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1、英语1.You seem subdued. Are you all right?你好像有点没精神。有什么心事吗?2.No spells no. 我说不行就不行(没必要再讨论了)。3.Dont bulldoze me. 别逼我。4.He got this zen look on his face. 他摆出一副一本正经/无所谓的样子。5.Their smiles were plastic. 他们的笑太假了。6.He lacks personality. 他没有个性。7.Roger! 收到!(OK,知道了)8.I couldnt find my bearings. 我有点找不着北。9.Theyre

2、lower than the animals. 他们禽兽不如。10.Hey, thats mine. Fork it over! 喂,那是我的。拿过来!1.Whats come over you? 你发什么神经啊?(怎么啦?)2.They enjoy being wined and dined. 他们喜欢吃请。3.My patience is running out. 我等不及了。4.Stop it! You could bite the dust. 别瞎折腾。当心摔个狗啃泥。5.You dont have to mind your Ps and Qs. 你不必小心翼翼的。6.Might is

3、 right. 拳头大的是爷。7.He is a bit of a handful in your class. 你们班这小子不太好管。8.She is nothing but a dumb blonde. 她只是个花瓶而已。9.Hey, this is no laughing matter. 喂,这可不是闹着玩的。10.I reserve judgment on this issue. 我对此事暂不表态。1.They were like one and the same back then. 当时他俩好的跟一个人似的。2.Let go of the stresses and strains.

4、 别忧心忡忡的。3.In English, please. 有话直说(别兜圈子,我听不懂)。4.Dont touch the tender spot. 别哪壶不开提哪壶。5.What are you? Hit the jackpot? 你发什么疯?中大奖了?6.Stop harping on about it! 别唠叨了行吗?7.We compared notes. 我们交换了一下看法。8.We handled the matter with kid gloves. 这个问题我们处理的很谨慎。9.Woe betide you if it happens again! 下次你死定了!10.I b

5、alk at the idea.这个主意我不太喜欢。1.She grudgingly admitted she was wrong. 她勉强承认了错误。2.I hold him in awe. 我对他很敬重。3.Youll have to resign yourself to it. 你只能无奈地接受。4.Your illness is psychosomatic. 病由心生。5.Good wine needs no bush. 好酒不怕巷子深。6.They just skirted around the issue. 他们光兜圈子,不谈正题。7.Its the widows mite. 礼轻

6、情义重。8.Its too way-out for me. 对我来说太前卫了。9.We should explore every avenue. 我们要千方百计。10.Do you have any contingency plans? 你有防范措施吗?1.The bulk of the speech fell short. 演讲的大部分内容令人失望。2.Take the stage in a positive frame of mind. 登台的时候要保持积极的心态。3.Arent they picked over? 都是人家挑剩下的了。4.The odds are stacked agai

7、nst you. 你成功的机会渺茫。5.I envy her measurements. 我真羡慕她的三围。6.He remains untamed. 他屡教不改。7.Ill have to wing it / play it by ear. 我只好即兴发挥了。8.Life is as flat as usual. 生活还是那么平淡。9.He poached this idea from me. 这个想法是他剽窃我的。10.Im not deflated. 我没有气馁。1.I need a stout heart. 我要的是个坚强的人。2.That is grungy. 那件汗衫太脏了。3.D

8、ont play Russian roulette with fate.别玩命。4.He appears offhand with people. 他好像对人爱搭不理的。5.The worm turns. 兔子急了也会咬人。6.House prices will never dip. 房价不会降了。7.Youre not going to palm me off with that feeble excuse. 别想轻易把我打发走。8.Nothing can break my spirit. 我永不屈服。9.Hes a hardy soul. 他是条硬汉。10.Shes spoken for.

9、 她名花有主了。1.They were victims of circumstance. 他们是环境的牺牲品。2.You look perky. 你精神不错啊。3.Dont give me the bull. 胡说八道。4.Take the tonsure. Lifes fuck all. 出家算了。活着真没劲。5.Dusk hasnt fallen. 天还没黑。6.It all happened in a flash. 这一切来得太突然了。7.The market is glutted. 市场饱和了。8.I think we should give him a fair hearing. 我

10、们应该听听他的解释。9.Mayday! 救命!10.Theyre paid a pittance. 他们的薪水少得可怜。1.Are you going to bleed me dry? 你要把我榨干哪?2.The dogma dies hard. 教条根深蒂固。3.I sleep rough but youre in clover. 我餐风露宿,你却过得逍遥自在。4.You look so woebegone. 你看起来很忧伤。5.Thats a rationalization. 那只是个借口。6.Wild horses wouldnt drag me there. 八匹马都拉不动我。7.Hi

11、s good humor is proverbial. 他的幽默广为人知。8.You wily old fox. 你这只老狐狸。9.You have to feign surprise. 你得装出很惊讶的样子。10.Dont be exultant. 别幸灾乐祸。1.Hes a night owl. 他是个夜猫子。2.People have been indoctrinated. 人们被毒化了。3.I have you by the short hairs. 我抓到你的小辫子了。4.Im old but I havent gone gaga yet! 我还没有老糊涂!5.Dont be imp

12、udent!放肆!6.Im constipated. I need some laxative. 我便秘了。给我点泻药。7.If youll pardon the expression. 说句不该说的话。8.Dont cut up. 不要哗众取宠。9.Prick up your ears. 竖起耳朵。10.Ill be climbing the walls. 我得抓狂了。1. Where are you heading?你要到哪里去?head朝.方向前进,一般跟的介词是for。2. I wasnt born yesterday.我又不是三岁小孩。3. What do you do for re

13、laxation?你做什么消遣?4. Its a small world.这个世界真小。5. Its my treat this time.这次我请客。6. The sooner, the better.越快越好。7. When is the most convenient time for you?您什么时候最方便?8. Take your time.慢慢来,别着急。1. Im mad about Bruce Lee.我迷死李小龙了。2. Im crazy about rock music.我对摇滚乐很着迷。3. How do I address you?我怎么称呼你?。4. Whats y

14、our name again?请再说一次名字好吗?5. Would you care for a cup of coffee?要杯咖啡吗?A:Hey, I heard you had a thing with Jeny, is it true?B:No, she is just one of my friends, BTW, shes not my cup of tea.1. She turned me off.她使我厌烦。2. So far so good.目前为止,一切都好。小短句仍然是那么的给力啊3. It drives me crazy.它把我逼疯了。4. She never show

15、ed up.她一直没有露面。5. Thats not like him.那不像是他的风格。6. I couldnt get through.电话打不通。1. I got sick and tired of hotels.我讨厌旅馆。2. Be my guest.请便,别客气。3. Can you keep an eye on my bag?帮我看一下包好吗? have an eye for: 有眼光。4. Lets keep in touch.让我们保持联系。5. Lets call it a day.今天就到这1. I couldnt help it.我没办法。2. Somethings c

16、ome up.有点事/出事了。3. Lets get to the point.让我们来谈要点。4. Keep that in mind.记住那件事。5. That was a close call.太危险了/千钧一发。1. It hurts like hell.疼死啦。What in hell did you say to her?你究竟对她说了什么?What a hell of nice photo!这张照片真是棒极了!What the hell! We only live once and life goes on.管他呢!我们只活一次,而生活还得继续。Hell! I dont know

17、.见鬼!我不知道。2. It cant be helped.无能为力。3. Sorry to bother you.抱歉打扰你。(事前)Sorry to have bothered you.抱歉打扰你了。(事后)4. Im always punctual .我总是很准时。5. You may leave it to me.交给我来办。6. I wish I could.不行。一种委婉表达法。7. Whats the rush?什么事这么匆忙?8. Whats so funny?有什么好笑的?9. I couldnt agree more.我完全同意。1. I have a slight fev

18、er.我轻微发烧。2. A fool never learns.傻瓜永远学不会。还记得阿甘正传中的这句吗?Stupid is as stupid does. 傻人有傻福。3. This is the schedule for tomorrow. 这是明天的日程安排。4. How late are you open?你们营业到多晚?5. Im here on business.我来这里出差。6. Whats Hong Kong famous for?香港以什么闻名?7. What brings you to Beijing?什么风把你吹到北京来的?8. She looks blue.她满面忧伤。

19、关于blue的短语:a bolt out of the blue: 晴天霹雳。a blue-eyed boy: 特别得宠的人。a blue film: 色情电影(黄色电影呶,可不要望文生义翻译为yellow movie哦)9. I just dont know what to say.我就是不知道说什么。劝人的时候是不是经常说这句呢10. Lets have fun tonight.今晚让我们乐一乐。11. Thank you for coming to see me off.谢谢你来为我送行。1. You wont get away with this.你逃不掉惩罚的。get away wi

20、th sth. 不因某事受惩罚。get away有时候还指“脱不开身”。例如:Im afraid I cant get away. 恐怕我脱不开身。2. Im tired of going to school day after day.我厌倦每天上学。之前说过了be fed up with. 其实这里的tired也可以换成sick。例如:Im sick of waiting around like this.我讨厌透了像这样在一旁等着。3. Who am I supposed to see?我应该去见谁?4. His idea is childish. 他的想法很幼稚。5. I need s

21、mall change.我需要零钱。零钱是small change,那么大钱就是“larger one”。6. Dont try to brainwash me.别想给我洗脑。7. I dont seem to have any luck today.我今天运气不好。8. That reminds me.那提醒了我。1. Hes been everywhere.他到处都去过了。2. Whats bothering you?什么在困扰你?大家可以联想记忆:I didnt mean to bother you. 我并不是有意要麻烦你。3. Who is to blame?该怪谁?4. Therer

22、e a lot of rumors going around.很多流言流传着。看过Gossip Girl的同学应该对rumor一词很是熟悉的吧?!哈哈,上面有很多词语可以学一下的比如:Theres a rumor said.有传言说5. I dont feel up to that.我觉得不能胜任那工作。feel up to: 觉得能够胜任,身体能够挺得住。再如:I dont feel up to a long walk today. 我觉得我今天不能做长距离散步。6. Im mad at myself.我生自己的气。7. Its raining cats and dogs.下着倾盆大雨。8.

23、 The sky is getting very cloudy.天空的云越来越多了。1. How long will it take to have this radio fixed?修理这收音机要多久?have sth. done: 不是说话人做这件事,而是另有人做。2. Come to me if youre in any difficulty.有困难来找我。3. Who do you think you are?你以为你是谁?4. Youre wasting your breath.你在白费口舌。Out of breath: 上气不接下气。5. It doesnt seem like t

24、hat.似乎不象是那样。6. Dont get on my nerves.不要搅得我心烦。7. Everything will be fine.一切都会很好。1. Stay out of the matter, please.请别管这事。2. Dont just shake your head.别光摇头,想想办法。3. Dont jump to conclusions.别仓促/过早下结论。4. That was a lousy movie.那电影糟透了。5. Have you thought about staying home?是否考虑在家呆着?阿甘正传Have you given any

25、thought to your future?你有没有为将来打算过?6. Ill come. I give you my word.我会来的/我向你保证。下面还有一句类似的说法:keep ones word:保证7. I swear Ill never tell anyone.我发誓不会告诉任何人。8. Ill make it up to you.我会赔偿的。1.Absolutely. 2.Absolutely impossible!3.All I have to do is learn English. 4.Are you free tomorrow? 5.Are you married?

26、6.Are you used to the food here? 7.Be careful. 8.Be my guest. 9.Better late than never. 10.Better luck next time. 11.Better safe than sorry. 12.Can I have a day off? 13.Can I help? 14.Can I take a message? 15.Can I take a rain check? 16.Can I take your order? 17.Can you give me a wake-up call? 18.Ca

27、n you give me some feedback? 19.Can you make it? 20.Can I have a word with you? 21.Catch me later. 22.Cheer up!23.Come in and make yourself at home. 24.Could I have the bill, please? 25.Could you drop me off at the airport? 26.Could you speak slower? 27.Could you take a picture for me? 28.Did you en

28、joy your flight? 29.Did you have a good day today? 30.Did you have a nice holiday? 31.Did you have fun? (用于答话)是这样;当然是;绝对如此。绝对不可能!我所要做的就是学英语。你明天有空吗?你结婚了吗?你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?小心/注意。请便/别客气。迟做总比不做好。祝你下一次好运。小心不出大错。我能请一天假吗?要我帮忙吗?要我传话吗?你能改天再请我吗?您要点菜吗?你能打电话叫醒我吗?你能给我一些建议吗?你能来吗?我能跟你谈一谈吗?过会儿再来找我。高兴起来!振作起来!请进,别客气。请把帐单给我

29、好吗?你能载我到机场吗?你能说得慢一点吗?你能帮我拍照吗?你的飞行旅途愉快吗?你今天过得好吗?你假期过得愉快吗?你玩得开心吗?1. Its up to you.* It is up to you to carry out the plan.* Its up to us to help those in need.up在这里是“应由负责;由决定”的意思,当我们想授权某人做某事时,我们就可以用up to 这个词。 2. I envy you.* She envied John for his success.* I envy you your health. 3. How can I get in touch with you? How can I contact/reach you?* Please contact me when you come home.* I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decision.* Newspapers keep us in contact with the events of the world. 4. Where can I wash my hands?5. Whats the weather like today?* What

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