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1、动感英语笔记Part25110051. Show Time 秀精神病患者Well, a boys best friend is his mother. 男生最好的朋友就是自己的母亲。Slang 俚语 查理和巧克力工厂Balderdash, the kids who are going to find the golden tickets are the ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day! (片中) balderdash 胡说八道例:Balderdash! Youre going to do great son! Balderdash

2、! Duran, nobody could beat you in tennis.Classic Clips 经典对白 查理和巧克力工厂(1)That man spoils his daughter and no good ever comes from spoiling a child like that . (片中) no good comes 没好处,没好下场例:No good comes from lying, Always tell the truth. Nothing good comes from trying to hurt someone elses feelings so

3、be quiet for a while when you are upset.(2)Shes just a driven young woman, I dont know where she gets it .(片中) driven 有野心,有冲劲例:I was looking at you from across the room, I felt driven to talk to you. Driven by jealousy, I decided to read her diary.52. Show Time 秀 The Maltese Falcon 马耳他之鹰The struff t

4、hat dreams are made of . 梦想由此构成。Slang 俚语 查理和巧克力工厂We were barely making ends meet as it was .(片中) make ends meet 收支平衡例:If I get this new job, we will be able to do much more than just make ends meet every month! Well, I can make ends meet every month, but I never have any extra spending money.Classic

5、 Clips 经典对白 查理和巧克力工厂(1)All in good time, now .(片中) all in good time 马上,一会儿例:All in good time, you will know, is patient with yourself. All in good time, honey, I dont want to give away all my secrets.(2) Dont lose your heads! 别冲动,要理智例:Dont lose your head over her. Its important not to lose your head

6、 when you get promotion, just be patient and dont do too many things at once.Show Time 秀 Gone With The Wind 乱世佳人Ill go home . 我要回家And Ill think of some way to get him back. 我会想办法让他回来的。After all, tomorrow is another day! 明天毕竟又是新的一天!Slang 俚语查理和巧克力工厂Mr.Wonka? Sure is toasty in here.(片中) toasty 暖洋洋的例:Wo

7、w, its pretty toasty in here; it must be from all the people.Classic Clips 经典对白 查理和巧克力工厂(1) Try some of this ,itll do you good, you look starved to death. (片中) starved to death 饿坏了例:A : Are you hungry? B: Oh , I am starved to death! He must have been starved to death!(2)For your information ,little

8、girl .(片中) for your information 否认前面(对方的)所说的,发表自己的意见例:For your information, mom, I have been out of the Beijing before, Dad took me to Qinhuangdao last year. For your information, I wasnt at that party last night, so I cant tell you what happened, officer.54. Show Time 秀 Top Gun 壮志凌云Its what? Its cl

9、assified .那是什么?是机密资料。I could tell you, but then Id have to kill you. 我可以告诉你,但是之后就要杀了你。Slang 俚语 查理和巧克力工厂Once again, you really shouldnt mumble cause its sharting to bum me out . (片中) be bummed out 失望; 遗憾 ; 沮丧 (not be bummed out 别失望 别沮丧) what a shame . what a bummer 太遗憾了= what a pity (此用法有点过时)例:Try no

10、t to be bummed out; there are better apartments out there. Are you doing okay? You look kind of bummed out today.Classic Clips 经典对白 查理和巧克力工厂(1)Hey little boy, Dont push my button ! (片中) push someones button 把.惹怒例:Mom, Jennie really pushed all my buttons today, I felt like smacking her. Everything is

11、 pushing my buttons today; youd better leave me alone.(2)I cant put my finger on it . (片中)“to put your finger on sth. 完全了解内情(常用于否定句)例:I cant quite put my finger on why, but I think that hes hiding sth from you. This car isnt running well, but I havent been able to put my finger on the problem.55. Sh

12、ow Time 秀 The Wall Street 华尔街Greed, for lack of a better word.贪婪,抱歉我找不到更好的词语。Slang 俚语 Green Card 绿卡Well, do I look the part ? (片中) the part 得体,角色例:Im hoping to get hired with that company, but Im not sure if I fit the part. Theyre looking for someone who has experience in teaching, so youd probably

13、fit the part.Classic Clips 经典对白绿卡(1)Dave says: I know just the guy wholl take it off our hands .(片中)“take sth. off someones hands 除去负担例:If youre not using that bicycle, Id love to take it off your hands . Youre so busy, I know, so I offer to take your shooting job off your hands.(2)He was rude to a

14、customer, we dont stand for it .(片中)“Stand for sth. “容忍例:My mother is very honest she cant stand for lying of any kind. Its not fair for those guys to be mean to you, I wont stand for it.56. Show Time 秀 Harry Potter 哈利波特I cant be a wizard. 我不可能是个巫师。Im just Harry, just Harry . 我只是哈利,只是哈利。Slang 俚语 绿卡T

15、heres been a major clamp down on illegal aliens marrying for residency status and green card. (片中) clamp down 取缔,严格约束例:In some states, like California they have really clamped down on smoking restaurant. In BeiJing the traffic police have started to clamp down on illegal taxies on the street.Classic

16、 Clips 经典对白绿卡(1)Its like youre cramming for an exam. (片中) cram 临阵磨枪,突击例:If I cram all night tonight, I might be able to do well on the exam tomorrow. I have a deadline for Friday and Im going to have to cram to get it all done, you know.(2)Some stroke of luck, huh B having a French chef as a guest ?

17、 (片中) stroke of luck 运气极好例:It will take a stroke of luck to get there on time. Im so thankful that we met; it was really a stroke of luck that I was there in the cafe that day.Behind The Scenes 特别收录著名的好莱坞也展示亚洲文化的电影, The Last Samurai 最后的武士 The Ring 午夜凶铃 The Grudge 咒怨Memoirs of a Geisha 艺妓回忆录57. Show

18、Time 秀 Home Alone 小鬼当家1Other than that, Im in good shape.除此之外,一切都很好。Slang 俚语绿卡Mother wont hear of it .(片中) wont hear of it 不同意,不允许例:I wont hear of it, I will take care of the bill. He wont hear of it, he only drinks milk.Classic Clips 经典对白绿卡(1)Thank you for asking me at the last minute. (片中) at the

19、last minute 最后一刻例:Im so glad that I was there to get tickets, it was the last minute and I got the last ones available. Wow, we really got here at the last minute! Lets get seats.(2)Handyman, Handyman. The good husband always does handyman things. (片中) handyman 手巧的男人,会做家务的男人(居家男人)例:His dad has alway

20、s been such a handyman; he can fix anything and everything in the house. The guy who fixes things in our apartment complex is not much of a handyman.58. Show Time 秀哈利波特I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading. 这是我几周前借来消遣的书。This is light?这也算消遣?Slang 俚语绿卡There might be some intruder lur

21、king about. (片中) lurking about 潜伏例:I really want to find the red tie for the party tonight, and Im sure it must be lurking about, I have to find it. Lets put the kids to bed, I dont want them lurking about while were talking.Classic Clips 经典对白绿卡(1)My fathers made sth of this life. (片中)“make sth. of

22、your life 成就一番(事业),有作为例:Honey, dont worry, youre still young, you have plenty of time to make sth of your life. My dad always tells me how he wants me to make sth of my life, but all I want to do is get married and have kids.(2)I think I tried too hard , I brew it.(片中) blew it 搞砸 = screw up 例:A : Ho

23、w is your exam? B: I blew it. Sorry, I blew the scret . This is a very important time for our company, dont blew it .59. Slang 俚语 The Incredibles 超人特攻队Yammering . (片中) yammer 唠唠叨叨讲个不停例:I couldnt get away from Bob; he just wouldnt stop yammering about his vacation. Tom is such a bore, he just yammers

24、 on about nothing.Classic Clips 经典对白超人特攻队(1)Were pushing our luck as it is . (片中) push ones luck 得寸进尺例:Dont argue with the policeman, he let you go with a warning, dont push your luck.(2)stay right on my tail, this is gonna get hot ! (片中) stay right on ones tail 紧紧地跟着例:Duran drives too fast; I cant

25、stay right on his tail. Its really crowded in here stay right on my tail, if you dont want to get lost.(3) hot 危险 (温度高; 辣; 最受欢迎)例:We cant do the robbery now, the police are everywhere! Its too hot, we have to wait until the place cools down. Theres a lot of fighting around the landing zone, its too

26、hot to land the helicopters.60. Show Time 秀 Braveheart 勇敢的心Every man dies . 每个人都会死。Not every man really lives. 但不是每个人都真正活过。Slang 俚语 超人特攻队Its bigger! its badder! (片中) bad 酷 (坏)例:That Movie is so bad . 那部电影非常酷! Thats a bad-ass car very cool ! 那个车真漂亮,非常酷! Hey, look,.Joe has a really bad-ass tattoo! 快看,

27、Joe 的纹身特别的酷!Classic Clips 经典对白 超人特攻队(1) That ship has sailed. 大势已去例:I wanted to invest in the stock but the market has really dropped I guess that ship has sailed. 我想投资股票,但是行市已经跌落,我想大势已去了。 I wanted to ask out Liz but that ship has sailed, because shes just got a new bf. 我想约Liz出去,但是已经晚了,因为她认识了一个新男朋友。

28、(2)You sly dog! you got me monologuing. (片中) sly dog 精明,诡计多端例:How did you get Durans phone number? You sly dog. 你如何得到Duran的电话号码?你真是精明。 Youd better be careful around Bill, hes a real sly dog . 你在Bill的身边最好小心点,他相当狡猾。61. Show Time 秀 Raiders of the Lost Ark 夺宝奇兵-法柜奇兵 Snakes? 蛇?Why did it have to be snake

29、s ? 为什么是蛇? Slang 俚语超人特攻队Here we go, Honey ! (片中) here we go 开始 here we are 我们到了 here you are 给你拿好 here it is 在这例:Hey, Im ready for the shooting ,are you ready? here we go! Do you have your seat-belt on ? here we go.Classic Clips 经典对白超人特攻队(1)This is gonna be rough! (片中) rough 艰难,不顺利 (粗略的)例:A: Hey,man, lets hang out . B: No , I dont want to go , Ive had a rough day

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