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第 次课 日期 周次 星期 学时.docx

1、第 次课 日期 周次 星期 学时第 次课 日期_ 周次 星期 _ _ 学时 _Unit 2 Higher Education (1) Text A College Life: A worthy Experience内容提要:1. Introduction of the background of the text.2. Presentation of some new words and expressions.目的要求: Students will be able to:1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2. master th

2、e key words in the text3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.重点难点:1. The background of the text 2. 2. Some language points 作业实验:Getting the Message Main steps:1. Warm-up questions:What is the best reason to go to college?How will

3、college education help you?What is the greatest benefit of the college years?Are those friends made in college important in ones life? Why?College education is a big step for anybody to take. With a good college education, you can find a great job and make good money. In fact, its never too soon to

4、think about what you want to do with your college education. List the things you want to find in your college life.Loneliness is a very powerful emotion, and it is very common among young people. It is the first time for many college students to leave their parents and families. Do you have any idea

5、s about how to escape the loneliness?2. Background Information:There are two types of higher education: higher general education and higher vocational education. Higher general education and training generally takes place in a university and/or college. Such education is based on theoretical experti

6、se. Higher general education might be contrasted with higher vocational education, which concentrates on both practice and theory. A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees; including Bachelors degrees, Masters degrees and doctorates in a variety

7、of subjects. Most professional education is included within higher education, and many postgraduate qualifications are strongly vocationally or professionally oriented, for example in disciplines such as social work, law and medicine.Now give your judgments as to whether the following statements are

8、 true or false.1.Higher general education is based on both practice and theory. 2.Higher vocational education can grant academic degrees. 3.Most professional education is included within both higher general education and higher vocational education. 4.Only the graduates from vocational college are v

9、ocationally or professionally oriented3. New Words:1) favoritea. 特别受喜爱的,中意的In high school, football was my favorite sport.读高中时我特别喜爱足球运动。Green tea is one of my favorite drinks. 绿茶是我中意的饮品之一。2)memoryn.回忆;记忆力These pictures bring back the pleasant memories of Sydneys summer. 这些照片使人回想起在悉尼度过的那个愉快的夏天。My sis

10、ter has a good memory for numbers. 我姐姐善于记住数字。3) stuck v. (1)困窘的,迷惑的I was stuck in the last question of the test paper. 我被试卷的最后一道题难住了。v. (2)卡住的,困住的Because of the heavy snow, about 8,000 people were stuck in the city, unable to leave this week. 因为大雪,本周约有8 000人被困在这座城市不能离开。stick v.刺,扎;粘贴4) end up最终成为;最后

11、处于He ended up as CEO of the corporation. 他最终成了这个公司的首席执行官。If you drive like that, you will end up badly injured. 你如果照这样开车, 迟早要受重伤的。5) provide v. (1)提供,给予Trees provide shade in summer. 夏季树木提供荫凉。 Please provide aid for them when they fall in trouble. 当他们遇到麻烦时,请给予他们帮助。v. (2)供给,供应provide sth. for sb. Thi

12、s travel agency provides very good service for its customers. 这个旅行社为它的消费者提供很优质的服务。provide sb. with sth.She always manages to provide her students with the latest information. 她总是设法给她的学生们最新的资讯6) figure v. (1)认定,领会到They figured it was better to take action first. 他们认定还是先采取行动更好。He figured out the whole

13、 plan at once after I told him in brief. 我简要地给他讲了之后,他马上就懂得了整个计划。v. (2)计算She figures her living expenses carefully every month. 她每月都细心地计算她的生活费用。7) interestn. (1)兴趣,爱好Its important to raise the students interest in using their skills. 提高学生运用技能的兴趣很重要。His two great interests are music and sports. 音乐和运动是

14、他的两大爱好。n. (2)利益Their conflicts result from the different economic interests. 他们的冲突源于不同的经济利益。8) shapev. (1)塑造He shaped history as well as being shaped by it. 犹如历史创造了他一般, 他也创造了历史。v. (2)使成为形状,形成Childhood experiences often play an important role in shaping ones character. 童年经历在形成一个人的性格方面常常起着重要作用。n. 形状,外

15、形The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a dragon. 雕刻家将泥土捏成一条龙的形状。in good shape 完整无损, 处于良好状态keep. in shape 使保持原形out of shape 变形,走样,不成样子shape into 塑造,使形成9) appealinga. 吸引人的A winter vacation is appealing to me. 冬天度假对我很有吸引力。appealv. 吸引;恳求,呼吁10) graduatev. 大学毕业;毕业He will graduate from the Univers

16、ity of New South Wales soon. 他很快要从新南威尔士大学毕业了。n. (大学)毕业生Jack is a graduate of Harvard University, a Bachelor of Science. 杰克是哈佛大学的毕业生,理学学士。11) essentiallyad. 根本上;本质上His view of life is essentially the same as that of his father. 他的生活态度从根本上和他爸爸是一样的。Hes essentially a very social man. 他本质上是个非常合群的人。4. Con

17、clusion and assigning the homework第 次课 日期_ _ 周次 星期 _ _ 学时 _Unit 2 Higher Education (2)内容提要:1. Explaining Text A2. Finishing some of the exercises related to the text目的要求: Students will be able to:1. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 2. conduct a series of reading

18、, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.3. draw a conclusion about the main idea of the text.重点难点:Some language points and structures 作业实验:1. Vocabulary and structure2. SpeakingMain Steps: 1. Review of the points learned last time.2. Ask the students to listen t

19、o the recording of the text.3. Text study:1) Growing up in a small town, I sometimes felt stuck.stuck为动词stick 的过去式和过去分词,意为“困窘的,迷惑的”。在此句中过去分词形容词stuck作表语。如:John will help you with your work if youre stuck.你要是在工作上遇到困难, 约翰会来帮助你的。2) I ended up going to college in a small town, too, though.end up: 以告终,后面接

20、doing。如:You could end up running the company if you father retired. 要是你父亲退休了, 到头来这个公司能归你掌管。though 在此句中表示转折,“但是,然而”之意3) College really provides you with a time to figure out what your interests are.a time: 一次机遇,一个时机,作“时间的抽象概念”解。what your interests are是不定式to figure out的宾语。英语中及物动词、非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)、介词等

21、都可有自己的宾语或宾语从句。如:I understand what you have told me. 我理解你告诉我的事情。Can you tell me how much we will spend during the trip? 你能告诉我我们在这次旅行中要花多少钱吗?4) Even if youre already aware of your interests, it lets you continue to narrow them down until you can start to shape them into a career.even if引导一个让步状语从句。让步状语

22、从句表示“虽然”,“尽管”,“即使”等概念,让步状语从句还可由although(尽管),though(尽管),even though(即使),however(无论怎样),whatever(无论什么),whoever(无论谁),whomever(无论谁),whichever(无论哪个),whenever(无论何时),wherever(无论哪里),whether(是否),no matter (who, what, where, when, etc) (无论)等词语引导。例如:Pascal went ahead with the experiment even though he knew it w

23、as dangerous. 尽管帕斯卡知道实验很危险,他还是继续做下去。句中的主句含有一个由until引导的时间状语从句。until既可以作介词也可以作连词的功能,但两者有所区别。作连词用时意思是 up to the time when 直到时(为止),如:Wait until the rain stops. 等到雨停了再说吧。until (till) 作介词时,用法如下:up to (a specified time) 直到(某一时刻)。如:Youd better wait until tomorrow. 你最好等到明天。up to the time of (a specified even

24、t) 直到(发生某事)。如:The secret was never told until after the old ladys death. 这个秘密在老妇人去世后才说出来。4. Conclusion and assigning the homework第 次课 日期 周次 星期 _ 学时 _Unit 2 Higher Education (3)内容提要: 1. Explaining Text B briefly 2. Correction of some exercise3. Listening comprehension exercise4. Instruction of writin

25、g目的要求: Students will be able to:1. Understand Text B correctly2. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 重点难点:Listening comprehensionTranslation of some short sentences 作业实验:1. Listening 2. Fast Reading Main Steps:1. Explaining Text B briefly2. Let the students do the listening comprehension exercise in class and help them find out the answer.3. Speaking:How to say goodbye4. Writing: Text Messages5. Homework: 1) Preview the new lesson2) Do fast reading exercise

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