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1、冀教版小学英语五年级第六册教材第四单元第26课冀教版小学英语五年级第六册教材第四单元第26课Jenny Goes Home 教学设计王海英教学目标:1知识方面:能够认读掌握,灵活运用不规则动词的过去式。ate saw went had2能力方面:能够把所学单词运用到日常口语交际,在适当环境中灵活运用 。3情感态度价值观:通过游戏激发学生学习兴趣,通过创设情境,激发学生的积极性,让学生感受到英语学习是有趣的,容易的。教材重难点分析:教学重点:不规则动词的过去式。ate saw went had教学难点:灵活运用不规则动词的过去式教学课时:一课时教具学具:录音机,多媒体课件。教学过程:1问候T:L

2、ets begin our class. Hello boys and girlsS: Hello, teacher. 师生交流情感,解除拘束感T; How are you ?S: Fine, thank you , and you ?T: Im fine ,too2游戏“Travel” 复习部分规则动词过去式教师手持”Today”, “Yesterday”两张卡片在全班来回走动,让学生抽此卡片。教师用动作给出一些常用的动词, 如:教师作“走,跳,玩,谈话等”的动作,学生抽到Today卡片后就说S1:Today ,I walk workpointhelpwantlookjumpplaytalk

3、arrive学生抽到Yesterday卡片后就说S2: Yesterday , I walkedworkedpointedhelpedwantedlookedjumpedplayedtalkedarrived教师进一步复习这些规则动词过去式的变法,达到先掌握规则动词的变法及运用,为新授课做好铺垫。3新授:以上我们复习了一些规则动词的过去式,今天我们来学习一些不规则动词的过去式出示课件:Today: Yesterday:go wentsee saweat atehave hadam was4听录音并跟读课文第一部分 Go and went1、I go to library on Sundays.

4、2、I went to a restaurant yesterday.3、I see Mr. Wood over there.4、I saw Danny yesterday.5、I have homework today.6、I had fun yesterday!7、I eat sandwich every day.8、I ate ice cream yesterday.9、I am happy today.10、I was happy yesterday.多媒体课件出示以上课文内容,提醒学生听清yesterday 中的过去式,板书goseehaveeatis五个单词的过去式,进一步操练,达

5、到识记这五个单词的过去式。5出示课件,根据所给内容说话 Jennys gift (课文第二部分)Jenny的旅行计划The first day went Tiananmen Square saw people flying kitesThe second day went Palace Museum go shopingThe third day went Wangfujing have a gift for youAsk: What gift did Jenny have for her mother?Answer: chopsticks跟读录音,数练掌握第二部分内容,能照着课件给出的提示和

6、图片复述Jenny的旅行。课堂练习多媒体课件展示作业1、fill in the blanks(1)I _to the library on Sundays. I _to the library yesterday .(go)(2)She often _ Miss Zhang . She _ Mr. Wood yesterday (see(3)Jenny _her homework evevry day , but she didnt _her homework yesterday .(do)(4)Danny _ _checkers now. Yesterday he _with a ball

7、.(play)2、Do Matching exercise and testing(英语配套练习及检测第二题)知识拓展:开心QQ乐园动词的过去式1、一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或状态,用在表示一般过去时的句子中,动词要用过去式。2、规则动词过去式的变法:(1)在词尾直接加-ed 例:help-helped look-looked(2)以不发音e结尾的单词,直接加-d 例 arrive-arrived like-liked3、不规则动词的过去式do-did see-saw go-went have-had amis- wasare-were hurt-hurt eat-ate break-bro

8、ke buy-bought fall-fell作业安排:1、总结所学常用规则和不规则动词的过去式,并在现实生活中主动应用.2、背会本节课所学的不规则动词过去式。板书设计Lesson 26:Jenny Goes HomeToday: Yesterday:Go wentsee saweat atehave hadis wasLesson26:Jenny Goes Home教学反思Wang Haiying 本节课主要讲解动词的过去式,前面已经学习过一些规则动词过去式了,首先复习前面的知识来引出本课不规则过去式的拼写,这个环节我认为处理的很好,既让学生复习巩固了前一课的内容,又自然的引出本课的重点内容

9、,并直接讲解。板书也是这节课我比较满意的地方,生动形象的图片配上不同颜色的单词卡片,让学生更直观的看到这三个单词及其过去式的区别。不足之处是学生动手操练的太少,虽然课件中也有练习题,但都是较简单的形式。应该加一些练习句子的成分,比如可以让学生动笔自己造句,这样既巩固了新学的内容,又可以让学生把单词实际运用起来。Lesson26:Jenny Goes Home教学设计Wang HaiyingIll finish this lesson in six steps:Step One: Warm up and review1)Greeting.2)Ask and answer.T: What day

10、is it today.( Write “today” on the blackboard)Ss: It is _.T: What day was yesterday? ( Write “yesterday” on the blackboard)Ss: It was _.【Purpose: In order to lead out the present tense and the past tense.】3) Review. ( CAI)Step Two: New wordsT : They are regular past tense verbs, today lets learn som

11、e irregular past tense verbs.(Draw some pictures on the blackboard, and write : went, saw, ate.)T : Today I go to the park. Yesterday I went to the zoo. Today I see some flowers. Yesterday I saw some trees. Today I eat an apple. Yesterday I ate a melon. After writting the words on the blackboard.(1)

12、Read and teach the new words.(2)Hold on the cards and practice the words.(3)Make sentences. (CAI).(4)Ask the students to read Part one.【Purpose: In order to help the students consolidate the new words and the sentences.】Step Three: Story T : From Lesson25, we know that LiMing goes home from Beijing,

13、 and he shopped a shirt for his father. Today, lets look at what did Jenny shop for her mother? Look at the vidio. Read the story with questions.(Ask a student to read the questions ) Discuss the questions in groups and they can ask and answer other questions. Role-play.【Purpose: It can help the stu

14、dents understand the story clearly and develop the students abilities of cooperation.】Step Four: Exercises Do some exercises, call students to answer.【Purpose: Check if the students grasp new knowledge and the past tense. 】Step Five: Song T : You did a good job. Now lets sing a song together.Step Si

15、x: Homework Recite and write new words Make sentences with new words Act the story in pairs【Purpose: In order to make the students remember new words and let them use past tense freely.】Writing on the blackboard:Lesson 26:Jenny Goes HomeToday: Yesterday:Go wentsee saweat atehave hadis wasLesson26:Je

16、nny Goes Home说课稿Wang HaiyingThis lesson is from Learning EnglishBook 6 Unit 4 Lesson26.Its a grammar teaching. This lesson is the second class in Unit 4. Jenny goes home and recalls what she did in Beijing .To do this; she used irregular past-tense verbs. Before this lesson, the students have learne

17、d four regular past-tense verbs. So they have a certain understanding of simple past tense. On this basis, According to the requirement of the new curriculum standard, I think the teaching aims should be. (1)The students can read, write, say and understand the irregular past-tense verbs: went, saw,

18、had, ate and was.(2)The students can aurally understand and say function sentences “Where did you go? What did you do?”. (3)The students can describe the past with the irregular past-tense verbs skillfully. (4)Train the Ss ability of active thinking and communication. In order to achieve the teachin

19、g aims, I adopt student-centered teaching methods. Situational method, audio-video method; communicative method and TPR are more suitable to the pupils.Then teaching aids. Ill use a computer, paper of exercise and audiotape in the lesson. The important part in my speaking is teaching procedure.We kn

20、ow grammar teaching is difficult for teachers and pupils. Its also important .So in this lesson , I ll adopt implicit grammar teaching to help the Ss perceive the new grammar in real situation. I divide the teaching procedure into seven steps.Step1. Greeting With the greeting, the students will feel

21、 the beginning of the lesson. Its important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss. So in warming up and revision, the students will be asked to do some TPR, such as: look,talk on the phone ,play cards, play ping-pong, walk to school. Then ask “What did you do just now?” to review

22、regular past-tense verbs: looked, walked, talked and played. I will use 5 minutes in the two steps.The step provides a situation to review learned knowledge for the next step- presentation.Presentation is the key step. But 8 munites is enough.Now Ill mainly talk about it. First, video Second,Retelli

23、ng Third. SummaryIn order to present the irregular past-tense verbs pronunciation, forms and meanings in real language situation. Ill show a short video that I made. The video is about what my daughter and I did yesterday. After showing, Ill ask “How was the weather yesterday? Where did we go? What

24、did we do? ” By the asking and answering ,the Ss will learn the five irregular past-tense verbs: went, saw, ate, had , was. At the same time, they will have a better understanding of the irregular past tense verbs and the simple past tense.To help the Ss strengthen the understanding of the simple pa

25、st-tense,Ill ask the students to retell what we did in the video and summarize the irregular past-tense verbs. I think the retelling and summary are necessary for the next step- practice. Practice another key step. In order to perceive and practice the new grammar, I design the practice in two level

26、s. They all relate to function sentences and irregular past-tense verbs in this lesson. First one is a competition of releasing sentences. Its mechanical practice. The second is to make dialogues. Before doing this, I will make a model and call my friend on the phone. Then ask the students to practi

27、ce and show their dialogues. This is meaningful practice. Thats about 12 minutes. By the mechanical and meaningful practice, the students ability of active thinking and communication will be trained. To help the students consolidate the new grammar, we will go back to the text N2. I design three act

28、ivities to check the students understanding of the text.1.The three activities will cost 5 minutes.1. Recall Jennys trip, where did Jenny go in Beijing? 2. Guess Jennys gift to her mother ,then listen to the tape 3. Read the text silently, answer this question: What did Jenny do in Tiananmen Square

29、and Wangfujing? The left ten minutes is for consolidation and extension.So in the consolidation and extension, Ill connect the language with the life to increase Ss ability of comprehensive language using. There is a writing exercise and oral practice in this part.1. A story: Little Red HatIn order

30、to train the Ss ability of writing with irregular past-tense verbs and set up the habit of expressing with the simple past tense, Ill bring a story- Little Red Hat. Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks with verbs correct forms. We know that children love stories. So I think they will be willing to do this.2. Its an oral practice. Go back to the life and extend this lesson. Encourage them to choose a nice trip on a holiday .Talk about it with their partners. Next,homework.Ask the Ss to write some sentences about a trip.With the group communication in the class.I think its easy for them

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