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1、高三英语完形填空专项练习题及答案解析高三英语完形填空专项练习题(一)及答案解析学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完形填空:共60题 每题1分 共60分阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Whenever my kids have a party at school, I am the mom who always signs up to bring the juice boxes. Its not because Im 1or that I dont care if my kids have a good party. I am jus

2、t not good at making homemade bread into holiday-themed shapes like other mothers. 2, Im happy to try, even though itll 3me a long time to do it.People say that housewives should have the 4to make delicious meals, keep their houses clean, and 5every minute of their childs life. Their words used to 6

3、me a lot. I felt that I should also be able to do those things as a housewife. So 7I couldnt make the turkey-shaped cookies, I 8feeling like a failure as a mom.After many 9attempts at baking, and many afternoons spent crying over my inabilities as a mother, I finally accepted the 10that my lot in li

4、fe is to be the juice box mom. I worked hard to be the 11one in the elementary school. And after one of my daughters class parties, it 12. Her teacher stopped me as I was leaving and said, Thank you so much for always bringing 13drinks. Sometimes parents forget that other children will also 14class

5、parties, and they end up being left out because we dont have enough 15for everyone.I just accepted her appreciation, rather than telling her that I brought extra drinks because I 16could remember how many kids were in the class. But her 17taught me an important lesson: Im not a failure as a mom.Not

6、everyone is cut out to be a(n) 18mom. I believe its okay to be the juice box mom. I may not bake cookies and decorate them beautifully, but I 19something to drink. And I think thats just as 20.1A.smartB.lazyC.tiredD.desperate2A.HoweverB.ThereforeC.OtherwiseD.Besides3A.costB.giveC.introduceD.take4A.d

7、reamB.abilityC.experienceD.tool5A.compareB.saveC.treasureD.teach6A.reflectB.attractC.upsetD.amuse7A.unlessB.becauseC.thoughD.when8A.ended upB.went onC.insisted onD.set about9A.failedB.carelessC.successfulD.useful10A.goalB.opinionC.factD.impression11A.slowestB.bestC.worstD.quickest12A.stood

8、outC.came backD.paid off13A.coldB.softC.extraD.fresh14A.attendB.holdC.enjoyD.leave15A.cookiesB.drinksC.booksD.cups16A.alreadyB.alwaysC.everD.never17A.contributionB.appreciationC.congratulationD.comprehension18A.loyalB.cleverC.ableD.rich19A.provideB.serveC.buyD.retell20A.believableB.practicalC.intere

9、stingD.importantOnce upon a time, a young man stood in the middle of the town, saying that he had the most beautifulheart. A large crowd gathered and 21his heart for it was perfect. There was not a scar(伤疤)in it. Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, “Your heart is not as 22as mine.”The crowd and

10、the young man looked at the old mansheart. It was full of 23, and it had placeswherepieces had been taken out and other pieces 24in, but they didnt fit quite right. In fact, in some places there were deep gaps where whole pieces were 25.The young man laughed. “ 26your heart with mine, mine is perfec

11、t and yours is full of scars.” “Yes,” said the old man, “Yoursisperfect but I would never 27with you. You see, every scarstands for a personto whomI have given my 28. I tear (撕) out a piece of my heart and give it to them, 29oftenthey give me a piece of their heart that fits into the 30place in my h

12、eart. But 31the pieces arent exact, I have some rough edges (边缘), which I cherish(珍惜). They show me the love we 32.Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, but the other person hasnt 33apieceof his orher heart to me. These are the empty gaps giving love istakinga chance. 34gaps stay open, the

13、y make me remember the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and 35the space. So now do you see what true beauty is?”The young man walked up to the old man, 36his perfect heart, and tore a piece out. He 37it to theold man. The old man placed it in his heart, then took

14、a piece from his old 38heart and placed it in the young mans heart. The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old mans heart 39into his.How sad it must be to 40a life with a whole untouched heart!


16、B.onceC.becauseD.while32A.wantedB.spentC.sharedD.ignored33A.lentB.returnedC.passedD.introduced34A.AlthoughB.UnlessC.IfD.When35A.widenB.pullC.fillD.block36A.joined inB.reached intoC.gave upD.watched over37A.employedB.packedC.rewardedD.offered38A.scarredB.differentC.perfectD.exciting39A.fellB.flowedC.

17、escapedD.moved40A.go throughB.pack upC.give upD.blow awayI recently overheard something that surprised me. I heard that people who win the lottery(彩票)are 41_for about 3 weeks. And then they go back to their 42state of being before they won the money. I 43_ that they would have been happy for a much

18、longer time.The reason for this is that 44we try to change how we feel by using something outside of ourselves,like winning the lottery,or getting a new car or house,it never 45.The resulting feelings of happiness are often fleeting(飞逝的)We cannot 46them for very long. In some way,it may be a good th

19、ing. It reminds us that happiness really does come from within and is 47to us at any moment. True happiness has_ 48_ to do with what is happening outside,it is an inside job. Happiness is a 49_.We can make the decision to be happy for one day,when we 50in the morning,every morning. We can find somet

20、hing that brings us great 51,like sitting outside in the garden under an old tree and_ 52the birds sing,or watching the dog or cat play,and just 53the moment. It is our 54_state and we need only allow it in. At any moment,we can 55,take a deep breath,and remember who we really are,and why we came he

21、re,and that truly is to 56joy and the aliveness of being.“Happiness is like a butterfly which,when run after,is always 57our reach,but,if you will sit down58, it may fall upon you,”said Nathaniel Hawthorne,an American novelist. So,today,no matter what is going on in your own 59,stop and take a few m

22、oments to breathe deeply and just_ 60_ to be happy,whatever that means to you.41A.cleverB.happyC.luckyD.cautious42A.positiveB.unusualC.constantD.previous43A.thoughtB.suspectedC.promisedD.recognized44A.anyhowB.anywhereC.anytimeD.anyway45A.changesB.worksC.formsD.appears46A.keepB.controlC.blameD.guide4

23、7A.similarB.consistentC.sensitiveD.available48A.muchB.someC.littleD.enough49A.choiceB.chanceC.resultD.reward50A.stand upB.look upC.turn upD.wake up51A.successB.pleasureC.surpriseD.worry52A.makingB.helpingC.listening toD.calling on53A.enjoyB.spendC.saveD.waste54A.specialB.commonC.accurateD.natural55A


25、形状的面包,后面又说自己乐意尝试,前后是转折关系,因此答案是A。3D【解析】it takes sb. some time to do sth.表示花费某人时间做某事。4B【解析】make delicious meals和keep their houses clean等都是指一个家庭主妇的能力。5C【解析】这里指珍视(treasure)孩子生活中的每一分钟。6C【解析】由后文可知,作者认为自己应该像人们所说的那样,做到一个家庭主妇该做的,但事实上自己做不好一些事,因此说这些话曾令我烦心。upset使烦恼,使心烦符合语境。7D【解析】当作者不能做出火鸡形状的饼干时,她觉得自己作为一个母亲是失败的。

26、8A【解析】句意参见上题解析。end up 表示最后成为,最后处于,后面常接v-ing形式,符合句意。9A【解析】根据空后的many afternoons spent crying over my inabilities as a mother可知,作者在烘焙方面的多次尝试都是失败的。10C【解析】my lot in life is to be the juice box mom是作者在努力之后不得不接受的一个事实,即只能做一个带果汁的母亲。11B【解析】这里作者强调自己努力(在果汁制作上)做到最好。12D【解析】后面老师的一番赞扬说明了作者的不懈努力终于有了好的回报。pay off 成功,奏效符合语境。13C【解析】下一段第一句中的I brought extra drinks是暗示。后面老师也提到,正因为作者多准备的饮料,有其他孩子参加聚会时饮料才不会紧张。故extra额外的符合语境。14A【解析】这里强调有时不是这个班的小孩也会参加班级聚会。attend参加符合语境。15B【解析】前文提到,老师感谢作者多带了一些饮料,因此这里是指drinks。16D【

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