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1、范文中考复习资料ReviewofunitS新编新课标教案Review of units 1115The First Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary that students have learned in Units 11152 Ability ObjectsTrain students ability to use the target language they have learned freely and creatively3 Moral ObjectRepetition is th

2、e mother of learning Teaching Key PointKey vocabulary Teaching difficult PointTrain students ability to use the target language they have learned freely and creatively Teaching MethodPractice method Teaching AidThe blackboard Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionCheck homework Ask five students to read

3、 their sentences one by one using the words in activity 1 in preceding classHelp correct the mistakes made in their sentencesStep 1aThis activity reviews some of the vocabulary that students have learned in Go For It Book 5In this activity, well reviens some of the vocabulary in Units 115 by complet

4、ing a crossword Now, look at the clues with the headingsDown and AcrossDraw students attention to the crossword Read the sample answer to the class: I can look out of the window in my apartment Make sure that they understand what they need to do Then say,Please read the clues and complete the crossw

5、ord Get students to do the crossword in pairs While they are working, move around the classroom to make sure that all the students know what to do, offering help if necessaryCheek the answers by asking different students to read out and spell the answersAnswersDown 1 windows 2 bought 3 is 5 elephant

6、 6 wrong 7 suitcase 8 award 12 made 15 scarf 16 jobs 18 rude 19 meet 20 or Across 1 walls 4 noodles 7 strong 8 are 9 on 10 trash 11 sit 13 had14 done 17 customer 21 ever 22 fast 23 cheetahStep 1bThis activity requires students to creatively use the language they have learnedGo through the instructio

7、ns with the class Invite a pair of students to read the sample conversationSA: This is a place where we can go to see animalsSB: Is it a zoo?SA: Yes, it isMake sure students understand what they need to do Ask students to choose four words from Units 1115 and write a clue for each word Have students

8、 do the activity in pairs When they work, move around the classroom listening and offering help where necessaryAsk four students to say their clues and have the class guess the wordsS1: It is useful and helpful to us and can bring us success in competition (advantage)S2: This is a person who owns so

9、mething (owner)S3: This is a metal container in which food is kept cold (refrigerator)S4: This is a large sea animal We also call it sea cow (manatee)Step SummaryIn this class, weve reviewed some of the vocabulary words in Units 115Step HomeworkReview the vocabulary words in Units 1115Step Blackboar

10、d DesignReview of Units 1115The First PeriodSample answers to Activity 1b: 1 It is useful and helpful to us and can bring us success in competition (advantage) 2 This is a person who owns something (owner) 3 This is a metal container in which food is kept cold (refrigerator) 4 This is a large sea an

11、imal We also call it sea cow (manatee)Review of units 1115The Second Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects (1) Listening practice using the target language (2) Oral practice using the target language2 Ability Objects (1) Train students listening skill (2) Train students speaking skill3

12、 Moral Object If you review what you have learned actively, you will make greater progress Teaching Key Points1 Listening practice using the target language2 Oral practice using the target language Teaching Difficult PointTrain students listening skill Teaching Methods1 Listening method to improve s

13、tudents listening ability2 Pairwork to make every student work in class Teaching AidA tape recorder Teaching ProceduresStep RevisionDictate some vocabulary words in Units 1115guidebook, member, advantage, manatee, environment, greet, bow, wipe, serve, miss, fresh, rude, endangered, useful, strong, t

14、iny, politely, mostly, gradually, speciallyChoose five words Encourage students to make sentences with them S1: Everyone has more advantages than disadvantages S2: Manatees are large sea animals S3: Lets go out for some fresh air S4: He was late for school because he missed the bus S5: The ant is a

15、tiny insectStep 2aThis activity provides practice in listening for the general ideafocus attention on the four pictures Say, You are going to listen to four conversations Match the conversations with the correct pictures Point to the sample answer Say, This picture matches the first conversation you

16、 will hearPlay the recording for the first timeStudents only listenPlay the recording a second time This time students listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the boxesCheck the answersAnswers(from top to bottom)1,4,2,3TapescriptConversation 1Cbu: Tom,

17、I have some questions about your country, CanadaTom: Okay What do you want to know?Cbu: What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time?Tom: Youre supposed to shake handsCbu: How about time? For example, when a party is at eight oclock, do you go at eight oclock?Torn: No, you ca

18、n go about fifteen minutes lateCbu: OK Is it the same for business meetings?Tom: Oh no For a business meeting make sure youre on timeCbu: Mm I heard that its rude to make sounds when you eat Is that true?Tom: Yes it is You shouldnt do itCbu: One more question Are you supposed to take a gift when you

19、 visit someone?Tom: Yes, its polite to take a few flowersCbu: Thanks Now Im readyConversation 2Ben: Excuse me, could you tell me where the doctors office is?Sue: Yes, its on the second floor, beside the escalatorBen: Mm First I need to buy a book Is there a book store around here?Sue: Sure You can f

20、ind Biblo Books on the fourth floor Take the elevatorBen: Oh, I also need to exchange some moneySue: Yes Theres a bank on the first floor Its right behind youBen: Good I think thats everything Oh no Theres one more place I need to goSue: Yes?Ben: Do you know where I can buy some shampoo?Sue: Yes, th

21、eres a drugstore on the third floor Take the elevatorBen: Thank you Youve been very helpfulSue: Youre welcomeConversation 3Mom: We have to leave in half an hour Is everything ready for the trip?Xiao Li: I dont knowMom: Well, have you packed the travel guidebook?Xiao Li: Yes I did Oh! But I forgot th

22、e mapMom: OK Pack the map What about the camera?Xiao Li: Yes I have the cameraMom: Whats that noise? Have you turned off your radio?Xiao Li: No, Ill do it nowMom: And the towels Have you packed the towels yet?Xiao Li: Yes I packed the towelsMom: What about the food? Did you pack the food?Xiao Li: Ye

23、s Ive packed it alreadyMorn: Well, I think weve almost ready!Conversation 4Henry: Hi, Janet Would you like to help save the environment?Janet: I dont know What can I do?Henry: Well, first, you can start by turning off the lightsJanet: Yes Thats easy Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinkingWha

24、ts next?Henry: Second, you can ride a bicycleDont take a bus or a taxi if you dont have toJanet: That will save money, too What else?Henry: Thrid, try to recycle paperJanet: Mm Newspapers, magazines, mail we get a lot of paper at home Good ideaHenry: The fourth idea is turning off the shower When yo

25、ure not using itJanet: You mean, when I have shampoo in my hair?Henry: Yes Get wet Turning off the shower Put in the shampoo in your hair and then turn on the shower and wash it outJanet: Will that help the environment?Henry: Yes We have to save water And fifth, take a bag when you go shopping Dont

26、use plastic bagsJanet: OK My parents do most of the shopping Ill tell themStep 2bThis activity requires students to listen for specific information in the dialoguesLook at the four different questions types next to the pictures in Activity 2a Give students two minutes to go through the list of quest

27、ions You are going to listen to the same recording again This time you need to listen for specific information in the dialogues that will help you answer the questions Point out the sample answersPlay the recording for students to answer the questions Play the recording a second time or a third time

28、 if necessaryHave students do the activity in pairsWhen they work, walk around the classroom listing and offering help where necessaryAsk several students to share their answersAnswersFTFFT53214doctors office-second floor;bookstore-fourth floor;bank-first floor; drugstore-third floorpack the guidebo

29、ok; pack the map;pack the camera; Turn off the radio;pack the towels;pack the foodStep 2cThis activity lets students work in pairs to practise the conversations they have just heardGo through the instructions with the class, sample conversation in the box Invite a pair of students to read it to the

30、classSA: Would you like to help save the environment?SB: I dont know What can I do?Write the sample conversation on the blackboardNow work with a partner Start by reading the sample conversation in the box with your partner Then make conversations using information in Activity 2aGet students to prac

31、tise their conversations As they work, walk around the classroom offering help and encouragementAsk several pairs of students to say their conversations to the classFor example:SA: Would you like to help save the environment?SB: I dont know What can I do?SA: You can turn off the shower while you are washing your hair

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