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1、精选初中英语语法详解及练习题完整版学习必备欢迎下载20XX 年初中英语语法梳理和提高名词表示人、事物、地方、现象或抽象概念等的名称的词。知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点!一、名词的分类类别意义例词表示具体的人名、 事物、国家、地名、机构、团体等的专有名 称Jim , China, Qingdao, the专有名词UK,the Great Wall名可数 名 词 不 可 数 名词个体名词 集合 名词 物质名词girl,desk,people,student,factory,表示单个人的人或事物cat , country表示一群人或一些事物的总称police,team,普通 名词clothes,

2、group, crewwater, ice, pork, cheese,cotton, broccoli表示无法分为个体的物质词抽象名词fun,healthy,happiness,表示抽象概念的词courage, love, care注: 1.专有名词是指人、地方、团体、机构等特有的名称。第一个字母必须大写。专有名词前一般不加冠词。2、有普通名词构成的专有名词前要用定冠词“ the,”但它不大写。3、有些不可数名词有时表示为具体的东西时,则变为可数名词,而且以四上也有了变化。 eg. beer -a beerglass 一个玻璃杯,一杯啤酒,工厂,著作, glass-awork- a work

3、room 空间 -a room 一个房间二、 名词的数:表示可以计算数目的人或物称为可数名词。1、可数名词有单、复数两种形式:可数名词的单数形式要在名词前加“a或 an”;复数形式是在名词后加“-s 或 -es”。名词复数形式有规则变化和不规则变化两种,规则变化及其读音可依照下表:当名词为:词尾变化读音例词在清辅音后chips,jeeps, pats , clock s读 /s/在浊辅音或一般情况加 sboys, sharpeners, sofas,drawers watches, boxes, classes,brusheszoos, photos, bamboos, tomatoes, p

4、otatoes, heroes,元音后读/z/以 s,x,ch,sh 结尾的单词加 es/iz/以字母的单词o 结尾加s 或 es/z/以辅音字母结尾的单词去y 变 i+y/z/dictionar ies, strawberries,加 es去 f 或 fe以 f 或的单词fe 结尾变v 加es/vz/leaves, wiv es, halves精品资料精品学习资料第 1 页,共 62 页学习必备欢迎下载以 th 结尾的词加 sz/ez/; /mouths, paths; months, deaths2. 可数名词复数的不规则变化改变单数名词中的元音字母eg. man-men, woman w

5、omen, tooth teeth, foot feet, goosegeese, mouse-mice单复数同形eg. Chinese-Chinese, deer-deer, fish-fish, sheep-sheep,由 man 和 woman 构成的合成词 , 每个名词都要变复数eg. a man doctor men doctors, a woman teacher-women teachers注意 : 有些名词表示一种物体具有不可分割的相同的两部分,在使用时只有复数形式eg. trousers, clothes, glasses, shorts,scissors, etc有; 些名

6、词从形式上看是复数,实际上是单数 (其后的谓语动词要用单数). eg. maths, phyiscs, politics, news3. 不可数名词: 表示不能计算数目的人或物,称为不可数名词。他们前面不能用a/an,没有, 但有其复数形式。物质名词和抽象名词都属于不可数名词。不可数名词一般只有单数形式特殊用法 :(1) 同一个词 ,变成复数形式 , 意义不同。 eg. food 食物 - foods 各种食物,time 时间 - times 时代, green 绿色(2) 有些不可数名词用复数代指具体的事物-greens 青菜eg. hope -hopes 希望(3) 物质名词在表示数量时h

7、ardship - hardships 艰苦,常用某个量词 +of 来表示 eg. a cup of tea, seven pieces of bread, several bags of rice,三、名词的所有格名词的所有格是表示名词之间的所有关系,有两种表示形式, 一种是在名词后+;s另一种是用 of, 表示 “的”。1. (1) 一般词的所有格, 直接在词尾 +。s eg. Mr. Mott s robot, children books s clothes(2) 以 s 结尾的名词所有格只在词尾+eg. teachers(3) 两人共有的物体, 则在第二个名词后+ s如; 果分别是两

8、人所有则在每个名词后,面+。s eg. Lucy and Lily s r指oo两m人. (共住一个房间)Mrs Green s and Mrs Brown指s两so人n.各( 自的儿子)(4) 表示某具体场所时 , 所有格后面的名词可省略 s (officeM) r. Whiteseg. the doctor2.(1) 没有生命的事物一般用of 短语来表示所属关系。eg. the wall of the classroom , a picture of the bedroom ,(2) 名词的的定语较长时,有生命的事物也可用of 短语表示。eg. a long story of a 50-y

9、ear-old man(4) 双重所有格seg. a friend of his,the big nose of Tom(5) 有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以加格。s来构成所有 walk, today s newspapereg. ten minutes例题解析:举一反三,学的更轻松!1. They got much from those new books.A. ideasB. photosC. newsD. stories解析: much 是用来修饰不可数名词的三个选项均是可是名词的复数形式, C 项为, A B D精品资料精品学习资料第 2 页,共 62 页学

10、习必备欢迎下载不可数名词 , 因此选 C.2. I have two and three bottles of here.A. orange, orangeC. oranges, orange解析 : orange 有两种含义B. oranges, orangesD. orange, oranges, 一种可数名词橘子, 另一种是不可数名词橘汁, 此题第一空应填可数名词 , 第二空填不可数名词, 因此选C。3. Every evening M r. King takes a tohis home .B. 25 minute s walkD. 25 minutes walkA. 25 minut

11、eswalkC. 25 minute walk解析 : 句中的应该用其复数的所有格形式,只 +而,不能 +s,因此选A 。minute4. An old wants to see you.A. people解析 : person“两个人 ” 用B. personC. the peopleD. the person与 people 都有 ”人 ” 的意思, 但用法不同 . “一个人 ”用 “a person ”,“人们 ”是集合名词 ,表示复数 , the people 指 “人民 ” ,“ two persons” ; pe泛op指leB 。a people 指 “一个民族 ” .应选5. H

12、elp yourself to .A. chickens and applesC. chicken and apple解析 : chicken 可用作可数名词指小鸡 肉;apple 为可数名词 , 故应 +s, 因此选6. Oh, dear. I forgot the two .B. chickens and appleD. chicken and apples, 用作不可数名词指鸡肉D。,根据词题意应理解为鸡A. room s numberB. rooms D. rooms numbers. 类似的还有 mynumberC. room numbers解析 : room number 房间号码

13、 . room可直接用作定语修饰后面的名词two bus drivers 等 .应选 C。phsics teacher,7. She has been in Tianjin for ten years. Tianjin has become her second .A. familyB. houseC. homeD. room解析 : family 指的是家庭或是家庭成员指的是家 , 因此选 C.; house 指的是房子 (住所 ); room 指的是房间 ;而 home t go to the meeting, because they have goannegthoaSi h.B. Ma

14、ry and Peter8. mothers couldn sA. Mary and PeterC. Mary s and PeterD. Mary s and Peters解析 : 此句中“mothers是”复数,表示两个人各自的母亲,因此应选 D。9. Li Lei has been to many times this month. s C. her unclesD. aunt s, 可省去所有格后面的名词A. her uncle解析 : 此句意为 因此选 B。B. her uncle“李雷这个去她舅舅家多次”.表示具体场所时. t in teaching.10. He is a suc

15、cess as a leader but he hasnA. many experiencesC. an experienceB. much experienceD. a lot experience解析解为: experience 作 “经验 ” 讲时是不可数名词, 作a lot“经历 ”讲时是可数名词本句中应理.“经验 ”因,此是不可数名词,排除A C. 又因只用于肯定句 ,of,lots of, plenty of不用于否定句 , 因此选 B 。11. A classmate of was here ten minutes ago.A. youB. yourC. your sisterD

16、. your sister s精品资料精品学习资料第 3 页,共 62 页学习必备欢迎下载解析 : 此题考查名词的双重所有格.应选 D。12. A group of are talking with two .A. Frenchmen, GermansC. Frenchmans , GermenB. Germans ,FrenchmansD. Germen , Frenchmen解析 :Frenchman 是复合词,其复数形式为Frenchmen; German 的复数为直接在单词末尾+S, 应选 A.13.The team having a meeting .A. isB. areC. am

17、,即可表示复数意义B。D. be(指整个小组解析 : team 是一个集合名词数), 此题意为后者 , 因此选) , 也可指小组中的成员(表示复14. “ Would you like ?“” , please.”A. drink, Three coffeesC. a drink, A coffee解析 : drink 和 coffee 是不可数名词B. a cup of drink, CoffeesD. a drink, Three cups of coffees, 可以用 of 来表示数量 , eg, three cups of coffee,当前面加 a 时 ,则表示“一杯 ”因此选 C

18、。15. The Great Wall was made not only by , but also the flesh and blood of and stone, millions ofC. the earth and stone, million ofB. earths and stones, millionsD. the earths and stones, millions解析:因此选earth 是不可数名词,因此删除A 。B D, 数以百万的应为millions of .练习与巩固:熟能生巧,取得好成绩!选择最佳答案:1 Last night, ther

19、e was a food accident. The were ill, but no were lost.A. child, livesB. children, lifeC. children, livesD. child, life2. -This is a photo of when they were young.-OK, how happy they both looked!A. my father and motherC. my mothers and fathersB. my mother and fathers and my mother3. The n

20、ew student is in , Grade Two.A. Class ThirdB. Third ClassC. Class ThreeD. Three classbuy some flowersth4. Today is September 10 . Its Day. Lets goandfor ourteachers.A. TeachersB. TeachersC. the TeachersD. Teachers5. The market isnt far from here. Its only bicycle ride.A.half an hoursB. half an hours

21、C. half an hourD. an hour and a half6. - What would you like to drink, girls?- , please.A.Two cup of coffeeC. Two cups of coffeeB. Two cups of coffeD. Two cups of coffees7. During Christmas, people get together and sing Christmas songs for .A. funB. wishesC. interestD. thanks8. Some are flying kites

22、 near the river.A. childB. boyC. boysD. childs精品资料精品学习资料第 4 页,共 62 页学习必备欢迎下载9. After the exam, well have holiday.A. two weeksB. two-weeksC. two weeksD. two weeks10. They are those bags.Please put them on the bus.A. visitorB. visitorsC. visitorsD. visitors11.- How many workers are there in your facto

23、ry?- There are two .A. hundredsB. hundredC. hundred ofD. hundreds of12. -What do you think of the the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven?- It sounds really wonderful.A. subjectB. musicC. bookD. animal13. There is not enough in the corner for the fridge.A. placeB. roomC. fieldD. ground14. comes from sheep

24、 and some people like eating itA. WoolB. PorkC. MuttonD. Milk15. If you dont take more , youll get fat.A. medicineB. lessonsC. photosD. exercise16. My school is about twenty walk from here.A. minuteB. minutesC. minutessD. minutes17. Mum, I have to tell you!A. a good newsB. some good newsC. some good

25、 newesD. much good news18. Which is the to the post office?A. streetB. wayC. roadD. address19. I stayed at last Sunday.A. my unclesB. my unclesC. my unclesD. my uncles family20. Maths not easy to learn.A. areB. is6-10 CACCDC. am11-15 ABBCDD. were16-20 BBBCB1-5CBCBB冠词冠词分为不定冠词 (a, an )和定冠词(the)知识梳理:提纲

26、挈领,抓住重点和难点!一、 不定冠词的用法1) 用与可数名词的单数形式前She is a girl.Pass mean apple , please.,指人或事物的某一种类:例如:2)、指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。例如:A boy is waiting for youWe work six days a week.3). 表示“一 ”这个数量 ,但数的概念没有one 强烈 .例如 :We are going to have an English lesson tomorrow.I have a mouth , a nose, two eyes and two ears.精品资料精品学

27、习资料第 5 页,共 62 页学习必备欢迎下载4). 用于某些固定的词组中a few, a little, a lot of.例如 :注: 用 a 还是 an, 要看后面的词读音以辅音开头还是以元音开头二、定冠词的用法1) 特指某 (些 )人或某 ( 些)物 .例如 : the photo of the boy.2) 指双方都知道的人或物.例如 :-Where are the new books, Jim?- They are on the small table.3) 指上文提过的人或物.例如 :Today he is making a machine.He wants to ride th

28、e machine like a bike and fly it like a plane.4). 用在世界上独一无二的事物前The sun is bigger than the moon. 5). 用在序数词或形容词最高级前.例如 :.例如 :The first truck is carrying a few baskets.The third one is carrying the fewest of all.6). 用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前the Great Wallthe North Street Hospital.例如 :7). 用在一些习惯用语中.例如 :in the morning (afternoon, evening),on the left(right) at the end of三、不用冠词的情况1)在专有名词前和不可数名词前。例如: China, Grade Two, Bill Smith, milk2)名词前已有作定语用的The letter is in her pocket.I think the shop is closed at this time of day.3)复数名词表示一类人或事物时。例如: My father and mother are teachers.I li

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