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1、六年级下册用词的适当形式填空六年级下册用所给词的适当形式填空1.That is not _ kite. That kite is very small, but _ is very big.( I )2. The dress is _. Give it to _. ( she )3. Is this _ watch? (you) No, its not _ . ( I )4. _ is my brother. _ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _. ( he )5. _ dresses are red. (we) What colour are _?

2、 ( you )6. Here are many dolls, which one is _ ?( she )7. I can find my toy, but wheres _? ( you )8. Show _ your kite, OK? (they)9. I have a beautiful cat. _name is Mimi. These cakes are _. ( it )10. Are these _ tickets? No, _ are not _. _ arent here. ( they )11. Shall _ have a look at that classroo

3、m? That is _ classroom. ( we )12. _ is my aunt. Do you know _ job? _ a nurse. ( she )13. That is not _ camera. _is at home. ( he )14. Where are _? I cant find _. Lets call _ parents. ( they )15. Dont touch _. _ not a cat, _ a tiger! 16. _ sister is ill. Please go and get _. ( she )17. _ dont know he

4、r name. Would you please tell _. ( we )18. So many dogs. Lets count _. ( they )19. I have a lovely brother. _ is only 3. I like _ very much. ( he )20. May I sit beside _? ( you )21. Look at that desk. Those book are on _. ( it )22.The girl behind _ is our friend. (she )Unit 1 How tall are you ?单元教学目

5、标:1.能够听说读写重点单词和句型,并在实际情境中应用。2.掌握本单元形容词变比较级和最高级的三种常见方法。3.学会唱一首英文歌曲。4.能通过形式多样的交际活动内化课文语言,并能运用英语询问和简单介绍身边人的年龄,身高,重量。单元课时安排:六课时第一课时教学目标:1、能听、说、读、写taller、longer、older、younger 、shorter单词,发音准确。2、能听懂问句:How tall are you? Im 1.61meters.能够使用句型Im taller, youre taller than me。3、能够运用新学的内容完成“Do a survey and report

6、”任务。教学重点:能听、说、认读taller、longer、older、younger 、shorter单词,发音准确。教学难点:能读准than并能运用比较级的句型。教学过程:1warm-up日常口语练习2. Presentation(1)Ask and answer in the class.两名学生在讲台上比较身高 T: Who is tall? / Who is short? Ss: A is tall. / B is short. T:A is taller than B. (2)Make some sentences. 引导学生用than和taller表达身边的同学身高情况. (3)

7、利用课件呈现其他新授单词(longer、older、younger、shorter)然后根据班级学生的情况分别编一个chant。(4)听音朗读lets learn中的内容,并跟读三遍。(5)巩固练习。a看口型,猜单词。b.抽卡片猜单词。 (6)Pair work 全班四人一小组,根据实际情况灵活运用今天所学习的五个新词造句,并且能够拿自己与他人进行比较用英语表述出来。3Practice(1)Do a survey and report.完成表格(2)句子接龙游戏。S1: Im taller than you. S2: Im stronger than you.(3)主情境图练习。教师指出din

8、osaur和smaller的意思。4.Homework(1)调查你的好朋友及家人的具体身高。(2)读背今天所学习的五个新单词和句型。(3)听录音,仿读。第二课时教学目标:1.能听、说、读、写四会句子:“How tall is it? Its .How tall are you? Im 1.65 meters”并能在情景中正确运用。2.能够调查同学的年龄、体重和身高并就调查结果进行分析比较,做出汇报。3.能够听懂Lets try的录音内容并选出正确选项。教学重难点:本课时的教学重点与难点是四会句型:“How tall are you? Im 164 cm tall. Youre shorter

9、than me .Youre 4 cm taller than me”教学过程:1. Warm up(1)复习Lets chant部分的歌谣,播放录音,让学生跟着音乐有节奏地念。念完后提问:Who is tallest? Who is shortest?Who is smallest? (2)Guessing game:教师描述班上某位同学的特征,如:He is tall and thin. He is taller than and thinner than。Who is he? 请学生猜猜说的是谁。在猜的过程中还可提问:Is he taller/ than ?2presentation(1

10、)指几名学生向全班同学介绍自己家人的情况,再同桌相互说一说。(2) Lets try 教师放录音,学生看图选择正确答案,并从听觉上进一步感知主要句型。(3)出示Lets talk 部分对话,先让学生试读,再放录音,学生跟读。跟读时提醒学生注意模仿语音和语调。然后两人一组分角色朗读。3practice(1)教师指着一名身高超过自己的学生说:Im 150 cm tall. Youre taller than me. Im thorter than you. How tall are you? 待该生回答后,教师接着说:Oh, youre cm taller than me. 然后板书这组对话并重点

11、领读最后一个句子。(2)师出示课前收集的名人图片,问:How tall/ heavy/old is ?也可让学生介绍自己所知道的名人。引导学生进行比较,如 is 4 cm taller than . is two years old than 。在师生对话的过程中,注意重点复习年龄的询问和表达方法。(3)Group work教师出示表格,并将学生分成四人一组,布置活动任务:Survey your classmates and make a report.先请一组基础较好的学生示范,再分组活动。4Homework(1)做课堂作业本上Part A 部分相关练习。(2)熟读对话。第三课时教学目标:1

12、.能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式:heavier, stronger, thinner, bigger和smaller.2.能够灵活准确地运用以上形容词比较级描述人物和动物的特征差异。教学重难点:本课时的教学重点是掌握五个形容词比较级形式,教学难点是掌握以下形容词比较级的构成方式:heavy heavier, thin thinner, big bigger.教学过程:1Warm up(1)师生对话:T: How tall are you? S: Im _ cm tall. T: Im _cm tall. Im _ cm shorter/ taller than you.(2)学生模仿刚

13、才的对话调查班内某名同学的身高、体重或年龄等,教师随着学生对话板书单词的比较级:taller,shorter, younger,older, heavier。(3)教师根据学生调查对话情况小结,如XX is heavier and taller than XX.2presentation(1)指一名学生到前面,示意其伸出手来,“Show me your hand”,然后教师也伸出手,与该生手掌相贴,比较两人手的大小,并说“My hands are bigger than yours. Your hands are smaller than mine.”再比较两人手臂,“My arms are

14、longer than yours. Your arms are shorter than mine.”并板书bigger, smaller, longer.(2)让学生看Lets learn 图片,并试读单词,重点教读thinner.(3)操练单词:a.师生对反义词。 b.教师说单词,学生拼读并书空。s learn图片内容,用教师所指单词说句子。(4)听Lets learn 录音,跟读,再自己练习读,同桌分角色读。(5)观察这几个单词的比较级的构成方式都相同吗?教师简单介绍形容词比较级构成的几种方式: a.直接在单词末尾加-er,如old-older, young-younger; 或有的以

15、e结尾只加-r,如nice-nicer;b.双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-er, 如big-biger, thin-thinner;c.以辅音字母加y 结尾,改y为i, 再加-er,如heavy-heavier;3practice写出下列单词的比较级形式。heavy- small- young- tall- old- 4Homework(1)在作业本上书写Lets learn的五个四会单词。(2)尝试写一篇小短文,比较两个动物。第四课时教学目标:1、能听懂对话,并理解对话,完成相应的练习题。2、能够独立完成lets try的听力练习。3、了解kilogram的意思。教学难点:能在生活中灵活运用对话

16、。教学过程: 1、Warm-up (1)日常口语练习。 (2)复习单词及句型。2、Presentation(1)Lets try播放Lets try录音,并完成相应的练习。(2)生默读lets talk并圈出不懂单词及句子。(3)听录音,跟读,并回答问题。(4)指名读。分角色读。全班读。3、Practice学生两人一组自编对话练习 句型:how heavy are you? Who is heavier than you? What size are your shoes? Whose shoes are bigger?4、Homework (1)抄写lets talk的对话。 (2)听录音模

17、仿对话。(3)预习read and write第五课时教学目标:1.能听,说,认读单词countryside,lower,shadow,smarter,become.2.能够了解read and write 课文的部分大意。教学重难点:read and write对话的理解。教学过程:1、Warm-up(1)日常口语练习(2)lets sing:my small cat2、Presentation(1)Look and tick播放录音,学生完成练习。(2)用PPT出示日出与日落人影的长短的照片引出课文。(3)生个别读,分段读。(4)听录音跟读。全班读,并要求学生帮助Wu Yifan 回答小鸭

18、子的问题。3、Practice 完成练习册的相关练习。4、Homework(1)听录音朗读read and write。(2)复习所学的单词和句型。第六课时教学目标:1.能够完成P9 think and discuss 的练习。2.能够完成lets check,lets wrap it up的练习。3.了解形容词比较级的变化规则。教学重难点:形容词比较级的变化规则。教学过程:1、Warm-up 日常口语练习2、Presentation(1)lets check学生独立完成练习。(2)lets wrap it up学生独立完成练习。3、Practice小结:单音节形容词和部分双音节词,一般在词尾

19、加-er。2.以字母e结尾的词,在词尾加-r。3.重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写该辅音字母,再加er。4.以辅音字母+y“结尾的双音节词,先把”y“改为”i“,再加-er。5.多音节词和部分双音节词,在词前加”more“。6.部分形容词和副词的比较级是不规则的,如:good/well-better,bad/badly-worse。4、Homework(1)做配套的练习。(2)听录音,仿读。Unit 2 Last weekend单元教学目标:1.能听说读写重点单词和句型,并能在实际情景中灵活应用。2.学习英语中动词的过去式形式,了解基本的动词过去式的用法,通过对话学习并掌握动词过去式

20、的基本构成及表示过去动作和发生状态的用法,掌握重点句子,并会运用于日常的表达当中。3.学唱一首英文歌曲。4.能够初步了解英语国家的简单文娱活动和周末的主要活动或活动方式。单元课时安排:六课时第一课时教学目标:1.四会单词或词组:cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my room ,washed my clothes ,stayed at home ,watched TV.2.理解句子:How was your weekend ? It was fine , thanks .What did you do ? I stayed at home an

21、d watched TV.3.学唱歌曲Last weekend.教学重难点:重点:学习单词或词组以及句子。难点:掌握动词过去式的读音。教学过程:Step 1 : Warm up1、Go over the words:young-younger,old-older,tall-taller,short-shorter,long-longer,small-smaller,big-bigger. 2、Free talk :T: Im 28. How old are you ? S: I m 12 years old. Im younger than you .T: Im 1.65meters. How

22、 tall are you ? S: I m 1.61 metres. Im shorter than you .T: Im 48kg.How heavy are you ? S: I m 40kg. T:Im heavier than you.3.T: I often clean my room on the weekend. T: What do you do on the weekend ? S: I often clean my room on the weekend. T: Today well learn U.2 Last weekend. Step 2. Presentation

23、Lets learn 1.New phrases: cleaned ,washed ,watched ,stayed ,cleaned my room ,washed my clothes ,stayed at home ,watched TV.(1)板书下列单词的原形clean ,wash ,watch, stay,并用I often clean my room /造句。(2)板书以上单词原形并且加ed后,用I cleaned my room /last weekend 造句。(3)学生观察两个词组的不同之处.T:eg: cleaned 是clean的过去式,当我们要表达过去发生的事情时,就

24、要用动词的过去式,规则动词的过去式一般在原型后面加ed. cleaned的ed 发/d/. 师带读.(4)用同样的方式教“stay/stayed at room,wash/washed my clothes, watch/watched TV.”. 注意:washed, watched的ed 发/t/.2. T: How was your weekend ? S:It was fine ,thanks. T: What did you do ? S:I I stayed at home and watched TV.3. Listen to the tape of Lets learn and

25、 follow it.Step 3. Consolidations learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。2.自编chant,边做动作边chant :What did you do ? I cleaned my room. What did you do ? I washed my clothes. What did you do ? I stayed at home. What did you do ? I watched TV. (注意:do 的过去式did ).3.教学Do survey and report :学生利用表格,进行问卷调查。4.学唱歌曲Last weekend.Step

26、 4.Homework1.抄写新单词,句子。2.完成配套的相关练习。第二课时教学目标:1.复习单词或词组cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV.2.四会句子:How was your weekend ?It was good ,thank you .What did you do ? I stayed at home with your grandma .Did you do anything else? 3.三会单词:drank 、show

27、 .教学重难点:1.重点:掌握四会句子。2.难点:掌握一般过去时的句式特点并能正确运用。教学过程:Step 1 : Warm up1. Go over the old words and phrases : T : clean S:cleaned /cleaned my room T: watch S: watched/watch TV T: stay S: stayed/stayed at home T:wash S: washed/washed my clothes2. Free talk :T: What do you do on the weekend ? S: I often cle

28、an my room/T: What did you do? S: I watched TV/.3. Chant together.Step 2. Presentation1、T:How are you today ? Ss: Im fine, thanks.板书: T: How was your weekend? Ss: It was good, thank you. (is 的过去式was,师生互答) 2、T: What do you often do on the weekend ? Ss: I often watch TV.板书:T: What did you do last week

29、end? S: I stayed at home with your grandma.(教读)3、(1)单词:drink drank, drank是过去式,师带读,生跟读。引出喝茶 drink teadrank tea . I drank tea last weekend .(2)句子: T:出示Mikes爷爷奶奶喝茶、看电视的图片,What did they do ?引导学生答:They drank tea and watched TV,师板书并教读:We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV。4、板书呈现:show,childrens show,I watched some childrens show on TV.学生说意思,板书并教读。5、T: What did you do last weekend ? S:I watched TV/.T:Did you do anything else? Did you play football ? Did you do your homework

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