and even the British, after meeting the main topic is the weather.2.2 Differences of the religious beliefs Religion is a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny.(Sally Wehmeier, 2004:1461)Religion plays an important role in human social life. In China

24、, Buddhism is the predominant religion of the Chinese people. In the minds of people of faith in Buddhism Buddha is above all else. Reflected in language, Chinese people often describe the extremely rare good opportunity as san sheng you xing(三生有幸). And the san sheng(三生) is coming from the Buddhism,

25、 representative of the pre-existence, this life and the next life. In addition, Chinese people always said like Buddha bless when they want to gain something with honor. But in the West, most of the people believe in Christianity. In the Christian s mind, god is above all else, and therefore wishes

26、to express in English is often said that God save. When someone is sneezing, the person besides will say God bless you. And the expression of the most severe expression of a curse is not more than God damn you; furthermore, the westerners have no (三生)theory, but they have with the Chinese Buddhism,

27、(三生), corresponds to the Trinity, that the Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit.2.3 Differences in customsCustoms is the social norm that a nation or culture has long been in circulation and the majority of the people to comply with.Eastern and western cultures on the differences between this norm

28、is also reflected in the language. For example, the Chinese people pay attention to the family concept, manifested in the customs is to speak on the level, talking about kinship relations. Thats why when eating occasions, pay attention to the allocation of seating in the home of the elders, or age g

29、reater than their own people do not address him by name, but with the father, mother, grandmother, sir, grandfather, uncle, aunt, brother,etc. Even in Chinese s social life, never met the right people will use the obvious kinship with the word. For example, when a youth in need of help, he might be

30、an old man called to say uncle or aunty; child emergency ask the people would first say uncle or aunty. In contrast, westerners are less particular about kinship, therefore, did not like English where the title is so rich in Chinese language. Moreover, since the westerners put greater stress on equa

31、lity between man and man, they tend to address him by name. Because of this, in everyday conversation, westerners rarely use ladies, gentlemen, teachers, managers, professors and other titles, they are often omitted the name directly in the name of proportionality, even a teenage child of a several-

32、year-old. The same is true of respected elders, a phenomenon in the Chinese language as a communication tool between the Chinese people is absolutely unimaginable. Because of this, it is difficult to imagine how to give it a faithful translation when a Chinese little child say uncle good to a foreign adult. East-west cultural differences in the language not only reflected in the interpersonal relationship, but also in the relationship between humans and animals.With dog as an example, in the Chinese langu

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