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1、牛津译林版届高三英语江苏专用一轮复习学案Module7Unit1LivingwithtechnologyUnit 1Living with technology重点单词【1】 wind vt. (wound, wound) 缠,绕,连带;蜿蜒,弯曲 n. 风;气流wind up 上发条;摇动;转动;以告终;使(活动、会议等)结束wind sth. around sth. 缠绕;卷绕wind ones way 蜿蜒;曲折延伸wind down 逐渐变慢;逐步结束windy adj.风大的The narrow road winds its way up to the top of Mountain

2、 Tai.狭窄的道路弯弯曲曲,通往泰山山顶。Lets see if we can wind this up by 7 oclock.看看咱们能不能在7点前把这个弄完。It was too hot without a breath of wind.天气很炎热,连一丝风也没有。 The government is _ its nuclear programme.政府在逐步取消核计划。I always said he would _ in prison.我以前一直说他终归要进牢房。The river _ between two meadows.这条河流蜿蜒流经两个牧场之间。winding downw

3、ind upwinds its way 【2】 apply vt. 涂,敷;应用,实施 vi.申请,请求;适用They have applied to the bank for a loan.他们已经向银行提出申请贷款。In this way they can better apply theory to practice.这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。He has applied for a post in England.他已申请在英国供职。These were old regulations they dont apply any more.那些是旧的规则,它们不再适用了。 a

4、pply oneself to 致力于;专心于apply sth. to sth. 应用某物于某物apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请某物apply to sb./sth. 适于/应用于某人/某物application n. 申请;应用;专心applicant n. 申请人applied adj. 应用的applied physics 应用物理学Apply some medicine _ his wound.A. on B. forC. to D. inThe villagers _ the local government for financial help.A. ask

5、ed for B. applied toC. looked for D. applied forC句意:把药敷到伤口上。applyto在此表示“涂/敷到上”。Bapply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请某物。【3】 demand v. & n. 需要,需求,要求 by popular demands 由于许多人的要求,由于普遍要求in demand 需求量大,有需求meet/satisfy ones demands/needs 满足某人的需求make demands on sb. 对某人提出要求on demand 一经要求demand sth. 要求,需求某物demand to d

6、o sth. 要求做某事demand that 从句(谓语为should动词原形, should 可省略)要求【注意】不可以说demand sb. to dodemanding adj. 要求高的,需要高技能的,费力的The work is physically demanding.这工作需要有很好的体力。用括号中词的适当形式填空Its demanded that the students _ to school during the threeday holidays. (not go)The workers demanded _ immediately. (reply)(should) n

7、ot goto reply 【4】 spring vi. 跳,跳跃;弹起 n春天,春季,泉水,泉spring to life 突然活跃起来spring back 弹回到原来的位置spring sth. on sb. 向某人突然说出某事spring up 突然出现,涌现,迅猛发展用适当的短语填空Doubts have began to _ in my mind.I have to _ this _ you at such short notice.Thousands of new businesses have _ just in the past few years.spring upspri

8、ng; onsprung up【5】 measure v&n. 测量;打量;估量measureagainst对照评价measure sb. for sth. 给某人量体裁衣take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事maketo ones own measure 依照某人的尺寸做take ones measure 量尺寸The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers.这个湖长130公里,宽80公里。She measured the stranger with her eyes.她用双眼打量着那个陌生人。When measured against

9、 the work of a professional, her efforts look unimpressive.当和专业人员的工作相比时,她所作的努力看起来就不怎么起眼了。She _ me and found it was too long.她拿着外套在我身上量了量,发现太长了。The figures are not very good when _ those of our competitors.和我们的竞争者们相比,我们的数字不乐观。measured the coat againstmeasured against【6】 suitable adj. 合适的,适合的sb. is su

10、itable for sth./to do sth. sb. is fit for sth./to do sth. 某人适合做某事sth. is suitable for sb. 某事适宜某人What time is suitable for us to meet?我们什么时候会面合适?The dress is not suitable _ for the party.A. to be worn B. for being wornC. to wear D. for wearingC【7】 assume v. 假定,承担I assumed that he had gone for a walk.

11、我想他去散步了。The court assumed responsibility for the girls welfare.法庭承担了保障这个女孩福利的责任。assumption n假定,承担We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.我们假定了每一个人都会应邀出席并正就此作安排。I hope to go to college next year, always _ that I passed my exams.A. assume B. to assumeC. assuming D. assumedC

12、【8】 link n. 环节;纽带;联系,关系 v. 连接,结合;联系(up/together)have (commercial, cultural) links with和有(商业、文化)往来,联系link A with/and B 将与连接或联系起来link sth. (up) 将连接或联系起来be linked with 和相连接或联系The two spacecrafts will link up (with each other) in orbit.两艘宇宙飞船将于轨道上互相连接。Television stations around the world are linked by s

13、atellite.全世界的电视台是通过卫星联系在一起。We must question the value of our link with the university.我们要斟酌一下与这所大学合作有何价值。The bands _ for a charity concert.这些乐队已联合起来,准备办一场慈善音乐会。The Channel Tunnel _ Britain _ the rest of Europe.英吉利海峡隧道把英国和欧洲其他国家连接起来了。Newspapers _ his name _ the singer.报纸报道把他的名字与那位歌手连在一起。have linked u

14、plinks; withhave linked; with【9】 equal adj. 相同的,相等的;胜任的(be equal to) vt.等于,使等于He cut the paper in four equal pieces.他把纸裁成大小相等的4张。Men and women have equal rights in China.在中国男女的权力平等。Two plus two equals four. 2加2等于4。Simon is younger but he equals his brother in all sports.西蒙年纪小些,但各项运动都比得上他哥哥。A highlyt

15、rained workforce equals high productivity.高素质的劳动力创造高生产力。equal between the sexes 男女平等ones equal in age 某人的年龄相仿者equal in pay 同酬the equal of man 人类平等attain equal in quality 做到质量相同be without equal 无敌equality n平等Chinas Womens Volley Team is an excellent group. Now no team can _ it, whether in spirit or i

16、n strategy and tactics (战略技术)A. beat B. compare C. equal D. winEverybody knows the truth that all men are created _, so he, as well as the others in the organization has the same rights.A. equal B. normalC. fairly D. justlyC此处用equal表示“(在精神上和战略技术)比得上,敌得过”之意,而beat指“打败对手”;win之后接比赛的“项目”。A句意:大家都知道这个事实,所有

17、的人生来都是平等的,因此他,还有该组织的其他人都有一样的权力。用形容词equal作伴随状语。易错误区:此题很容易误认为填空处缺少的是状语,所以要用副词,从而误选C或D项。实际上某些形容词或形容词短语是可以用作伴随状语。如:He went to bed, cold and hungry. 又冷又饿,他就上床睡觉了。【10】 merely与only(1)都是副词,“仅仅,只有”,放在被修饰词最近的地方。There is very little rain in north of Gansu Province, merely/only 127mm in a year average.甘肃省北部的降水稀

18、少,每年平均只有127毫米。(2)构成并列连词not only/not merelybut also(3) only adj. 唯一的,仅有的;mere adj. 仅仅的;只不过的Hes an only child.他是独生子。Hes a mere child.他只不过是个小孩而已。(4) only状语倒装句Only then did he realize how dangerous the situation he had been in.只到那时他才意识到他所处的情况是多么的危险。(5) onlydoing表自然的或意料的结果onlyto do 表示意外或不幸的场合用merely, onl

19、y填空I think what he said is not _ useless, but harmful.我认为他说的不仅无益,而且有害。It is not _ a job, but a way of life.这不仅仅是一份工作,而且是一种生活方式。_ now does he see the good of taking exercise.直到现在他才知道锻炼身体的好处。onlymerelyOnly【1】 be superior to 超过,比优越 This company is superior to the one I worked at three years ago.这家公司比我3

20、年前工作的那家好。be inferior to比差的;次的be senior to比级别高;比年长的be junior to比地位/身份低的They are superior _ us _ numbers.A. to; in B. over; toC. to; by D. over; by【答案】A 【2】 to ones delightto ones delight意为“令某人高兴的是”,to是“导致”的意思,指外界的事情导致人的心理感觉。类似的表达还有:to ones joy/disappointment/sorrow/surprise等。To his delight, he can go

21、 abroad with his parents.使他高兴的是,他可以和他父母一起出国。To my sorrow, he, only a tenyearold child, has done such a thing.使我悲伤的,一个年仅10岁的小孩子竟作出了这样的事情来。(1)这些表感情的名词可以有表程度的形容词修饰;To my great surprise, he managed to complete the task only in a few days.使我深感惊奇的是,他竟能在短短数日内完成了任务。(2) to ones情感名词tothe感情名词of sb.。To the joy

22、of everyone (To everyones joy), he won the prize.使大家高兴的是,他得了奖。To our _, neither of us has got such a dictionary as we need in class.A. surprise B. delightC. satisfaction D. disappointmentD四个名词都可填入空格,但从空后的“我们两个都没有我们在课堂里所需要的字典”意义来判断,“我们很失望”。 【1】 Because of this, it is still uncertain who invented TV.因

23、为这个,人们仍不确定是谁发明了电视。这是一个由连词who引导的主语从句,代词 it作形式主语。常见的以it作形式主语的主语从句句型有4种:(1) It be 形容词that从句能用于这种句型中常见的形容词有:necessary, clear, true, strange, important, wonderful, possible, likely, obvious, surprising, certain, natural, fortunate, good, unlikely, unusual, impossible等。Its clear that they badly need help.

24、很明显,他们急需援助。It is likely that a hurricane will arrive soon.很可能飓风马上就要到达。(2) It be 名词词组that从句常用于这种句型的名词词组有:a fact, a good idea, a pity, an honor, a shame, no wonder, a good news, a common knowledge, a surprise等。Its a pity that you missed the film.你没有看那部电影真是太遗憾了。(3) It be 过去分词that从句(参见M2U1)(4) It seems/

25、 happens/ appears/ doesnt matter /makes no difference that从句。It happened that I had seen the film.碰巧我已看过了那部电影。It seems that he is playing football.好像他正在踢足球。It makes no difference whether he will attend the meeting or not.他是否参加会议无关紧要。It is obvious to the senior students _ they should work hard to pas

26、s the examinations for the college entrance.A. as B. whichC. whether D. that学生学好英语很重要。_Dit是形式主语,that主语从句通常放在句子的后面。It is important that a student learn English well.【2】 However, as one scientist has pointed out, DNA has the same qualities in all animals, and if radiation affects the genes in mice, it

27、 could also affect human genes. 然而,正如一位科学家所指出的,所有动物的DNA特性都是一样的。如果辐射对老鼠的基因有影响,那么,辐射同样可能影响人类的基因。as one scientist has pointed out是非限制性定语从句,as在句中用作关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,用于指代整个主句或主句的一部分;as引导限制性定语从句,一般用于suchas,the sameas结构中;as引导的从句可用于主句之前,也可用于主句之后。He was such a good listener as every lecturer would like to have

28、.他是个善于倾听的人,每个演讲者都希望有像他那样的人(听演讲)。As was usual with him, he went out for a walk.他又像往常一样出去散步了。如何增加亮点()7. 适当运用非谓语结构非谓语结构通常被认为是一种高级结构,适当运用非谓语结构,会给人熟练驾驭语言的印象。 例由于不知道她的地址,我没法和她联系。一般句As I didnt know her address, I wasnt able to get in touch with her.优秀句Not knowing her address, I wasnt able to get in touch w

29、ith her. 8. 注意文章的过渡与衔接书面表达的评分标准是把衔接和连贯作为核心标准来要求的,其语篇衔接作用的极其重要性是不言而喻的。学生要学会恰当地使用这些表示逻辑关系的关联词语,使文章前后连贯,结构紧凑,过渡自然。表示过渡与衔接的常用表达有:(1)表示顺序:first, then, finally, in the end 等。(2)表示转折:but, however, meanwhile, at the same time, instead, on the contrary, unfortunately, after all等。(3)表示并列:bothand, as well as, neithernor, eitheror, somesome等。(4)表示递进:besides, even, moreover, whats more, furthermore等。(5)表示时间:now, then, in the past, at present, in the future等。(6)表示对比:while, on one hand, on the other hand, in the same way, ju

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