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1、英语听说教程1听力原文研究生英语听说教程 I(引进版)听力原文Take on Listening: Listening and Speaking StrategiesLesson 11.Using What You Already Know Exercise 1Student: Excuse me. Counselor辅导员: Yes?Student: Do I need to make an appointment to register for an ESL class?Counselor: No, but you first have to take a placement test.S

2、tudent: A test? Counselor: We need to find out what your ESL level is.Student: Oh, Okay. Where do I go to take the test?Counselor: We will be giving the test tomorrow at 3 oclock in room 303. Can you come then?Student: Yes.Counselor: Good. Now, let me give you some forms to fill out so we can begin

3、the registration process. Please write your name and address here, and your ID number here.Student: Okay. What do I write underteacherandsection?Counselor: You can leave those blank. Well fill it in tomorrow.Exercise 2Student A: I didnt really understand what Ms. Smith was saying about the id, the s

4、uperego and the ego.Student B: Oh, thats easy. Look here on page 53. The id is the part of our personality that wants instant gratification. The ego tries to help the id get what it wants, but in a logical and practical way. The superego is like the personalitys police force. It monitors the id and

5、the ego.Student A: Oh, I think Im getting it. You mean the id, ego and superego are all part of our personality?Student B: Right. They are all interacting.Student A: Do you think well need to give definitions?Student B: I dont know. We may just have to match the names with the definitions. But wed b

6、etter study this some more just to be safe.2.Scanning for the main ideaA: I cant believe its closed. Ive got a class from 7 oclock to 10 oclock. What am I going to do?B: Well, there are some food machines in the Student Union. You could always go there.A: No way! I tried that once last semester and

7、I got as sick as a dog. Theres got to be something better.B: Well, we can go down to Main Street. There are a couple of places that Im sure are open.A: Wed never make it back in time. Its already 6:40. I think Ill pass out if I dont get something. I came here right from work. I didnt have time to st

8、op by my apartment.B: I think theres a stand in front of Smith Hall. You can at least get something warm there.A: Well, I guess we dont have any other choice.B: Yeah, its either the canteen or three hours of listening to your stomach growl.3.Scanning for the important points(1)Teacher: Good evening

9、class. Before we begin tonights lesson. I want to remind you about next Thursdays midterm. Remember to review chapters one through eight in the book. You will be responsible for knowing all of the information in the chapters plus all of the other topics we have discussed in class. This test will inc

10、lude multiple choice, True/False, and essay questions. You will not be able to use any books, notes or dictionaries.(2)Now, last week, I spoke about the importance of using note cards and visual aids to prepare your speeches. Tonight Im going to talk about specific things that will help you with you

11、r speech delivery. Please take careful notes so you can use those techniques to improve your speech delivery.The first and perhaps the most important element of good speech delivery is eye contact. It is extremely important, especially in the English-speaking world, to make eye contact with your ent

12、ire audience. This may be very difficult for you if you come from a culture where making direct eye contact is a sign of disrespect. But, you really need to practice this skill until you are comfortable looking directly at all of your audience members when you are speaking to them. Please note that

13、you need to look at the entire audience. Please dont direct your attention to just one person or one side of the room, and really be sure not to stare into the eyes of anyone for too long of a period.(3)Next, you need to make sure that when you talk to your audience, you are enthusiastic about your

14、topic and excited to share it with your audience. Vitality is a way of maintaining the audiences attention and indicating to them that you firmly believe in what you are saying. Volume, intonation, facial expressions, and gestures all add to the vitality of your speech. Think abut a speaker you real

15、ly liked. Did he or she just stand there and read words from a piece of paper? No, of course not. Probably the speaker was full of life and his or her energy forced you into becoming involved in caring about the topic of the speech.4.InferencingDr. Stevens: Ted, can I speak to you a minute?Ted: Yes,

16、 Doctor Stevens?Dr. Stevens: I finished reading your essay and before I return it to you, I was hoping you might be able to come in and speak with me about it.Ted: Oh, uh, okay, sure.Dr. Stevens: Can you come during my office hours?Ted: I think so. When are they again?Dr. Stevens: Tuesdays and Thurs

17、days from 3 oclock until 4:30.Ted: Thats no problem Oh, wait a minute, I have football practice every day from 2 oclock until 5 oclock.Dr. Stevens: Hmm. Well, how about if we get together tomorrow right before class?Ted: Sure.5. Scanning for Specific Pieces Of InformationYou have reached the Student

18、 Union Activity Hotline. The following is a list of information and events for Thursday, September 18.The Student Union is open from 7:00 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. The cafeteria will be serving breakfast from 7 oclock until 8:30, lunch from 11 oclock until 1 oclock, and dinner from 5 oclock until 7 oclo

19、ck, The snack bar will be open from 9:00 a.m.8:00 p.m.Assembly member Carole Berg will be speaking on the topic: “Parity(或价值上相等)pay for Women: Its Still Not Here.” Assembly woman Berg will speak in the Oak Room from 9 oclock. Admission is free, and a question/answer period will follow.The Student Co

20、uncil will meet in room 27 from noon until 1:30. Elections will be held for all major offices. All students are welcome.The campus folk dance club meets in the Green Room from 2 oclock until 5 oclock today. All are welcome to attend; dance experience is not necessary.Bette Milder will be performing

21、live in the Campus Corner Cabaret. The show begins at 8 oclock. Tickets are available at the Ticket Office. All seats are $7.00.Tonights movie, the experimental “Dial Tones,” will be shown in the Union theater at 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Tickets for both shows are $5.00 and are available at the ticket off

22、ice.If you have missed anything on this recording, please press the pound key(井号键)for the message to repeat. Thank you for calling the Student Union.6.Using context cluesExercise 1A: Lets exchange phone numbers. That way, if one of us is absent, we can call each other for the homework assignments.B:

23、 Thats a great idea. My number is 555-A: Wait a second, this pen just died. Let me get another one.B: Here, take my pencilA: Thanks. Okay, what was it?Exercise 2(1)A: Whos your history professor?B: Im in Dr. Leydorfs class.A: Oh, How is he?B: The class is interesting and I really like him, but hes a

24、 real stickler. (坚持己见的人)If youre more than fifteen minutes late, he marks you absent, and you have to hand in every assignment on time or he lowers your grade.A: Ooh! He sounds really tough.(2)A: How did you do on your composition?B: Oh, you wont believe it. I hadnt worked on it very long and I didn

25、t have time to check it over. When the teacher returned it to me with an “A” on it, you could have knocked me over with a feather! 大吃一惊啊A: Wow. Thats great. You must be really smart.B: Or else just lucky.(3)A: Lets go to a movie tonight.B: Sorry, Ive got to cram for a test tonight. I havent had a ch

26、ance to study before now.A: Well, how about going to the late show?B: No, Im going to need a good nights sleep. I want to make sure that Im ready for the test.(4)A: All right. We promised each other wed get this report done today. Lets get cracking. 快点B: Aw, its such a beautiful day. Cant we go for

27、a walk and do this later?A: No, well need to return these books to the library by five oclock. We really have to do this now.(5)A: Gee. Its already a quarter after ten. Maybe Ms. Hughes is absent today. B: Fat chance. (希望渺茫;不太可能;门儿都没有) Shes never been absent a day in her life. I was in her class las

28、t year and she even came in when she had the flu.A: Well I guess she really loves teaching. Oh, here she comes now.7.Using structure and intonation cluesUsing structure:Exercise 11.Im taking Biology 101 this semester.2.Im going to the Student Union at 7:00.3.Were discussing parapsychological心理(上)的ph

29、enomena.4.We are you returning to the computer lab?5.Were meeting with Dr. Stevens at the end of the lesson.Exercise21.I am transcribing抄写my sociology notes.2.John is defending his dissertation on Tuesday.3.We are forming a study group on the first day of class.4.Im applying for financial aid to hel

30、p pay my tuition and expenses.5.Ms. Wilson is correcting our essays over the weekend.Exercise 31.The professor is coming.2.The professor is coming in a little while.3.The Shakespeare Theater Group is performing Romeo and Juliet on the 17th.4. The Shakespeare Theater Group is performing Romeo and Jul

31、iet.5.The campus bookstore is having a big sale on all college sweatshirts.6.The campus bookstore is having a big sale on all college sweatshirts during Spring Break. 春季假期Using Intonation Clues1.I really wanted the new David Sedaris book. The professor in my contemporary lit class当代文学课praised it all

32、 last semester. The bookstore hasnt been able to get a single copy for the last month. Oh, well. Maybe I can find a copy on A.2.I used the new computer registration system to charge my tuition on my credit card, and they totally messed it up. They were supposed to charge me $500 for the two art classes, and instead, it says that Im enrolled in three history classes to th

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