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2、理解不同语音、语调所表达的意义。2.能在具体语境中正确识别、理解和运用语法知识。3.能在具体语境中正确理解和运用词汇。4.能在具体语境中正确理解和运用语言功能。 听主要测试考生理解口头英语并完成相关任务的能力,具体目标为:1.能获取话语中的事实信息;2.能根据事实信息进行简单的推断;3.能理解话语中隐含的意思;4.能归纳话语的主旨大意。.阅读主要测试考生理解书面英语并完成相关任务的能力,具体目标为:1.能理解文章的基本内容;2.能根据上下文正确理解词语和句子;3.能归纳段落或文章的主旨大意;4.能推测文章中的隐含意思;5.能运用阅读技能完成不同文体的阅读任务。写 主要测试考生的书面表达能力,具


4、生在120分钟内完成。第I卷第1-16小题、第2580小题釆用多项选择题形式,答案必须涂写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。第I卷第1724小题、第8184小题的答案和第II卷的答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。五、考试内容和要求根据上海市中小学英语课程标准(征求意见稿),确定考试内容和要求如下: 1.词汇基本参照2013年上海市教育考试院的高考英语词汇手册。 2.语法.词法(1)名词名词复数的构成、专有名词、不可数名词、名词所有格(2)代词人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、疑问代词、反身代词、it 的用法(3)数词基数词和序数词(4)介词常用介词和介词短语(5)形容词和副词比较级和最高级


6、式、被动式、与疑问词连用作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语状语)5情态动词和助动词.句法(1)句子种类陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句(2)句子类型简单句并列句复合句(状语从句、定语从句、宾语从句、主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句)(3) 倒装句(4)强调结构1.语言功能(1)Greetings 问候A.Hello/Hi!Good morning/afternoon/evening!How are you?B.Hello/Hi!Good morning/afternoon/evening!Fine, thanks. And you?Please give my regards /best wis

7、hes/love to Please remember me to(2)Introductions 介绍A.This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/MsB.How do you do?Nice /Glad/ Pleased to meet you. C.How do you do?Nice /Glad/ Pleased to see/meet you, tooMy name is Im a student/doctor/ etc.(3) Farewell 告别Goodbye/Bye-Bye/Bye See you later /tomorrow/see you .Good night !Wel

8、l, I must be off now .I really must be going now. (4) Thanks 感谢A. Thank you (very much ). Thanks a lot Many thanks.Thanks for Thats very kind of you.B. Not at all.You re welcome. Its a pleasure .Dont mention it .(5) Invitation 邀请A. Id like to invite you to Will you come to ?Would you like to ?How ab

9、out to ?B. Yes, Id love to /like to Yes, its very kind /nice of you to Thank you. Id be glad to. C. Id like to, but Im sorry, but (6) Good wishes and congratulations 祝愿和祝贺A. Good luck !Best wishes to you !Wish you a pleasant journey .Have a good time. Congratulations !Congratulations on your success

10、!Happy birthday to you! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! B. Thank you. Thank you. The same to you. Merry Christmas! Happy new year! (7 )Attracting attention 提醒, 引起注意Excuse me, (8) Requesting clarification 澄清Pardon? Please say that again. What do you mean by ?Im sorry I cant follow you Im sorry I did

11、nt catch you (9) Identifying 辨别This/That isThese / Those are This/That is mine /yours. These / Those are mine /yours. This /That boy is my brother. These / Those girls are my classmates.(10) Reporting (including describing and narrating )报告They did /had /were He said/told me that they had done /were

12、 doing/would do(11)Correcting改正 No. He/She has no. He/She has not any. There is/are no. There is/are not any. He/She has never done/been. You/She do not. He/She does not. There is nothing.(He/She is/dose not, is/does he/she?Yes, he/she is/does.No, he/she isnt/doesnt.)(12) Asking for information 询问As

13、k/Do you/they.?Is he/she/that.?When/Where/Why/Which/What do you.?Whats the. like.?What day (date) is it today?Who/How.?Can/Could you tell me.?(13) Likes and dislikes 喜好和厌恶A.I like/love.(very much/best)B.I dont like. I hate.(14) Preferences 偏爱I like. better than.Id prefer.(to.)(15) Intention, want an

14、d desire 意愿和欲望 A. Im going to. Id like to. I will. I want/hope/intend/plan/wish. B. Are you going to.?Would you like to.? Do you want to.? Will you.?(16) Agreement and disagreement 同意和反对A. Yes, please. All right/O.K. Sure/Certainly/Of course. Yes, I think so. I agree with you.B. No, I dont think so.

15、 Im afraid not.Im afraid I dont/cant agree with you.(17) Ability and inability 能够和不能够I can.I cant.Im able to.Im not able/unable to.(18) Certainty and uncertainty 肯定和不肯定A. Im sure(of that). Im sure(that).B. Im not sure(of that.) Im not sure whether/if. I doubt if. I cant be certain.C. Perhaps. Maybe.

16、(19) Obligations 职责 I/We/You/He/They must. I/We/You/He/They have to. I/We/You/He/They should/ought to.It is necessary to./that. (20) Asking for permission 请求同意及应答 A. May I.? Can/Could I.? I wonder if I could./if it is possible to. Would/Do you mind.? B. Yes/O.K. Sure/Certainly/Of course. Thats all r

17、ight. Please go ahead. Not at all. Certainly not. C. Im afraid. Im sorry. Youd better not. I dont think thats possible.(21)Apologies致歉及答应A. Im (very) sorry.(Sorry) Im sorry for/about. Excuse me (for) Im apologize forB. Thats all right ./Thats O.K. It doesnt matter. Thats nothing. Dont worry. Its not

18、hing. Never mind about that(22)Appreciation赏识Its very good/nice.Thats good idea.(23)Surprise惊奇Really?Oh dear!Is that so?(24)Pleasure喜悦Im glad/pleased toThats nice/great/wonderful(25)Concerns关心Whats worry (with you)?Whats the matter (with you)?Is there anything wrong/the matter?(26)Regret and sympath

19、y遗憾和同情A. What a shame!What a pity!Its a pity thatB. Im sorry to Im sorry for/about(27)Requests恳求及答应A. Can/Could/Will/Would you?PleaseDont, please.No, please.B. O.KSure/Certainly/Of course Id be glad/happy to.C. Im afraidIm sorry(28)Offers 提供帮助及报答A. Can/Could/Shall I help you?What can I do for you?Le

20、t mefor youDo you want me toWould you like (to)?Would you like me tofor you?Is there anything (else) I can do for you?Would you like some?B. Yes, please.Thanks. That would be nice/fine.C. No, thanks/thank you (all/just the same) Thats very kind of you, but(29) Advice and suggestions劝告和建议A. Youd bett

21、erYou should/ought toYou need (to)I suggest that B. Shall we?LetsLets, shall we?What/How about?(30) Warnings and prohibition 警告和禁止A. Look out!Be careful!If you,youllB. DontYou cant/mustnt(31) Judgement and opinion 判断和意见A. It certainly is.I find it very interesting/enjoyable/exciting/amusing. Thats g

22、reat/wonderful/too bad.B. In my opinion,It seemsSo far as I know,(32)Complaint抱怨 Could you?Why cant you?Im sorry to have said that, butI wish you wouldnt have(33) Satisfaction and dissatisfaction 满意和不满意 It couldnt be better. It was a wonderful /marvelous /great What a great success! What a disappoin

23、tment!4.话题具体内容见上海市中小学英语课程标准(征求意见稿)中“基本素材”。5.体载具体内容见上海市中小学英语课程标准(征求意见稿)中“呈现形式”。 1.A. at a studio B.near a railway stationC. at the airport D.near a movie theatre 2.A.he doesnt like tea B,he doesnt want coffeeC.he prefers milk and sugar D.hes sorry for causing trouble 1.A.some engineers B.the landlord

24、 of the pub C.the former employees D.some customers of the company 2.A.three year ago B.five years ago C.last year D.this year 3.A.why a company lost its customers.B.why a company went out of business a company went from bad to worse a company got our of its difficult situation.(A)TELEP

25、HONE MESSAGEFor :sales 1 Form:name: sarah 2 Company:family shopping center Tel no : 3 Message:Could you demonstrate the new 4 at the shopping centre next week?(B)What happened to schools in England in the 1970s?Many schools became 1 Why do girls do better at single-sex Schools?They learn to be 2 and

26、 less worriedAbout their appearance.Why do boyspatents ptefer to send their Kids to mixed schools?They think girls will be 3 on boys.In what aspect do girls perform berrer Than boys?In 4 听力材料及参考答案:Section A1.M:Did you get the tickets? W: Yes,I did.Letgo in.The movie is about to start . Q: where does

27、 the converstation probably take place?本题考核目标为根据事实信息进行简单的推断。2.W:How do you take your coffee?Milk?Sugar? M:Actually,I would prefer tea ,if it is not too much trouble. Q:What does the man mean?本题考查目标为能理解话语中隐含的意思。答案1.(D) 2.(B)Section B Five year ago I had to make a big decision.At the time I was workin

28、g for a small engineering Company.However,things were not going very well for the company and it was losing money.One day the boss told us that the company was out of business.We were all unemployed. That lunch-time we went to the pub as usual.We were all very depressed.well ,of course we talked abo

29、ut the problem.Then the landlord of the pub heard the news.He said:“Why dont you buy the company?”At first we all laughed,but then we started to discuss it properly.We knew the problems.The company had lost a lot of customers because it hadnt developed new products.But finally we decided to go for it.So we bought the company.The first few years were very difficult.Bur we

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