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中考短语复 习.docx

1、中考短语复 习2017年10月29日账号11的初中英语组卷一选择题(共48小题)1It was Sunday,we decided _ in the mountain()Ato go camp Bto go campingCgoing camping Dgoing camp2They seemed_ the news()Aknows Bknow Cknowing Dto know3I think the best way _is through exercise()Ato relax Brelax Crelaxing Drelaxed4Tom is too short the leaves o

2、n the tree()Ato reaching Bto reach Creaching Dnot to reach5The teacher _us_ some words()A:ask write B:asks to writeC:ask to write D:asks write6She advised him _ immediately()Aleave Bleaves Cto leave Dleft7Do you want _ to seeHarry Potter_ me?()Ato go,with Bto go,and Cgoing,with Dgoing,and8Could you

3、show me QQ to chat with others on the Internet?()Ahow can I use Bwhat can I useChow to use Dwhat to use9We hope_ the football match()Awinning Bwin Cfor win Dto win10He enjoys _ the radio()Ato listen Bto listen to C1istening D1istening to11It seems that the students devote much time and energy _ a hi

4、gh score in the exam()Ain getting Bto getting Cto get Dfor getting12Do you like football?No,I like _ music()Alisten to BlisteningClistenning to Dlistening to13What do you think of his speech?ExcellentIt is _ worth _()Avery,listening Bwell,listeningCwell,listening to Dvery,listening to14Grandma is il

5、lI have to _ her at home()ALook for Blook after Clook at Dlook up15After the Spring Festival,I _ 3jin when I returned to school()Aput away Bput up Cput in Dput on16My father usually _ early,but he likes to_ late()Awakes up; get up Bwake up; gets upCgets up; wakes up Dget up; wake up17He said he _ ap

6、ples_ oranges()Awould rather,than Bprefered,thanCwould,rather than Dpreferred; to18I feel sleepy today because I didnt fall asleep until the noise _last night()Atook down Bput down Ccut down Ddied down19The old lady is really great!She all her money to a charity()Atook away Bput away Cwent away Dgav

7、e away20Linda,whats the meaning of the word?Well,you can _ in the dictionary()Alook it up Blook up it Clook them up Dlook up them21Does your father still smoke?No,he has succeeded in_smoking for three years()Agiving up Bgive up Cgives up Dgave up22We shouldnt_ the notice on the wallIts against the r

8、ules()Aput way Bput on Cput off Dput up23Whats your New Years resolution?Im going to_a hobby like swimming or taking photos()Acome up Btake up Cdress up Dget up24The excited woman _ quickly when she saw her son come back safely()Awrote down Bcalmed down Cbroke down Dcame down25If you have any proble

9、ms with your new school,you can _ your teachers or parents()Atalk to Bcare about Clisten to Dlook through26If you get the answer,please _()Aread them out Bread out itCread out them Dread it out27Ill go out for a weekPlease _ my little cat()Alook at Blook after Clook like Dlook for28Do you need someo

10、ne _ you _ your child,madam?()Ato help; look after Bhelp; look afterCto help; looking after Dhelping; looking after29She told the visitor _ walk quietly and _ wake the baby up()Ato; to Bnot to; not toCnot to; to Dto; not to30You must be tired nowWhy not _ a rest()Ato stop to have Bto stop havingCsto

11、p having Dstop to have31The doctor advised MrChen _ too much meat to lose some weight()Ato eat Bdoesnt eat Cnot eat Dnot to eat32What about _ Huanghe Football Club?()Ajoin Bjoining Cjoining in Djoin in33Lets go shopping this SundayIm afraid I have no timeMy brother is flying to BeijingI have to _()A

12、see him off Btake him off Csee off him34People concentrate in cities not only to get jobs but to _ cultural facilities()Ahave an advantage of Btake advantage ofCmake advantage of 35The simple truth is that you have to either eat fewer calories or use up more in order to _()Awatch your weight Bgain w

13、eightClose weight 36Scientists warned that if the government failed to _,sandstorms could blow as far as Shanghai()Atake step Btake action Ctake place37Theres a lot in what you say,but we have more urgent problems to _()Atreat with Bdo with Cdeal with38Since of the people present_ her,I had to give

14、up()Aagreed with Bagreed on Cagreed to39A selfish person does not_ other peoples problem()Acare for Bcare about Ccare of40The paper is _woodAnd the desk is_wood,tooYou are right()Amade from; made from Bmade of; made fromCmade from; made of 41Your school things should _()Abe looked after well Bbe loo

15、ked well afterCbe taken good care Dbe taken care of well42When you move somewhere new,the first thing for you is to find a place_()Ato live Bliving in Cto live in Dof live43There are some dangerous fish in the river,and Ive warned Jack_ here()Anot to swim Bto not swimCswim not to Dto swim not to44Th

16、e math problem is really hardCould you please tell me _work it out?()Awhat to Bhow Chow to45The math problem is so hard,I really dont know _()Ahow to do it Bhow to doCwhat to do it Dwhen to do46We are sure that scientists will_a way to solve the difficult problem()Aput up Bcome up with Clook up Dcom

17、e up47I dont know _Can you help me?I think you should calm down and read texts()Ahow to do Bwhat to do itCwhat to do Dwhen to do48What do you usually do at lunchtime?We usually _ on the grass and talking happily()Ahave a great time to sitBhave time sittingChave a wonderful time sittingDhave nice tim

18、e to sit2017年10月29日账号11的初中英语组卷参考答案与试题解析一选择题(共48小题)1It was Sunday,we decided _ in the mountain()Ato go camp Bto go campingCgoing camping Dgoing camp【分析】今天是星期天,我们决定去山上野营【解答】答案:B考查不定式短语句意:今天是星期天,我们决定去山上野营根据题干we decided _ in the mountain可知go camping去野营,固定短语;Decide后面接带to的不定式作宾语,表示去做某事即今天是星期天,我们决定去山上野营故选B

19、【点评】仔细分析句子的结构,掌握一些固定用法,根据具体内容作答2They seemed_ the news()Aknows Bknow Cknowing Dto know【分析】他们似乎知道那个消息【解答】答案:D考查不定式短语句意:他们似乎知道那个消息seem to do sth似乎要做某事,是固定搭配根据题干They seemed_ the news可知句意应为他们似乎知道那个消息故选D【点评】了解动词不定式的用法以及一些固定搭配,再结合具体语境进行选择3I think the best way _is through exercise()Ato relax Brelax Crelaxin

20、g Drelaxed【分析】我认为放松的最好方式是锻炼【解答】答案:A考查不定式短语句意:我认为放松的最好方式是锻炼the best way to do sth做某事最好的方法是固定搭配根据题干I think the best way _is through exercise可知句意应为我认为放松的最好方式是锻炼故选A【点评】了解动词不定式的用法,再结合具体语境进行选择4Tom is too short the leaves on the tree()Ato reaching Bto reach Creaching Dnot to reach【分析】汤姆太矮了而不能够到树上的叶子【解答】答案:

21、B考查不定式短语句意:汤姆太矮了而不能够到树上的叶子tooto太而不能,是固定的句型结合题干Tom is too shortthe leaves on the tree可知应该是汤姆太矮了而不能够到树上的叶子故选B【点评】了解动词不定式的用法以及一些固定搭配,再结合具体语境进行选择5The teacher _us_ some words()A:ask write B:asks to writeC:ask to write D:asks write【分析】老师要求我们写一些单词【解答】答案:B根据语境推测句意是老师要求我们写一些单词第一个设空处由于主语是第三人称单数,所以不能用动词原形,第二个设

22、空处由前面的ask判断此题考查句式ask sbto do sth要求某人做某事; 所以选B【点评】抓住句中的关键词并联系相关的语法知识可得出正确的答案平时注意对此类短语或句式用法的总结与归纳6She advised him _ immediately()Aleave Bleaves Cto leave Dleft【分析】她建议他赶紧离开【解答】答案:C根据题干She advised him _ immediately她建议他赶紧离开advise后面接动词不定式,advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事,故答案为C【点评】熟悉advise的用法,结合题意,给出正确答案7Do you

23、want _ to seeHarry Potter_ me?()Ato go,with Bto go,and Cgoing,with Dgoing,and【分析】你想和我一起去看哈利波特吗?【解答】答案:A考查不定式短语句意:你想和我一起去看哈利波特吗?want to do sth想要做某事 do sth with sb和某人一起做某事也是固定搭配故选A【点评】分析句子结构掌握一些固定用法,根据具体内容作答8Could you show me QQ to chat with others on the Internet?()Ahow can I use Bwhat can I useChow

24、to use Dwhat to use【分析】你能告诉我怎样用QQ在网上与他人聊天吗?【解答】答案:C考查不定式短语句意:你能告诉我怎样用QQ在网上与他人聊天吗?how to do表示如何做,后面要加名词这是一个宾语从句后面要用陈述语序故排除AB根据句意你能告诉我怎样用QQ在网上与他人聊天吗?故选C【点评】分析句子结构掌握一些不定式用法,根据具体内容作答9We hope_ the football match()Awinning Bwin Cfor win Dto win【分析】我们希望赢得这次足球比赛【解答】答案:D考查不定式短语句意:我们希望赢得这次足球比赛hope to do sth希望

25、做某事根据题干We hope_ the football match可知应说我们希望赢得这次足球比赛故选D【点评】仔细分析句子的结构,掌握一些固定用法,根据具体内容作答10He enjoys _ the radio()Ato listen Bto listen to C1istening D1istening to【分析】他喜欢听收音机【解答】答案:D根据He enjoys _ the radio可知他喜欢听收音机这里enjoy doing sth表示喜欢做某事,后面跟动词的ing形式,listen是个不及物动词,后面跟宾语的话应该加上to故选D【点评】考查动名词短语,在日常学习中要积累一些动

26、名词短语的固定用法,结合语境,选择合适的形式完成试题11It seems that the students devote much time and energy _ a high score in the exam()Ain getting Bto getting Cto get Dfor getting【分析】似乎是学生投入了大量的时间和精力,为了在考试中获得高分【解答】答案:C根据题干It seems that the students devote much time and energy _ a high score in the exam似乎是学生投入了大量的时间和精力,为了在考

27、试中获得高分可知获取高分是表达目的,不定式表目的,故答案为C【点评】熟悉不定时的用法,结合题意,给出正确答案12Do you like football?No,I like _ music()Alisten to BlisteningClistenning to Dlistening to【分析】你喜欢足球吗?不,我喜欢听音乐【解答】答案:D考查动名词短语句意:你喜欢足球吗?不,我喜欢听音乐根据题干Do you like football?No,I like _ music可知like doing sth喜欢做某事;listen to music听音乐,固定搭配;listenning to形式

28、不正确即你喜欢足球吗?不,我喜欢听音乐故选D【点评】仔细分析句子的结构,掌握一些固定用法,根据具体内容作答13What do you think of his speech?ExcellentIt is _ worth _()Avery,listening Bwell,listeningCwell,listening to Dvery,listening to【分析】你认为他的演讲怎么样?很精彩,很值得听【解答】答案:C考查动名词短语,be well worth doing sth很值得做某事,是固定搭配,排除A D,listen 是不及物动词,要加介词to,排除B,故答案为C【点评】考查固定用法,要熟悉固定短语的结构,正确

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