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1、研究生综合英语1修订版课文原文研究生综合英语1修订版课文原文Unitl An Image or a Mirage?There is a distinct difference between a winning image and a mirage. A mirage is an illusion, and in your Quest for a winning image, you must be capable of identifying such mirages.One of the common misread images stems from what people think

2、about eye contact. How many times have you heard, “You can tell he s an honest man because he looks you straight in the eye. Evidently, many people must believe that a dishonest man feels so ashamed that he s not telling the truth that he can t even face them directly. But what about an honest indiv

3、idual who is too shy to look straight at you? Furthermore, a good can artist knows that many people judge integrity by the way one looks at them, so he deliberately includes eye contact in his act. Because you can t count on eye contact as an infallible test, you should never use it to evaluate anot

4、her person s honesty. Nonetheless, since most people do judge others by this criterion, be sure that you always look them squarely in the eye.Evaluating a man s honesty by the way he looks at you makes no more sense than judging his integrity by the way your dog or cat reacts to him. Yet how many ti

5、mes have you heard a dog s master say, That s interesting Thor doesn t take to strangers very often. He s a good judge of human nature, and the fact that he s friendly with you tells me some good things about you. Once when I was in the home of a m prospect, his cat, Tiger, took such a liking to me

6、that he sat on my shoulder during my entire sales presentation. When I was finished, my prospect , s wife said, Mr. Shook, Tiger only does that with members of our immediate family. You must be a very honest person for her to be so friendly to you. ”The truth of the matter was that I refrained from

7、pushing the cat off because I was afraid she d rip my suit or scratch my eyes out. However, I replied, “Yes, ma am, Tiger obviously has some kind of instinct that enables her to accurately judge humans. She sure is a good judge of character. Even though Tiger happened to be right in my case, Iperson

8、ally put very little faith in an animal s instinctual ability to judge people. I d say his reactions have more to do with odors and body movement.Some people judge another person by the way he or she shakes hands. A good, strong grip represents character, while a “dead fish” handshake! is a bad sign

9、. 1, too, dislike the flabby handshake with no life to it, but I am careful not m to use it as a basis for judging an individual. Again, it stoo easy for a con artist to put a hearty handshake into his act. Though you should give a firm handshake so you 11 immediately create a goodimpression, don t

10、place too much weight on the next fellow* s grip;it doesn t tell you anything concrete about him.There* s certain clean-cut appearance that creates an honest image. For example, a blond, blue-eyed young man with a boyish grin and a look that typifies the boy-next-door, All-American type will almost

11、always inspire confidence in mothers. There is no logical reason for placing such blind faith in a man simply because of the way he looks, yet most people do make such quick judgments. Conversely, the seedy man with dark oily skin, greasy black hair, and a moustache is not considered honest-looking.

12、 Similarly, a woman may have them looks which are usually associated with those of a streetwalker, whereas a high- priced call girl may look refined and refreshing. Naturally, clothes and in the case of women cosmetics, have a great deal to do with such aforementioned appearances, but unfortunately

13、a person* s m natural looks, over which he or she has little control, play an important part in the judgments most people will make. I pity the hard-working, honest salesman who was born with the looks that make people automatically think, He s not the kind of man I d want to buy a used car from!n O

14、n the other hand, a very devious individual may look like the type you can trust. How can you be sure that the hitchhiker who looks so clean-cut is any less dangerous than the one who, because of his appearance, looks like a risk? And how can you be sure that this one really is a risk? The point is

15、that we are most often being completely unreasonable in making such snap decisions.On a larger scale, voters often react favorably to a politician simply because of his clean-cut appearance. His opponent is often judged negatively because he has not been blessed with natural looks that generate trus

16、t. This kind of judgment is erroneous, and the consequences can produce devastating results. Granted, many people vote for a candidate strictly because of political issues, but the clean-cut image can tip the scales in favor of the wrong man in a close election.We make snap judgments about people on

17、 the basis of how they express themselves. To revert to politics, many voters judge a candidatet s ability by the way he makes a public speech. But though a candidate may be an effective speaker, he may not be capable of doing the job for which he is running. I know many highly talented men who simp

18、ly have not developed an ability to speak well in public, but who are excellent in communicating with others on a one-to-one basis. The ability to express yourself strongly is always important, but we are too often wrongly impressed by the man who comes across as eloquent, since it is always possibl

19、e that this virtue is only askin-deep. ” Yet it is easy to imaginea politician with a clean-cut look and a magnetic speaking voice romping all over his unassuming but better qualified opponent. He wins solely because his image is convincing.After many years of interviewing and hiring salesmen, I hav

20、e reached the conclusion that the man with the glib tongue doesn t necessarily become the top producer. Though there is a definite advantage in having a unaturaln selling personality, more often than not the salesman with good working habits, proper motivation, and commitment is the one who becomes

21、the best in his company. Too often, the sales manager who hires salesmen simply because of their extroverted and flamboyant personalities will have a high turnover.Another influencing factor is the effect produced on the listener by the sound of a name. At some time or another, we ve all been guilty

22、 of hastily forming an unwarranted opinion when we hear a “winning namenas opposed to a ,losing one. Hollywood recognized this fact long ago when the studios began changing the stars real names. One of my favorite movie lines is James Bond s response to Pussy Galore* , the heroine in the movie Goldf

23、inger. Meeting her for the first time, he can only exclaim, “I must be dreaming!n Had her name been Harriett Finkelstein, the audience would never have been able to appreciate one of the screen* s all-time great names! Yet, no matter how great a name is, using it as a criterion in evaluating charact

24、er is just as illogical as determining a person* s value by a handshake.The beautiful, sexy redhead isn t always the best bed partner, nor is the big, strong man, whom we usually expect to be the hero, always braver than the small, frail man on the battlefield. Likewise, there is no sound reason for

25、 believing that the out-of-town attorney or consultant is any more of an expert than the local man. Just because your dentist has to book you six months in advance does not automatically mean that he does the best root-canal work. Nor will the insurance agent who drives a Mercedes * necessarily give

26、 you better service than the agent who drives a Ford sedan. Having to go through a main switchboard, a receptionist, and a private secretary before you get to speak with your attorney is no indication of his legal abilities. I also hope you don t withdraw all your savings from Fourth Bank and deposi

27、t them with Third Bank just because their new home office building is several stories taller. It is equally unreasonable to assume that a hospital-clean restaurant serves the best food. True, all these factors are nice window dressing, and they shouldn t be completely ignored, but other more importa

28、nt factors must be considered before you make any final decisions about those with whom you 11 do business.Many images are only mirages that we have been conditioned to accept as the real thing. So don t be fooled the next time somebody tells you that Truman Blue is a great guy because of his wonder

29、ful smile, the way he looks people straight in the eye when he talks to them, his firm handshake, and his remarkable rapport with pets!Phrases and Expressionsin quest for: trying to find; seekingwhat about: what do you think about (sth.)stem from: arise from; have as its origin or cause take to: sta

30、rt to likecount on: rely on with confidencetake a liking to: be fond ofhave to do with sb. (sth. ) : be connected with or related to sb.(sth. ) tip the scales: give a slight advantage to sb. or sth. be blessed with sb. (sth. ) : be fortunate in having sb. (sth. ) revert to: talk about again; go back

31、 to (a former subject of conversation)come across: make an impression of the specified type more often than not: very frequentlyas opposed to: in contrast toUnit2 Is Love an Art?Is love an art? Then it requires knowledge and effort. Or is love a pleasant sensation, which to experience is a matter of

32、 chance, something one ufalls into” if one is lucky? This little book is based on the former premise, while undoubtedly the majority of people today believe in the latter.Not that people think that love is not important. They are starved for it; they watch endless numbers of films about happy and unhappy love stories, they listen to hundreds of trashy songs about love yet hardlyanyone thinks that there is anything that needs to be learned about love.This peculiar attitude is based on several premises which either singly or combined tend to uphold it. Most people see the pr

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