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1、初中英语教学设计教学设计7B Chapter 6 Poems about life 横岗中学初一英语备课组Chapter 6 Poems about lifeReading Some days / Never a dull momentlistening Correcting mistakes in a poemLanguage Using who and whose / Using one and onesSpeakingTalk time: Saying you are concerned; making, accepting and rejecting a suggestion. Spe

2、aking up: Discussing qualities of good friends and good parents. Writing A poem about your class教材分析: 本单元的主题是对诗歌的理解欣赏及模仿其格式进行简单的诗歌创作。语法方面主要学习疑问代词who和whose的用法及one/ones 作为指代词的用法。听力方面主要是从意思和压韵方面对诗歌中出现的错误进行修改。口语表达方面主要是学习如何表达关心,提出建议,接受建议及拒绝建议。写作方面是模仿其中一首诗歌格式写一首新的诗歌。单元教学安排:课时1 Vocabulary课时2 Reading (1)课时3

3、 Reading (2)课时4 listening课时5 speaking课时6 language(grammar)课时7 Writing + more practice单元教学目标:1 语言知识目标(上表所示)2 语言技能目标:1) 能够在听说读写的各种语言综合实践活动中运用所学知识。2) 通过引导学生找出诗歌写作的规律,培养学生分析,概括和综合运用的能力。3) 通过指导学生灵活运用所学知识,培养学生探究学习,合作学习,和自主学习的能力。3 情感态度目标:培养学生欣赏诗歌的能力,学会体会诗歌的美。提升学生的文学素养。4 文化意识目标:了解英文诗歌和中文诗歌异同。更好理解不同的文化和语言之间的

4、差异。5 学习策略目标:1) 通过各种教学模式和多媒体手段,让学生了解英文诗歌的美。鼓励学生收集更多优美的英文诗歌进行朗诵,于同学分享。2) 通过不同的诗歌欣赏,让学生在理解的基础上找出每首诗歌的规律。3) 引导学生在模拟的交际中使用语言,操练语言,运用所学知识。课时具体安排:第一课时课型:Word-study and pre-reading教学内容:Poems about life语言材料分析:本节课为本单元的第一节课,通过朗读简单诗歌,激发学生对诗歌学习的兴趣。其二,通过相关语境和图片来学习本单元词汇。步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段Step 1展示一首诗歌,理解并朗读。引出

5、本课主题:诗歌感受诗歌意境1 带读所展示的诗歌注意感情2.引领学生正确理解这首诗歌的含义跟读,并主动思考诗歌的含义PPTStep 2展示重点单词speaker spi:k n. 说话者n.扩音器dull dl a. 枯燥的,无趣的 terribly teribli ad. 非常地 slam slm n. 砰然声,猛然 v.猛然关上similar simil a. 相似的,类似的lively laivli 活泼的, 活跃的bored b:d a. 厌烦的,无聊的roar r: n. 吼,咆哮 v. 吼,大声说出,叫喊 din din n. 喧嚣 v. 絮聒不休地说,暄闹 fair f a. 公平

6、的generous denrs a. 慷慨的concern kns:n n. 关心 v. 使关心 stone deaf stun def 完全聋的racket rkit n. 喧闹feel like 想要做mile mail n. 英里ring ri n. 环proud praud a. 骄傲的通过朗读对生词有所了解,主要是读法和中文意思1.读单词:分两张PPT展示生词,每展示一张,就给学生两分钟自己读单词。然后请单个学生读书,然后齐读单词,2. 理解中文意思:将所有单词放在一张PPT上(音标删除),给学生5分钟记忆中文意思,5分钟后听写单词。1.读单词,看准音标,正确读音。2. 快速背意思。

7、3.听写单词。PPTStep 3当堂单词(简单题型-较难题型-最难题型)简单题型 1. 完成课本P74 B Find the meanings.2. 完成评价手册P52 B 通过练习,较熟练地掌握并应用单词。展示题目当堂完成题目较难题型1. 从括号中选择适当的单词完成下列句子1) He bacame a great _ (poem. poet) when he was fifty years old.2) The music is bright and _.(lively, alive)3) Watching too _(much ,many) TV will cause you a head

8、ache.4) Please call me as soon as possible if you are_(trouble, in trouble)5) His _( dead, death) made the whole family so sad.最难题型1.连词成句。1. one, who, the hes, slams, doors_2. so, in, sat, I, a, chair, and, went, to, sleep._2.翻译下列句子:1)My dad is a funny speaker. 2)She is terribly busy all day.3)My si

9、ster is similar to my mum4)Mary is lively, and she hates being bored5) My uncle is a fair and generous manager. Step 4Assignment(分层次布置作业)A层:会朗读并默写单词表第一至单词,能独立完成教材C1,C2部分B层:会读并记住所学新单词C层:会读今天所学新单词第二课时 课型: Reading (1)教学内容Poems about life语言材料分析: 本节课为本单元的第二课时.本单元主要是要掌握诗歌的分节和押韵等特点,学生能从诗歌语言中获取有效信息,体会诗歌表达的情

10、感。(一) Teaching aims1.The students will be able to comprehend the whole poems by scanning and skimming.2.Students can find the rhythm word in the poem.3.The students will be able to cooperate with group members.(二) 教学重点: Reading skills(三) 教学策略: Pair work; Group work(四) 教学用具: Blackboard, computerTeach

11、ing procedure (教学步骤):步骤目的引起学生对本单元主题的兴趣,并激发学生诗歌思考.Step 1: Leading-in1.Let the students enjoy a poem “What is Love” 2.Ask some students to recite their favourite Chinese poems3.Show a Chinese poem and lead in the rhythm word.4Show the students the rhythm word. about the poems.教师活动老师引导学生欣赏图片和vedio,引入正题

12、并提出本堂课所要学习和解决的问题.学生活动Enjoy the pictures and the vedio.条件手段PPT & VedioStep 2: Pretask1)read the poem on the ppt2) Talk about poems. People write poems to tell a story, to express feelings, to make others laugh, to call up people to do something, to show dissatisfaction or praise, to express hopes and

13、 intentions and so on3)提出问题: How much information will you learn in this period? 目的1) 展示图片和诗歌,让学生去思考什么是诗歌2) 让学生带着问题去阅读并思考.教师活动提出本节课要探究的问题学生活动1) 记住本节课要解决的问题.2) 小组讨论解决老师提出的问题条件手段PPTStep 3: WhiletaskPart 1:ReadingTask 1: Skimming1. Look at the pictures and the titles. Then complete the following senten

14、ces.2. Ask student to find how many stanzas in each poem.Task 2: Guessing Ss read the poems once and try to guess the meaning of the new words through the context without looking up in the dictionary.Task 3: Scanning 一Ss read the poem “never a dull moment” and answer some comprehensive questions.1)

15、Who is the speaking in the poem?2) Who lives in the house? Make a list of the family members in the house?3) How can a visitor find the Speakers house?二Ss read the poem “Some days” and answer some questions1) How many things did the boy do?2) How far did the boy walk?3) Did the time pass slowly or q

16、uickly for the boy?Task 4: Scanning(信息填空)Task 5: Judge whether the following statements are true or false.目的1) To strengthen students ability to search for the general idea of each poem-skimming.2) To get a general idea of the structure of the poem教师活动1)设计不同的问题来引导学生理解文章。2)给予有困难的同学帮助并且释疑。学生活动1) 阅读。Wo

17、rk independently2) 回答问题。Pair work条件手段PPT.Step 4 : Posttask活动设计:Activity 1两个同学为一组,讨论自己喜欢哪首诗,为什么,并仿照范例进行对话。A: Which of the two poems do you like more? B: A: Why do you like it better?B: Activity 2: 四个同学为一组,选择一个主题讨论,写一首小诗。全体组员合作,看看哪组做得最好。_.目的创设情境,让学生用所学的知识来描述自己最喜爱的一首诗。用所学知识来描述诗歌,起到进一步了解诗歌的作用。教师活动1) 给出活

18、动的题材以及分配,将各组的任务明确到位。2) 巡视并解答疑问。3) 让学生表演对话以及展示小组合作学习的成果。学生活动1) 得到活动任务后,和组员讨论,完成任务。2) 有疑难问题,及时向老师寻求帮助。条件手段 PPT Pair workGroup work第三课时:课型:Reading (2) Language point教学内容:Poems about life语言点分析: 本节课为本单元的第三课时.此篇文章是两篇关于日常生活的诗歌,都是写生活小事,简单易懂,同时两篇文章的情感色彩完成不同。第一个作者觉得生活很无聊,第二个作者却能在吵杂的生活环境下发现生活乐趣,从而引导学生要学会发现生活的乐

19、趣。在已经熟悉课文的基础下,让学生学习这两首诗歌的语言搭配和运用。(一) Teaching goals1. Target language 目标语言 A. Key phrases B. key sentences2. Ability goal 能力目标Enable students to master the language points in the two poems and use them properly in the similar situations.3. 本节课的具体目标:(1) Students develop the abilities of understanding

20、 the language points in the poems.(2) Students get to know how to use them correctly in the relevant exercises.(二) 教学重点: language points(三) 教学难点: How to use them correctly.(四) 教学策略: Practise in different forms to remember the language points.(五)教学辅助:blackboard, computer, pptTeaching procedures (教学步骤

21、): 步骤目的把学生带入回上节课所学诗歌的情景,并且让他们回忆所学的内容,同时也是一种锻炼口语和思考的机会。Step 1: Leading-in1) Ask students to talk about what we had learned in the last lesson.2) Ask students to tell out the difference between the two poems.3) Ask students to read the two poems together.教师活动教师提问,倾听和引导学生学生思考和回答的情况。教师起读,学生读书。学生活动思条件手段可

22、根据学生反映情况放出这课的图片来启发他们进行思考。Step 2: Pretask1)Ask students to find out any expressions that they dont know or they try to guess which are the language points that we are supposed to learn in this lesson.2) Discuss with your partner.3) Show out the key expressions on PPT to let them check whether they ar

23、e able to find out the language points. 目的1) 让学生自己找语言点,既是再一次学习原文,也是一种自学的过程,比老师直接树哦出答案要好。2) 培养学生与人合作、讨论的能力。教师活动1)发出要求、中间引导和督促。2)展示这节课我们要学习的语言点,以供学生对照。学生活动1)学生认真阅读课文,找出知识点。2) 和组员对照、讨论和对照课件上的重点表达。条件手段PPTStep 3: WhiletaskPart 1: Task 1: read the language points one by one on the ppt, take notes if neces

24、sary and translate the sentences by filling in the forms. For example,“The two poems are probably very similar to each other”. 词组:be similar to 和 相似 = look like/ be not different from.1).这两幢楼是相似的 。The two buildings_ _ _ each other.Part 2: Check the memory: competition in groups.Task : the language p

25、oints appear on the ppt and disappear instantly, students are supposed to repeat it as quickly as they can and tell out the Chinese meanings at the same. The winner will get points. Part 3: Translate the key phrases or language points into English.Task1:Students work alone and write down the answers

26、.Task2:Check the answers in the form of competition in groups.目的1) To let students remember where are the language points are from.2) To understand the points and be able to use them in the similar translation.教师活动1)投影出课文的重点句型,引出语言点,并引导学生做笔记。2)指导学生完成翻译填空。学生活动1) 读、记下知识点Work independently2) 翻译填空,完成句子。

27、Pair work3) 快速记住知识点。条件手段PPT.Step 4 : PosttaskTask 1: multiple choices. Students are required to choose the best answers for the sentences. In this part, they get chance to remember and practice using the language points again. For example, ( )1. -Who is knocking at the door? - _.A.Yes, I am. B. This

28、 is me knockingC. Hi. me. D. Its me.In this exercise, they consolidate the phrase “ knock at” and how to answer this question. Task 2: Fill in the blanks to finish the sentences. In this way, to let students be able to use the language points in other situations. For example,3. Please _ _ the door b

29、efore you come into the room. The answer is “ knock at” in this way, they will practise the phrase in another way. Task 3: write a similar poem of your own.老师最好给出模板。例如:I find it interesting/boring/exciting,Listening/ speaking/readingI find it interesting/boring/exciting,目的1) 创设相似情境不同形式的题目,让学生用所学的知识来完成题目。2) 用所学知识来写一 首相似的生活诗歌。写得这样都没关系。教师活动1) 给出活动的题目及控制好时间2) 巡视并解答疑问。3) 让小组讨论并且通过比赛的形式揭晓答案。学生活动1) 得到活动任务后,可以和组员讨论,完成任务。2) 有疑难问题,及时向老师寻求帮助。

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