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大学生体验英语复习版 第三版第一册.docx

1、大学生体验英语复习版 第三版第一册大学体验英语综合教程Unit 1 college lifeStain染色 着色 污点 斑点responsible对某人或某物负责的sparkle闪闪发光 闪耀 闪烁involve包含 包括highlight最重要(有趣,愉快)的部分Sample体验 remarkable不寻常的奇特的 值得注意(赞扬)的historic有重大历史意义的 历史性的surround 周围有很多。 被谁。围住Incredible 不可相信的 难以置信的diversity (人或物的)多种多样definitely确切的 肯定的Be filled with 挤满,布满be proud o

2、f 以。为荣 以。为骄傲blow away 得到极深印象被深深打动get involved in 参与某些活动 in terms of在。方面 从。方面来说 根据。来解释 move into搬进 迁入新居 only to do 不料 结果发现sharewith和。分享 take a course修一门课 thinkto oneself 思度 心里暗想Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group?你愿意把你的经验和组里的其他人分享吗If you father were still alive, he woul

3、d be proud of you. 如果你父亲还健在的话, 他会为你骄傲的She turns up the driveway, only to find her way blocked. 他开车转弯上了自家的车道,不料发现路以被堵塞He went away without telling any one because he didnt want to get involved in that matter.他没告诉任何人就走了, 因为他不想卷入那件事Ultimately, the success of the product depends on good making 最终,产品的成功还

4、是取决于高明的销售手段I gazed out the window at this captivating scene and thought to myself “no freshman should be so lucky. 我望着窗外在这迷人的景象,心想:“无新生应该如此幸运。During this first week, its a relief to have four girls I can call friends and that can help me through this adjustment process which is quite difficult at ti

5、mes第一周,幸亏有这样四个可称为朋友的女孩相伴,帮助我顺利度过了到哈佛后的这段适应期Classes meet at their regular times, and were able to attend as many as we want上课时间和平时一样,我们可以试听任何想选修的课程,多少不限.Our dining hall is more like a church or a museum than a cafeteria.。我们的餐厅与其说是个自助食堂,不如说更像是一个教堂或博物馆。All of those first-week experiences will make grea

6、t life-time memories but the beat assets Harvard has offered me thus far have been the other students Ive meet.哈佛第一周的所有这些经历将成为我毕生的珍贵记忆。然而,哈佛这一周给予我的最宝贵的财富,却是我遇到的其他同学 Unit 2 song of the soulAccomplish完成 做成功ambition抱负 雄心ideal理想 individual个人 个体obstacle障碍物 妨碍阻碍dominate掌管 主宰 控制 release释放 seemingly表面上 似乎 s

7、olution解决 解答 解决办法 vision眼光 远视 Seek sb. out 找到某人stumble on偶然碰见(发现)(某人或某物)break out Vt. & VI. (战争、打斗等不愉快事件)突然发生,爆发; 突然发生,爆发; 向外砸开 start with以开始; 开始; 首先,第一.We hurried to the railway station, only to find the train has just left 我们急匆匆的赶到火车站,结果发现火车刚刚开走You are no more careful than your brother so you cant

8、 do this job which needs careful and skill.你和你哥哥都不是仔细的人,你们俩都不能做这件需要细心和技巧的工作To arrangement of meeting one more people makes no deferens 多一个人参会对会议安排不会有什么影响He waked until last night or rather early in the morning 他一直工作到昨天深夜,或者更确切地说,是今天凌晨。“a couple of other books are also worthy of mention added” the pr

9、ofessor after giving us a long list of books reference.“还有其他一两本书也值得一提”教授给我们列了一个长长的参考书目后补充说Life is just a candle and a dream must give it flame 生活只是一根蜡烛用你的梦想能让它点燃Whenever we believe we can, we set the switch to on任何当我们意识到我们能行的时候,你实际上已经开始了Just because I believe I can do something doesnt mean there won

10、t be any problems 仅因为相信我能干这件事这并不说明不会有任何问题Was her dream any less significant than that of a prominent person? 她的梦想不如一个为人一样成功吗Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be 你的眼光是你未来某一天将要拥有的现实Unit 3 leisure activities Apply (正是以书面)提出请求 申请behavior 举止 行为 avoid回避 (故意)避开 bore厌烦的;不感兴趣的highly非常;高度的

11、ignore 不顾;不理;忽视negative拒绝的;怀疑的;不同意的;否定的 culture 文化secure(优质经过努力而)获得把。搞到手 tend有。的 倾向;有。的习惯;倾向于;趋于apart from撇开。来讲;除。之外;此外 check out (在旅馆)办理退房手续;结账后离开旅馆;查证,核实give out分发;发 hang out 居住 闲逛 厮混 immerse oneself into 沉浸于 put ones finger on 准确的找出(指出)(麻烦的原因)throw oneself into 积极投身于。Something is wrong with the p

12、iano, but I cant put my finger on what it is这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚 Apart from being too large, the trouser dont match my jacket, either这条裤子不但太大,而且与我的夹克也不配I love pop music for whatever reasons. 不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐He has great interest in foreign cultures, often browsing through piles of books to look for an

13、y useful information 他对外国文化有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息Opinions on whether, use should start a new society vary a great deal 在是否要创办一个新的社团的问题上,我们的意见很不一致Whether you want to pursue an existing interest or develop new ones, your first move should be to check out the bewilderingly large array of clubs at the ou

14、su fresher fair不论你现在是想继续从事你的爱好还是发展一个新的,你首先应该去查明在哈佛大学学生联合会令人困惑的种类繁多的社团组织Others prefer to take a more eclectic approach, being members of several societies and taking part in whichever of their events seems interesting 也许你宁愿采取一种折中的办法,成为几个社团的会员参加他们的看似感兴趣的活动Music and drama are often popular and it is ve

15、ry easy to get some mates together and start something up音乐和戏剧总是受欢迎的因此很容易把同学聚在一起开展一些活动When student suddenly remember their blank cvs which are suppose to secure them a highly paid job once they graduate ,hackery is almost inevitable.当学生们在快到毕业突然记起他们的拥有高薪工作的源头的简历时,钻营时不可避免的With over 300 registered soci

16、eties there is really something for everyone 有了超过300个注册的社团,我们每一个人倒真是有适合的东西Unit 4 Living on Your Own Aspect (事态想法计划等某个)方面economical 经济的;节俭的;精打细算的hesitate踌躇;迟疑;犹豫不决inquiry 询问;打听intend 计划;打算;想要investigate调查;研究recommend推荐;介绍 resource物力;财力;资源 undertake承担;接受 as a result结果 run low(of sth)减少所剩无几 so far 迄今为止

17、turn out结果是I have faxed my rsum and cover letter that company, but I have not received a reply get 我已经把我的简历和附函传真给了那家公司,但尚未收到回复Jam will not hesitate for a second to off help when other are in trouble当别人遇到困难时,约翰会毫不犹豫的提供帮助I have to admit that desire very much to work or study abroad for sometime, but I

18、 know it is not easy to get a visa. 我得承认我很想到国外工作和学习一段时间,但我知道拿到签证并不容易It was not until 2years after he arrived in London that he found a job in international bank他到伦敦两年后才在一家国际银行找到一份工作After finishing his working. Tom travel through out china for 2 months before returning home in America 汤姆完成他的教学工作后,在中过

19、周游了2个月后才回到美国的家Of the 6 countries available, I chose England because of the language and the opportunities for employment 由于语言和工作机会的缘故在提供给我的六个国家中我选择了英国It wasnt until my third day that I visited the BUNAC office and went through orientation 直到三天后我才来到了BUNAC公司了解了情况I was most scared about finding a job s

20、ince my financial resources were running low and I need to get a paycheck soon.我最担心的是找到一份工作,因为我的钱已经所剩无几了,我还需要很快的得到一部份薪水。The Merrill lynch office I worked at was in a beautiful, old building located two blocks from Bucking Palace我工作的Merrill lynch公司是一处美丽的风景地古朴的楼据Bucking Palace只有两个街区远Working in London

21、has many advantages. For one, you truly get to learn the culture by being immersed in its workforce. Secondly, it is an economical way to live and travel in anther country. And thirdly ,you have the chance to gain valuable work experience and internationalize your rsum. 在伦敦工作有很多优点,一沉浸在他的员工中你能真实的学习文化

22、,二在郊区生活和旅游是比较经济的一种方式,三你有机会获得有价值的工作经验是你的简历更加国际化Unit 5 sources of information Amaze 使大为吃惊;使惊奇chip 碎片concern 担心;忧虑;焦急heal (伤口)长好愈合heap堆 somehow 以某种方法;不知怎么的suck吮;吸 a heap of一堆 ask for 要求;请求by now此时此刻 end up最后成为;结果为 hang up挂断电话on ones way to 去。的途中on the bottom of 在。底部or so 大约;至少plan on 为。做准备put down制止镇压着

23、陆 take place 发生;举行The audience must have missed their musical performance, or they would have spoken highly of it 这些观众一定是错过了看他们的音乐演出否则他们会给予高度评价的Somehow she could sense her mothers deep concern through she is far away from home.尽管他远在他乡,不知怎么的它总能感觉到母亲深切的关怀The operator had to spend two hours or so on he

24、r way from her home to the workplace every day.这位接线员每天从家里到工作地点路上要花两个小时左右He appreciated her sympathy and understanding which meant a lot to him during that time. 他感激她的同情和理解因为当时对他来讲这意味着许多She finally arrived at a telephone booth and put in the coins before dialing Paris 她终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后开始往巴黎打电话Why is it

25、that birds should sing so beautiful and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage 为什么那些鸟儿唱的如此的美妙引起全家人的欢喜,却在最后作为笼子底部的一根羽毛了The tears came readily enough, now that I had an audience因为泪水的可读性,我有了一个观众She must have sensed my deep concern, for she said quietly,

26、“Paul, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in 他一定能了解的我深切的关心,以为他很快说道“Paul 总是能够记得歌声里有另一个世界。As I grew into my teens the memories of those childhood conversation never really left me到了我长到青年的时候,那些对童年的交谈从来都不会离开我I hadnt planned on this but I heard myself saying, “Could you please tell me how to spell grateful. 我本没有这个方面的打算但是我听到我自己说请你告诉我怎样拼写“grateful”。

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