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译林版4A英语Unit1 I like dogs格式备课4课时.docx

1、译林版4A英语Unit1 I like dogs格式备课4课时单元课题Unit 1 I like dogs主备教师教学目标知识目标1、单词like, dog, cat, panda, horse, tiger, animal, cute, fat, elephant, lion, monkey, have。2、句型I like I dont like Do you like ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.3、单词和短语get, log, run with me, on the mat。4、辅音字母g在单词中的发音。5、歌谣Little monkey。6、知道like后面加

2、名词的用法。能力目标1、能听说读写单词like, dog, cat, panda, horse, tiger, animal, cute, fat, elephant, lion, monkey, have。2、能听说读写句型I like I dont like Do you like ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.3、能初步理解单词和短语get, log, run with me, on the mat。4、通过听说训练,能正确听读、辨认辅音字母g在单词中的发音。5、会诵读歌谣Little monkey。6、知道like后面加名词的用法。情感目标激发学生对英语学习的兴趣

3、教学重点1、能听说读写单词like, dog, cat, panda, horse, tiger, animal, cute, fat, elephant, lion, monkey, have。2、能听说读写句型I like I dont like Do you like ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.教学难点1、通过听说训练,能正确听读、辨认辅音字母g在单词中的发音。2、知道like后面加名词的用法。教学课时安排第一课时 Story time第二课时 Fun time / Cartoon time第三课时 Sound time / Rhyme time第四课时 Che

4、ckout time / Ticking time / 练习与巩固第五课时 单元测试(1)第六课时 单元测试(2)第一课时(story time)教学目标1、能听、说、读、写、单词cat, dog, elephant, horse, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, like, cute, fat。2、能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you like?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I dont 来回答。3、能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式。4、动物是人类的好朋友,培养学生爱护动物的意识。教学重点1、能听、说、读、写、单词cat,

5、 dog, elephant, horse, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, like, cute, fat。2、能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you like?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I dont 来回答。教学难点能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式。教学准备录音机、多媒体课件等教学过程一备批注Step 1 Warm up1. Free talkT: Welcome back to school. Are you happy now?S: Yes, I am.T: Lets enjoy our English lesso

6、ns now. Can you sing or say rhymes?通过这个环节让学生提前进入学习英语的氛围中,可以引导学生说一些关于本课内容。小诗:Five little monkeys 歌曲:Seasons song.Step 2 Presentation1. Play a game 根据老师说的例句或者词组,举一反三。T: I have a toy dog.S: I have a T: I like dogs .S: I like出示课题:Unit 1 I like dogsT: Today, lets learn Unit 1 I like dogs.T: I like dogs .

7、Do you like dogs?S: Yes, I do./No, I dont.T: What do you like?S: I like 出示句型: Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont. I like 这些句型是学生学过的,通过这一环节激起学生的记忆,让学生尝试着回答老师的问题。根据学生的回答教授单词:cat ,dog, monkey, lion, panda, tiger, bear。catkt dogd monkeymk lionlan pandapnd tigertag(r) 在回答问题的过程中,时刻注意学生是否注意了like后面使用可数名词的复数

8、形式,如果出现错误及时纠正。虽然这一课没有bear这个单词的教学要求,但是因为是学过的单词,学生肯定会提起。所以也要根据学生的接受能力试着复习这个单词。2. 教授单词animal/animalsT: Look, the cat is an animal. Its an animal. How lovely. 出示单词animal,拼读单词。nIml出示音标。T: They are all animals. Theyre animals. 出示单词animals,拼读单词。T: Do you like animals?S: Yes, I do. Listen and guessT:I like

9、animals too. Now, lets listen to the sounds. Guess, what animal is it.听声音猜猜是什么动物。3. Story time出示课文图片T: Look, they are our friends. They are talking about animals.(1)Listen and circle(把所看到的动物圈出来)What animals can you see in the story?Cats dogs elephants horses lions monkeys pandas tigers在看动画之前,先读单词(复习

10、单数和复数),并且教授本课的新单词:an elephant, a horse(elephants, horses) elephantelfnt horseh:sCheck the answers: cats, dogs, pandas(2)True or falseYang Ling: I like cats. They are cute.()教授单词cute(可爱的,机灵的)Su Hai: I dont like dogs. I like horses.()Mike: I dont like dogs. I like pandas.()Check the answersT: Do you l

11、ike pandas?S: Yes, I do .T: Are they cute?S: Yes, they are.T: And they are fat.出示单词fat cat at,让学生自己拼读单词。(3)Listen to the tape again. Fill in the blanks.对话内容填空。Look at these toy animals, boys and girls.Wow.Look at this cat. I like cats. Its cute.I like dogs. Do you like dogs, Su Hai?Yes, I do.Do you

12、like dogs, Mike?No, I dont. I like pandas. Theyre cute and fat.通过这一环节加深学生对课文的理解。(4)Read Story timea. 注意语音语调,播放录音,学生跟读。T: Lets read after the tape.T: Lets read it together.b. 角色扮演。模仿语音语调,比比谁读的好,角色扮演。Step 3 Consolidation1. Magic eyesT: Now, lets have a rest. Lets play a game.游戏规则:快速闪现图片、单词、词组、或者句子例如:单

13、词: a cat , an elephant, a duck dogs, butterflies, tigers, pandas词组: a toy animal , a small potato, would like, like spring, like monkeys句子: I like dogs. I have two books, walk up and down, what colour is it?2. Work in pairsT: I have some pictures here. Choose one to work in pairs.3. Summary让学生说说这节课学

14、了什么,让学生自己来总结。A.复习单词B.复习句型C.复习课文D.复习知识点like后面使用可数名词的复数形式Step 4 Homework1. Copy the new words and sentences.2. Recite Story Time after class.3. Draw an anima板书设计Unit 1 I like dogscat, dog, elephant, horse, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, like, cute, fatDo you like? Yes, I do. No,I dont 第二课时(Fun time / Car

15、toon time)教学目标1、能熟练掌握单词cat, dog, elephant, horse, lion, monkey, panda, tiger。2、能熟练掌握句型Do you like?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I dont.来回答。3、能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数。4、能理解Would you like? 和Do you like?两个句型的不同用法。5、能听懂、熟读Cartoon time,明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。教学重点1、能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数。2、能理解Would you

16、like? 和Do you like?两个句型的不同用法。教学难点能听懂、熟读Cartoon time,明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。教学准备录音机、多媒体课件等教学过程一备批注Step 1 Greeting and warm up1. Greeting 2. Game 举一反三游戏规则:根据老师说的词组或句子说相同结构的内容例如:my father-your mother, her brother I have a toy car. I d like a hamburger. This skirt is for you. I can dance. I like dogs 通过这个

17、游戏激起学生记忆里的知识,帮助学生归纳总结。 Step 2 Revision1. Guessing gameT: I love animals. Theyre cute. Now, lets play another game-Guessing game.游戏内容:复习上节课所学动物类的单词。游戏环节:a.出现遮住部分的图片,猜猜是什么。 b.出现单词填空,让学生完成单词拼写。问题预设:What can you see? I can see Whats this/that? Its a/an What are these/those? Theyre2. Fun timeDraw and say

18、教师出示上节课布置的作业内容-Draw an animal出示教师所画的图片,一只熊猫T:I love animals. This is my picture. Whats this?S: Its a panda.T: What colour is it?S: Its black and white.T: Do you like pandas?S: Yes, I do. Theyre cute and fat.(提示学生回答)T: What about your pictures? Where is your picture?S: Its here.教师出示对话练习内容A: Do you li

19、ke? B: Yes, I do. Theyre No, I dont. I like Theyre(1)师生对话(示范)(2)生生对话3.Revision -Story timeT: I think you like animals very much. Our friends like animals too. Look, theyre coming.(1)跟读(教师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)(2)自读(任选一种方式读)A.自己单独读B.跟伙伴扮演角色读C.跟伙伴齐读 (3)比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。 当学生表演完后,教师奖励印有本课单词和图片的小纸片,在奖励地时候用下面的句子

20、,为Cartoon time的学习做铺垫。例如:T: Would you like a cat/dogs?S: Yes, please. No, thank you. Id likeStep 3 Cartoon time1.Lead inT: Oh, Im hungry now.(做动作,便于学生理解) Can you ask Qiu Sir Hello, Qiu Sir. Would you like a ?S: Hello, Qiu Sir. Would you like a ?T: Yes, please./No, thank you.2.Cartoon time(1)出示图片T: Ou

21、r old friends are hungry, too. Where are Bobby and Sam?S: Theyre at a snack bar.(2)Ture or falseBobby: I would like a pie.()Bobby: I like cakes.()Sam : I dont like cakes.()Sam : I have a cake.()教授I have 这个句型。这个句型学生二年级已经学过,大部分学生能够熟练表达。让学生说说这个故事的幽默之处。(3)Read after the tape逐图跟读,注意语音语调。让学生可以加上自己的表情和动作。t

22、hanks=thank you 谢谢I have a cake here. 我这里有个蛋糕。(4)Read by yourselfA.自己单独读。B.跟伙伴扮演角色读。C.跟伙伴齐读。(5)比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。 Step 4 Consolidation1.对话填词Sam: Would you like a pie, Bobby?Bobby: No, thanks.Bobby: I like cakes. Do you like cakes, Sam?Sam: Yes, I do. I have a cake here.Sam: Look! Do

23、you like it?2.Summary本课所学内容回顾与总结Do you like? Would you like ? Yes, I do. Yes, please. No, I dont. I like No, thanks/thank you.让学生理解这两个对话句型的区别,让学生说说:你是怎么理解的,这两个对话分别用来问什么的? Step 5 Homework 1、准备默写单词表单词和划线句子。2、Recite Cartoon Time after class.3、完成补充习题相应练习板书设计Unit 1 I like dogsDo you like?Yes, I do. / No,

24、 I dont. Would you like? No, thanks.第三课时(Sound time / Rhyme time)教学目标1、能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2、能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3、能初步理解单词和短语get, log, run with me, on the mat。4、能初步会说本单元小诗:Little monkey.5、能理解并且会读/g/,能总结归纳过去所学单词。教学重点1、能初步理解单词和短语get, log, run with me, on the mat。2、能初步会说本单元小诗:Little monkey.教学难点能理解并且会读/g

25、/,能总结归纳过去所学单词。教学准备录音机、多媒体课件等教学过程一备批注Step 1 Greeting and warm up1. Greeting 2. 单词和句子默写3. Free talkStep 2 Revision1. Story time(1)跟读(教师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)(2)自读(任选一种方式读)A.自己单独读B.跟伙伴扮演角色读C.跟伙伴齐读 (3)比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。 2.Cartoon time(1)Read after the tape逐图跟读,注意语音语调。让学生可以加上自己的表情和动作。(2)Read by y

26、ourselfA.自己单独读B.跟伙伴扮演角色读C.跟伙伴齐读(3)比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。 Step 3 Rhyme time1. 复习过去所学的小诗。出示Five little monkeys小诗,学生表演。2. Little monkey(1)小诗句子理解T: Lets count. How many monkeys?S: Five.T: Where are they?S: They are on the bed.出示一只小猴T: Now, how many monkeys?S: One.T: Yes. Its a little monkey.

27、出示Rhyme time图片T: Where is the little monkey now?S: Its in the tree now.出示句子:Little monkey, in the tree.T: What animals can you see in the picture?S: I can see a little monkey/dog/panda.出示句子:Little dog, run with with 和跑 mat 毯子(at cat mat) (2)Read after the tape(3)Read by yourself(4)Reading com

28、petitionStep 4 Sound time T: Do you like the little dog?S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.教授g/g/发音说说还有那些单词有g,并且发音是/g/。有学生会说orange,让学生读读看,感受发音。出示Sound time 图片,教授句子:Go and get my big bag on the log.去拿来在木头上的我的大书包。Step 5情感教育T: The animals are cute and clever. They can do many things.出示一些动物图片。Animals are our fr

29、iends, we should protect them.Step 6 Homework1、完成部分同步探究练习。2、背诵-Sound time和Rhyme time板书设计Unit 1 I like dogsrun with me on the matg get log 第四课时(Checkout time / Ticking time / 练习与巩固)教学目标1、能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2、能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3、能熟练会说本单元小诗:Little monkey。4、完成补充习题以及同步探究部分练习。5、完成本单元内容的自我评价。教学重点1、能熟练听懂、

30、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2、能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。教学难点1、完成补充习题以及同步探究部分练习。2、完成本单元内容的自我评价。教学准备录音机、多媒体课件等教学过程一备批注Step 1 Greeting and warm up1. Greeting 2. 单词和句子默写。Step 2 Revision1. Free talkA: Do you like? B: Yes, I do. Theyre No, I dont. I likeTheyreA: What do you like?B: I like2. Play a game-Lucky starPPT出示,让学生根据幸运星后的要求完成,并且可以获得

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