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1、必修一英语Module6单元教学案外研版 2017年必修一英语Module6单元教学案(外研版)dule 6 Teahing planI教学内容分析本模块以“The Internet and Teleuniatins”为话题,介绍了因特网的起,因特网和现代通讯工具在现代交际中的作用,以及科学技术发展对人类生存方式的影响。要求学生了解有关电脑、网络、电信的词汇,了解因特网的历史和电信业的发展。通过模块学习,要求学生能正确地、客观地、辩证地看待因特网和现代通讯设备,能利用因特网获取有益的信息,自觉抵制其消极面。Intrdutin部分通过直观形象的词汇学习,要求学生了解并掌握电脑常见部件的名称,通过

2、选择题的形式掌握其英语解释,培养学生用英语思维的方式。Ativity 3还给出了许多新词汇,让学生根据不同的词义选择相应的词汇和区分词汇的意思。Reading and Vabulary部分选取了学生比较熟悉的内容,介绍了因特网、因特网的兴起和万维网的发明。通过学习,使学生了解有关因特网和万维网的知识。通过完成设定练习,使学生进一步提高获取信息并准确理解内容的能力,并巩固新学的词汇。在情感态度方面,通过对中主人公事迹的谈论,使学生树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观。Graar 1部分介绍了构词法知识合成词的构成。旨在让学生了解合成词的三种构成方式,并通过相关的练习学会用名词的构成法猜测新词的意思,

3、从而对日益增加的词汇有个了解。Listening and Vabulary是一段老师、学生和家长的采访录音,要求学生正确理解各被采访人对互联网的观点和态度。并通过小组讨论的形式让学生对互联网的利弊有一定的认识。Prnuniatin部分通过一段节选自听力材料的简短对话,使学生明确两点:1句子中表示重要信息的词应当重读;2重读表达了说话者的强烈感情。Graar2部分通过课里的短语名词,帮助学生复习并巩固定冠词和零冠词的用法。riting部分先让学生阅读一篇论述因特网优点的小短,认识到因特网对现代生活的影响。然后根据要求写一篇观点相反的,陈述自己对因特网的看法,强调老师和同学之间合作的重要性,以及长

4、时间上网的危害,使学生懂得用辩证的观点看待事物。Speaking and Reading部分先让学生掌握与因特网有关的几个合成词,再阅读一篇关于移动电话的小短,使学生对中国的通信现状有个了解。然后在班里做个小调查,并讨论手机的优缺点以及学校对学生使用手机的态度,使学生学会表达自己的观点。Funtin部分是帮助学生复习并巩固百分数和数字的表达法。Everyday English部分要求学生掌握购物时的常用句型表达,通过让学生扮演顾客和店员的方式,使他们充分掌握这些交际用语。ultural rner部分是一篇介绍手机短信及一些短信符号的小,让学生通过阅读,了解用代替字进行信息传递的各种符号,同时掌

5、握快速阅读获取信息的技巧。Task部分是对本模块的一个复习与应用,要求学生小组活动,利用本模块所学的词汇设计一份海报,介绍因特网的用途。dule File部分有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行检验和巩固。II教学重点和难点1教学重点(1)掌握一些描述电脑和因特网的词汇。(2)学习冠词的用法和合成名词的构成法。(3)掌握百分数及数字的表达方法及购物的交际用语。2教学难点(1)正确理解对话内容并推断出不同说话者的观点、态度。(2)正确使用冠词和表达个人意见的常用句型。(3)理解介绍因特网和移动电话的短和对话,获取信息并回答相关问题。(4)能较规范地陈述自己对因特网优、缺点的看法。

6、III敦学计划本模块分五个课时:第一课时:Intrdutin,Graar 1,ultural rner第二课时:Reading and Vabulary第三课时:Listening and Vabulary,Prnuniatin,Graar 2第四课时:Speaking and Reading,Funtin,Everyday English,riting第五课时:Task,dule FileIV教学步骤Perid 1 IntrdutinGraar 1,ultural rnerTeahing Gals:1T aruse Ssinterest in learning abut the Intern

7、et and puter2T intrdue the tpi“The Internet and Teleuniatins”3T get Ss t learn se wrds t desribe puter4T get Ss t knw sething abut the bile phneTeahing Predures:Step 1IntrdutinPurpse:T aruse Ssinterest in learning abut the Internet and puter1Leading-in(1)Shw se pitures n the sreen and ask Ss t say w

8、hat parts f the puter they are(2)Ask Ss t ath the ites with their definitins in Ativity 2 n PSISuggested Answers: e b d f a(3)Ask Ss t disuss the fllwing questin:hat d yu use puter fr?2rd study(1)Ask Ss what they will d if they want t surf the Internet t dwnlad a sngf rite the fllwing phrases in rde

9、r t help Ss t say the steps utyu an als reind Ss t use the wrds and expressins f sequene)turn ntypelik n。the sngit in the hard diskFr yur referene:First,we turn n the P(with a de)Then,type a key wrdNext,lik n the websiteAfter that,dwnlad the sngLastly,stre it in the hard disk(2)Intrdue se new wrds t

10、 the by filling in the blanksthe Internetinfratin fr websites:a breakdwn:nitr,PU,DRet:irsft ffie,indws XPSuggested Answers:lg nff aess rash hardware sftware(3)Ask Ss t finish Ativity 3 n PSlSuggested Answers:surf rash streA lg is a piee f a ut dwn tree:T lgn eans t start wrk n a puterHardware is the

11、 tangible piees f equipent;Sftware is the prgras ne uses n the puterStep 2Graar 1Purpse:T enable Ss t learn the fratin f pund wrds and dedue the eanings f the wrds1Leading-in(1)Shw the fllwing wrds n the sreen and let Ss disuss the harateristis f these wrdskeybard,hardware,sftware,netwrk,newspaperDR

12、,highspeed,warup,babysitterbile phne,puter syste,searh engine,pst ffieFr yur referene:They are all fred by tw wrds,but in different waysThe tw wrds are ined tgether in different ways,se have-in between,se havent and se nly put tw wrds tgetherAll these wrds belng t pund wrds(2)Intrdue hw t guess the

13、eanings f pund wrdsE.g. Sunset eans the tie when the sun ges dwn and night beginsSunrise eans the tie when the sun first appears in the sky in the rning(3)Give re pund wrds and let Ss knw hw t guess the eanings f thehandball handbk daydreaing businessanshrthand pikpket rate waterfallsleeping pills f

14、fee up puter study reading r 。bile Phne student unin apple uie shpping list 。gdlking easy-ging hard-wrking well-knwnkindhearted self-satisfied sunbathing gettgetherSuggested Answers:手球 手册 白日梦 商人 速写 扒手 舍友 瀑布安眠药 咖啡杯 电脑学习 阅览室 移动电话 学生会 苹果酱 购物单漂亮的 随和的 努力工作的著名的 仁慈的 自满的 日光浴的 联欢会2PratieAsk Ss t finish Ativi

15、ty 2 n P54Suggested Answers:hardware,hardbard,hard diskkeybard,key wrdwebsitenetwrkntebk,ntepad,sftwareStep 3ultural rnerPurpse:T deal with se infratin abut the text essage and etins1Leading-inAruse Ss interest t the passage by shwing a text essageLet Ss disuss the eaning f the text essage•2In

16、dividual wrkAsk Ss t read the passage and tell the eaning f the text essage abve•Suggested Answer:I waiting fr yu as lng as pssible(sile)3Pair wrkRead the passage again and write dwn what the text essages in the passage ean•Suggested Answers:(1)here have yu been? Ive been waiting hurs fr

17、 a all(2)D yu want t g t the inea tnight?(3)I gt a text essage fr y friendShes having a party n SaturdayD yu want t e?4Pst-readingAsk Ss t wrk in Pairs t write tw r three text essagesEah f the shuld nsist f the sybls in the passageAfter several inutes,ask se f the t shw their text essages-Step 4Hewr

18、k1Finish the Graar Ativities in the rkbk n P972Preview Reading and Vabulary in this dulePerid 2 Reading and VabularyTeahing Gals:1T let Ss aster hw t read a passage2T let Ss aster se wrds and phrases3.T get Ss t talk sething abut the Internet.Teahing Predures:Step 1Leading-inPurpse:T aruse Ss intere

19、st in learning abut the Internet and ake preparatins fr the readingSpeak t Ss like this:The Internet is playing a re and re iprtant rle in ur daily lifeIt hanges ur life greatlye use the Internet t get what we need and eny urselvesStep 2ReadingPurpse:T iprve Ss reading skills1SkiingRead and answer t

20、he fllwing questins(1)hat is the Internet?(2)Hw did the Internet start?(3)hat is the rld ide eb?(4)h invented the rld ide eb?Suggested Answers:(1)It is the biggest sure f infratin in the wrld,and its aessible thrugh a puter(2)In 1969,DARPA reated a netwrk f puters alled DARPANETthen in 1984NSF start

21、ed the NSFNET netwrk,that is “Internet”(3)Its a puter netwrk that allws users t aess infratin via the Internet(4)Ti BurnersLee2Sanning(1)Read the passage againDeide if the sentenes are true r false in Atiity 3 n P53Suggested Answers:T T F T T F(2) Read the passage again and deide whih sentene eans t

22、he sae as the extrats fr the reading passage in Ativity 4 n P53Suggested Answers:b a b a3Pst-readingAsk Ss t listen t the tape and fill in the issing wrdsThe Internet is the biggest f infratin in the wrld,and its thrugh a puterIt nsists f illins f pages f dataIn 1969,DARPA,a US defense rganizatin, a

23、 way fr all their puters t “talk” t eah ther thrugh the telephneThey a netwrk f puters alled DARPANETFr fifteen years,nly the US ary uld use this syste f Then in 1984,the US Natinal Siene Fundatin(NSF)started the NSFNET netwrkIt then as wellNSFNET beae knwn as the InterNetwrkr “Internet”The rld ide

24、eb(the web)is a puter netwrk that allws puter users t infratin fr illins f websites via the Internet At the ent,abut 80 perent f web traffi is in Englishbut this perentage is By 2020,uh web traffi uld be in hineseThe rld ide eb was invented in 1991 by an English sientist,Ti BernersLeeBernersLee buil

25、t his first puter while he was at university using an ld televisin! He the idea f the wrld ide eb in 1989 while he was wrking in SwitzerlandBernersLee ,nt ust universities and the aryHe designed the first “web brwser”whih allwed puter users t (11)duents fr ther putersFr that ent nthe web and the Int

26、ernet grewithin five years,the nuber f Internet users (12) fr 600,000 t 40 illinThe Internet has (13)thusands f illinaires,but BernersLee is nt ne f theEveryne in the wrld an (14)the Internet using his rld ide eb systeHe nw wrks as a (15) at assahusetts Institute f Tehnlgy in BstnSuggested Answers:s

27、ure aessible develped reated uniatinbeae pssible fr universities t use the syste aess ging dwnae up with ade it pssible fr everyne t use the Internet aessrse reated aess leturerStep 3Hewrk1Finish the Reading exerises in the rkbk n P991002Ask Ss t preview Listening and Vabulary and Graar 2Perid 3 Lis

28、tening and Vabulary,Prnuniatin,Graar 2Teahing Gals:1T enable Ss t knw se skills f listening2T study se daily expressins3T learn hw t stress the iprtant infratinTeahing Predures:Step 1Revisinhek the answers t the Reading exerises in the rkbkStep 2Vabulary studyPurpse:T get Ss t knw se new wrdsAsk Ss

29、t use se f the wrds in the bx t fill in the blanks f the fllwing passagenentrate definite eny fantastiindependent favrite useful reasnake sure studi terribleNw we will listen t a TV interviewThree peple are invited t a They are talking abut the InternetAs we knw,there are bth gd things and bad things abut the Internet beause there are bth websites and websitesAnyway,the interviewees n the gd thingsAfter the listening,yu willbe asked t d se wrk

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