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Join in三上教案.docx

1、Join in三上教案外语教学与研究出版社 英语 三年级上册教案 教师姓名 班 级 时 间 2015.9-2016.115-16学年上学期三年级(英语)教学计划 一、学情分析: 经过了幼儿园的学习,小朋友们走向了校园,成为了小学生。在幼儿园,学生们初步接触了英语,会说简单的英语单词。但一年级刚入校学生需要适应小学的学习生活。在英语学习方面,要能够熟练掌握听说读写26个字母大小写,能听懂常用的口语指令,积累一定的英语词汇,会一些基本的英语口语表达,并敢于用学过的英语进行交流。在课堂习惯方面,学会约束自己,听课专注,并与老师互动。二、教材解读:1.教学内容:本学期学习 JOIN IN英语三年级(上

2、)全册。本教材9个单元,包括6个话题单元,1个预备单元,2个复习单元。其中话题单元分别是When is your birthday? In the classroom,Numbers, School, Free time, Games。多为日常话题,其中In the classroom,Numbers两个单元在上学年中有出现过,但本册书总内容难度加大,要求提高,内容有所增加,增加了教学难度。每个话题单元都融入了词汇,语法,和句型教学,并都配有歌曲或韵律诗,以及模仿故事,教学素材丰富,教学形式多样,体现了本教材的多元智能理论。此外,本教材在最后还给每个单元编写了补充内容,以适应不同地区的学生的需

3、求。同时还将单词归类整理,方便学生认读和记忆。2.教学目标:JOIN IN 英语 三年级上册Starter Unit.Lets begin词汇:look, listen, mime, write, sing, speak, draw, think, guess, read, colour, play.句子:Whats your name? Im -. Stand up! Sit down! Slap your hands.Unit 1. Hello!词汇: Bob, Lisa, Nick, Rita, apple, bed, cat, dog, egg, skateboard.句子:Hello

4、! Hi! Whats your name? Im -. Lets go. Stand back to back/ nose to nose/ arm in arm. Stretch. Whats this? Unit 2. Numbers词汇:jump, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, number, phone, flag, guitar, horse, ice cream, juice, kite, snail.句子:Whats your phone number? My phone num

5、ber is - . Whats in the box? How many?Unit 3. Colours词汇:colour, butterfly, red, yellow, blue, black, white, green, orange, grey, pink, purple, rainbow, light, milk, nose, orange, plane.句子:Look at the butterfly. Here you are. Good morning. Good night. What a rainbow!Unit 4. School things 词汇:pencil, b

6、ook, ruler, pen, school things, pencil case, eraser, open, put in, take out, skipping rope, queen, rabbit, star, TV.句子:Open your school bag! Put in your books. Take out your ruler. Whats this?Unit 5.Happy birthday词汇:birthday card, birthday cake, party, mouse, snake, apple, banana, pizza, orange, mil

7、k, juice, chocolate, ice cream, tea, UFO, vegetable, water, X-ray, yoyo, zebra, thirsty, cap, jump, throw.句子:Happy birthday! Lets run into the house. What a lovely cake! Have a - , please! Thank you. Can I have a - ? Yes. Here you are.Unit 6. My classroom词汇:classroom, chair, desk, board, floor, wind

8、ow, door, open, close, cut, listen, put, fly, colour, draw.句子:Whats in your classroom? How many? What colour? Cut it out.Put it on your desk. The plane flies out of the window. Colour it red and yellow. Draw a plane.三、教学措施:1.语音语调教学: 首先让学生听录音,然后示范一下发音时的脸部动作和口形,之后设计听力练习和游戏来帮助学生关注较难的发音。语调在英语学习中也非常重要,正确

9、使用升降调,达到准确表达说话者的意思的功能。常用的游戏有:宾果游戏语音(找出有相同元音或辅音发音的单词)、快乐语音家族、phonics song(把有抽到的语音的单词代换到歌曲中去)。2.词汇教学: a、根据低年段学生的特点,通过实物、图片、绘画、动作、表演和表情,从视觉、触觉、味觉和感觉上来帮助学生理解和学习新单词的意思。在介绍词汇的时候,有意识地将其置于一个熟悉的环境中。先教新单词的发音,再将单词写在黑板上。 b、学习单词形式。通过认读单词和适当的抄写等办法来帮助学生认知单词,依照读音,猜出该词的拼写。做到看词能读,听音会写。学生的认字能力会大大提高,能够进行自由阅读。具体的教学策略:让学

10、生充分接触英语的语音;教学生整字辨识和记忆;教授字母或字母组合与发音的对应关系和拼读规则等方法。 c、词汇练习、记忆和检查活动。如将单词分类、听听画画、游戏、排序和贴标签等活动,要求孩子们在活动中学习单词,用单词来做事情,加强单词记忆。3.歌曲和韵律诗的教学: 小学低段学生喜欢歌曲、韵律诗和押韵的节奏,强烈的节奏感使得它们成为理想的语言学习工具。在一节课开始的热身阶段、从一个教学活动进入到另一个教学活动的过渡环节和一堂课的结束活动这三个时间段可使用歌曲、韵律诗和节奏教学,让学生配合动作表演,或者改写歌曲、韵律诗,起着巩固旧知识,练习新的语言知识和活跃课堂气氛的作用。附录:教学进度安排周日期课程

11、内容课时19.19.69-13抗日战争 Unit 1. Hello!2课时29.79.13 Unit 1. Hello!3课时39.149.20 Unit 1. Hello!3课时49.219.27中秋节 Unit 2. Numbers3课时59.2810.4国庆节 Unit 2. Numbers 2课时610.510.11国庆节 Unit 2. Numbers2课时710.1210.18 Unit 3. Colours3课时810.1910.25 Unit 3. Colours3课时910.2611.1 Unit 3 & Unit 4. School things3课时1011.211.8

12、Unit 4. School things 3课时1111.911.15 Unit 4. School things3课时1211.1611.22 Unit 5. Happy birthday!3课时1311.2311.29 Unit 5. Happy birthday!3课时1411.3012.Unit 5 & Unit 6. My classroom3课时1512.712.13 Unit 6. My classroom 3课时112.1412.20 Unit 6. My classroom3课时1712.2112.27复习 考试3课时1812.281.3复习 考试3课时191.41.10复

13、习 考试3课时 Unit 1 Hello!教学目标1. 能用Hello.相互致以简单的问候。能用Bye-bye. 道别。能用Whats your name? Im相互交流简单的个人姓名信息。能学唱英语歌曲Hello。2. 能根据录音材料指认相应的图片。能认读人名,并与相对应的人物图片连线。能用Whats your name? Im相互交流简单的个人姓名信息。3. 根据指令 Stand up. Stretch. Stand back to back. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. Clap your hands.做动作、给图片标号。4. 能正确认读、

14、规范书写字母字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee。能分辨大小写字母,并连线,并能感知字母在单词中的发音。5. 能根据听到的单词apple,bed,cat,dog,egg指认图片或实物,并能根据图片认读单词。6.能运用Whats this? My new skateboard进行简单的交际。7. 能在图片的提示下听懂、读懂小故事Pits skateboard。并能进行简单的角色表演。8. 能学唱英语歌曲Hello! Whats your name?和The number song,并作出相应的动作。过程与方法1在学习中,通过图片、实物、图形或动作等非语言信息帮助理解要学习的内容。2. 通过游

15、戏、角色扮演等活动,让学生便玩边学,在感知,体验,参与中理解掌握所学知识。3. 在英语课堂上,鼓励学生多表达,将学英语逐步转化为用英语。情感态度价值观1培养学生学习英语的兴趣。2培养学生良好的学习习惯。3课堂上能够大胆开口说英语。4培养学生在小组活动中积极与人合作,共同完成学习任务,敢于用英语表现自己。5. 学习文明礼貌用语,对人讲文明讲礼貌。 Unit 1 Hello!第-1-课时(Part 1,2a & 2b)一、教学目标:1.能用Hello.相互致以简单的问候。2.能用Bye-bye. 道别。3.能用Whats your name? Im相互交流简单的个人姓名信息。4.能学唱英语歌曲He

16、llo。5.5. 能根据录音材料指认相应的图片。6. 能认读人名Bob, Lisa, Nick, Rita,并与相对应的人物图片连线。二、教学重难点:1. 能用Whats your name? Im相互交流简单的个人姓名信息。2. 能认读人名,并与相对应的人物图片连线。教学过程二次备课Step 1.Warming upGreetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you!Step 2. Presentation1.Introduce the new S in class: T: Hello. Im Miss Zhang. What

17、s your name? S1: Im .(1)Pay attention to the sentence: Im .(2)T can repeat this sentence for several times.(3)Write the sentence on the blackboard: Whats your name?(4)Read the words in this sentence: Whats / your / name (5)Whats = What is2.Ss read this sentence in groups.3.Practice in groups: Hello!

18、 Whats your name? Hello! Im .4.Show Ss the picture of Toby.(1)Suppose T is the tiger T.(2)Ss ask T the question: Whats your name?T answers: Im Toby.5.Open the books to page 6 and listen to the song.(1)Ss listen to the song.(2)Listen to the song and try to sing it with the tape.(3)Listen again and ha

19、ve Ss say what they have listened.6.Sing the song with the tape together.Step 3. Practice1.Ask and answer: T: Whats your name? S: Im.2.Ss practice in pairs.3.Show Ss the four names: Bob, Rita, Nick, Lisa.(1)Write these four words on the blackboard.(2)Teach the Ss to read them out.(3)Look at the pict

20、ures on page 7, find out the names. 4.Listen to the tape for the first time.Whats your name? Boy: Im Bob.Whats your name? Girl: Im Rita.Whats your name? Boy: Im Nick.Whats your name? Girl: Im Lisa.5.(1)Listen and match the names.(2)Check the answers.作业设计Listen and read听一听,读一读。Listen again. Then fill

21、 in words from 1a. 听一听,从1a中选词填空。板书设计Unit 1 Hello, Hello Whats your name? Im Toby . Bob Rita Nick Lisa Unit 1 Hello! 第-2-课时(Part 3a & 3b)一、教学目标:1. 能正确朗读六个句子Stand up. Stretch. Stand back to back. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. Clap your hands,并且知道其意思。2. 根据指令 Stand up. Stretch. Stand back to bac

22、k. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. Clap your hands.做动作.3.给图片标号。二、教学重难点:1. 根据指令 Stand up. Stretch. Stand back to back. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. Clap your hands.做动作.2. 给图片标号。教学过程二次备课Step 1.Warming up1.Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Zhang.2. Revision.3. Listen a

23、nd sing the song. Ask and answer: Whats your name? Im _.Step 2. Presentation1.Teach and order: Stand up, sit down.(1)T says the order and Ss do it .Have Ss pay all of their attention to listen to Ts orders in order to make no mistake. .(2)Write them on the blackboard.2.Teach: Stretch. T says the ord

24、er and do it .Have Ss understand it. Then read and do.3. (1)T: 在黑板上画一个大大的鼻子,吸引学生兴趣,并问:Whats this? T: Its a nose. T: 继续画第二个大鼻子,但要求贴着第一个鼻子,教授:nose to nose 【可讲解毛利人的贴鼻礼】 老师带读,全班跟读,个别抽读。(2)T: 请两名学生上台表演手挽手及背靠背的动作,教师根据学生的动作表演及时教授短语:arm in arm / back to back.老师可代领学生边做动作边读。Stand back to back.Stand nose to no

25、se.Stand arm in arm.4.类似方式教授: Clap your hands5.TPR: Ss do the actions quickly according to Ts order.6.Read the phrases .(1)T reads and Ss follow.(2)Have some little teachers stand up and read.Step 3. Practice1.Group work: One S says the order, the others do the opposite action. Do it in groups.2.Lis

26、ten to the tape: Part 1, Listen and mime.3.(1)Listen to the tape: Part 3b,Number the pictures. (2)Listen again and check the answers.Step 4.Consolildation Game: Fast action以小组竞赛的形式对所有学的新短语进行总汇。作业设计1, Review the phrases, let the Ss to be a little teacher in their family. 2. Listen ,read and do.板书设计 U

27、nit 1 Part 3a & 3b Stand up. Stretch. Stand back to back. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm. Clap your hands. Unit 1 Hello! 第-3-课时(Part 4a 4b & 5)一、教学目标:1. 能正确认读、规范书写字母字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee。2. 能分辨大小写字母,并连线。3. 能感知字母在单词中的发音。4. 4. 三会掌握单词apple,bed,cat,dog,egg。5. 能根据听到的单词apple,bed,cat,dog,egg指认图片或实物,并能

28、根据图片认读单词。二、教学重难点:1.能正确认读、规范书写字母字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee。2. 能根据听到的单词apple,bed,cat,dog,egg指认图片或实物,并能根据图片认读单词。3. 能感知字母在单词中的发音。 教学过程二次备课Step 1.Warming up1.Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? 2.Listen and sing the song :Hello, hello.3.Listen and mime the actions. Stand up. Stretch. Stand b

29、ack to back. Stand nose to nose. Stand arm in arm.Clap your hands.Step 2. Presentation1.Letters: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee(1)Learn Aa: T shows how to read. Ss imitate to read Aa. Write these letters with fingers. Check some students to read. (2)Use the same way to teach:Bb Cc Dd Ee2. Learn the words: (1)Draw a

30、n apple on the board and read. (2)Check some students. (3)Find the letters we learned: a e (4)Use the same way to teach: bed cat dog egg (5)Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words. (6)Have Ss read them in groups. (7)T points to the words and have some Ss read the word.Step 3. Practice 1.T says the words and Ss hold up the pictures. 2.T say the first letter an

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