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1、关键词用法搭配精华浓缩关键词用法、搭配精华浓缩1. a/ana university 一所大学a European 一个欧洲人a one-way street 一条单行街道an hour 一小时an honest man 一个诚实的人an unusual matter 一件不寻常的事an SOS 一个呼救信号an X-ray examination 一次X光检查2. ableunable/enable (v.)/ability(n.)a. can/be able toCan you (Are you able to) type ?Our baby will be able to (hasnt

2、been able to) walk.b. could/was (were) able to doHe could (=was able to) play the piano when he was 3.He was able to (=managed to) finish his homework in an hour. (he could and he did)3. about (adv /adj /prep)a. go (walk ,run ,move) about (=around) 四处走b. about (=around ,some) 2000 years ago 大约二千年前c.

3、 What /How about?d. be about to do 即将,将要We were about to start when it rained.4. above (prep /adv /adj)a. above / over / onThere is a book on the table.The lamp hangs above/over the table.The clouds above began to get thicker.See the above sentence.b. above all :most important of all5. absence (n.)a

4、bsent (a. /v.)Please look after my house during my absent from 缺席反义:be present at 出席He was absent from (=He absented himself from) the meeting today.6. acceptacceptable (a.)I cant accept your gift.We should accept criticism with an open mind.accept (主观接受)/receive (客观接受)I received his invi

5、tation but I didnt acceptit.7. ache (v /n)I ache all over.My head aches (=I have a head-ache. I have pains in my head.)8. achieve (v.)achievement (n.)He will never achieve anything if he doesnt work harder.the achievement (不可数名词) of his object. 他的目标的达到scientific achievements (可数名词) 科学成就9. across (ad

6、v. /prep.)The stream is 6 feet across(=wide)They built a bridge across the river.Mr. Smith lives across the street. 史密斯先生住在这条街对面。10. act (n. /v.)active (a.)activity (n.) / action (n.)Act , Sence will start.(第一幕第二场将开始)Think carefully before you act. 三思而后行。A trained dog can act as (充当)a guide to a bli

7、nd man .act (n .) / actionIts a kind act (=action)He was caught in the act of stealing.Take quick action. = Act quickly.Action (=Deeds) speaks louder than words. (事实胜于雄辩)11. active (a.)inactive (a.)He leads an active lite.He is active in sports. (= He takes an active part in sports.)The Active Voice

8、 (主动语态) should be used here instead of the Passive Voice (被动语态)12. add (v.)addition (n.)If you add 5 and / to 3,you get 8.add up (加起来) add up to (总共) add to (增加)Fireworks (烟火) added to the actraction of the festival night.Add up the figures, and you will get the total.His whole school education add

9、up to no more than one addition 另外13. admire (v.)admiration (n.)I admire her for her bravery. (= I express admiration for her bravery.)admire to do = want to do 14. advice (n.)(不可数名词)advise (v.)I asked the doctor for his advice. 向征求意见give sb. some advice 向某人提出意见(忠告)follow (take / carry out)

10、sb.s advice 遵从(接受,执行)某人的意见reject sb.s advice 拒绝某人的意见advise sb. to do sth. 劝说某人干某事advise doing sth. (= suggest doing sth.)建议干某事I advise that she (should) wait.15. affair (涵义最广)“事”,“事务”matter “事情”,“事故”通常须考虑和处理。business “业务”,“事情”,有时指指派的工作或买卖活动The picnic was a pleasant affair.He is an expert in foreign

11、affairs.I will go and see him about the matter.Whats the matter (=trouble) with you? 你怎么呢?Its none of your business! (这不关你的事)The store is in business (在营业) He has gone to Shanghai on business (出差)16. afraid (a.)Are we on time?Im afraid so (Im afraid not)Im afraid Ive broken your afraid of (do

12、ing) sth. 害怕(干)某事be afraid to do 不敢干某事(dont dare to do)Dont be afraid of snakes (asking for help)She was afraid to excite him in case he became dangerous. afraid (只作表语) frighrened (既作定语又作表语)17. after (adv. / prep. /conj./adj.)We arrived soon after.They will leave after breakfast.I found your coat af

13、ter you had left the house.He grew weak in after years.after all a.终究(in spite of everything) b.毕竟(it must be remembered(that)After all, he is still young.18. again (adv.)Repeat it again. (wrong)Say it again or Repeat it.again and again = time and time again19. against (prep.)Are you for (支持) or aga

14、inst the plan?We sailed against the wind. 我们逆风航行The rain beat against the window.He advised me against smoking. (=not to smoke)fight against 反对lean against 斜靠20. age (n. /v.)He is 10 years of age. (=He is 10 years old.)They two are of an age. (=the same age)I havent seen you for ages/for an age/for

15、a long the age of 8 (在8岁) / under(above) the age of在岁数以下(上)His back was bent with age. (因年龄)After his wifes death, he aged (=became old) quickly.21. agree (v.)agreement (n.) disagree (v.)He agreed to my idea.He agreed with me / with what I said.We agreed on (about) the plan / on the

16、ree to do sth.He agreed to help me. (=He agreed that he would help me.)22. ahead of time 提前 (= in advance)get ahead (of sb.)超过go ahead 干吧!(说吧/走吧)23. aim (n. /v.)take aim at 对瞄准What are you aiming at?I aim (=intend) to be a writer.24. air (n. /v.)Open the window to let fresh air in the air. (在空中)in t

17、he open air (在露天)on the air (正在广播)by air (= by plane)We aird the room by opening windows.Air your clothes. (晒衣服)ir ones views (发表观点)25. all (adv. /adj. /pron.)She sat all alone.Are you all right?He ate all the food.He ate it all.Thank you all the same.All of us (=We all) enjoyd ourselves.all along =

18、all the time 一直all over =everywhere 到处all over the country =across/throughtout the country 全国in all 总共(altogether)(not) at all 根本(in any way)I dont agree with you at all.26. allow (v.)allow sb. to do sth. /allow doing They dont allow you to smoke in their office.They dont allow smoking in their offi

19、ce.27. almost (adv. )/ nearly (adv.)Its almost (nearly)10 oclock.almost/nearly all the boysalmost any (no,none,never)He said almost nothing.28. alone (adv. /adj.)He lives/ works alone.I was alone in the house.I did it all alone. alone (只作表语)单独的 lonely (a.)(作表语和定语)荒凉的,寂寞的,孤独的He lives alone in the lon

20、ely house and feels a bit lonrly.29. along (prep. /adv.)We walk along (=down) the road.She bicycled (ran, walked) along, singing loudly.get along with进展;相处go along 前进;进行come along 一道走;快来30. aloud (adv.)出声地;大声地(= loud(ly)read aloud 朗读cry aloud = cry loudly 大声哭31. among (prep.)The village lies among t

21、he hills.We should go among the masses. (到群众中去)The Yangtze is among (=one of ) the longest rivers in the world.among 在三者(或三者以上)之中between 在(两者)之间Divide this cake among them.Divide this cake between you two.32. anger (n. /v.)angry (a.) angrily (adv.)He spoke in anger(生气地,气冲冲地)He is filled with anger.H

22、e is angered by (at) her angry at (about) sth./be angry with (at) sb.get angry(= get cross)33. announce (v.)announcement (n.) announcer (n.) 播音员The government announced that they would pay their debts.They announced the date of their wedding in the newspaper.It has been announced that已宣布

23、announcement of new books 新书预告34. another (a. /pron.)Dont lose heart. Have another try.Well visit him in anotherten days. (再过十天)Thats quite another matter.Your egg is bad; have another.They went from one shop to another (=each other)They love one another.One after another 一个接一个地We achiev

24、ed one victory after another.35. answer (n. /v.)Although I wrote to him a month ago, Ive had no answer yet.I said good morning to him but he gave no answer.The answer to the question is on the next page.Answer my questions, please.The telephone kept ringing, but nobody answered it.I knocked again an

25、d the woman answered it.answer for a.对负责;b.受到惩罚;c.得到报应36. anxious (a.) anxiety (n.)be anxious for (about) 为担心(= be worried about)He was anxious for the safety of his anxious for sth. 对渴望(= be eager for)be anxious to do sth. He is anxious to go.37. any (a. /pron. /adv.)Are there any letters

26、for me?No, there arent any lettersfor you today.Correct the mistakesin your composition if any.His gift was unknown to any of them except himself.not any longer 不再I cant stay any longer.Do you feel any better?38. apologize (v.)apology (n.)apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. = make an apologyto sb. for

27、 (doing) sth. 为向某人道歉I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.I must offer her an apology for not going to her party.Please accept my apology.39. appear (v.)appearance (n.)In this disease spots apper on the skin.He didnt appear (= come, arrive) until six.You appear well this morning.He appears to

28、 want to leave.It appears (to be) a true story (= the story appears true)He appeared in court. 他出庭He appeared on the stage. 他上台演出It appears as if 好象It appears that 好象It appears so.It appears not.Dont judge by appearances. 不要根据外表来判断40. appreciate (v.)appreciate works of art 欣赏艺术作品We appreciate your h

29、elp (= We are grateful to you for your help.)I shall appreciate hearing from you again.41. arm (n. /v.)have (carry) a baby in ones arms 抱着一个婴儿carry a parcel under ones arm (腋下)挟着一只包裹take sb. by the arm 拉着某人的臂arm in arm 臂挽臂地small arms 轻武器Take arms! 拿起武器be armed with 武装有42. around (prep. /adv.)The ear

30、th moves around the sun.Let me show you around the factory.walk around the corner 绕过拐角wait around for sb. 在附近等候get around (= spread)43. arrive (v.)arrivalarrive in a city arrive at a stationarrive on (upon) the scene 到场The time arrived finally.arrive at a decision (conclusion)on sb.s arrival 当某人到底时4

31、4. as (adv. /conj. /pron. /prep.)as firm as a rock 坚如磐石as easy as ABC 极容易as busy as a bee 极忙碌as white as snow 雪白He run as fast as possible (= He runs as fast as he can.)such as /suchas (such animals as cats and dogs)the sameas 与一样so as to 为了,以便as if (= as though) 好象45. ask (v.)ask to do 要求干某事ask sb. to do sth. 要求某

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