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1、甘肃省届高三英语下册每周检测题 武威二中2018年高三年级每周检测英语试卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AComparative thinking and behavior is quite typical among teenagers, but it is the responsibility of the parent to set limits and hold firmly to them. Frequently, a parent will tell me in

2、 frustration about how their child has complained about not having the very best in fashion design like their friends, or the latest electronic gadgetry that all the other kids own. Parents need to teach their children selfconfidence. Those who are selfconfident resist the urge to compare themselves

3、 to other people, and do not overestimate others experience while diminishing their own. But some people may have a mantra signified by the slogan, if only. “If only I had the money of my brother; if only I was smart like my classmates; if only I was as goodlooking as my friends.” Comparing oneself

4、with others is a trap. People who compare themselves with other individuals tend to feel that they are not good enough. They tend to perseverate(表现执拗)about their shortcomings. Even if they try their best,it is not good enough because they can always find someone who performs at a higher level. When

5、people compare, they generally focus on their negative traits. They ignore all that is going right in their life. They also tend to minimize their success and dismiss positive gestures and compliments. Those who are confident listen to their own inner voice. They are not influenced by other peoples

6、view of events. They are not overly impressed by others success, money, health,and material possessions. They do not believe that others have a greater sense of emotional wellbeing than they do. Recently, The Harvard Mental Health Letter published an article which indicated that people with chronic(

7、慢性的)pain had as significant a sense of wellbeing as those without chronic pain. However, those with chronic pain tended to overestimate the emotional wellbeing of physically healthy people. The study confirmed that it is how we view events that is important, not the nature of our circumstances which

8、 may include making comparisons.1. It seems that those who make comparisons dont_.A. care about their successB. have selfconfidenceC. overestimate others experienceD. understand others success2. The third paragraph mainly tells us_.A. people tend to compare themselves to other individualsB. those wh

9、o make comparisons focus on their strengthsC. those who make comparisons dont deserve complimentsD. making comparisons can cause many negative effects3. The article published in The Harvard Mental Health Letter indicates_. A. chronic pain actually doesnt affect peoples sense of happiness B. physical

10、ly healthy people have a higher sense of happiness C. emotional health has nothing to do with physical health D. what is important is the nature of events rather than our viewpoints4. What is the authors attitude towards “making comparisons”? A. Favorable. B. Unconcerned. C. Disapproving. D. Doubtfu

11、l.B “Is it possible for Brownie not to be glad to be back after a happy stay at my uncles?”Miss Gauss asked Dad.“Itll be all right. Give her a bit more to eat,” he said in a low voice, without tearing his eyes from Brownie while his wife was busy packing Brownies belongings, saying,“Brownie is not s

12、o cute as her younger brother, Spotty. Take care of the little thing when walking him.” It happened on the night of July 10th, 2018 before the Gausses took a trip to Hawaii. They entrusted their pet to me because they thought I was the first person theyd confide in. And another intention of theirs w

13、as that I had already trained Spotty into a wellknown pet in my community, which can act many tricks, such as “Sit down!” “Stand up!” “Give me your right hand!” “Turn around!” She can even sing, and, of course, thats just a strange sharp noise. Having seen them off, I took beautiful Brownie home in

14、my arms, for fear that he would slip away.Brownie_was_the_kind_of_gogo_but_unsocial_baby,_so I tried many ways to be his friend, which made Spotty rather unhappy. They often fought a battle, seemingly to break my roof loose. Soon, Brownie turned out to be an agreeable family member. He was an endear

15、ing pet, often begging for comforts in my arms. I seized the chance to train him and he achieved a lot, which I texted Mr.Gauss. They were so overjoyed and decided to fly home ahead of time to see Brownies qualitative change. But,all this was thoroughly destroyed because of Brownies death in a traff

16、ic accident. What a poor little creature!He was really dogged(紧随) by bad luck, and he was saved from death shortly after his birth. For whatever reason,therefore, I was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, which seemed to run most deeply in me. The best way to cheer ourselves up is to try first to chee

17、r somebody else up. That will be an everlasting pain in my heart, a wound that does not heal.5. What is suggested in the first paragraph? A. A friend in need is a friend indeed. B. Honesty is the best policy. C. A sign of tragedy. D. Background of the accident.6. Brownie went to the writers home mai

18、nly because_. A. his owners would go on a trip B. he was just saved from death C. he would be Spottys husband D. he would be trained7. When the writer says“Brownie was the kind of gogo but unsociable baby”, he means_. A. Brownie was active but unfriendly B. Brownie was easygoing but unfriendly C. Br

19、ownie was a pet that runs fast D. Brownie was active but homeless8. How did the writer feel after the accident? A. Regretful. B. Guilty. C. Sympathetic. D. Embarrassed.C “Hey, do you know what? Today is May Day!” my sister announced. “Do you remember the May Day baskets we used to make with colored

20、paper and paste?”I recalled that my sisters and I would run around our neighborhood delivering the baskets brimming with spring flowers. We would place them on a doorstep, knock on the door, then run away. It was delightful to look around a bush and watch our friends open their doors and pick up the

21、 colorful gift,wondering who had left it out for them.I clearly remember the May Day of the year that I was in fifth grade. That year I was faced with a challenge involving one of my dearest friends. She lived right across the road from our family, and we had walked together to school nearly every d

22、ay since first grade.Her interests were starting to change from the interests that we had shared together. A new family had recently moved into our small town,and Pam was spending more and more time at their house.When my mother asked me if I was going to take a May Day basket to Pams house, I respo

23、nded angrily, “Absolutely not!” My mom told me that I would have many other friends throughout my lifetime. “But Pam was my very best friend ever,” I cried. Mom wiped away my tears and told me that circumstances change and people change. She explained that one of the greatest things friends can do i

24、s to give each other a chance to grow, to change and to develop into what we want to be. And sometimes that would mean that friends would choose to spend time with other people. I could express my forgiveness by giving her a May Day basket.It was a hard decision, but I made an extra special basket o

25、f flowers with lots of yellow because that was Pams favorite color. I asked my two sisters to help me deliver my basket of forgiveness. As we watched from our hiding place, Pam picked up the flowers, and said loudly enough for us to hear, “Thank you, Susie, I hoped you wouldnt forget me!”。9. Accordi

26、ng to the passage what did Susie and her sisters do on May Day?A. They gave their friends a basket of flowers secretly.B. They sold baskets of spring flowers in neighborhood.C. They hang a basket of flowers on their friends doors.D. They ran around the neighborhood to pick flowers.10. Why was Susie

27、angry with Pam?A. Because Pam refused to walk to school. B. Because she felt left out by Pam.C. Because Pam didnt give her a May Day basket. D. Because she challenged Pam for new friends.11. In the opinion of Susies mom, friends _.A. share the same interest with each other B. spend most of their tim

28、e togetherC. leave each other enough room to grow D. find chances to do great things12. What lesson can we learn from the story?A. Friends wont forget each other in life. B. We can grow up even without friends.C. There is no forgiveness in true friendship. D. We cant expect too much from our friends

29、.D Most of the females think that they understand their male mate very well when in fact it is not. He is just speaking with you and you are happy. Try to look behind his words and sneak into his mind. What would you find out if he is talking loving words in a boring tone? What if you are hugging hi

30、m and he wants to sound to be uninterested. These are alarming situations and going to be serious if you do not take it into account. Men are more experienced to hide what they have in their minds. It_is_very_difficult_to_interpret_male_body_language_sometimes. Male use their body language to expres

31、s what they feel. They do not want to express in words. They just indicate and deliver signals to let you know whether they are interested, annoyed, bored,excited, happy or sad. When you are worried what to do when accepting a proposal from a man,just start observing his body language. This way woul

32、d tell you a lot about his feelings and behavior. Men usually have reserved nature and do not want to expose their feelings. Male body would attract you as a man tends to face confrontation on the front end. Keep it remember that men usually upset more than women at last, so do not interpret it for something else. Here we develop some tips for interested women to interpret or decode male body language. These tips are surely going to hel

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