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1、雅思阅读题型技巧讲解大全之观点匹配题雅思阅读题型技巧讲解大全之观点匹配题 雅思阅读观点匹配题,是一类语篇层面的理解题。今天给大家带来了雅思阅读题型技巧讲解大全之观点匹配题,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读题型技巧讲解大全之观点匹配题雅思阅读观点搭配题之题型分析考试中,A类一般考得比较多,考一组,共五题左右。G类一般考得比较少。这种题型一般比较难,主要表示现在:没有顺序性,即题目的顺序与原文的顺序是不一致的。*题材多样,有的比较偏。作者提出的观点一般比较抽象,不好理解。*句式复杂。一般句子都比较长,有很多都是复合句、并列复合句、多重复合句,造成大家理解上的困难。最为致

2、命的是,选错1个就意味选错2个,有可能引发连锁的错误。雅思阅读观点搭配题之解题步骤(1) 在原文中将作者及其观点用线划出。作者都包含大写字母,有的还有年代,表明是什么时候提出来的观点,所以一般都比较好找。他的观点在他的名字之前或者之后。表述观点一般有两种方法:A. 观点在作者的名字之前;例如:In terms of time, women perform approximately 90 per cent of child care tasks and 70 per cent of all family work and only 14 per cent of fathers are high

3、ly participatant in terms of time spent on family work(Russell 1983)B. 观点在作者的名字之后;例如:Demo and Acock(1993) in a recent study, also found that women continue to perform a constant and major proportion of household lab across all family types.(2) 看题目的第一个观点,最好读懂它的意思,或者找出其中几个关键词。做这种题型,应该一道题一道题的做。先看题目的第一个

4、观点,最好能读懂它的意思。否则,找出其中的几个关键词。(3) 将此观点与原文划线处一一对应。意思相同的或关键词对应上的即为答案。答案确定后,在原文观点处写上此题的题号。原文的每个观点只能与一个题目相对应,所以将已经与某题目对应的观点做上标记,在做其它题目时,就不用看这个观点了。(4) 依此方法做其它题目。雅思阅读观点搭配题之注意点1. 每个题目只能选一个选项。每个题目只能和原文的一个观点对应,而该观点肯定是由一个人或组织提出来的。2. 有些选项可能会用两次以上。在原文中,可能会有作者提出两个或更多的观点,而这些观点都出现在题目中。所以,有些选项可能会用两次以上。雅思3. 有些选项可能用不上。有

5、的作者虽然在原文中提出了观点,但这些观点没有出现在题目中,所以有些选项可能会用不上。4. 第一题往往对应*的后几个观点,最后一题往往对应*的前几个观点。出题者为了颠倒黑白,混淆是非,考生造成障碍,第一题往往对应*的后几个观点,最后一题往往对应*的前几个观点。这个规律的准确率在80%以上。我们可以利用这个规律,在找第一题的答案时,重点看*的后几个观点。在找最后一题的答案时,重点看*的前几个观点。雅思阅读考试小范围预测:Passage ThreePassage 3题材:语言学类题目: Language or Philosophy大意:主要介绍了了对于语言的研究。题型分类:单选6,完成句子配对题4,


7、考试。雅思阅读模拟题及答案Sleep medication linked to bizarre behaviour12:44 06 February 20XXNewScientist news serviceRoxanne KhamsiNew evidence has linked a commonly prescribed sleep medication with bizarrebehaviours, including a case in which a woman painted her front door in hersleep.UK and Australian health a

8、gencies have released information about 240 casesof odd occurrences, including sleepwalking, amnesia and hallucinations amongpeople taking the drug zolpidem.While doctors say that zolpidem can offer much-needed relief for peoplewith sleep disorders, they caution that these newly reported cases shoul

9、d prompta closer look at its possible side effects.Zolpidem, sold under the brand names Ambien, Stilnoct and Stilnox, iswidely prescribed to treat insomnia and other disorders such as sleep apnea.Various forms of the drug, made by French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi-Aventis,were prescribed 674,500 ti

10、mes in 2005 in the UK.A newly published report from Australias Federal Health Departmentdescribes 104 cases of hallucinations and 62 cases of amnesia experienced bypeople taking zolpidem since marketing of the drug began there in 2000. Thehealth department report also mentioned 16 cases of strange s

11、leepwalking bypeople taking the medication.Midnight snackIn one of these sleepwalking cases a patient woke with a paintbrush in herhand after painting the front door to her house. Another case involved a womanwho gained 23 kilograms over seven months while taking zolpidem. “It was onlywhen she was d

12、iscovered in front of an open refrigerator while asleep that theproblem was resolved,” according to the report.The UKs Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, meanwhile,has recorded 68 cases of adverse reactions to zolpidem from 2001 to 2005.The newly reported cases in the UK and Austra

13、lia add to a growing list ofbizarre sleepwalking episodes linked to the drug in other countries, includingreports of people sleep-driving while on the medication. In one case, atransatlantic flight had to be diverted after a passenger caused havoc aftertaking zolpidem.Hypnotic effectsThere is no bio

14、logical pathway that has been proven to connect zolpidemwith these behaviours. The drug is a benzodiazepine-like hypnotic that promotesdeep sleep by interacting with brain receptors for a chemical calledgamma-aminobutyric acid. While parts of the brain become less active during deepsleep, the body c

15、an still move, making sleepwalking a possibility.The product information for prescribers advises that psychiatric adverseeffects, including hallucinations, sleepwalking and nightmares, are more likelyin the elderly, and treatment should be stopped if they occur.Patient advocacy groups say they would

16、 like government health agencies anddrug companies to take a closer look at the possible risks associated with sleepmedicines. They stress that strange sleepwalking and sleep-driving behaviourscan have risky consequences.“When people do something in which theyre not in full control its alwaysa dange

17、r,” says Vera Sharav of the New York-based Alliance for Human ResearchProtection, a US network that advocates responsible and ethical medical researchpractices.Tried and tested“The more reports that come out about the potential side effects of thedrug, the more research needs to be done to understan

18、d if these are real sideeffects,” says sleep researcher Kenneth Wright at the University of Colorado inBoulder, US.Millions of people have taken the drug without experiencing any strangeside effects, points out Richard Millman at Brown Medical School, director ofthe Sleep Disorders Center of Lifespa

19、n Hospitals in Providence, Rhode Island,US. He says that unlike older types of sleep medications, zolpidem does notcarry as great a risk of addiction.And Wright notes that some of the reports of “sleep-driving” linked tozolpidem can be easily explained: some patients have wrongly taken the drugright

20、 before leaving work in hopes that the medicine will kick in by the timethey reach home. Doctors stress that the medication should be taken just beforegoing to bed.The US Food Drug Administration says it is continuing to activelyinvestigate and collect information about cases linking zolpidem to unu

21、sualside effects.The Ambien label currently lists strange behaviour as a “special concern”for people taking the drug. “Its a possible rare adverse event,” saysSanofi-Aventis spokesperson Melissa Feltmann, adding that the strangesleepwalking behaviours “may not necessarily be caused by the drug” but

22、insteadresult from an underlying disorder. She says that “the safety profile ofzolpidem is well established”. The drug received approval in the US in1993.Questions 1-6Do the following statements agree with the information given in the readingpassage?In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet writeTRUE if the

23、 statement is true according to the passageFALSE if the statement is false according to the passageNOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage1. Ambien, Stilnoct and Stilnox are brand names of one same drug treatinginsomnia.2. The womans obesity problem wasnt resolved until she stopped

24、takingzolpidem.3. Zolpidem received approval in the UK in 2001.4. The bizarre behaviour of a passenger after taking zolpidem resulted inthe diversion of a flight bound for the other side of the Atlantic.5. Zolpidem is the only sleep medication that doesnt cause addiction.6. The sleep-driving occurre

25、nce resulted from the wrong use of zolpidem byan office worker.Question 7-9Choose the appropriate letters A-D and Write them in boxes 7-9 on youranswer sheet.7. How many cases of bizarre behaviours are described in an official reportfrom Australia?A. 68B. 104C. 182D. 2408. Which of the following is

26、NOT mentioned in the product information aboutzolpidem?A. Treatment should be stopped if side effects occur.B. Medication should be taken just before going to bed.C. Adverse effects are more likely in the elderly.D. Side effects include nightmares, hallucinations and sleepwalking.9. Who claimed that

27、 the safety description of zolpidem was wellestablished?A. Kenneth WrightB. Melissa FeltmannC. Richard MillmanD. Vera SharavQuestions 10-13Answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS each in boxes10-13.10. How many times was French-made zolpidem prescribed in 2005 inBritain?11. What

28、 kind of hypnotic is zolpidem as a drug which promotes deep sleepin patients?12. What can sleepwalking and sleep-driving behaviours cause according topatient advocacy groups?13. What US administration says that it has been investigating the casesrelating zolpidem to unusual side effects?Answer keys

29、and explanations:1. TrueSee para.3 from the beginning: Zolpidem, sold under the brand names Ambien,Stilnoct and Stilnox, is widely prescribed to treat insomnia and other disorderssuch as sleep apnea.2. FalseSee para.1 under the subtitle “Midnight snack”: Another case involved awoman who gained 23 kilograms over seven months while taking zolpidem. “It wasonly when she was discovered in front of an open refrigerator while asleep thatthe problem was resolved”3. Not GivenSee para.2 under the subtitle “Midnight snack”: The UKs Medicines and

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